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Date: 2/27/20

Lesson #: 2
Name: Hermina

Iowa Core Standards (Literacy and Language): SL 1.4 & SL 2.6

Outcomes (I can):
- I can shake out vocabulary words by reading the picture
- I can use the vocabulary words to make sentences

Language Prompt and Procedures:

What do you plan to do in this D-LEA or LEA lesson?
Include the following points (when relevant to the lesson)

● Oral language and vocabulary development

● Work with sentences
I will start out by introducing the objectives for today and then I will demonstrate a sentence or
two on my own with the vocabulary words we shook out last time. I will then prompt her to
come up with her own sentences using the vocab words that we shook out.

Field Notes:
We played a game with notecards to form sentences together. I wrote the words we shook out
together on notecards and she would pick a card and together we would form a sentence
together. It went well and she seemed pretty engaged for the most part. I guided the sentence
formation and we did it together. We then finished reading our snowman book that we started
last time. She was a lot more engaged with this because it was more like a fun game. I state the
objectives throughout to keep her on task and also so she knows how close she is to finishing
the tasks.

Text developed in this lesson:

Images and Video:

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