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ME211 Control System Engineering

Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Time Response

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Where we are
Last time
◦ Chapter 3: Modelling in time domain

◦ Chapter 4: Time response

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Poles, Zeros and System Response
Poles of a transfer function are values of Laplace transform variable s,
that cause the transfer function to become infinite i.e. roots of
denominator of the transfer function
Zeros of a transfer function are value of s, that make transfer function
zero, i.e. roots of numerator of transfer function
System response or output response of a system is sum of two
responses: the forced response and the natural response
Study of poles and zeros qualitatively help us in system design and
analysis. These simplify the evaluation of a system’s response
Let us seen an example (recall Chapter 2: Laplace transform solution
of a differential equation)

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Poles, zeros of first order transfer
function – an example

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Poles, zeros of first order transfer
function – an example

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Evaluating Response Using Poles

Reading Assignment
Skill Assessment Exercise 4.1

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

◦ Definition: Poles, zeros and system response
◦ Example: Poles, zeros of a first order system
◦ Evaluating response using poles

Next Time:
◦ Characteristics of a first order system response

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

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