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ME211 Control System Engineering

Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Time Response

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Where we are
Last time
◦ Characteristics of a first order system response

◦ Kinds of a second order system response
◦ Characteristics of a second order system response

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

Kinds of a second order system
Many systems can be modelled approximately and Reading Assignment
successfully as 2nd order systems e.g mechanical Skill Assessment Exercise 4.3
spring-mass-damper, rotational and systems with
gears. Newton’s 2nd law is indeed 2nd order.
Second order systems exhibit various kind of
responses e.g
Overdamped (similar to first order): Two real
poles; response is of form

Underdamped (dying oscillations): Two

complex poles; response is of form

Undamped (same oscillations): Two complex

poles but zero real part; response of form

Critically damped (also similar to first order

response): Two real poles but at same location;
response is of form

Example step responses are shown in Fig 4.7

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

System characteristics of a 2nd order
system response
Natural Frequency ωn : It is frequency of system
without damping
Damping Ratio ζ : It is ratio of decay frequency and
natural frequency
To find these characteristics of a 2nd order system, we
transform the transfer function into following form

These quantities are also related to poles as Reading Assignment

Example 4.4
Skill Assessment Exercise 4.4

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

◦ Kinds of a second order system response
◦ Characteristics of a second order system response

Next Time:
◦ Characteristics of a second order system response (contd)

Lecture notes by Dr Syed Irtiza Ali Shah

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