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‫ سلطان عطيه الزهراني‬:‫اسم الطالب‬

44007816 :‫الرقم الجامعي‬

5829 : ‫رقم الشعبة‬

Experiment 2 Transformers
 Aim of the experiment:

Learn how a transformer converts ac voltage

 Tools and instruments:

wo solenoids (with total turns of 2920 and 235 respectively),

iron bar (SE-8653), CU, Al, and plastic bar, PASCO 850

interface, two voltage sensors (PASCO UI-5100), computer, one


 Theory:

A transformer is an electrical device that transfers energy between two

circuits through electromagnetic induction. A transformer may be used as
a safe and efficient voltage converter to change the ac voltage at its input
to a higher or lower voltage at its output. Other uses include current
conversion, isolation with or without changing voltage and impedance
conversion. The key components of the transformer are two coils,
electrically insulated from each other but wound of the same core. The
core is made of material with large permeability to keep the magnetic
field lines due to a current in one coil almost completely within the core.
Hence almost all of these field lines pass through the other coil,
maximizing the mutual inductance of the two coils. The coil to which
power is supplied is called the primary coil; the coil from which power is
delivered is called the secondary coil. The ac source causes an alternating
current in the primary, which sets up an alternating flux in the core; this
induces an emf in each coil, in accordance with Faraday’s law. The

induced emf in the secondary gives rise to an alternating current in the
secondary, and delivers energy to the device to which the secondary is
connected. Current and emf in the secondary coil have the same
frequency as the ac source. The rate of change in flux through both coils
is the same, the ratio of emfs in the coils is equal to the ratio of the
numbers of turns in the coils.

Results and calculations:

N1=235 N2=2920

Vin Vout
1 12.4
5 62.1
10 124.3
15 186.4
20 248.5
25 310.6
30 372.8
35 434.9
40 497
45 559
50 621.3


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