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3/28/2021 Assignments - Show

Student: Alison Briggs
Clinical Staff: Erica Densé
Site: The Lighthouse - Kingsley
Evaluation Name: PTH 832 Fall 2020 - Class of 2021

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1. Professional Practice – Safety

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Alison is very mindful each session, ensuring the safety of the client and herself at all times, especially with
being most mindful of her body mechanics - I have had zero concerns in this area. I have also had zero concerns
with her following Covid recommendations/guidelines or facility safety polices/procedures, as she executes all
these without question. Although in the beginning of her clinical, the limited exposure to both the physiological
and psychological deficits that our clients display were noted, Alison has become more familiar and confident
with these cases, especially starting to work with clients who have behaviors. Despite Alison doing well
guarding and providing our clients with appropriate levels of assistance, she is realizing the need to be aware of
all types of cues - verbal, visual and tactile cues and is learning to use them more efficiently. She is also
learning her comfort level in challenging our clients and when she can handle client's indep or asks from
assistance from me.

CI Final — Erica Densé As mentioned at midterm, I have no concerns with safety of clients or herself, and she follows all
rules/regulations without concerns, while always maintaining a safe work environment. Alison has done well in
improving to provide all types of the cues to clients efficiently. She is also becoming more comfortable with
clients varying levels of abilities, becoming more familiar especially with lower functioning clients. Alison also
does well at asking for assistance when needed but also her confidence has improved knowing when she can
perform the tasks with the client indep.

Self +4
CI +8

2. Professional Practice – Professional Behavior

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Due to the uniqueness of Covid and working with 3 different therapists, Alison has had to become more
independent with managing her schedule, being prepared for each day, and adapting professionally to each of
the demands the therapists have all asked of her and she has done well! She is well prepared, punctual,
appropriately dressed (including mask), maintains patient privacy, and is clearly very passionate about the PT
profession. Our PTA stated: "She remains prepared for each session, she reflects back on her last plan and
carries it through into the next session." She expresses interest in observing other disciplines and is creating
good working relationships with all those she encounters. She is receptive to feedback when constructive
criticism is provided. Ways to improve in this area: continue to develop strong working relationships with our
clients and other therapists; become more familiar with addressing conflict with clients as it arises

CI Final — Erica Densé Alison's initiative since midterm has improved tremendously. She is proactive in getting clients from the
waiting room, letting me know what she is working on, things on her to-do list, etc without me prompting her.
She continues to display compassion, punctual, dependence, and integrity at all times. She has developed strong
working relationships with all our clients and the therapists in our office. Although she is still progressing and it
is an area that is challenging for her, Alison is doing well at learning to address conflict and have more
challenging conversations with our clients who can be verbally agitated. I encourage her to keep improving this
area, but she has definitely made considerable gains in this area!


Professional Self +2
CI +4

3. Professional Practice – Accountability 1/8
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CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé One of the big goals we have been working on in the last 1-2 weeks is Alison's confidence in executing her
designed treatment plan. She has voiced and expressed responsibility that this is a difficult area for her, but has
taken steps to improve in this area. This includes being mindful of things to improve on, and attempting to
remedy them right away during the next session. Her documentation errors have also diminished significantly,
as I notice great progress in this area. No concerns with polices/procedures, legal practice standards, etc despite
all the hectic-ness with Covid right now! =)

CI Final — Erica Densé As mentioned at midterm, no concerns with policies/procedures, legal practice standards, patient
confidentiality, etc. Alison has made considerable gains in her confidence since midterm. She is also doing well
at remedying any errors she makes despite being pulled in multiple directions. I encourage Alison to get more
involved in volunteering/promoting the PT profession to underserved populations upon graduation in order to
further improve in this area.

Self +2
CI +8

4. Professional Practice – Communication

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Alison has grown tremendously in this area since starting the clinical, as she has had to adapt to 3 different
therapists style of teaching/treatments and has been able to communicate openly with all of us. She does well at
communicating her needs, goals for sessions, and is learning to adapt based on client abilities. She is still
learning how to provide clear, concise instructions with clients who are lower functioning, but is progressing in
this area. She is also learning how to effectively communicate the least amount of assistance through verbal,
visual and tactile cues. She is a very attentive listener and tries hard to accommodate to each client's needs.
Alison has also made gains in using more professional terminology in her note writing but still needs
improvement in this area. In order to improve in this area: continue to provide least amount of VQ/TQ/visual
cues, improve in professional verbiage in your notes, increase opportunities with client's with various cognitive
or language barriers, and become our point of contact with clients/staff.

CI Final — Erica Densé Alison has continued to improve in this area since midterm. As mention previously, she has improved in
providing clear, concise instructions and has stopped using as many "filler" words. She has done well at also
being attentive and understanding to clients and has learned how to provide planned ignoring and redirection in
relation to clients concerns. She has made good gains in using more professional terminology in her
documentation as well as learning to transition from professional to layman's terms when presenting at team
meetings. She has also done well at becoming more of our point of contact in the last 2 weeks, as well as taking
on more tasks as the lead therapist.

Self +4
CI +8

5. Professional Practice – Cultural Competence

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Despite limited exposure of only clients with different SES and low<>high cognitive functions, Alison's
kindness and compassion to all those she meets is noted. Goals: expose Alison to as many cultural differences
in upcoming interim

CI Final — Erica Densé As mentioned at midterm, limited exposure in all areas, but Alison has continued to display compassion during
all interactions with all clients no matter their cognitive level. She has been able to work weekly with a client
who's primary language is Spanish and has done well.


Cultural Self +2
CI +8

6. Professional Practice – Professional Development

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Although limited d/t Covid, Alison has voiced interest in seeking out different learning experiences to improve
in her growth, including attending Orthotist and DME appointments, Zoom in-services, and observing other
disciplines. We have also discussed short term goals to improve in her clinical development, in which she
accepts responsibility for. She is receptive to feedback, and often times after most sessions we focus on what
went well and what area she would like to improve on, and almost all the time she is able to self-reflect on what
needs improvement without my feedback. Alison has done some research on improving treatments, but I
encourage her to continue doing so (ie, intensity of treadmill training sessions). Goals: continue using current
research to develop treatments/goals, continue gathering data for case study and inservice 2/8
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Alison has had more opportunities for Zoom in-services to become more familiar with other DME available to
CI Final — Erica Densé clients and facilities. She has also had opportunities to observe other disciplines to gain a deeper appreciation
for other healthcare professionals. She continues to have great self-reflection skills and has been proactive in
telling me what she wants to focus on in order to improve. As a student it is overwhelming to add one more
thing to your plate, but even though she has done well at using her textbooks more for research, I encourage
Alison to continue diving into research articles not only to stay up to date on current research but to also assist
with planning treatment sessions and with goal writing.


Professional Self +4
CI +8

7. Patient Management – Clinical Reasoning

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Alison has grown exponentially in this area, and I look forward to the growth that will occur in the second half
of the clinical. You can see the progress in this area by not only her ability to alter exercises during the session
based on how the client is responding, but also in the assessment portion of her daily notes. Our PTA states she
offers reasonable solutions during their critical thinking discussions. Although I anticipate both areas to still
improve, significant improvement is noted. She also takes into account client goals when attempting to plan
treatments. Limitations in this area is her inconsistency to look at client's POCs, but is definitely improving in
this area. Goals for upcoming interim: She has improved on mild<>mod clinical reasoning, but in the upcoming
interim will be focused on more complex clinical reasoning. Also, I'd like to see improvement on using the
client's POC consistently, thus allowing definitive rationale regarding client's response to treatment. Also, I'd
like for her to

CI Final — Erica Densé Alison has continued to improve in her clinical reasoning skills as noted by her continued ability to alter her
exercises within a session based on the client's abilities and by assessment aspect of her notes, progressing
towards more complex clinical reasoning. She continues to offer solutions and be proactive in identifying ways
we can help the client better achieve their goals. She has also done much better at reflecting back on client's
POCs to help determine treatment session ideas and to assess client's abilities routinely.


Clinical Self +3
CI +8

8. Patient Management – Screening

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Alison has had limited exposure in this area so far this clinical. She has access to some medical history (charts,
POCs, etc) but is inconsistent in using it due to time constraints. She is currently learning how to apply and
select appropriate tests and measurements to perform with some guidance. Alison has had slight difficulty with
initial goniometric measurements but with increased practiced, has had more confidence and accurate readings.
She has also been a part of MMT and balance screenings. From these findings, she has developed deficits and
goals well. More exposure to screenings for evals and reassessments will occur in upcoming interim.

CI Final — Erica Densé Although not as much exposure as I would have hoped, in no fault of her own (d/t Covid), but the exposure she
has had, she has done well at obtaining medical history, perform appropriate tests and measures without
assistance from the CI, and done well at identifying goals.

Self +7
CI +8

9. Patient Management – Examination

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé As stated above, Alison has had limited exposure in this area, but has had the opportunity to obtain the history
of a few client intakes. She is still learning how to implement and perform tests and measures with confidence,
but has been exposed to/started to become familiar with the following: varying levels of cognition, semi-indep
apartment living and accommodations needed to be made, gait and balance, orthotic management, various
MWC/PWC as well as WC evals, pain management, posture, ROM, etc. The tests that she has performed she
has done well at sequencing them appropriately. In upcoming weeks, she will also have more exposure to
reassessments to update POCs/POS.

CI Final — Erica Densé As stated above, still limited exposure, but she has done well and progressed based on the exposure she has had.
She has done well at obtaining history for client intakes, become more confident in her skillset to perform all
necessary tests and measures, does very well at being mindful of performing tests and measures in appropriate 3/8
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sequence/reducing the amount of unnecessary movement, and has participated in updating client's POCs/POSs
based on these findings.

Self +6
CI +8

10. Patient Management – Evaluation

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Alison has been a part of approx 6 evals: 3 of which were for WC recommendations only, 1 for s/p femur fx, 1
for MS, and 1 for post-concussion. For almost all of the evals, she has been able to perform MMT/ROM and
has recently started to perform balance assessments as well. She does well at identifying the deficits to develop

CI Final — Erica Densé Alison has been a part of approx 3 evals since midterm: 1 being a post stroke/amputation, post-concussive, and
another WC eval. For all evals, she assisted in obtaining medical history and performing all necessary tests and
measures. She continues to do well at taking the data obtained and developing STG/LTG. Although entry level,
it would be beneficial for Alison to have more exposure in performing evaluations, especially those that are
more complex cases.

Self +7
CI +8

11. Patient Management – Diagnosis and Prognosis

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Alison does well at identifying PT diagnoses post evaluations and has only had limited exposure to prognosis at
this time d/t 3/6 evals being for WC recommendations only. However, she has done well at identifying
appropriate goals based off the diagnoses with minimal prompts, needing assistance with more complex
situations. Despite the WC models already being recommended, she has been able to formulate a great
understanding of rationale for parts needed for the WC based on client's deficits, which is noted in her LMNs.

CI Final — Erica Densé Alison has done well at identifying PT diagnoses and prognoses for all clients post eval with little to no
assistance. She also does well at identifying limitations with the client's prognosis without assistance. She
continues to need minimal assistance with identifying goals with complex cases, but she is exactly where I
expect a new grad to be. She has had a wide range of exposure to different DME, allowing her to write LMNs
that she may not experience at other locations.


Diagnosis and Self +6

CI +8

12. Patient Management – Plan of Care

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé D/t decreased exposure in this area, Alison has had limited experience in this area, but will have more
experience in upcoming weeks. For the times that she has had experience in this area, she has done fairly well
with updating pre-existing POCs and really only needed minimal assistance. She has also helped to identify
goals but hasn't had a ton of exposure yet, but will in upcoming weeks. One goal we are working on right now
is Alison using the POC to reflect back on to help determine appropriate treatments and the rationale for them
vs. using standard treatments with all clients.

CI Final — Erica Densé Alison has had more exposure since midterm on writing POCs/POSs/CS and updating team meeting reports and
has done very well, only needing minimal assistance with either finalizing goals or adding in small details in the
summary section. She has also done well at reflecting back on the POCs to help improve her treatment sessions,
as well as using this information to identify what the client's overall goals are and being able to voice those at
team meetings.

Self +7
Plan of Care
CI +10 4/8
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13. Patient Management – Procedural Interventions

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Alison's treatments that she has most performed are ther ex, balance, and gait training. This is a big area of
focus right now and although progressing, an area we have been focusing on heavily in the past approx 2wks. In
the beginning, Alison was only using familiar exercises with all clients, rather than making them individualized.
We developed a good system of Alison identifying as many different treatment options based on the deficit to
ensure her "toolbox" was full, in which she did very well. Now, I am having her pre-plan her treatment sessions
and use her notebook to stay focused and confident to execute a more efficient and tailored session in which she
is progressing well. The goal is that Alison only perform 1-2 familiar treatments and then trial different
treatments in order to expand her "toolbox" while also feeling confident in the rationale for each exercise. She
has also done well recently in knowing when to alter a treatment based on the client's response and/or when to
challenge them further. She is also learning how VQ/TQ/visual cues can improve client's responses to
treatments and is adjusting them accordingly. Aside from improving in the areas above, goals in upcoming
interim are: to complete more exercises/session, becoming more efficient and confident in redirecting clients
while also providing clear, concise instructions; "fake it to you make it" - being more confident, less
apologizing, or outwardly displaying your inner uncertainty but also continue to be receptive to feedback (as
you have been!).

CI Final — Erica Densé Alison has done very well since midterm growing her "toolbox" by not only challenging the client in session
but also being more comfortable in trying different exercises and not feeling nervous to do so. She does very
well at pre-planning her sessions to increase her confidence within the session. She is doing well at identifying
client goals/being aware of their response to the intervention in order to improve the flow of the sessions, as
well as alter the exercise as needed while ensuring she is working on things that are important to the client. She
has improved drastically in using visual/verbal/tactile cues in a least restrictive way. She has also increased the
number of exercises performed/session and provide more concise instructions with less "filler" words. Also, for
her end of the clinical project, she assisted the PT department with developing educational documents for new
staff hires that include the various types of transfers, levels of assistance, gait belt don/doffing, etc. From our
PTA: She remains very prepared during sessions. She seems to follow up with previous plan section of note and
carry through with suggestions. She has a list of items prepared before working with client nearly each day.
With one more challenging client, she has been creative in thinking outside the box of getting him to do certain
ex's. She also does well when clients become behavioral and does not let it bother her, but rather continues with
the session's goals. One thing to be mindful of as you transition to a new facility, is what their billable
units/session are and potentially needing to plan a few extra exercises incase you need to increase time from
45min sessions to 53min sessions.


Procedural Self +7
CI +8

14. Patient Management – Educational Interventions

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Despite the varying levels of cognitive deficits that our clients display, Alison has learned the importance of
providing concise instructions and how VQ/TQ/visual cues can effect a client's response. She is still learning
how to be more efficient in this area, but is progressing well and I anticipate vast improvement in this are in the
upcoming weeks. She has also been a part of making client's HEP and updating it as the client progresses.

CI Final — Erica Densé Alison has done well at educating our clients when appropriate, being receptive to their feedback, but also being
mindful of when planned ignoring is appropriate. She has done well at learning to adapt to the client's learning
abilities and adjusted her instructions accordingly. She has also been proactive in assisting to develop client's
HEP and updating them as needed.


Educational Self +7
CI +8

15. Patient Management – Documentation

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Alison has made most notable gains in this area since starting her clinical, with most gains noted in her
improvement in professional verbiage and in her critical thinking of the assessment portion. She submits all
documentation on time and has recently had only minimal errors that need to be changed on all her daily notes.
She has also just started to help write POCs and TMRs and will have more exposure in upcoming weeks.
Alison has also had the unique opportunity to write a few LMNS for WC recommendations and has done very
well, requiring only minimal assistance and clarification. Goal in upcoming interim will be increase the amount
of documentation she is exposed to/performs as well as continuing to improve professional verbiage and
efficiency with documentation.

CI Final — Erica Densé Alison's documentation has improved tremendously since starting this clinical, becoming more professional in
her verbiage and documentation. She has also started to incorporate using the computer during sessions to type
while treating the client, to practice becoming more efficient. The number of errors have also reduced overall
since midterm as well. She has been able to write more POCs/POSs, TMRs and LMNs and also required less 5/8
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corrections for all. Although it has progressed, the amount of time to write notes takes a little bit longer than
anticipated, but part of that is learning to drown out a busy, distracting office. Goal in upcoming clinical is
identifying ways to drown out excess distractions in the office to reduce the amount of time it takes to write a

Self +6
CI +6

16. Patient Management – Outcomes Assessment

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Alison has had minimal exposure to outcomes, with the exception of 6MWT, FGA and TUG. In no fault of her
own, Alison needs more exposure in this area to progress not only in administration of outcomes, but also in
using the outcomes to determine appropriate STG/LTG and patient response to treatments. This will be
addressed more in the upcoming interim.

CI Final — Erica Densé Alison has had more exposure to outcomes during the second half of the clinical but still not as many as I would
have hoped, but again, no fault of her own. However, the ones she has been exposed to, she has done well and
is comfort with administering. In general, more exposure to all outcome measurements would be beneficial,
including subjective based ones.


Outcomes Self +4
CI +10

17. Patient Management – Financial Resources

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Alison has had minimal abilities to participate in this area secondary to current Covid guidelines, as our
schedule is predetermined based on decreasing crossover between IP and OP clients. However, she has more
recently adjusted her documentation schedule independently. She does use her time effectively, but can have
difficulty tuning out distractions in a busy office, so we are in the process of developing compensatory
strategies. Alison is very flexible with our ever adjusting schedule, as it is changing constantly to accommodate
each of the 3 therapists she is working with and d/t Covid guidelines. She submits all charges on time and will
occasionally need minimal assistance on determining appropriate billing codes. Alison was recently educated
on a CARF project and will be able to assist more in upcoming weeks.

CI Final — Erica Densé Alison has done well at altering her schedule each week to reflect the 3 different PTs that she is with throughout
the week. She is good at keeping us all on track and does well at reminding us and herself of tasks that need to
be completed (streamlining all necessary info between all 4 of us). She submits her notes within 24hrs and bills
correctly. She is flexible and adaptable! From our PTA: She has remained flexible during the altering times and
accommodates well to change in schedule. Although this could be frustrating she does not show it rather seems
grateful to have the opportunities provided.


Financial Self +4
CI +8

18. Patient Management – Direction and Supervision of Personnel

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé In the past approx 2 weeks, Alison has just recently observed other disciplines at The Lighthouse, gaining a
better appreciation of each discipline, with goal in upcoming weeks to continue shadowing all areas. She is
paired with our PTA 1d/wk and they both report they work well together and Alison has gained a greater
appreciation of the knowledge our PTA offers. In upcoming weeks, Alison will start co-signing our PTA notes
to further improve communication but also improve supervision. Alison also has a great working relationship
with our PTA and PT.

CI Final — Erica Densé Alison and our PTA have developed a strong working relationship together. Alison has also started to give our
PTA feedback on "co-signing" her notes and has done well at approaching that carefully and professionally. Not
only has the relationship with our PTA improved, but Alison also has a great relationship with the other PT,
speaking volumes about her flexibility and compassion with others. 6/8
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Supervision of Self +5
CI +8

19. Summative Comments / Caseload / Days Absent

Areas of Strength

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Her compassion and desire to improve are both strong! Although still progressing, her documentation, critical
thinking, and planning of sessions have much improved! All the standard criteria - being well prepared,
professional, following policies/procedures, etc - haven't even been of concern, as these are built in strengths.

CI Final — Erica Densé Her adaptability and flexibility, her professionalism, documentation skills, critical thinking, treatment planning,
implementing different treatment strategies, becoming more efficient with the varying VQ/visual/TQ needed. I
have also seen such a growth in her confidence as well!

Areas for Further Development

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé Confidence, execution and efficiency during sessions, working with more complex clients with less assistance
Also, more exposure to evals, writing/updating POCs, managing staff, making phone calls, sending emails -
transitioning to her being the lead therapist and me taking a step back.

CI Final — Erica Densé Although progressing significantly, keep improving on your confidence. Continue to improve on your
efficiency with documentation. At no fault of your own, continue to exposure yourself to various cultural
differences with clients, more evals, and practicing more outcome assessments. Also, try to challenge yourself
to stay up to date on research, reading articles consistently. Lastly, use the confidence that you've gained in
order to have difficult conversations/address conflict.

Caseload/Other Comments
1) What is the full caseload at your clinical site for a new graduate?
2) Considering the rating anchors, what percent of a new graduate caseload is the student capable of managing at this time?
CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé 1) Full caseload at The Lighthouse for a new grad would be 4-5 clients/day with potential for 1-3
meetings/week. 2) Alison is currently at 50% of the caseload with mild to moderately challenging clients. She is
at 25-40% of clients who are highly challenging.

CI Final — Erica Densé 1) Full caseload at The LH for a new grad would be 4-5 clients/day with potential for 1-3 meetings/week. It
would also be common for a new grad to need about 10-15% guidance from a mentor with more complex cases.
2) Alison is indep with high<>mod functioning clients and would probably require that 10-15% guidance from
a mentor for more complex cases. She would be able to carry the full new grad caseload.


CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé I think Alison has made some good gains, especially in the past 1-2 weeks and am hopeful that the trend
continues at this rate! I expect great growth in the upcoming interim!

CI Final — Erica Densé N/A It was such a pleasure to have Alison here! The clients and therapist are going to miss her positive and
compassionate attitude! =)

Mid-Term Days Absent CI: 0 days

Final Days Absent CI: 0 days

Reason for Absence

CI Mid-Term — Erica Densé N/A

CI Final — Erica Densé N/A

Evaluation Sign Off Dates/Times 7/8
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Self Mid-Term

[CI] Erica Densé - 11/02/20 08:55 AM

[Student] Alison Briggs - 11/02/20 08:01 AM
Self Final

[CI] Erica Densé - 12/17/20 08:59 AM

[Student] Alison Briggs - 12/17/20 08:25 AM

CI Mid-Term
[Student] Alison Briggs - 11/02/20 09:00 AM
[CI] Erica Densé - 11/02/20 08:00 AM
[CI] Erica Densé - 11/02/20 07:59 AM

CI Final

[Student] Alison Briggs - 12/17/20 09:00 AM

[CI] Erica Densé - 12/17/20 08:21 AM
[CI] Erica Densé - 12/17/20 08:20 AM

Post-Assessment Comments
Please review this Mid-Term evaluation:

Update Comments
Please review this Final evaluation:

Update Comments 8/8

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