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  Which of the following is NOT a basic requirement for a patent?

a) It must be extraordinarily creative
b) It must have utility
c) It must be novel
d) It must be not obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the field

2. Which type of patent would be applicable to something like “”

one-click ordering system or “” model of purchasing
a) Trademark
b) Business method patent
c) Design patent
d) Dot com patent

3. _____ is any word, name, symbol, or device used to identify the source or
origin of products or services and to distinguish those products or services from
a) A patent
b) A logo
c) A trademark
d) A copyright

4. All of the following are protected by trademarks EXCEPT

a) Logos such as the Apple on Apple’s product
b) A video of a play created and performed by a college drama class
c) Number and letter combinations like 3M
d) Unique product shapes as long as they have no bearing on the product function,
such as the famous curved bottle of Coca Cola

5. Which form of intellectual property protection is granted to the owner of a

work of authorship, and requires the work to be in tangible form?
a) Patent
b) Trademark
c) Copyright
d) Fair use

6. Assume a company’s marketing Vice President leaves to become the

marketing Vice President of another company, and creates a marketing plan for
the new company that is virtually identical to one he has working on at the old
company. The old company could argue that this a _________
a) Trade secret dispute
b) Copyright infringement
c) Patent infringement
d) Market encroachment

7. Although intellectual property has no value in the marketplace, it is important

to company because it is the result of human imagination and inventiveness
a) True
b) False
8. Utility patent, the most common type of patent, have terms of 20 years from
the date of application
a) True
b) False

9. Bootleg or pirated DVDs or CDs are examples of copyright infringement

a) True
b) False

10. Intellectual property rights protect the use of information and ideas that are
a) Ethical value
b) Moral value
c) Social value
d) Commercial value

11. The term “Intellectual Property Rights” covers

a) Copyrights
b) Know-how
c) Trade dress
d) All of the above

12. What is a patent?
a) A right that does not protect any creative work
b) An exclusive right granted for a work
c) An inclusive right to distribute any invention
d) It protects secret information

13. Practice of registering a trade mark as a domain name with the intention of

later selling it to the rightful owner.
a) Design Right
b) Injunction
c) Cybersquatting
d) Copyright

14. Invention means

(a) New product having inventive step and capable industrial application
(b) New process
(c) New product or process having inventive step and capable industrial application
(d) None of the above

15. Patent right is

(a) Exclusive right
(b) Natural right
(c) Property right
(d) Both (a) and (c)

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