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The prevalence of fast food consumption and its effects

among adults in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
Adriana Alexander, Nicholette Rostant and Judy-Ann

As adult’s life become more fast paced and busy, the world including Trinidad and Tobago

has seen an increase in the consumption of fast food among adults. Fast Food can serve as a

quick meal for working or studying adults, and in some cases, can also be a cheaper

alternative than buying raw ingredients and then cooking them. Also, the availability of such

a large variety of fast food products can deter many adults from learning how to make their

own meals, which makes them dependant on fast food.

Though fast food may be a convenient way to acquire a meal it comes with negative side

effects to the health of the body. Many fast food products are commonly fried, or have a high

sodium or sugar content, all of which if consumed in high amounts on a regular basis, which

can cause many lifestyle related diseases to occur.


Worldwide more fast food restaurants are emerging and being popular. There has also been a

notable increase in obesity among adults. According to the World health organisation (WHO)

obesity has nearly tripled between 1975 and 2016, with 39% of adults aged 18 years and over

being overweight. This study seeks to find out if there is a link between the increase in

consumption of fast food and the increase in obesity among the citizens of Trinidad and



The main aim of this study is to determine the prevalence at which adults in Trinidad and

Tobago consume fast food and their reasons behind why they do or do not consume it. A

sample of adults in Trinidad and Tobago will be asked a number of questions, in the form of

a survey about their eating habits pertaining to fast food.

Research Questions

● What is the prevalence at which adults in Trinidad and Tobago consume fast food?

● Is there a link between the consumption of fast food and diet related illnesses?


A cross-sectional study would be conducted through self-administered questionnaires

at Independence Square, Port of Spain. The target population will include: Bank

employees, public servants and general public within the port of spain area during the

period June 2020 to August 2020. The respondents will be a total of 500 persons

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