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Alice Campbell Candidate Statement

I decided to run for Danvers School Committee member because I believe the Danvers school
district is in need of representation that puts our children first. I am the only candidate with
children exclusively enrolled in Danvers Public Schools, being the true voice of Danvers
families. The Danvers school district has settled for being average across a full range of
educational metrics. We must advocate and promote programs that better prepare our students
as they progress through the school system and beyond, bringing excellence back to our
Danvers schools. The families in Danvers need a clear understanding of student educational
goals and the future vision of the district, including both short-term and long-term plans and

My platform is increased accountability and transparency in our school system. 

Accountability starts with the school budget and understanding how Danvers Public Schools will
be held accountable to their goals and student performance. Our school Budget is a policy
device - it sets priorities by funding initiatives (or not), it allows us to start or expand new
programs, and it supports personnel policy. For me our school budget will act as an
Accountability tool. It’s Danvers Public Schools promise to the families of Danvers in
understanding how it will be held accountable to student goals and performance.

Transparency is about how well the school committees and Danvers Public Schools maintain
open and honest lines of communication with families and citizens to keep them informed on
decisions that are made. A transparent school district encourages families and students to be
heard in order to create a more positive educational experience.This past year, we were all
frustrated with the limited transparency into the decisions made by the administration and lack
of accountability in monitoring our children’s progress in meeting their individual learning

I see three challenges facing Danvers Public Schools in 2021. First, is Special Education. We
must solve for the gaps that exist. Every child in our town should have access to the same level
of education. When we don't solve for Special Education, it's a domino effect in our schools. The
second is technology. When our district went fully remote last March, it was clear how behind
we were in technology, both in the classrooms and in communications. And finally, rebuilding
trust. Many families in our district lost faith in our administration this past year because they did
not feel heard or fairly represented in the decisions being made. I will be part of the solution to
make them feel heard again.

My husband and I have lived in Danvers for 9 years and we have two elementary age children
within the district. I earned an undergraduate degree from Syracuse University and an MBA
from UMASS. I have been in the private sector for over 20 years, working for leading advertising
agencies. I am currently a Consultant, working with CEOs helping them manage and optimize
their client relationships. I have first-hand experience in the demands of bringing creativity, fresh
thinking, and collaboration to everything I do. I am currently a Town Meeting Member for
Precinct 4 and a member of the Smith School Council, priding myself on being the voice of
families in Danvers.

Sincerely, Alice Campbell

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