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Controls Engineering 2-1

P H D A E R O S PA C E E N G I N E E R I N G ( A E R I A L R O B O T I C S ) G E O R G I AT E C H U S A

M S M E C H A N I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G ( R O B O T I C S ) G E O R G I AT E C H U S A

M S A E R O S PA C E E N G I N E E R I N G ( F LT M E C H A N I C S & C O N T R O L S ) G E O R G I AT E C H U S A

M S A E R O S PA C E E N G I N E E R I N G ( F L U I D D Y N A M I C S ) N U S T PA K

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Comprehend basics of control system and various
parameters associated with its performance (C3-PLO2
problem anaysis)

2. Apply theoretical knowledge to design system with

required attributes (C6-PLO3 design/development)

3. Perform analysis through modelling (P3-PLO5 Modern

tool usage)

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Learning Requirements
Course Objectives
Lecture Organization: Introduction, Contents, Conclusion/Next time
Understanding and interest in subject
◦ linked up with actual mechanical systems
◦ research project for you to explore the developments in the world
Effective use of training aids: softcopies of lectures
Patience by me
Tests, assignments and sharing of grades
Timely feedback by me
Feeling of fairness
Questions and ambiguities
Marking standards

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah 3

Learning Requirements
Availability during office timings and even after that
◦ Ph 0320-8855724, Office Phone Ext 524
Student Participation is required and encouraged
◦ Timely feedback by you
◦ Appropriateness of language/ speech clarity
Project: Research project to explore the controls developments
Lecture completion in allocated time
Punctuality in class by you and me
Class time utilization
Integration of Knowledge with other courses
◦ Mathematics (matrices, laplace transforms, 2nd order ODEs)
◦ Dynamics

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah 4

Controls Engineering
An exciting field
All branches of engineering: Mechanical, Electrical, Aerospace,
Chemical, Mining, Mechatronics, Robotics etc
First course: Control fundamentals
Textbook: Control System Engineering by N.S.Nise 7th Ed 2015 (pdf
of 7th ed, 6th ed and solution of 6th ed available online)
◦ Assignments: 5% Quizzes: 10%
◦ Mid Exam: 30% FinalExam:35%
◦ Lab: 10% Project: 10%

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Lec 1-3: Controls basics (Ch 1)
Lec 4-9: Modelling in frequency domain (Ch 2)
Lec 10-12: Modeling in time domain (Ch 3)
Lec 13-16: Time response (Ch 4)
Lec 17-18: Mid Term Test
Lec 19-22: Reduction of multiple subsystems (Ch 5)
Lec 23-25: Stability (Ch 6)
Lec 26-28: Steady state errors (Ch 7)
Lec 29-30: Root locus analysis (Ch 8)
End semester exam

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Tentative Schedule
Week 1: Assignment 1
Week 3: Quiz 1
Week 4: Assignment 2
Week 6: Quiz 2
Week 8: Mid term test
Week 10: Quiz 3
Week 11: Assignment 3
Week 12: Quiz 4
Week 13: Assignment 4
Week 15: Project presentations
Week 16: ESE

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Group Work
There will be groups in class where
◦ 2-3 students each will form a group
◦ We will assign – as per GPA
Following work will be done in groups
◦ Assignments
◦ Labs
◦ Project
There will be one combined submission for the group

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Introduction to

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

History of Control Systems
Liquid level control: 300 BC (water clock, flush float valve)
Steam Pressure & Temperature Control: 1680s (pressure relief valve)
Speed Control: 1740s (flyball speed governor)
Stability, Stabilization & Steering: 1870s (gyro controlled ship rudder)

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Course overview
Requirements and objectives
History of Controls

Next Time: Control Sys definition, configurations, design criteria


Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

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