Aztec Fair Project 1

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Social Studies 8

Project Outline
The Aztec and Spanish Empires each had their
own unique worldviews. When these two worlds
collided, the differences between these two
civilizations became even more apparent. Their
differing worldviews led to the destruction of one
of these great empires.

To conclude our examination of these two

worldviews in conflict, you are to create a project
that examines one aspect of Aztec or Spanish
society. You will present your project to your
classmates during the Aztec fair, where each
student will have the chance to walk around the
class and look at other student's projects. This is
an individual project, so each student has to
complete their own Aztec Fair Project. Your visual
component can be done in any format of your
choosing (ex. using Minecraft, a dance, a diorama,
etc.). You may also showcase the information in
any format you would like (ex. poster, Prezi, etc.)
This is your time to be creative!

Your project must include:

A visual component that represents your topic
The opposite societies perspective
A brief introduction of your chosen society
where you will provide 1-2 sentences
explaining who the Aztecs or Spanish were
Information about your selected topic that you
will research
A one-page write-up where you will explain the
similarities and differences between the Aztecs
and Spanish in relation to your topic
Listed below are the possible topics for your Aztec
Fair project. Only THREE students can do their
projects on the same topic. Topics will be chosen in
class with your teacher. You also need to select
which society you will focus on. You will still have to
do some research on the opposite perspective for
your write-up but most of the information included in
your project will be about your chosen society (either
the Aztecs or Spanish).
Please circle your topic and chosen society.


Religion Geography

Architecture Clothing

Food Social Hierarchy

War Economy


Aztecs Spanish

Note: if you choose to examine Spanish society,

you must examine Spain during the time of the
Aztecs (i.e. 14th-16th century).

You will be researching your topic and providing all of

the information necessary to teach your classmates.
Your classmates should walk away from your Aztec
Fair booth experts in that particular aspect of Aztec
or Spanish society.
Content and Information:

Aztec Fair Project
□ A visual component.
□ The opposite societies perspective.
□ A brief introduction of your chosen
___society where you provided 1-2
___sentences explaining who the
___Aztecs or Spanish are.
□ Information about your selected
□ A one-page write-up where you
___will explain the similarities and
___differences between the Aztecs
___and Spanish in relation to your
Visual Representation
Use this page to help plan the visual component of your
assignment. Create a sketch in the box below.

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