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November 3, 2020

To the Family of Nadia,

Hello, I am Karis Nagel, a senior at The University of Mount Union. I am currently taking an assessment class and have been
working one-on-one with Nadia. You are receiving this letter because I wanted to share with you what I have learned. Over the past
couple months, I have worked on Phonics, Vocabulary, and Reading Comprehension with Nadia.

When working on vocabulary I have recognized her willingness to draw vocabulary, therefore visually sharing what she knows from
prior knowledge. She is able to share her knowledge through a few words and pictures. Overall, when read to, Nadia does well with
comprehension. She is able to sequence, and state ideas and details throughout a story. Pictures seem to keep Nadia engaged and
willing to further learn. As far as word identification, she did well with most letter sound recognition, such as Aa, Oo, Gg, and Cc.

While working one-on-one with Nadia, I have noticed a few areas for improvement. These include writing neatness and spacing,
new vocabulary, and reading comprehension. When writing on the Superkids Ice Cream Writing Paper or Whiteboard, Nadia often
rushes to write a word or letter, and does not write on the proper line depending on an uppercase and lowercase letter. Spacing is
also an important part of writing. In class with Mrs. Roach, students do two finger spaces before moving onto the next word.
Sometimes Nadia forgets to make clear finger spacing, which also leads to unorganized writing. New vocabulary is also an area for
improvement. From the vocabulary Mrs. Roach suggested we work on, there were vocabulary words that have been mentioned
briefly in Superkids or heard at home, while there were also vocabulary included that kindergartners have not heard in the classroom
before. Three vocabulary words that Nadia could learn more about are anchor, adventure, and canteen. Overall, I believe practicing
these skills will help Nadia learn and grow throughout Kindergarten.

Working with Nadia, it seems that she is engaged with hands-on activities, visual learning, games, and using dry erase markers.
These are a few things you can use to continue her learning at home in a fun way. Here are some activities that Nadia can do at home
to help her with writing and vocabulary. I encourage practicing writing, such as writing a letter to a friend or creating a grocery list.
This can be done on a whiteboard and she can even draw pictures in addition to the writing. While working on writing, I often wrote
what Nadia said and had her trace over my writing. This allows for neatness and accuracy in regards to writing letters and full
vocabulary words and sentences, as well. Making a small vocabulary sheet will also lead to greater vocabulary, and learning how to
read. I have attached a list of vocabulary words that Nadia can discuss, and even practice writing, but you are welcome to work with
Nadia to create your own list. Throughout the week you can ask her to define a few vocabulary words. Putting the vocabulary words
into sentences will also allow Nadia to gain a better understanding of these words to add to her own vocabulary. I encourage Nadia
to work on her own, with additional help from you as well. Being that extra encouragement will help Nadia in the long run. I noticed
Nadia’s willingness to complete activities when I encouraged her to keep working and redirect her if distracted.

Thank you so much for allowing me to work with Nadia. I loved working with her and I have learned a lot during this time. If you
have any questions please feel free to email me,


Karis Nagel
Department of Education
1972 Clark Avenue • Alliance, OH 44601 • (330) 829.8212 • FAX (330) 823-3363

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