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V . S. t ~ r i s t o v U D C 627.842 : 624.196.814.012.35

In connection with the construction of the pressure tunnel of the Ingurski hydroelectric station with a thin con-
crete lining and deep strengthening grouting, of interest are data from foreign practice of tunnel construction [1].

The tunnel of the Ingurski station is 16.5 km long, inside diameter 9.5 m, and head to 16.5 technical arm.
It runs through thick-laminated, jointed Barremian limestones with steeply sloping layers characterized by Protod'-
yakonov's strength coefficient ] = 6-8 and coefficients of specific elastic resistance of 700 kg/cm 2 along the bedding
and 300 kg/cm 2 perpendicular to it.

Percolation rates into the rocks are about 6 liters/see per 1000 m z of the tunnel at a pressure of 1 technical arm.

The tunnel lining consists of a thin equalizing concrete facing, 0.5 m thick, with grouting of the rock through
17 6 - m - d e e p boreholes around the perimeter under a pressure of up to 30 technical arm. The spacing of the bore-
holes along the tunnel is 3 m. Grouting is done in three stages with an increase of the grouting depth and pressure
in each stage.

Preliminary investigations were carried out in an experimental drift which showed that the planned type of
lining with grouting is completely satisfactory from the standpoint of deformation and percolation properties of the
rock around the tunnel (increase of the coefficient of resistance by 2-4 times with its equalization about the contour
and an almost 15-fold decrease in percolation). The description of the lining of the Ingurski tunnel and experi-
mental investigations were published earlier [2-4].

Analogous linings were made in the tunnel of the Roselan-Bati hydroelectric station in France and Festenniog
hydroelectric station in England [5]. The diversion of the Jansen pumped-storage plant in Bavaria [6] also has tun-
nels with a concrete facing without reinforcement stabilized with high-pressure grouting.

Construction of the Tunnels of the Jansen Pumped-Storage Plant in Bavaria. The 1640-m-long Weinberg tun-
nel has a diameter of 3.5 m and design internal pressure of 18 technical arm. The 1319-m-long Reisach tunnel
has a diameter of 4.9 m and design internal pressure of 23 technical atrn. The concrete lining of both tunnels (Fig.
1) is 40 cm thick. Both tunnels run through tectonieally disturbed and partially weathered gneisses. It is interest-
ing to note that the m i n i m u m depths of both concrete-lined tunnels are much less than the figure 0.5P required by
our regulations: 65 m or 0.28P in the Reisach tunnel and 50 m or 0.27 P in the Weinberg tunnel.

Grouting was carried out through 12 3.5- and 4 . 5 - m - d e e p boreholes in each tunnel section under a pressure
of 40 technical atm. Grouting was done simultaneously through 28 boreholes. Before grouting, all boreholes were
flushed with drilling fluid at a pressure of 40 technical arm. A pure, finely ground cement grout prepared in high-
speed mixers was used for grouting.

During grouting the absorption rate was checked continuously, and any decrease in the length of the inside
surface of the lining was measured carefully by control and measuring equipment to determine the prestressing effect.

The grouting results were quite good: the modulus of elasticity of the rock measured by the seismic method
reached more than 200,000 kg/cm z. Percolation per 1000 m z of the tunnel at the operating pressure was only 0.025

Thanks to deep pressure grouting, the jointed rock was consolidated and given a compressive prestress equal
to the concrete lining thus combining it with the rock into a single unit.

Measurements of the lining deformations showed that the inside surface of the lining was given compressive
stresses such that, on fi11!ng the tunnel and under the effect of the internal pressure, tensile stresses greater than the

Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo,No. 7, pp. 6-12, July, 1973.

624 V. S. I~RISTOV

a) b)

Fig. 1. Linings of the tunnels of the Jansen pumped-storage

plant, a) Weinberg tunnel; b) Reisach tunneh

C -C 11
~, ~,~ ~ ..... ~ ~ . . . . . . . . ~./~ ~ ~ ~I.....
[ I ,~. I III ~ = ,-H--

so ^ ...... qs I

. -
" ii
E. 2//" -, -,, ..,,

n- ! .--~-9 ~,8 ~ ~,8 i ~ lo, e l-"

Fig. 2. Experimental chamber without lining, showing measuring equipment. 1 and 2) Respectively, horizontal
and vertical hydraulic jacks; 3 and 4) sensors for microseismic investigations; 5) profile for microseismic investiga-
tions and for investigations by the mierorefraction method; 6) boreholes for determining stresses around tunnel; 7)
instruments for measuring radial displacements; 8) anchors supporting the measuring equipment; 9) instrument for
remote determination of radial displacements; 10) conical metal gate; 11) device for creating and regulating pres-
sure in experimental chamber; 12) water basin.

allowable could not occur in the lining and rock. Investigations of the Weinberg tunnel after 6 years of operation
and of the Reisach tunnel after i0 years did not reveal any damages to their linings.

Construction of the Tunnel of the Rama Hydroelectric Station in Yugoslavia. The diversion pressure tunnel
of the R a m a station in Yugoslavia has a diameter of 5 m, length 9.5 kin, an analogous type of lining with 0.3- and
0.4-m-thick concrete rings and deep grouting under a pressure to 30 technical atm. The design pressure in the tun-
nel is 6 technical arm at the beginning and I0 technical atm at the end.

Upper Triassic limestones, dolomitized breccia-like limestones, sandstones, shales, and marly dolomites alter-
nate over the route of the tunnel. Under these conditions the usual type reinforced-concrete lining was unacceptable
owing to the large tensile stresses in it. Therefore, the design of a prestressed lining and enclosing rock by high-
pressure grouting was proposed.

S,30 , F,## ## a~
-"- ~ ~i~ ~. -r~ ~ ~r ~ ~ -I~ ~

I~ IB ? 29,50

I icl [ I

" ~ ~;!~TII ,r II ,r~ II ,r II ,, II~II~]"

00 o u '' u ~ u

B-13 C-C

Fig. 3. Location of the grouting holes in the lined experimental chamber, a)
Holes for inserting grout; K-l, K-2 . . . . . K-5) holes for control grouting; b) holes
for strengthening grouting; I, II, III) sections when conducting strengthening

To validate this design quite extensive and interesting experimental investigations under full-scale and lab-
oratory conditions were carried out at the Yugoslavian Water Management Institute under the supervision of the
Professor B. Kujundzic and with the participation of other Yugoslavian organizations.
The decision to use a lining with deep grouting was based on the assumption that three zones form around
the tunneh a) disturbed (weakened) zone, where plastic deformations occur; b) zone with maximum stresses, which
is a load-bearing ring; c) undisturbed zone not affected by tunneling. The depth of the disturbed zone depends on
the original natural stresses in the rock, on the size and shape of the tunnel, and mainly on the mehhanical char-
acteristics of the rock.

By means of high-pressure grouting the rock in the disturbed zone can be consolidated, and a compressive
prestressed state can be created in it which, along with the direct pressure of the injected grout on the lining, will
prestress it in compression. The grouting pressure should be such that after relaxation of the stresses created in the
rock the residual compressive stresses in the lining and disturbed zone are greater than the tensile stresses which will
be caused by the internal pressure and temperature changes.

Investigations were conducted in an experimental chamber of the same cross section as the main tunnel, i.e.,
with an inside diameter of 5 m, and also in the laboratory (Figs. 2-4). The thickness of the concrete lining of the
chamber (60 cm) is slightly greater than that used for the main tunnel (40 cm). The chamber, about 30 m long,
lies at a depth of 115 m in bedded dolomitized limestones and dolomites with a bed thickness from 15 to 40 cm.
The interbed contacts contain silty and clay materials.

"The results of these investigations were reported by Yugoslavian specialists Professors B. Kujundzic, L. Jovanovic,
and Z. Radoslavievic [7] and by engineer M. Pavlovic [8] at the 2nd Congress on Rock Mechanics in Belgrad in
September 1970.
626 V.S.g:STOV



Fig. 4. Measuring equipment in the lined experimental cham-

ber after grouting. 1) Instruments for measuring radial displac-
ments; 2) electroacoustic extensometers; 3) bases of extensometers;
4) instrument for measuring changes in the inside span of the cham-


Fig. 5. Diagram of the propagation velocities of elastic longitudinal waves in

rock on eight radii at different depths and diagram of the average values of the
velocity over the eight radii.

,~a b lb Z8 3# ~kg/cm
Fig. 6. Diagrams of compressive stresses on the inside surface of the concrete lining as a result of strengthening
grouting. I, II, III) Cross sections of chamber where measurements were taken. 1) Diagrams of maximum c o m -
pressive stresses in lining i m m e d i a t e l y after grouting under a pressure of 20 technical arm; 2) diagram of steady
compressive stresses in the lining after relaxation of stresses in the rock and lining.

The rock strata form an angle of 20* with the chamber axis and dip from 40 to 70" from the chamber head.
The cracks in the rock are mainly hair cracks, partially large, filled with breccia. Open cracks and karsts were not
found. Investigations established the geologic characteristics of the rock, its jointing, deformation characteristics.
stressed state at various stages, and permeability.
Geophysical Investigations. After studying the geologic and hydrologic conditions, geophysical investigations
were carried out by various methods by means of which the propagation velocities of elastic waves were determined
in the rock strata at various distances from the inside surface of the chamber. In particular, eight 4-m-deep holes
were bored 1.2 m apart in two chamber cross sections (Fig. 2) and the longitudinal velocities of the elastic waves
were measured between sections at intervals of 20, 30, and 50 c m (Fig. 5). These and other geophysical investiga-
tions confirmed the presence around the tunnel of the three zones previously described - disturbed, load-bearing
ring, and a zone where the tunnel does not have an effect. It was found that on the inside surface of the chamber
the propagation velocity of the elastic waves is minimal (3600 m/sec), reaches m a x i m u m values (5800 m/see) in
zone II (load-bearing ring), and decreases to 4500 m/sec in zone III. Thus, the depth of the disturbed zone was
0.8-1.0 m. The geophysical investigations showed also rather high dynamic moduli of elasticity of the rock, which
indicates its density and compactness.

Mechanical Investigations. In addition to geophysical methods the deformation properties of the rock were
determined by means of two flat hydraulic jacks, one vertical with a diameter of 2 m and the other horizontal with
a diameter of 1.5 m. The pressure on the rock was brought to 30 kg/cm z in cycles (Fig. 2).

The average values of the moduli of deformation D and moduli of elasticity E at loads of about i0 kg/cm 2

for the vertical jack

D v = 100,000 k g / c m z, Ev = 130.000 kg/cm2;

for the horizontal jack
Dh= 160.000 k g / c m z, Eh= 330,000 k g / c m z.
This revealed a rather considerable anisotropy of the rock. Poisson's ratio/J = 0.19-0.20.

Testing the Chamber with Water Pressure Before Grouting. After the geophysical and mechanical investiga-
tions the chamber was closed by a conical metal gate, filled with water, and the pressure raised in cycles with load-
ing and unloading to I0 technical atm. A Thomson flowmeter was installed to measure the water percolating through
and around the plug. Radial deformations were measured by 16 electric induction-type instruments of Yugoslavian
design (DMR) and eight acoustic flexometers of the "Galileo" system (Fig. 2) located at three sites (eight in each).
628 V. S. I~RISTOV


Chamber Direction of Radial de- Average value

deforma- formation, of radial de-
sections tions (over formations in
I0 -s c m
the radius) sect., I0 -s c m

1 and 5 8,5
2 9
4 and 8 6 7,4
7 6

9 11
10 5,6 7,9
15 3
16 12

I 20
3 9,5
Ill 5 7,5 10,4
7 1,5
8 14

Values of the modulus of deformation D = 240,000 kg/cm s and modulus of elasticity E= 450,000 kg/cm z were ob-
tained under these conditions. The permeability of the rock was determined simultaneously by measuring the leak-
age from the chamber, which was 40 liters/sec per 1000 m s at a pressure of 10 technical arm.

The results of these investigations showed that the rock had a low permeability, and consequently its grout-
ing would be difficult.

Selection and Investigation of the Grouts. Considerable attention was given to this matter, since grout of an
unsuitable composition cannot produce the desired results. The theological properties of the cement grout and the
mechanical properties of the cement stone were investigated. Fluidity and the ability to penetrate into the finest
cracks were required of the injection grouts on the one hand and absence of sedimentation during setting (from 1
to 4 h) on the other. The requirement of maximum strength at the m i n i m u m possible deformation, shrinkage, and
creep was imposed on the cement stone.

The following compositions were selected experimentally: a) for filling injection 48.5~o Portland cement
grade 350, 48.6% fine sand with a size up to 1 mm, and 3qo bentonite "EL-10W; b) for strengthening grouting 97%
Portland cement grade 350, 5ffobentonite "EL-100" and a slight amount of CaC12hardener.

Investigations on Models of the Technological Grouting Process. For this purpose models simulating rocks
with cracks having an opening of 0.5 mm, 1.0 ram, and 2 mm were constructed. Grout was injected into them un-
der pressure to determine the radius of action of grouting and character of the water removal from the grout.

It was established that the ratio of the quantity of water to the quantity of dry material in the grout affects
good filling of cracks; that in the case of small cracks it is necessary to aplfly a greater injection pressure and m a i n -
rain it for a greater time; that any interuptions in injection are deleterious and reduce the quality of grouting.

Experimental Grouting. Experimental grouting was carried out around the plug of the test chamber. Two
curtains were made here, each of eight 3.2-m-deep radial boreholes about the perimeter under a pressure of 12 tech-
nical arm. The consumption of dry material was 40 kg/m of borehole. It was established that an increase in the
number of boreholes in the curtain does not increase the grout absorption.

Filling Grouting. Filling grouting was accomplished after concreting of the experimental chamber was com-
pleted (Fig. 3). The 38-ram-diameter boreholes were spaced 3 m apart over the tunnel length only in the upper
part of the lining, two holes each in even sections and one each in odd. The holes were bored several centimeters
into the rock. Despite careful concreting, cavities from 3 to 20 cm in size were found between the rock and con-
crete upon boring out the injection holes. The ratio of the dry mix to water in the injection grout of the composi-
tion indicated above was from 1 : 1 to 1 : 3. Injection was done at first in all odd sections and then in the even ones
at a pressure of 3 technical arm. Injection was stopped when absorption of the grout was less than 1 liter/rain dur-
ing 10 rain. Fourteen holes for filling grouting and five control holes, in which well-logging was conducted, were
made. The total consumption of grout was 13,000 kg or 440 kg/m of the chamber.

Tangentialstresses | Calculated tan-
Internal on the inside surface~ gential stresses on
water of the lining from | ~ e i n s i d e s u r f a c e o f
pressure, the water pressure, ! theliningfrom the
obtainedexperimen-I water pressure,
kg/cm z tally, kg/cmz | kg/cm2
4 4,4 4
6 4,8 6
8 6.8 8
10 8,6 10

Strengthening Grouting. For strengthening grouting eight 2 - m - d e e p radial holes counting from the inside
surface were drilled in each cross section of the chamber, spaced 2.5 m apart, so that they penetrated the disturbed
zone (Fig. 8). The holes in the even sections were bored with a 22*30' shift relative to the holes in the odd sec-
tions. Eighteen seepage holes were drilled for draining the water squeezed from the injection grout and proved to
be quite effective. The composition of the cement grout was the same as for strengthening grouting. The propor-
tions of dry mix and water were 1 : 6-1 : 2.
An injection device with two high-speed 300-1iter grout mixers and high-pressure injectors (up to 70 tech-
nical arm) with an output of 50 liters/rain and automatic regulation was mounted on a platform for grouting in front
of the plug. Grouting was done simultaneously through a group of 32 holes by the circulation method by means of
injectors and reduction valves on the grout lines. The grouting pressure was monitored by pressure gauges placed
in each section on the first and last injector.

Group grouting was performed in three sections of 32 holes each in the sequence I-II-III (Fig. 3). In each
section all holes were first grouted at a pressure of 5 technical arm; then the pressure was increased to 10, 15, and,
finally, to 20 technical arm. During grouting at a pressure of 5 technical atm, escape of the grout was noted through
the joints between the invert and walls and in certain places of the lining where cavities had occurred. The max-
imum pressure (20 technical atm) was held at least 2.5 I:, and during this period the grout, absorption ceased.

The consumption of material during strengthening grouting was as follows:

Section Cement, kg Bentonite, kg

I 528 16
II 250 8
III 245 7.5

In all, 1020 kg of cement and 31.5 of bentonite were required; the average consumption of dry mix per meter of
hole was 8 kg, and per meter of gallery 36 kg.

Monitoring of the Grouting Effect During Application. Monitoring was done by measuring the deformations
in the lining (Fig. 4), first, by means of 24 electroacoustic extensometers with a 30-cm base located in the lining
near the inside surface (eight each in the three sections of the chamber); second, by means of mechanical extensom-
eters with a 50-cm base at eight points of the middle section of the chamber, and also by means of filament fiexom-
eters for measuring the change of the lining span.

The results of measurements by the electroaeoustic extensometers are shown in Fig. 6. We see from this and
from other graphs [8] that compressive stresses, although rather nonuniform over the perimeter, are created in the
lining (and in the rock also) as a result of strengthening grouting. True, with the passage of time they decrease
somewhat (by about 1.5-2 times), but thereafter stabilize. We see from Fig. 6 that after relaxation the compressive
stresses in the lining amount to 1-26 kg/cm z in the first section, 2-10 kg/cm 2 in the second, and 9-18 kg/cm 2 in the
third. Measurements by the mechanical extensometers showed that in the middle section the compressive tangential
stresses on the inside surface vary from 2 to 7 kg/cm 2. The investigators attribute the nonuniformity of compression
about the perimeter and the small values of stresses at certain points mainly to the weak permeability of the rock.

Testing in the Chamber with Water Pressure After Grouting. After grouting was completed, the experimental
chamber was again filled with water, and a pressure of 10 technical atm established (Fig. 4). The water losses,
radial deformations of the lining in the three sections of the chamber in eight directions each, and the tangential
630 V.S.~STOV


"~ ~.~

"--- ~...f O0

Fig. 7. Types of tunnel linings at the Rama station, a) Lo-

cation of holes for filling grouting; b) the same, for strength-
ening grouting. I) In rocks not caving in; II) in rock where
cave-in occurred or is posible.

deformations of the lining from the internal pressure at eight points of each of the three chamber sections were m e a -
sured. The investigations were conducted in three loading and unloading cycles. The same measuring equipment
was used as in the measurements taken before concreting the lining and before injection.

Measurements of the water losses from the pressurized chamber gave the following values of losses per 1000
m 2 of surface at a pressure of 10 technical atm: before strengthening grouting 4 liters/sec, after, 1.9 liters/see.
The measurements of the changes in the lining radius caused by the internal pressure are presented in Table 1.
The average value of the radial deformations from the internal pressure for all three sections is 8.6 x 10 -s cm.
A theoretical calculation of the deformations of the concrete ring in an elastic medium by the known formulas of
elasricity theory from an internal pressure of 10 technical arm for the condition when the moduli of elasticity of
the concrete and rock are equal (as was approximately the case) gave a value of the radial deformations I =
8.0 X 10 -s cm.

The results of measurements by the electroacoustic extensometers embedded in the lining for a modulus of
elasticity of the concrete E = 2.5 x 108 kg/cm z are presented in Table 2. Here are given the average (for all three
chamber sections) experimental values of the maximum tangential tensile stresses in the lining due to the effect
of the internal pressure and the same s t r e s s e s calculated by formulas of elasticity theory for average values of the
moduli of deformation of the rock and concrete for an isotropic medium. These values agree rather closely.

The total stresses actually acting in the lining are obtained by adding the compressive stresses from the effect
of the external pressure due to strengthening grouting (Fig. 6) and tensile stresses from the internal pressure (Table
2). We can be certain that the total stresses on a greater lining length are compressive and only at certain places
then change to tensile up to 6 kg/cm z.

In addition to the described investigations in the experimental chamber, investigations were conducted in ex-
perimental pits. During driving of the tunnel the geologic and geotechnic characteristics of the rock were investi-
gated continuously in different zones owing to the great diversity of the rocks, lacks were installed at 28 points, on
the average, one measurement was taken per 830 m of tunnel, and at the same places the propagation velocity of
elastic waves in the rock was measured by geophysical methods. From the experimental results the investigators
and designers drew the following conclusions:

1. Despite the fact that the chamber was located in quite dense and slightly permeable rocks, good results
from the standpoint of prestressing of the lining and rock around it and decrease of water leakage were obtained from
strengthening grouting under a pressure of 20 technical arm (equal to twice the internal pressure).

2. Since the high grouting pressure did not cause any disturbances in the lining or any production difficulr/es,
grouting pressures greater than 20 technical aim can be used, which should increase the prestressing effect.

3. Strengthening grouting should be done by the group method in the largest possible number of holes si-
multaneously, uniformly about the perimeter, and over the longest possible length of the tunnel, the pressure being
monitored continuously, continuity of injection being adhered to, and no interruptions being allowed.

In accordance with the results of the described experimental investigations and indicated conclusions, during
construction of the tunnel the injection pressure in many zones during grouting was increased to 30 aim, depending
on the character of the rock in the given zone. The compositions of the injection grouts were also selected by the
usual method, based on the character of the rock in the given zone.
For filling grouting the number of holes in each section in comparison with their number in the experimental
chamber was increased to 3 in one section and to 2 in the other with a distance of 1.5 m between sections (Fig. 7).
The number of holes for strengthening grouting was left at eight in each section, but the depth of three holes in the
upper half-ring was increased to 3.5 m, the two side ones to 3 m, and the three in the lower half-ring to 2.5 m.

In some short zones of the tunnel where the rock caved in the tunnel lining was made with 50-cm-thick re-
inforced concrete with double reinforcement calculated for the weight of these cave-ins. Prestressing and strengthen-
ing grouting were done as in the zones with a concrete lining. The tunnel was filled and pressurized in October
1968. Annual inspections of this tunnel show that there are no openings of joints or any other damages in it.

1. Experience in the construction of the Roselan-Bati, Festenniog, Weinberg, Reisach, and Rama tunnels shows
that the construction of pressure tunnels with a thin equalizing concrete lining and with deep strengthening grouting
under a pressure equal to about twice the operating pressure in the tunnel in rocks diverse in their geologic and
geotechnic characteristics is completeIy warranted both from the technical and, obviously, from the economic view-
point. As a result of strengthening grouting of the rock the necessary compressive prestressing can be attained in the
rock and in the lining, eliminating the occurrence of tensile stresses from the internal pressure and the opening of
2. Observance of the folIowing conditions is necessary:
a) conduction of preliminary, sufficiently extensive comprehensive investigations corresponding to the scale
of the structure to determine the geologic structure of the rocks around the tunnel, its jointing, permeability, and
deformation, strength, and other physical and mechanical properties;
b) proper assignment of the number, direction, and depth of boreholes and of the necessary grouting pressure;
c) selection of the compositions of the cement grouts corresponding to the geologic conditions and geotechnic
characteristics of the rocks in each given zone;
d) correct performance of injection work, use of simultaneous group injection over the entire perimeter of
the lining over the greatest possible length with monitoring of the pressures and absorption of the grout;
e) systematic instrument monitoring of the effect of grouting work by measuring deformations.

1. V . S . ~ristov, "Design and calculation of the lining of high-pressure water tunnels," Gidrotekh. Stroitel'.,
No. 11 (1963).
2. V . S . ~ristov, "Stabilization of rocks by means of grouting and underground work," in: Proceedings of the
6th All-Union Conference on Soil Stabilization and Compaction [in Russian], Izd. MGU (1968).
3. Specifications and Regulations for Designing Hydraulic Structures. Grouting in Water Tunnels VSN-022-69
[in Russian], Min~nergo SSSR.
4. V . A . Tokachirov, ~. E. Alias, G. V. Buchatskii, and V. N. Vvedenskii, "Experimental investigations of tunael
linings at the Ingurski hydroelectric station," ~nergeticheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 2 (1968).
5. V . S . ~ristov and A. M. Mazur, Underground Work and Improvement of Rock Foundations of Dams (A. A.
Borovyi, editor) [in Russian], ~nergiya, Moscow (1966).

6. Hantum, Fritz, "High-pressure water tunnels," Water Power, June (1967).

7. B. Kujundzic, L. Jovanovic, and Z. Radoslavievie, "Solution du revetement d'une galerie en charge par ap-
9 P
plication d'injections a haute pression," Rapports du Deuxieme Congr~s de la Soctete Internationale de
meeamque des roches, Vol. II,. Theme 4, Beograd (1970).
8. M. Pavlovic, "Grouting work at the headwater tunnel of the Rama hydroelectric plant," Rapports du Deuxieme
9 I
Congr~s de la Soclete Internationale de m6canique des roches, Vol. II, Theme 4, Beograd (1970).

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