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Subject: L.A.

Grade: 3 Teacher: Alexis Breckenridge

Unit: Prefixes and Suffixes (re, un, dis) (ed and ing)

Lesson 3: Date: Mar. 15, 2021 Length: 25 min.
to Suffixes
Lesson Overview:
This lesson will be used to introduce students to the suffixes “ed” and “ing”. Students will learn
about what a suffix is and will work to understand how suffixes impact the meaning of root
words. Students will work to understand how the suffixes are used in either a past or present
tense. Together we will practice identifying if a word is in past or present tense. I will show
students the work they will be doing independently at their desks and we will do the first few
questions together, so students know how to proceed. Students will have the rest of the period to
practice with suffixes.
Alberta Program of Study:
Grade 2
GLO: 2.1 Use Strategies and Cues
SLO: Use phonics and structural analysis
• apply phonic rules and generalizations to read unfamiliar words in context
• use knowledge of word parts, contractions and compound words to read unfamiliar
words in context
• associate sounds with some vowel combinations, consonant blends and digraphs, and
letter clusters to read unfamiliar words in context
Grade 3
GLO: 2.1 Use Strategies and Cues
SLO: Use phonics and structural analysis
• apply phonic rules and generalizations to read unfamiliar words in context
• use knowledge of word parts, contractions and compound words to read unfamiliar
words in context
• associate sounds with some vowel combinations, consonant blends and digraphs, and
letter clusters to read unfamiliar words in context

Critical Questions: Lesson Guiding Questions:

• What is a prefix? What is a suffix? • What is a suffix?
How does a prefix/suffix impact its • What does the suffix “ed” do to the base
base word? word?
• What does the suffix “ing” do to the base
Resources: Materials and Equipment:
• Teachers Pay Teachers • Activity Sheets
• Computer
• Epson Board
• White Board and Markers

Formative Assessments: Summative Assessments:

- Discussion: Students will be • N/A
assessed on their understanding of
how suffixes are added to words to
change their meaning.
- Worksheets: Students will be
assessed on their understanding of
how suffixes are added to words to
change their meaning.
Lesson Procedures:
Introduction: (8 min.) Notes:
− Inform students we will be learning about suffixes
− Remind the class that prefixes are letters that that are
added to the front of another word to change its
− Ask if students remember which prefixes, we talked
about in the previous lesson
− Ask students to provide the prefix and an example of
its application
• Ask students to provide several examples: erase the
one prior and place the new root word behind the
prefix as they do
• Do this for each prefix: un, re, and dis
− Inform the class we will be learning about suffixes
− Explain that prefixes are added to the front of a word
while suffixes are added to the end
− Explain that just like prefixes they change a word
meaning too
− Introduce the suffix ed and show how it changes the
meaning of words
− Introduce the suffix ing and show how it changes the
meaning of words
− Emphasize that they impact if a word is in past or
present tense
− Explain the meaning of tense

Body: (15 min.) Notes:

− Emphasize that suffixes impact if a word is in past or
present tense
− Explain the meaning of past tense and present tense
− Practice adding suffixes to the end of words and
identifying if they are in past or present tense
− Show students the worksheets they will be doing
− Using the Epson Board demonstrate how students can
approach the worksheets
− Allow student to work independently
− Students who complete work quickly can read and try
to find words using the suffixes we learned about

Differentiation: Notes:
• Students will be able to raise their hand and ask for
support if needed

Consolidation Learning/Closure: (5 min.) Notes:

- Ask students if they have thought of any other root
words for the prefixes
- Ask students if they find this easy or hard
- Inform students that next we will be learning about
some of the rules for adding suffixes to different words

Clean-up: (2 min.) Notes:

- Ask students to put their worksheets into their folders
- Asks students to clean off their desks and show they
are ready for the next lesson


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