Unit 5 Job Satisfaction

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Unit 5 Job satisfaction

Which is more essential: Having a high salary or job satisfaction?

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There is not one person who doesn’t need or want more money. Whether it’s for a vacation or
a new car, everyone appreciates a few extra dollars. However, is having a job that pays well but
doesn’t offer anything else really the key to happiness?

While the term “happiness” differs from person to person, I would say job satisfaction has more
meaning. Yes, good wages can lead to job satisfaction and earning enough to make a living is
important, but they aren’t the only reason employees find satisfaction in their jobs. It’s
important to pursue a field that gives you personal happiness because if you can obtain a good
pay, but you are not happy, then there’s no point.  

While money is a satisfaction factor in a job, it shouldn’t be the only factor driving a person to
pursue a specific career. Nonetheless, it’s not to say that a good salary isn’t important because
for some people it’s essential since they have a family to take care of or several bills to pay.
However, according to Alisa Wolfson, writing from the New York Post, “Getting a raise won’t
make you hate your job any less.”
Essentially, if salary is the only motivation behind performing a job, then it is not a good match
for you or your skills, which can eventually lead to poor performance. This domino effect can
continue, which may lead to career termination, which would result in little to no salary and no
job satisfaction.
Additionally, job satisfaction is ultimately more important than a high salary because if
employees are happy at work, they will put their best foot forward, which is less likely to
happen if one pursues a career that does not satisfy them.
During the college application process, I often heard peers saying they were planning on
majoring in a specific subject in order to obtain a career with a hefty salary in the future.
While it’s understandable that a high salary is enticing, I couldn’t imagine driving to work every
single morning to a job that I didn’t enjoy performing.
In fact, Wolfson said, “Making more money doesn’t always mean you’ll be happier at work.”
Pursuing a job that makes you content is crucial because it’s a part of your life forever.
Job satisfaction doesn’t only pertain to the work environment, but it helps you to be both
personally and professionally content as well. At the end of the day we are working to lead our
life peacefully. It’s possible to argue that one can travel overseas or buy several luxurious goods
with a high salary job in order to be satisfied.
However, if you pursue a field or job that you enjoy, then you don’t need money to satisfy your
wants because you are already happy.
Additionally, according to a study done by two economists from the University of Basel and
published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization revealed that wage increases
do not have a persistent effect on job satisfaction.
It was found that job satisfaction was positively influenced by wage increases, but it was only
temporary, typically lasting four years. This was due to the fact that people adapt to their new
wage level over time and end up desiring more money.
Another side to this is that sometimes rewarding jobs may not always pay well at the beginning.
Although, over time, the worker’s enthusiasm and dedication may lead to potential
promotions, which can ultimately make the job a lucrative career.
Overall, job satisfaction has more weight and meaning than pursuing a job that offers a high
salary. When thinking about the long run it’s important to be happy in your personal life, and
that should never be based on a sum of money. After all, salary typically comes once a month,
but job satisfaction stays with you every minute of the day.

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