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Measurement and Characterization of an Indoor

Industrial Environment at 3.7 and 28 GHz

Mathis Schmieder∗ , Taro Eichler† , Sven Wittig∗ , Michael Peter∗ , Wilhelm Keusgen∗
∗ Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin, Germany,
† Rohde & Schwarz, Munich, Germany

Abstract—Fifth generation (5G) mobile networks are expected Very recently it has been extended to cover also the industrial
to play an increasing role in industrial communication with environments with a scenario called Indoor Factory. Such
private mobile communication networks deployed on company channel models rely heavily on measurement data obtained
premises. For planning, standardization and product devel-
opment, it is crucial to to thoroughly understand the radio in typical propagation environments. In [4], the authors of
channel characteristics of such environments. Frequencies around this paper summarized several measurement campaigns mostly
3.7 GHz were already reserved by regulation authorities and to at sub-6 GHz frequencies and presented first angle-resolved
meet the increasing demand for higher bandwidths, spectrum in measurement results at 28 GHz in an industrial environment.
the millimeter wave range around 28 GHz is targeted. This paper Another recent paper by Jaeckel et al. [5] describes industrial
presents a wideband channel measurement campaign at both 3.7
and 28 GHz with direction-of-arrival information at 28 GHz. The indoor measurements at several scenarios from 2 to 6 GHz.
results are compared to the 3GPP TR 38.901 Indoor Factory This paper presents a wideband channel measurement cam-
model and to two other recent papers. Evaluation of path loss paign at 3.7 and 28 GHz in an industrial environment. Power
and RMS delay and angle spread show the unique nature of delay profiles, path loss and root mean square (RMS) de-
industrial indoor environments. lay spreads are evaluated for 3.7 and 28 GHz. Additionally,
Index Terms—mm-wave channel sounding, channel measure- direction-of-arrival (DoA) is extracted and the RMS angular
ments, propagation, industrial wireless communications, angular spread is evaluated for 28 GHz. The results are compared to
spread. the recently standardized Indoor Factory scenario described in
I. I NTRODUCTION 3GPP TR 38.901 [3]. Additionally, the results at 3.7 GHz are
compared to the findings of Jaeckel et al. [5] and at 28 GHz
The integration of new digital technologies for intelligent to recent results of the authors of this paper [4] that were
manufacturing, known as Industry 4.0, is about to substantially conducted using the same channel sounder setup.
transform industrial production [1]. The technologies allow all
data of the production process to be analyzed and exploited, II. M EASUREMENT S CENARIO AND P ROCEDURE
making the process faster, more flexible and more cost-
effective. Industry 4.0 will change traditional relationships The measurements were conducted inside a high-precision
among suppliers, producers, and customers as well between machining workshop hall with a maximum length of 40.5
human and machine. A key element for these developments meters and maximum width of 15.5 meters and a total floor
is wireless communication between machines, robots and space area of 464 square meters. The height of the ceiling
humans – depending on the application, with both low latency is 4.6 meters and the detailed schematic of the floor space
and high throughput. Fifth generation (5G) mobile network is shown in Fig. 2. The factory floor is densely packed with
technologies are supposed to meet these requirements [2]. various industrial machines (CNC milling machines etc.), to
For reasons of data sovereignty, companies are increasingly a large extent consisting of metal or with metal surfaces.
interested in operating their own mobile communications Enclosing the hall are glass windows on one side and walls
network on their premises. Initially, such networks will be (partly glass) to neighboring conference rooms and other
implemented at frequencies below 6 GHz. In Germany, for various purpose rooms on the opposite side. Fig. 1 shows
example, the regulation authority has reserved the frequency the factory hall scenario from the base station perspective
range from 3.7 to 3.8 GHz for this purpose. Since it is (transmitter).
foreseeable that the demand for bandwidth will further in- The measurements were conducted in the following way:
crease, spectrum in the millimeter wave range between 24 The transmitter (Tx) was placed at a “base station” (BS) posi-
and 26 GHz is already targeted for use in the industrial tion at a height of 185 cm and was fixed for all measurements
context. To evaluate the performance of such communication while the receiver (Rx), emulating user equipment (UE) was
systems during standardization and product development, it positioned at 75 different positions on the floor (as depicted in
is crucial to use a channel model suitable for the propa- Fig. 2). The height of the receiver was 144 cm. The positions
gation environment, including appropriate model parameters. 1-38 were line-of-sight (LOS), while the positions 39-75 were
Geometry-based stochastic channel models (GSCMs) have non-line-of-sight (NLOS).
become widely adopted for this purpose. The 3rd Generation
Partnership Project (3GPP) has proposed models for typical
mobile frequencies around 2 GHz, but the latest model 38.901 The measurements were conducted using an instrument-
Version 16.0.0 [3] even targets the range from 0.5 to 100 GHz. based highly flexible time-domain channel sounder as de-

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Fig. 1: Overview of the measurement scenario from BS position

analyzer (R&S® FSW) that captures the signal and streams the
baseband samples with a resolution of 16 bit to a connected
Laptop. At 3.7 GHz, a similar λ/4 ground plane antenna as
for the transmitter was used. At 28 GHz, the antenna was a
virtual circular array antenna (VCA) [8] similar to the setup
in [4]. Both transmitter and receiver shared a common clock
provided by a high precision rubidium clock (Synchronomat
by Fraunhofer HHI), that also enabled coherent triggering at
the receiver. The important channel sounder parameters are
Fig. 2: Schematic of the factory floor space summarized in Table I.
TABLE I: Channel sounder parameters
scribed in [4]. The block diagram in Figure 3 shows a Parameter Value
simplified block diagram of the used setup. Carrier frequency 3.7 GHz 28 GHz
Transmit power 30 dBm 34 dBm
3.7 GHz 28 GHz
Sounding bandwidth 2000 MHz
Sampling rate at Tx 2400 MHz
Sampling rate at Rx 2500 MHz
Sequence duration 48 µs
Temporal snapshot separation 48 µs
Power Amplifier 3.7 Signal Generator 28 Power Amplifier
ZVE-3W-83+ GHz R&S®SMW200A GHz RP27G34GSPA
Instantaneous dynamic range 65 dB
Diameter of virtual array N/A 97.8 mm
# of virtual array elements N/A 1000
10 MHz
Distance between elements N/A 0.307 mm (0.0287 λ)
3.7 GHz RF 28 GHz RF
2 GHz Bandwidth 2 GHz Bandwidth
HHI Synchronomat
10 MHz Trigger
For every measurement point, the channel sounder generated
Signal Analyzer 28 Virtual Array 1000 channel impulse response (CIR) snapshots. At 3.7 GHz,
R&S®FSW GHz Antenna the 1000 snapshots were coherently averaged and calculated
into instantaneous power delay profiles (IPDP). At 28 GHz,
each of the CIR snapshot corresponds to one virtual array
Fig. 3: Channel sounder setup antenna element. By incoherently averaging the CIR snapshots
into average power delay profiles (APDP), the variance in
The transmitter (Tx) comprises a vector signal generator power can be greatly reduced, resulting in a much smoother
(R&S® SMW200A), a power amplifier (PA) and a vertically gradient of the APDP. Prior to further estimation of large
polarized omni-directional λ/4 ground plane antenna for each scale parameters and, at 28 GHz, direction-of-arrival (DoA)
used frequency band. At both frequencies, a periodic 96,000 information, all components before the theoretical LOS delay
sample Frank-Zadoff-Chu (FZC) [6], [7] with a duration of were removed from both the IPDPs and APDPs.
48 µs and a bandwidth of 2 GHz was used as channel sounding Figure 4 shows IPDPs at 3.7 GHz and APDPs at 28 GHz in
signal and generated directly at the RF frequencies. By using both LOS (4a) and NLOS (4b) condition. A higher variance
external up and down converters, the channel sounder setup in power at 3.7 GHz compared to 28 GHz can clearly be
can also be used at V, E and W bands. The total transmit seen. The LOS power delay profiles (PDP) correspond to
powers were 30 dBm at 3.7 and 34 dBm at 28 GHz. a measurement point with a Tx-Rx-distance of 5.2 meters,
The receiver (Rx) comprises a receive antenna and a signal resulting in a time of flight delay of 17.5 ns. At 3.7 GHz, the

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3.7 GHz IPDP distance. At 10 meters, the NLOS path loss is about 6 dB
-80 Noise Floor higher than FSPL at 28 GHz and almost 10 dB higher than
FSPL at 3.7 GHz.
PDP / dB



Path Loss/dB
-160 LOS ABG Model
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 NLOS ABG Model
Delay / ns 70

(a) LOS 60
3.7 GHz IPDP
-80 Noise Floor 50
3 5 10 15 20 25 30
PDP / dB

-100 Distance/m

-120 (a) 3.7 GHz

-140 FSPL

Path Loss/dB
-160 LOS ABG Model
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Delay / ns 80

(b) NLOS

Fig. 4: IPDP and APDP in LOS and NLOS condition

3 5 10 15 20 25 30

LOS component was received with a power of -58.77 dBm and (b) 28 GHz
at 28 GHz with a power of -78.08 dBm. For both frequencies, Fig. 5: LOS/NLOS Path Loss
several specular multipath components (MPC) can be seen
together with dense multipath components (DMC) [9] that
fall below the noise floor of -145 dBm at a delay of 457 ns For both LOS and NLOS, ABG path loss model [12]
at 28 GHz and 550 ns at 3.7 GHz. parameters according to (1) were derived using least squares
The NLOS PDPs correspond to a measurement point with fitting. The coefficients α and γ show the dependence of path
a Tx-Rx-distance of 9.9 meters, resulting in a time of flight loss on 3D Rx-Tx distance d and frequency f relative to
delay of 33 ns. Only few strong MPCs can be seen at 3.7 GHz d0 = 1 m and f0 = 1 GHz and β is an optimized offset
with a delay of 40 ns and a power of -79.41 dBm. The DMC value for path loss in dB. χABG σ is the lognormal random
fall below the noise floor at a delay of 455 ns at 28 GHz and shadowing variable with corresponding standard deviation σ.
at 550 ns at 3.7 GHz. Table II shows the derived path loss model parameters.
In order to estimate large scale parameters and DoA in-
formation, an evaluation threshold of 40 dB relative to the

strongest component was applied to the PDPs. Local maxima P LABG (f, d) = 10α log10 +β
were identified in the PDPs and used to evaluate path loss   (1)
and delay spread. The CLEAN technique [10] with real-valued + 10γ log10 + χABG
beamspace MUSIC (RB-MUSIC) [11] as a DoA estimator was f0
applied to the CIR snapshots at 28 GHz in order to extract DoA Analysis of the derived LOS model shows that, while it
information. Based on this information, the angular spread and is a good fit to the measurement results between 5 and 26
angular power spectrum were estimated. All evaluations were meters Rx-Tx distance, the model produces unrealistic low
done separately for LOS and NLOS. path loss values for distances shorter than 5 meters. Similarly,
A. Path Loss the NLOS model is not a good fit for the measurement
The path loss was evaluated based on the accumulated results at distances lower than 10 meters, especially at 28 GHz.
powers of the identified local maxima in the IPDPs and In this environment, dual slope models with a break point
APDPs. In Figure 5, the results of the evaluation are illustrated around 10 meters distance would have been a better fit. More
for 3.7 (5a) and 28 GHz (5b). Data corresponding to LOS NLOS measurements for lower distances would be necessary
condition is coloured blue, while NLOS data is coloured red. to thoroughly parameterize such model.
The theoretical free space path loss (FSPL) is added in black.
In LOS condition, the minimal distance between Tx and Rx TABLE II: Path loss model parameters for d0 = 1 m
was 4 meters and the maximum distance was 26 meters, in PLE / α β γ σ
NLOS conditions the measurements were conducted between (dB) (dB)
9 and 25 meters Tx-Rx distance. LOS 2.27 27.29 1.94 1.62
NLOS 3.02 28.35 1.78 1.61
At both frequencies, the LOS path loss for distances of up 3GPP LOS 2.15 31.84 1.90 4.30
to 20 meters is about 3 dB less than the FSPL but grows closer 3GPP NLOS 3.57 18.60 2.00 7.20
to FSPL for higher distances. The NLOS path loss at distances Jaeckel et al. [5] LOS 1.83 36.30 1.95 1.63
around 10 meters is close to FSPL and grows with increasing Jaeckel et al. [5] NLOS 2.41 29.10 2.54 3.58

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Comparison of the parameters with the 3GPP TR 38.901 [3]

Indoor Factory model in the Dense, Low scenario show that, 0.8

while the LOS parameters are of similar magnitude, the 3GPP 0.6

P(Delay Spread
model does not agree well with the scenario described in this
paper. Similarly, the results of Jaeckel et al. [5], which are LOS
valid from 2 to 6 GHz, do not agree well with the parameters Normal Distribution
Normal Distribution
in this paper. In order to compare the path loss model to the 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
results in [4] at 28 GHz, the ABG model parameters have to Delay Spread / ns
be converted to a floating intercept (FI) model according to 2 (a) 3.7 GHz

0 = β + 10γ log 10 (2) 0.8

P(Delay Spread
with nFI = α resulting in P LFI FI
0,LOS = 55.36 dB, nLOS = 0.4
2.27 and P L0,NLOS = 54.11 dB, nNLOS = 3.02. Compared to 0.2
Normal Distribution
the findings in [4] with P L0,LOS (d0 ) = 59.7 dB, nLOS = 1.8 Normal Distribution
and P L0,NLOS (d0 ) = 77.4 dB, nNLOS = 0.9 show that the 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

model is not a good fit for the measurement results in this Delay Spread / ns

paper. This highlights that, at least in industrial environments, (b) 28 GHz

the path loss model is highly scenario specific.
Fig. 6: CDF of RMS delay spread in LOS and NLOS condi-
B. RMS Delay Spread tion; Normal distributions parameterized accordingly to fit the
After applying an evaluation threshold of 40 dB relative to DS CDFs
the strongest component to the IPDPs and APDPs, the RMS
delay spread (DS) was calculated for both LOS and NLOS.
Table III shows the statistical parameters: mean µDS , median relative to the total signal received power. This was used to
mDS , standard deviation σDS and 95%-quantile QDS,95 . In estimate angular power profiles (APP) and the RMS azimuth
order to compare the parameters to the 3GPP Indoor Factory spread of arrival (ASA). Figures 7 and 8 show the APPs in
[3] model, the parameters were also evaluated on a logarithmic LOS and NLOS condition, corresponding to the APDPs in
scale. Figure 4. In Figure 7, the strong LOS component can be seen
impinging from 165 ° together with several strong specular
TABLE III: Statistical parameters of the RMS DS with 3GPP MPCs between 150 ° and 210 ° and between 345 ° and 45 °.
InF [3] for comparison Figure 8 shows a much higher spread of MPCs from 105 ° to
µDS mDS σDS QDS.95 270 ° and from 300 ° to 75 °.
(ns) (ns) (ns) (ns)
LOS 20.3 20.4 4.0 26.7
3.7 GHz
NLOS 37.4 36.3 5.7 45.4


LOS 23.1 22.8 4.2 30.4 -85

28 GHz °

-90 60
NLOS 33.6 35.7 5.6 41.8


-95 45
µlgDS σlgDS

15 -100 °
LOS -7.70 0.09 0° 30
3.7 GHz -105
NLOS -7.43 0.07
165° -110 15°
3.7 GHz LOS -7.49 0.13
[5] NLOS -7.36 0.11
180° 0°
LOS -7.64 0.08
28 GHz
NLOS -7.48 0.08 345°
LOS -7.85 0.15
NLOS -7.72 0.19 0° 33



The mean value of the DS in LOS is 17.1 and 10.5 ns lower




than in NLOS at 3.7 and 28 GHz, respectively, which can


also be seen in the cumulative distribution functions (CDF),

displayed in Figure 6. Compared to the findings in [4], where
the mean DS values at 28 GHz were 53.6 ns for LOS and
Fig. 7: Angular power profile in LOS condition at 28 GHz
75.3 ns for NLOS, and to the parameters in [5], the results
in this paper show a much lower delay spread. The 3GPP
model parameters however are even smaller, but of the same The statistical RMS ASA parameters mean µASA , median
magnitude as the results in this paper. mASA , standard deviation σASA and 95%-quantile QASA,95
are given in Table IV. For better comparability with the 3GPP
C. Angular Spread Indoor Factory model, the parameters are again given both in
Direction of arrival (DoA) information was extracted from linear and logarithmic scaling. The mean difference between
the CIRs at 28 GHz in the form of a temporally and spatially LOS and NLOS AS is 27.2 ° which can also be seen in the
resolved list of discrete propagation paths and their powers CDF displayed in Figure 9. Comparison with the 3GPP Indoor

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Based on the captured CIR snapshots, power delay profiles
were evaluated that show that the radio channel comprises few



specular multipath components and is packed with dense mul-



tipath components with a delay of up to 600 ns. A frequency

15 -120 °
0° 30 dependent ABG path loss model was fitted using the results
165° -130 15° at 3.7 and 28 GHz in LOS and NLOS condition. Comparison
with recent results of other papers and the novel 3GPP TR
180° 0°
38.901 Indoor Factory model show that the path loss charac-
345° teristics are unique and highly scenario dependent. Evaluation
0° 33

of the RMS delay spread show a smaller spread than in similar
recent results. They are however of the same magnitude as the

3GPP Indoor Factory model parameters. At 28 GHz, direction-


of-arrival information was extracted and angular power profiles



and RMS angular spread were evaluated. Comparison with the

3GPP Indoor Factory model show that the model agrees well
with the estimated RMS angular spread. Overall, the results
Fig. 8: Angular power profile in NLOS condition at 28 GHz in this paper show that industrial environments are highly
unique and while a first model has been standardized by 3GPP,
further evaluation of such scenarios is still relevant, especially
Factory model reveals a good fit and the LOS results in [4] in connection with dense or diffuse multipath components.
with µASA,LOS = 35.38 ns are very similar to the findings in
this paper. The NLOS ASA in [4] with µASA,NLOS = 80.01 ns ACKNOWLEDGMENT
is higher than the spread in this paper, but still in a similar This work has been supported by the Governing Mayor of
range. Berlin, Senate Chancellery – Higher Education and Research,
and the European Union – European Regional Development
TABLE IV: Statistical parameters of ASA with 3GPP InF [3] Fund.
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