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2 Speaking test


Describing places
1 Look at the photos and think about the
answers to the questions. Then describe
the photos.
1 How would you describe the two cities in
the photos?
2 What are the main differences between the two
cities? Are there any similarities?
3 Which of the photos do you think gives the most
realistic idea of how people will live in the future?
4 What problems do you think cities like the ones in
the photos will have in the future?
5 Which of the cities would you most like to live
in? Why?

2 Read the task and talk about your

ideal city. Talk about the buildings, green
spaces, transport, size and any other
features of the city you like.

If you could live in any city in the world, where
would you live? Explain what you like about that
city and what you think living there would be like.

Prospects 1 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Springer Nature Limited 2019 Photocopiable

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