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(Modalities in the New Normal Education)

What is in the New Normal Education?

 As a matter of fact, before this "New Normal" came to light teachers and learners are
already using the internet, computer and other technologies in education. But the difference
lies between having a face-to-face class and now in "New Normal" classes are done virtually.
 In the new normal, the teachers should transform how they teach online, especially since
online tools and resources present numerous affordances that teachers and students can take
advantage of.
 Teachers can curate the best online learning resources about their topics and create
learning playlist or menus that can make the learning process a personnel journey for every
 In this new normal the teachers should design effective synchronous and asynchronous
learning activities that enable sustained engagement, self - regulation, voice and choice in

What are those modalities in the New Normal Education?

Answer: Department of Education introduced in "New Normal" of how learnings shall be delivered in
"New Normal". These are the Face-to-Face Learning, Distance Learning, and Homeschooling respectively.


Modality #1: Face to Face Learning
 Face-to-face learning will be put on hold until such time that the Department of Health,
Interagency Task Force on COVID-19, and Office of the President consider it safe to
physically return to schools.
 Face-to-face teacher-learner interaction in the classroom or in any available learning space
in school or in the community.
 Class is composed of 14 to a maximum of 15 learners to follow physical and social
distancing protocols.
 Follows the usual class program but no class shifting is advised
 Stringent health standards are required to protect the health and safety of each child.

Modality #2: Distance Learning
 Learning happens purely at home.
 This can be modular or online or a combination of both.
 Tv or radio-based instruction (TV/RBI), can be a used to supplement learning in areas with
access to TV networks and/or radio stations with programs dedicated to deliver DepEd
TV/Radio-based lessons.
 SLMs can be delivered to your homes through the assistance of barangay
officials/volunteers. You may also personally pick up the SLMs with proper coordination with
the school and strict observance of the health and physical distancing protocols.

Different Distance Learning Modalities
1. Modular Distance Learning (MDL)
2. Online Distance Learning (ODL)
3. Tv-Video/ Radio- Based Instruction (TV-VIDEO/RBI)
4. Blended Distance Learning (BDL)

Modular Distance Learning

 A learner may adopt either Digital Modular Distance Learning (DMDL-) or Printed
Modular Distance Learning (PDML).
 Learners with devices at home like laptop, desktop, or tablet may adopt DMDL.
 The SLMs in different digital formats such as flat PDF, education videos, audio lessons, e-SLMs
and others may be stored in a CD/DVD/USB flash drive/pen drive while the printed SLM shall
be used by learners adopting PDML.

Online Distance Learning (ODL)

 This is applicable in schools where both the teachers and learners have access to digital devices,
such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, and desktop computers, with available online resources
and Internet connectivity.
 The learning resources to be used are, but not limited to, the following: self-learning modules
(SLMs), textbooks, Primers Lessons, activity sheets, teacher-made videos and other
supplementary learning materials, and Open Educational Resources (OERs).

Television/Radio-Based Instruction (TV/RBI)
 TV/RBI shall be implemented on areas with access to Television Networks and/or radio stations
with programs dedicated to deliver the DepEd TV/Radio-based lessons.
 Tv and radio-based lessons utilized for these platforms are converted self-learning modules and
teacher-made videos that are aligned with the MELCS and TV-Video lessons that are MELCs-
mapped may also be utilized.
 TV/RBI should be implemented when supplemented with Learning Activity Sheets and other
supplementary learning resources like textbooks, learning materials, and others may be utilized,
Making SLMs available to the learners will also make TV/RBI more effective.

Blended Distance Learning (BDL)

 This refers to a learning delivery that combines face-to-face with any or mix of online distance
learning, modular distance learning, and TV/Radio-based Instruction.

 Blended learning enables the schools to limit face-to-face learning, ensure social distancing, and
decrease the volume of people outside the home at any given time.

The New Normal: Six (6) Tips for Teachers in Preparing for Online
1) Plan Your Classes
 Online education means preparing your class materials beforehand. It is best to inform
your students about the materials, requirements, and project deadlines. In the new
normal, you can't surprise your students with a quiz. In an online classroom, everything
needs to be planned out.

2) Record Your Lectures --- With a prerecorded lecture, you can simply upload the video or
you can send them to your students. They can then watch it in their own schedule. In doing so, even
students who don’t have access to fast internet connection can view your courses.

3) Keep Online Education Simple --- It’s also crucial in online education to provide very clear
instructions. Remember your students won't be there to ask questions as soon as instructions are
provided. As a tip, you can provide additional reading resources like PDFs or PPT slides.

4) Establish A Digital "Classroom" --- It is important to have a digital classroom where

students can go to. This is where they will ask questions, submit their assignments, or look up to the
latest course lessons. It will be done in Google Classroom, Google Suites or Google meet.

5) Set Reasonable Expectations --- Each student has their own learning curve. Online
education can prove to be more challenging for some. Therefore, you need to set realistic expectations.
For instance, if you create a quiz, all answers must be found on the learning resources you provided.

6) Communicate Regularly --- Don't just upload or post projects even assignment.
Communication is crucial in online education. Bring humanity and warmth in your digital classroom. Let
your students know that they can ask questions or give feedback. Ask your students to send it to the
messenger or google classrooms to check on them.
Modality #3: Homeschooling
 Learning happens at home or at a designated learning center by the homeschool
 Learning facilitator like parent or guardian or hired tutor and should meet the
required qualifications set by the homeschool implementer.
 Necessary learning materials and resources should be provided to the child.
 Homeschooling requires the child to be officially enrolled in a recognized homeschool
provider either public or private school.
What online educations means for the teachers amidst pandemic?
Moving face to face lessons to online teaching takes a huge adjustment. Designing an online course
that students can comply with takes time and effort. For this reason, you need to set realistic

 Some of your students might not have access to high-speed internet.

 You cannot expect your students to be online at the time.
 Not all your students are equipped with basic technological tools and skills.
 You cannot guarantee your student engagement 100% of the time.
 It'll be hard to assess the living and health condition of your students. For instance, they may
be feeling physically or mentally unwell.

What is the primary learning resource to be used by the students at home?

 The Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) are the primary learning resource that will be used by the
students who is enrolled in distance learning and blended learning modalities. They can be in
various formats like printed or digital format, audio-video lessons, or e-SLMs, depending on
the adopted learning modality/ies.
 The SLMs present the lesson in a way that is similar with how the teacher normally delivers the
lesson in the face-to-face learning modality. It begins with a review of the past lesson that
relates to the present lesson. A pretest is given to determine what the child knows about the
topic followed by the presentation of the lesson which is explained by giving examples.
Different tests are given to help the child measure his understanding and mastery of the lesson.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How will the learning progress by the students be assessed by their teacher? Is there
still quarterly test?
 The DepEd will issue new policy guidelines on assessment in different alternative
learning modalities.

2. What are the challenges in doing assessment in Distance Learning?

Answer: Some of the challenges in doing assessment in DL are a) most of the students don’t have the
gadgets and internet connection in order to accomplished the tasks given by the teacher, b) for students
who are struggling intellectually, they would encounter difficulty in understanding the instruction or
process of how to complete the task, c) teachers could not make sure of whether the student
himself/herself or another individual accomplish the given task.

3. Despite the challenges, what opportunities can you and your colleagues explore
to make assessment doable in Distance Learning?
Answer: We have explored that messenger can be an effective tool to reach out the students and use
that as a means to deliver instruction to students whenever we have certain task that is to be
accomplished by them. Teachers can also reach out to the parents and guardians of the students in
order to make follow-ups about the completion of certain tasks and activities.

4. How does visual or audio recording of oral presentations and demonstrations can be
an effective assessment method in Distance Learning?
Answer: With the advent of technology nowadays, students can do oral presentations and
demonstrations via visual and audio recording. This may include recordings of subsequent performances
to document improvements. Teachers use a rubric to evaluate students' performance.

5. How this written work assessment method can appropriately assess in the Distance
Answer: This written work assessment method appropriately assess in the Distance Learning in a way
that the teachers can create a quiz, exam or assignment using different online platforms such as google
classroom, Edmodo, schoology and the like. Students can also do written work assessment by answering
printed modules provided by the teacher.
6. How can the young learners on Kinder to Grade 3, particularly those living in the remote
areas, learn how to read, write, and count since face-to-face learning with the teacher is not
possible now?
Answer: Parents are encouraged to conduct home reading sessions with their children. This is not a new
practice as we advocate literacy through storytelling at home. In fact in the government recognize the
duties and responsibilities of the parents in nurturing their children pursuant to Section 1, Article 220,
Chapter 3 of the Family Code: " To keep them in their company, to support, educated, and instruct them
by right precept and good example, and to provide for their upbringing in keeping with their means. if
there are no books available at home, parents may refer to stories in the SLM in practicing beginning

7. What will the parents do if their child has constantly focused no attention in his/her home
learning session and resorted to his/her delinquent habits?
Answer: According to the Family code, imposing necessary and rightful discipline to children is both a
parental authority and responsibility. Parents must practice positive discipline. They can also request for
advice from the teacher or the guidance counselor or how they can manage learning at home.

Do Activities

Direction: Rank from easiest to most difficult to implement those types of Distance Learning. Give the
reasons for ranking of each.

Ranking ( 1 to 5, Types of Distance Learning Why?

from easiest to
hardest to

Modular Distance Learning

Blended Learning

TV-Based Instruction

Radio-Based Instruction

Online Learning

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