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ME211 Control System Engineering

Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Modelling in
Frequency Domain

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Where we are
Last time
◦ System modelling in frequency domain, Laplace transforms,
solution of a differential eqn – 1 out of 3 cases
◦ Solution of a differential eqn: 2nd and 3rd case

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Laplace Transform Solution of a
Differential Equation
Recall Case 1: Roots of Denominator of F(s) are real and distinct

Hence to solve a diffr eqn using Laplace
1. Take Laplace transform
2. Solve for output or response
3. Take Partial fractions
4. Take Inverse Laplace
Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah
Laplace Transform Solution of a
Differential Equation
Case 2: Roots of Denominator of F(s) are real and repeated
1 2

Reading Assignment
Skill Assessment Exercise 2.2

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Laplace Transform Solution of a
Differential Equation
Case 3: Roots of Denominator of F(s) are Complex or imaginary
1 2

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Solution of a differential eqn: 2nd and 3rd case

Next Time:
◦ Transfer function of diffr eqn
◦ Translational mechanical systems

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

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