Brochure Reported Speech

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EXERCISES Let's start the party

You are a reporter and you must break the You are having a party and one of your

news about what the president said in his friends asks if "Anne" is coming. Read the

conference. How would you do it? Turn the following conversation and report what she

direct speech to indirect. said to reply to your friend.


John F . Kennedy said, "When I ran for -Anne-
Hey , are you coming to the party ?
, I am sorry, but no.
Presidency of the United States , I knew Hey

that this country faced serious challenges , -You- With Paola Aristimuño
but I could not realize how heavy and Why ?

constant would be those burdens ". -Anne-

I am studying for a test .


- REPORTAGE - Oh okay , do not worry .

Kennedy, J. F. (1961). JOHN F. KENNEDY QUOTATIONS.

backshift REPORT
It is the changing of a tense Q u e stio n s
to report what someone

said in the past. In the reported

It is telling someone what
EXAMPLES speech, the tenses go one step To turn questions to
another person said. In this
Direct: backwards to the past. indirect questions, there are
way, we can use direct Paul came in and said, two ways to do it.
speech or indirect speech. “I’m really hungry.” Direct speech Indirect speech
When Mrs Diaz opened Present simple Past simple First, if there are yes/no questions, the
Direct speech is repeating
the door, I asked, “Have
words If or whether should be used.
what another person says. you seen Lee?” Present continuous Past continuous

We put the phrase between Examples:

quotation marks.
Indirect: Present perfect Past perfect
Direct speech Indirect speech
He told me he was Present perf. continuous Past perf. continuous
going to call Alan. I asked if I could help her.
I said: "Can I help you?"
Indirect speech is when we Past simple Past perfect

want to report what someone They told her they would She said to us: "Did you feel cold?" She asked if we had felt cold.
Past continuous Past perf. continuous
arrive a little late. (Milne, 2020)
said without using speech
He said: "Are your hands cold?" He asked whether my hands were cold.
Past perfect Past perfect
marks and the same words. (Essberger, n.d.)

Past perf. continuous Past perf. continuous

On the other hand, if there are questions

STEPS TO TURN DIRECT SPEECH TO INDIRECT SPEECH HOW with WH-words, the question word should

be used but changing the question to an

Remove the quotation marks and comma,

and insert 'that' (it is optional) after the
The point-of-view affirmative form.

word 'said'.
This change is to certain Direct speech Indirect speech
pronouns, determiners, and adverbs. “Where do they live?” You asked me where they lived.

Backshift Some of the most common changes of place

“When are you leaving?” He asked us when we were leaving.
the verb. and time expressions, are:
“How will they get here?” She asked me how they would get here.

Direct speech Indirect speech
(Milne, 2020)

the point-
of-view this that

words. these those

here there

now then/ at the time

today that day

yesterday the day before

British Council. (n.d.). Reported speech 1 – statements.
Milne, M. (March 9, 2020). Direct and indirect speech exercises.
Insights To English. (March 22, 2018). How to Teach Reported Speech in 3 Steps. English Club. (n.d.). Reported Questions.
resource-center/search-details/teaching-tips/2018/03/22/how-to-teach-reported-speech-in-3-steps Insights to Englich. (n.d.). Indirect Speech.
Really Learn English (n.d.). Reported speech.

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