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The Tigers start their season this week and the
Lady Tigers get stated next week.
”I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” Psalm 86:12 READ BY 180,000+ MONTHLY

THURSDAY n NOV. 26, 2020 n $1.00





County enters Guard an option
state rating for shoring up
at ‘critical risk’ medical staffing
Texas County falls into category two
under a State of Missouri Public Health State and local officials, scrambling to
Warning issued by the Missouri Depart- prepare for an overwhelming surge of CO-
ment of Health and Senior Services. VID-19 patients, are in talks to stem the
“If we do not slow the spread of the tide, including options such as building a
virus, we risk having our healthcare field hospital, canceling all but the most
systems overwhelmed by COVID-19 Schools align to four days beginning Monday urgent medical procedures and deploying
patients,” according to the three-page the Missouri National Guard to relieve
document that outlines the expecta- The Houston School District this method as we go through the healthcare staffing shortages.
tions for Missouri. plans to implement a four-day in- next several weeks.” Hospital leaders are even discussing
The county is in Category 2 of the ac- person schedule for students effec- Integrated preschool and pre- how to choose which patients to serve first
tion plan, which says Texas County is at tive Nov. 30. school will continue on a five-day when resources are limited.
“critical risk.” Students will be in classrooms on schedule. On Friday, there were 215 coronavirus
Criteria include a seven-day positiv- Monday through Thursday. Friday Positive cases continue to climb patients at Cox and Mercy in Springfield,
ity rate of 10-14 percent (using Centers (Dec. 4) will be a virtual/distance in Texas County. up from 177 a week ago. 102 of those people
for Disease Control method –  Texas day. The move will reduce the el- “Although we are very aware of were from Greene County,  according to
County at 24.3 percent) and a seven-day ementary school’s seated schedule the inconveniences this creates for the health department’s dashboard. The
case rate per 100,000 of 100-349 (Texas by one day. Under a hybrid model, our families, please know this deci- remainder came from rural areas, such as
County at 181.1). middle and high school students sion was made with the best inter- Texas County.
These guidelines are outlined: have attended two days a week and est of our students and employees Since Nov. 16, CoxHealth’s hospitals in
•Business occupancy –  Occupancy three days virtually. in mind,” Moss said. Springfield, Branson, Barton County and
limits reflective of social distancing. The ultimate goal, said super- The district also encourages safe Monett added a total of 50 COVID-19 pa-
•Social group size — 25 or less intendent Dr. Allen Moss, is to get practices over the Thanksgiving tients.
•Masks —  Advised in all offices and back to five days a week in class- break. “In the coming weeks, our numbers are
businesses with 10 plus people where rooms. “Decisions made away from expected to double,” said Wanda Brown,
social distancing is not possible. “However, that is not feasible at school have a great impact on a nurse at Mercy. “We are running out of
Communities can move down in a this time for the safety,  well-being quarantines and learning here at room, not only for our COVID patients but
risk category after two consecutive of our students and staff, and educa- school,” Moss said. our other patients as well.”
weeks of meeting the lower category’s tional needs of our students,” Moss
criteria. said. “We will continue to monitor See SCHOOL, A2 See HOSPITAL BEDS, A2

Many capital expenditures included in draft of 2021 city budget

Members of the Houston City Council work includes King Street west of Hous- also allow the city to surface all parking golf course and easements throughout
are expected to finalize the 2021 budget ton Elementary School and U.S. 63 from lots and repair any lots the need repair the city.
at a meeting on Dec. 7. Subway to First Street. Payment for the for a much-decreased price.” nNew tracked skid steer. Multiple at-
The council gave first-round approval rest of a fiber-to-the-home internet sys- nA $90,000 trailer with the cost shared tachments will allow the city to utilize
to the document last week during its tem is estimated at $800,000. evenly with the water and electric de- for most public grounds work. It will
regular meeting. It was crafted by City nPaving equipment totaling $150,000 partment. “This will allow for the quick be used as dirt mover, as well as cold
Administrator Scott Avery, reviewed by that will be purchased from street de- precise digging of areas for leaking and planner to remove damaged asphalt on
a council finance committee and the full partment funds earmarked for transpor- underground electric issues. The ability streets instead of paving over cracks
council. tation. According to the draft, the city to dig without damaging underground and potholes done previously. The city
Here is an outline of capital expendi- will purchase a cold planner that will lines and pipes along make this a very will be able to mix small batches of con-
ture included in the budget: grind current asphalt, a paving machine efficient purchase,” according to the crete and set posts with the equipment.
nA pool house at the Houston Mu- that will lay the asphalt and a roller to draft. It will accommodate rental attachments
nicipal Swimming Pool that will cost set the asphalt. “This will allow crews to nNew side-by-side vehicle that be used for special needs, such as grinding
$647,000, and is set for completion only patch areas of the city that need to with a trailer received from a grant. It stumps.
in May. Sidewalk work is pegged at be patch (ed) and avoid just laying more will allow a skid load sprayer be used for
$237,952 for completion July 1. That asphalt over old again and again. It will treating grass and weeds at the airport, See BUDGET, A4


Houston Newspapers Inc.
CHRISTMAS’ BEGINS SEASON NUMBERS Accidents A7 Marketplace B8 Public notices B6 Volume 143 • Issue 31
The annual program to benefit Just before the season ended Arrests A4 Obituaries A3 Sheriff A8
kids of needy families is under on Tuesday of this week, How- Calendar A4 Opinion A6 Sports B1
way for the 33rd year, and ell County and Texas County Classifieds B2-3 Police A8 Worship B4-5
cases are outlined. A5 were leading the harvest. A8
A2 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

Hospital beds occupancy restriction on restrictions on public In Houston recently,

most local businesses. gatherings. it assisted in a drive-
Continued from Page A1 But Mayor Ken Mc- Still, Dr. William through testing event. Read these stories at
Clure said last Wednes- Sistrunk, an infectious
As people get ready to Usery, CoxHealth’s chief day he had no immediate disease specialist at FOREIGN NURSES? nToy safety group
gather together for the medical officer. “We need plans to further restrict Mercy Springfield, said releases annual
Thanksgiving holiday, our community’s help.” businesses or gather- the public can take the Another option under list of top 10
the danger is even more Already over the past ings. precautions themselves consideration is recruit- ‘worst’ toys
imminent.  several weeks, Cox and The main remedy in an effort to stop the ing nurses from other Cute plastic animals with
Viruses like COVID-19 Mercy have called in would be a mask re- spread. Without them, countries. That, howev- tiny accessories that
spread through respi- nurses and healthcare quirement that covers the virus will be left un- er, would require work pose a choking hazard,
ratory droplets, which staff from out of state the region, he said. mitigated and more peo- to ensure they have cre- Black Panther-inspired
are passed along when to supplement existing Missouri Foundation ple will get sick. dentials and could make claws with the potential
people breathe, cough, staffing levels. for Health President “It is in our hands,” he it through the immigra- to cause facial or eye
sneeze or speak. Cox has added 147 Dr. Bob Hughes echoed said. “It’s time to stand tion process. injuries and green slime
Keeping away from beds in recent months those calls Friday, urg- up and stop the spread.” In any case, Dillon said that could be harmful if
others outside of your — enough to constitute ing Missouri Gov. Mike The Hospital Asso- decisions will have to be swallowed. These are
immediate household is a mid-sized hospital — Parson to pass a state- ciation’s David Dillon made within the next few just some of the items
the best way to stop the and Mercy has opened wide mandate. said the National Guard weeks if the state cannot on an annual list of
spread, health leaders up more units to accom- “We’re running out of could provide some re- lower capacity through potentially dangerous
said. But if people do modate COVID-19 pa- time. We must act now or lief in non-clinical roles, social distancing, mask toys released Monday
decide to meet with fam- tients. more lives will be lost,” whether it’s directing wearing and other prac- by a consumer advocacy
ily, experts say people Still, just a handful of he said. “This virus does traffic at a high capac- tices. group.
should spread out, wear southwest Missouri com- not respect county bor- ity testing site or helping Parson, who on Thurs- nOwl found in
masks and eat outside. munities have passed ders ...the impact reach- with the transfer of pa- day extended a state Rockefeller Center
Without those precau- ordinances requiring es every corner of the tients between hospitals of emergency order to tree could take
tions, new coronavirus people to wear masks or state.” and other care facilities. March 31, did not offer a
flight soon
cases would continue take any precautions to But such a mandate “I don’t think we’re at timeline for when deci-
A tiny owl that was found
to grow in the region stop the spread. seems unlikely. a final solution for what sions will be made.
dehydrated and hun-
and hospitals would al- Springfield has re- On Thursday, Parson those options are,” Dil- “Everything is on the
gry in the branches of
most certainly be over- quired its residents to reiterated his position lon said. “The guard has table to try to figure out
the Rockefeller Center
whelmed, officials said. wear face coverings in that he had no plans to been helpful in the past solutions on the staffing
Christmas tree is eat-
“We are at a crisis public since the summer require people to wear in roles that are not clin- challenges,” the gover-
ing its way back to good
point,” said Dr. Shawn and has kept a 50 percent a face covering or place ical.” nor said.
health and is set to be
released back into the
wild this Saturday (Nov.
28). A caretaker said
School said the owl is in “great
condition” with no bone
Continued from Page A1
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and fractures apparent after

Agape House Inc. of Mountain View Is Thankful!

an X-ray.
nIllinois man, 81,
“Most, if not all, of year.”
our positive cases and To accommodate the The Agape House, Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence, has been in operation since uses antique walk-
quarantines continue to additional presence of 1991. We have served many (more than 10,000) victims of domestic violence and their children ing stick to beat
occur from outside expo- students and to meet the throughout our 10-county service area and beyond in the past 29 years. Our goal is to continue thieves
sure. Even with the new new guidance for quar- serving and assisting victims of domestic violence and their children for many more years to come. An 81-year-old former
quarantine guidance, in- antines, masks will be We want to take time to thank everyone who has ever volunteered and/or donated any- Marine from suburban
dividual choices contin- required for all students thing small or great. Without the support of the communities, cities and counties we serve, it Chicago used his grand-
ue to dictate whether we on the buses to and from would be impossible to serve these clients. We want to explain how your donations are used and father’s antique Irish
look ahead to a five-day school beginning Nov. what they mean to the survivors and their children as they move forward on their journey to free- walking stick to chase
dom from abuse. off three burglars and
week or revert back to a 30. Masks will continue
Agape House does not sell any of the items that are donated to us. And all services are deliver one a thump on
hybrid situation.  Please to be required for stu- free of charge.
follow current local dents 6-12 during the day the head for his trouble.
Many people, businesses, churches, groups, etc. have made monetary donations. These dona-
health department and where social distancing tions have helped Agape House keep the lights on, and provide food for the clients, transportation
CDC guidelines to pre- cannot occur.  expenses, medications, eye glasses, and etc. Without these donations it would have been impos-
vent the spread and ex- Parents can opt for sible to help as many as we have through the years.
posure of COVID virus. full-time virtual learn-
Many people have donated clothing. We use and store as many articles of clothing as we can
We also want to thank ing for the second se- and we work with other agencies who provide free clothing for people as well. The clients we serve ARE READING
you for your patience mester by calling their come to us with nothing. The clothing donated has made it possible for us to provide a minimum
Most read stories at
and cooperation this child’s office. of three complete outfits, a coat and shoes for each person; most often they receive more than
three outfits.
last week.
Want the HOUSTON HERALD Many people donate dishes, small appliances, bedding, linens, curtains, towels, lamps and
decorative items. These are all much needed items. When a person is starting with nothing the

NOW? smallest things mean so much. We have ladies groups who make quilts and blankets large and
small for all the clients. The clients can take them with them when they leave giving them a sense
1. Woman detained at
Texas County Jail dies of home while they are in shelter and security when moving to their new home.
Many people donate toys, stuffed animals, children’s books, coloring books, crayons, pencils, 2. Licking prison inmate
backpacks, etc. Leaving all their things behind is very difficult for children. When a child comes dies at Jefferson City
into shelter we put together a tote bag of goodies for them consisting of a throw blanket, a stuffed hospital
animal, coloring book and crayons, etc., this helps the child transition into communal living. When
they have something that they can keep for themselves and call their own it makes it easier. 3. Two charged by state
Many people donate furniture. Agape House provides storage for the furniture and we give it to patrol Saturday
the clients when they move out. The hardest thing for us is to have to move a family out with no
furniture and thankfully, you, our communities, make sure that doesn’t happen often. We accept 4. ‘Virus is winning,’ task
furniture of all kinds, couches, loveseats, chairs, coffee tables, end tables, dining room furniture, force warns as leaders
Open Monday - Saturday coffee tables, dressers and beds (frames, box springs and mattresses), etc. We also accept large urge Missouri governor to
take action
Hours: 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. daily. Closed Sunday. appliances such as washers and dryers, refrigerators, ranges, microwaves and stands, pretty
much anything that’s not nailed down!
Closed Thanksgiving Day. Many people donate cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper, personal 5. All but one Missouri
hygiene products, tooth paste, and etc. These are basic necessities of life and we often take then county at COVID-19
Friday 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. for granted. But in the life of the clients we serve they are a treasure.
Many people have provided Christmas gifts for the children and adults. It breaks our hearts
‘tipping point’ ahead of
Thanksgiving, data show
Catfish Buffet when a child is afraid Santa won’t be able to find them at the shelter because they are not at the
same place as last year. These donations take the pressure off the parents and help them enjoy 6. State: 20 more cases in
with Salad Bar an already stressful holiday. county since Monday
Once again Agape House wants to thank every single person, group, business,
7. Several citations for
Saturday Plate Specials city, county, etc. who has donated and volunteered throughout the past 29 years!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! alleged shoplifting written
Agape House has 70% NAP Tax Credits available through Dec. 31, 2020, for any business in Houston
8 oz. Steak, Baked Potato BBQ that’s interested. The COVID-19 Pandemic has made it difficult to find donors for these NAP Tax
and Salad Ribs Credits this year. There will not be any new NAP Tax Credit Awards for the next two years (2021 - 8. Deputies handle stolen
vehicle calls
2022); they were a part of the 423 million dollar COVID-19 related budget cuts for the State of Mis-
• Breakfast served all day • Daily lunch specials souri. These NAP Tax Credits have been one third of our budget for the past eight years. Anyone
who may be interested please call Garry Cooley (Board Treasurer) at (417) 247-7504. 9. One hurt Thursday
• Best burgers in town
Agape House offers a variety of services, residential and nonresidential, for more in- morning in Houston ac-
• Homemade gravy "just like grandma makes it!"
formation please call our business line at (417) 934-5721, or if you or a loved one or a cident
"Hope to see you there!" friend needs our services please call our 24-hour hot-line at (417) 934-1811 or toll free at
Visit Us Across from the Laundromat in Houston, or Make It To Go 10. Response to stolen
(800) 667-1811.
417-967-0272 Tressa Price, Executive Director tent leads to discovery of
Owners — Jeremy and Shawna Foster meth

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HOUSTON HERALD n Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 A3

20 years ended upon his Hazel was a great cook Service Medal (2), United great-grandchildren; and
death in 2000. and her favorite thing Nations Service Medal one great-great-grandson;
Hazel is preceded in to bake was her “Boston and China Service Medal. sisters, Irene Willson,
death by her parents, Brown Rolls” and Pump- On March 27, 1954, he Dorothy McCallister and
Charley and Okla Hil- kin Pie Cake. She always married the love of his Kay Zook; sister-in-law,
debrand; two brothers, had “broad shoulders” for life, Bertha Ellen Wilson, Cledith Hubbs; and broth-
Ethmer and Gary Hildeb- anyone who needed advice which he lovingly called ers-in-law, Jay Wilson
rand; three sisters, Eula or just someone to talk to. her, Susie. To this union (Donna), and Dean Wilson
Wade, Lillian Vaughn and She is loved and will be three daughters were (Brenda); and a host of
Anna Marie Parks. missed by her family and born, Rhonda Renae, Rob- nieces, nephews and cous-
Survivors include her friends, including numer- bin Rae and Rheva Ranell. ins.
children, Delta Vines (and ous nieces and nephews. After military service, Wayne will be missed
husband David), Alan A visitation for Hazel Wayne went into heavy by all that knew him. He
Russell and Liz Hutson; was 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, construction, building always had a big smile, a
HAZEL ELIZABETH grandchildren, Andrew Nov. 23, 2020, at Roby Bap- ROBERT WAYNE roads in the Fort Leonard firm handshake and the
HILDEBRAND HUFF Vines, Katie Hutson, tist Church. A funeral HUBBS Wood area. He often stated warmest hugs. He loved
Hazel Elizabeth (Hil- Dustin Hutson (and wife service occurred at 1 p.m. Robert Wayne Hubbs that this was the work he his family and friends un-
debrand) Huff was born Jamilynn) and Kyle John- Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2020, at was born Dec. 14, 1933, really enjoyed doing. But conditionally and as his
May 18, 1939, to Katie son (and wife Amanda); Roby Baptist Church with in Ellis Prairie, Mo., to ultimately went into resi- girls would say, “we knew
Okla (Cassidy) and Char- great-grandchildren, Le- Pastor Wes Mayfield offi- Lacy and Clara (Mayfield) dential and commercial we were loved, because he
ley James Hildebrand in roy, Javan, Carliss, Adam, ciating. Pallbearers were Hubbs. He departed this construction and started a told us.”
Boone Township, Big Pin- Madison, Amara, Zoey Dustin Hutson, Aaron world surrounded by his business, S & H Construc- Memorials are suggest-
ey, Mo. She left this earth and Phoebe; four siblings, Zook, Lance Atterberry, family, on Nov. 18, 2020, at tion, with his brother-in- ed to Hospice Compassus,
peacefully on Nov. 18, Reba Lane (and husband Beau McMahon, Adrian his cabin on Piney River law, Garnett Sliger. Mountain Grove, Mo. On-
2020, at her home in Plato, Wilson), Jim Hildebrand Atterberry and Bobby at the age of 86 years, 11 Wayne was preceded in line condolences may be
Mo., surrounded by fam- (and wife Phyllis), Wilma Hipp. Honorary pallbear- months and 4 days. death by his wife, Bertha; sent to
ily and friends. Zook and Joe Hildebrand; ers were Andrew Vines, Wayne enlisted in the daughter, Robbin; and Graveside services with
Hazel accepted Jesus as two kids who she thought Kyle Johnson, Steven U.S. Navy on brother, Dean Hubbs. full Military Honors were
her savior at a young age. of as her own, Tina Darter Hildebrand and James Jan. 7, 1952, He is survived by daugh- 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 25,
She was married to Ver- and husband Jamie and Hildebrand. Interment where he served ters, Renae Knapp (Mike) 2020, at Pine Lawn Cem-
non McEntyre on April her kids, Jessica, Jami- will follow in Long Hollow until Dec. 20, 1955, with of Cabool, Mo., and Ranell etery under the direction
27, 1957. To this union two lynn, Tiffany; and Viola Cemetery. Memorial con- an honorable discharge Wilson (Steve James) of of Evans Funeral Home.
children were born, Delta Garrett and her husband tributions in Hazel’s name on Jan. 6, 1960. Wayne Houston, Mo.; grandsons, Pallbearers were Cur-
and Alan. Ronnie and their daugh- may be made to the family served on the USS Frank Curtis Hubbs (Gina), Kev- tis Hubbs, Kevin Reed,
In 1968 Hazel married ter, Sarah Fleming. to go towards her head- E. Evans, a Summer- in Reed (Alison) of Hous- Matt Knapp, Derek Wil-
Jay Carlos Russell. To this Hazel enjoyed growing stone. Online condolences Class Destroyer, with the ton, Mo., Matt Knapp (Jen- son, Dalton Wilson, Mike
union, one daughter was flowers, caring for hum- may be made at www. nickname “Gray Ghost,” nifer) of Willow Springs, Knapp, Kaleb Poynter and
born, Celia Elizabeth. mingbirds and cleaning. Arrangements which received five battle Mo., Derek Wilson (Alicia) Steve James. Honorary
In October of 1980, Ha- She loved listening to entrusted to Fox Funeral stars in the Korean War. of Raymondville, Mo., pallbearers were Nathan
zel was married to Robert country and gospel music Home. Wayne received the Na- Dalton Wilson (Taylor) of Poynter, Robert Willson,
Huff. Their marriage of and watching wrestling. PAID tional Defense Service Rogersville, Mo.; grand- Brian Willson, Kevin Zook
Medal, Korean Presiden- daughter, Nicole Burks and Rick McCallister.
tial Unit Citation, Korean (J.D.) of Licking, Mo.; 14 PAID
by his parents; his wife, Restoring from scratch,
Gay; and infant son, Da- Wayne’s Deere in the
vid Lee Cook; and two classic green and yellow, blessed marriage to Max Her legacy continues
brothers, Harold and which he had an affection D. Howard started Dec. on in daughter, Virginia
Clois Cook. for. If he wasn’t check- 20, 1953. She was a home- L. Yacko (David) of Wal-
Surviving are his sons, ing the cows, or tinkering maker and had life long terboro, S.C., and grand-
Danny Clark and wife, on an old tractor, Wayne pleasures that included daughter, Amanda K. Bar-
Teresa of Lebanon, Mo., would be spending time traveling, getting to visit ney (Gavin) of Moncks
and Darrin Cook and with his grandkids, whom all 50 states, Ireland and Corner, S.C. and grand-
wife, Cameron of Lynch- he dearly loved and was even India at age 80. Her son, Jonathan E. Yacko
burg, Mo.; seven grand- especially proud of. church membership in- (Natalie) of North Chit-
children: David Cook and Wayne was a loving hus- cluded Centertown Bap- tenden, Vt., and two much
EDWIN WAYNE COOK wife, Stacey, Rilee Cook, band, father, grandfather, tist Church and followed loved great-granddaugh-
Edwin Wayne Cook, age Tyler Clark, Tim Clark, and great-grandfather. He by First Baptist Church of ters, Paige and Avery of
76, was born April 21, 1944, Ashly Akers and wife, will be greatly missed by Jefferson City, Mo., where South Carolina. Strong
in Plato, Mo., to Clyde Ef- Sandy, Stetson Welch his family and friends. Sippie and Max enjoyed family ties will continue
ton and Eva Marie (Wade) and Whitley Welch; eight Memorials are sug- working in Sunday School on with sisters, Zeline Al-
Cook. He passed away great-grandchildren: Car- gested to Stark Cemetery SIPPIE HOWARD Preschool where the chil- tis of Chesterfield, Mo.,
Nov. 18, 2020, after a short li, Carson, Cambrey and in lieu of flowers. Online Joy came in the morn- dren called her “Mis- and Patsy Welch of Spring-
stay in Hickory Manor, Branch Cook, and Gracie, condolences may be sent ing to Sippie G. Howard, sissippi.” Her hobbies field, Mo. and brother,
Licking, Mo. Lanie, Gus and Charlie to 86, on Nov. 17, 2020, at her included flower garden- Clem Amick (Marlene) of
Wayne grew up in Plato Akers; three brothers, Le- Services were 2 p.m. home in Centertown, Mo., ing and quilting. Her day Houston, Mo., and numer-
and graduated from Plato land Cook of Bolivar, Mo., Monday, Nov. 23, 2020, at as her fight with pancre- wasn’t complete without ous extended family. Sip-
High School in 1962. He Leonard Cook of Lynch- Plato Baptist Church with atic cancer ended. a few card games, lunch pie truly believed every
spent his whole life in burg, Mo., and James Phillip McGuire officiat- She will be joining her out and some exercise. day is a precious gift from
Plato, working road con- Cook and wife, Darlene ing. Burialwas in Stark husband, Max D. Howard, She actively participated God to be enjoyed.
struction and farming. He of Lebanon, Mo.; a sis- Cemetery under the di- and son, Steven Howard, in the Classy Red Hatters Due to the current pan-
married Ella “Gay” Ha- ter, Ruth Randolph and rection of Evans Funeral and her parents, Manson Club, River City Reds and demic and health and
thaway Sept. 26, 1964, and husband, Randy of Leba- Home. Pallbearers are and Ruth (Parker) Amick, Cultured Pearls where her safety concerns a memo-
together raised two boys, non, Mo.; and a sister-in- Rob Cook, Jason Cook, in heaven. friends became family. rial service will hopefully
Danny, and Darrin. law, Eula Fay Cook; and Kevin Curtis, Lowell This life well lived began Some of her greatest be planned in the upcom-
He was a long-time numerous other family Cook, Ronald Cook and July 11, 1934, at her par- memories were annual ing spring.
member of the Plato Bap- members and friends. Chris Hathaway. Honor- ent’s home in Simmons/ Wildlife Summits with Arrangements are un-
tist Church, and faithfully Wayne enjoyed buying ary Pallbearers were No- Cabool, Mo. She was a her grandchildren. Mak- der the direction of Bow-
attended until his health antique rusty tractors lan Mace, Leon Mace and 1951 graduate of Houston ing family memories were lin-Cantriel Funeral Ser-
began to fail. and restoring them back Lyman Pittman. High School and cosme- more important to her vice, California, Mo.
He is preceded in death to almost good as new. PAID tology school. Her 58 year rather than giving of gifts. PAID

partment. Della lived in and Carson Stone, Au-

See more OBITUARIES on A4

Mountain Home since brey and Weston Klemme
moving from Houston, and Kennedy and Lincoln
Mo., in 2013. She was a Gonten and several nieces
member of the First Bap- and nephews.
tist Church of Houston, She was preceded in
Mo.. She enjoyed serving death by her parents, five
others and spending time sisters and husband.
with as many of her fam- A graveside service was
ily as she could get. 11 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17, No Hunting or Trespassing
Della is survived by her 2020, at the Summersville Notice is hereby given that hunt­ing with either dog or gun, trapping, fishing or
two sons, Terry (Susan) City Cemetery, Summers- trespassing on land belonging to or in care of the undersigned is strictly forbid-
DELLA McCallister of Santa Fe, ville, Mo., with the Rev. den and viola­tors of this notice will be li­able to prose­cution.
McCALLISTER N.M., and Larry (Lynn) Richard Crawford offi- No hunting or trespassing
Della Mae McCallister McCallister of Atlanta, ciating. Due to current nNo trespassing on property of K.L. Kidwell, 6167 Highway 137, Yukon.
of Mountain Home, Ark., Ga.; one daughter, Kathy restrictions, masks were 1-7-2021
passed away Nov. 13, 2020, (Randy) Gonten of Moun- required. n212 acres, South U.S. 63, Houston (former Nolan Hutcheson property), West
in Mountain Home, Ark., tain Home, Ark.; one sis- Memorials may be made of Indian Creek Bridge, South of Wellspring Church, North of Durham Road,
at the age of 89. She was ter-in-law, Roena Barton to The Gideons Inter- between U.S. 63 and Cleveland Road. Dick and Susan Steckler. 1-14-2021
born April 1, 1931, in Sum- of Summersville, Mo.; four national, www.gideons. nF.E. and Ellen Lee property. Absolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no fish-
mersville, Mo, the daugh- grandchildren, Samantha org or East Side Baptist ing, no dogs on property at Sand Shoals or Licking. Violators will be prosecut-
ter of Thurman and Alice (Matt) Stone of Willard, Church, 718 E. 9th. St., ed! 2-4-2021
Alumbaugh Anderson. Mo., Jennifer (Justen) Kl- Mountain Home, Ark. nAbsolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no dogs on the Dan Christie property
She married Paul Mc- emme of Springfield, Mo., Arrangements were (formerly the Bill Christie property) in the area of North Grand Avenue, Spruce
Callister on Nov. 25, 1951, Philip (Jocelyn) Gonten under the direction of Street, Airport Road and Forrest Drive, Houston. Violators will be prosecuted!
in Licking, Mo., and was of Mountain Home, Ark., Kirby and Family Funeral 12-3-2021
an office manager for the and Shannon McCallister and Cremation Services - Properties added to this list at the rate of $2.50 each per week paid in
Texas County Soil and of Atlanta, Ga.; six great- Mountain Home, Ark. advance.
Water Conservation De- grandchildren, Christian PAID
A4 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

NOTICES Bill graduated from for two years in nearby pecially for neighborhood CALENDAR
Houston High Summersville. In 1951, widows, the disabled and
RAYMOND “SKEE- School in 1941, he took over as Raymond- people just needing an DEC. 2
TER” SHIRLEY while still only ville’s rural mail-carrier, extra hand. He had a lot nPiney Township meet-
KISER 16 years old. He received and continued that pro- of knowledge and experi- ing is 5:30 p.m. at the town-
Memorial services a B.S. in Agricultural Sci- fession until he retired in ence with woodworking ship maintenance building
will be held at a later ences from the University 1984. Despite this 6-day- and mechanics and was on Forrest Drive in Houston.
date for Raymond “Skee- of Missouri in 1949, after a-week job, he found time always generous with his
ter” Shirley Kiser, 89, a major detour for World to build a house and farm time…and his storytell-
War II. Bill began active operation southeast of ing. DEC. 3
of Mountain Grove. Mr.
Kiser passed away Sat- duty in late 1943, serving Raymondville. In lieu of flowers, dona- nLynch Township meet-
urday, Nov. 21, 2020, at as a Ring Gunner on a B-29 Bill was preceded in tions may be made to Al- ing is 6 p.m. at the township
Texas County Memo- heavy bomber crew in 1944 death by his wife, Joan; len Cemetery. Online con- shed, 14472 Boiling Springs
rial Hospital in Houston. and 1945. He served in the his brother, Robert L. dolences may be made at Rd., Licking.
Send an online condo- 73rd Bomb Wing, 500th Agee; and his parents, Ar- nPublic Water Supply
lence at Bombardment Group, thur and Selma. He is sur- Viewing is 10 a.m. until District #2 meeting is 6 p.m.
A complete obituary WILLIAM HOWARD 883rd Squadron, operat- vived by these nieces and 1 p.m. Monday, Nov. 30, at the well house on Morton
will be published later. AGEE ing from the Mariana Is- nephews: Allen Agee of 2020, at Evans Funeral Road, Houston.
William Howard Agee, lands. He completed 35 Texas, Ken Agee of Texas, Home, Houston. Grave- nTyrone Fire Department
son of Arthur and Selma successful missions with Mary (White) Harlan of side service with full mili- meeting is 7 p.m. at Tyrone
MADELYN “KAY” Agee, was born near Ray- over 500 combat hours and Rolla, Mo., Steven Detjen tary honors is at 1 p.m.
WATSON Community building.
mondville, Mo., on Nov. 7, was honorably discharged of Texas, Martha White of at Allen Cemetery with
Services are pending nTexas Lodge #177 AF
1924. He passed away in as a Staff Sergeant with Arizona, Theron White of Pastor Nancy Pounds-
for Madelyn “Kay” Wat- & AM of Houston monthly
Houston, Mo., on Nov. 22, several medals, including Texas and Chris White of Sutherland officiating.
son, 77, of West Plains. meeting is 7:30 p.m. at the
2020, at the age of 96 years The Distinguished Flying California. Many people Pallbearers are Ken Agee,
Mrs. Watson passed Lodge Hall, 812 Dooley,
and 15 days. His death Cross and Air Medal (with have shared fond memo- Allen Agee, Julius Fraley,
away Sunday, Nov. 22, Houston.
came just a few months 4 Oak Leaf Clusters). ries of Bill’s kind, cheer- Dave Sutherland and Kyle
2020, at Ozarks Health- after losing the love of his After the war and col- ful disposition as he drove Harlan. Services were un-
care at West Plains. life, Joan (White), whom lege, Bill returned to up with the mail. He also der the direction of Evans
Send an online condo- he married 69 years ear- Raymondville where he did many unsung good Funeral Home nThe Eagles Club men’s
lence at lier, on June 3, 1951. taught adult agriculture deeds over the years, es- PAID meeting is 7 p.m. the sec-
A complete obituary ond and fourth Tuesdays;
will be published next CHIN SUK “LEE” son David Williams of Ab- Mass. She was talented rean food she specialized and the women’s meeting
week. WILLIAMS erdeen, Md.; brother, Yi, and rose in the company in. She was an outgoing is 6 p.m. the first and third
Yi, Chin Suk Williams, Chong Joel and sisters Yi, as an expert in her field. lady, offering her time and Tuesdays.
JOYCE HOAR age 71, was born Dec. 24, Hae Suk and Yi, Suk I, all She enjoyed the trips to services where needed, nAA meeting is 7 p.m. ev-
No services are 1949, in Kwang Ju, South of South Korea. Detroit, in the company often volunteering at the ery Thursday and NA meet-
planned for Joyce Hoar, Korea. Chin and John Williams aircraft, to attend the Senior Center in Sum- ing is 7 p.m. every Friday at
71, of Cabool. She passed away on met in South Korea in yearly automotive shows. mersville. 511 S. First St., Houston.
She passed away Sun- Nov. 16, 2020, at her home 1976 and later married at When the couple retired, Online condolences nWeight Watchers
day, Nov. 22, 2020, at in Eunice, Mo. Renovo, Penn., in Decem- they moved to the Eunice, may be made at www. weigh-in is 5 p.m. and the
Texas County Memorial Mrs. Williams is sur- ber 1978, while residing at Mo., community to have Burial is in workshop at 5:30 p.m. every
Hospital in Houston. vived by her husband of Falls Church, Va. a change of lifestyle. She Snydertown Cemetery in Monday at the Houston Se-
Send an online condo- 42 years John Williams She enjoyed her work as enjoyed the rural life of Nittany, Penn. Local ar- nior Center.
lence at of Eunice, Mo.; adopted an automotive fabric de- gardening, feeding her rangements were under nTOPS Club of Licking
A complete obituary daughter, Allison Wil- signer with Joan Fabrics favorite cows and always the direction of Evans Fu- is 3:30 p.m. every Monday
will be published later. liams of Eunice, Mo.; step- Corporation, in Lowell, cooking the wonderful Ko- neral Home, Houston. at the United Methodist
Church in Licking.
nThe Steps to Recov-
Bell ringers sought for
ery NA meetings are Friday
nPart-time positions evenings at 7 p.m. at St.
holiday campaign in the public grounds Mark’s Church in Houston.
Any questions call: Kevin at
Continued from Page A1 department will be
Texas County Food Pantry executive director changed and two posi- 417-260-5188; Cheryl, 417-
Laura Crowley is seeking people to rings bell dur- nA new Ford F-550 dump trucks  –  mostly tions will be created that 260-2870.
ing the annual Salvation Army Red Kettle fundrais- dump/plow truck to add 1980s models – would be will work 1,000 hours nLicking Adult Educa-
ing campaign. flexibility to the current phased out. during the summer do- tion and Literacy classes
Crowley said that due to the way CARES Act fleet. It will allow for the ing city grounds mainte- are 4-7 p.m. every Tuesday
money was distributed this year, the Pantry will not transport of small loads OTHER ITEMS nance. and 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
receive grant funding for client assistance in 2021. and plowing in tighter “In the past this has Wednesday, in the base-
“State funding has always been the bulk of our as- spots. nThe police depart- been multiple positions ment at the First Baptist
sistance for those in need,” Crowley said, “which There will be two of ment is requesting add- that all worked in differ- Church in Licking.
make our Salvation Army dollars more important these trucks and two of ing a ninth officer, al- ent areas. nRaymondville Adult Ed-
than even for next year.” the F-750 style trucks lowing two on each shift This process will allow ucation and Literacy classes
Crowley said 80-percent of proceeds collected in that will be kept 12 years and enhancing safety for two people to be uti- are 5-8 p.m. every Wednes-
the local Red Kettle campaign stays in Texas Coun- ­–  requiring a replace- for those on the road. A lized for the entire proj- day in the conference room
ty. For information or to volunteer to ring a ball, ment every three years. school resource officer ect,” according to the at McClain Forest Products.
call Crowley at 417-967-4484 The current fleet of would continue. draft. nWe Pray at 10 a.m.
Tuesdays, at 511 S. First
St., Houston. Call Cheryl,
ARRESTS Houston R-1 School District Calendar 417-260-2870.
nCelebrate Recovery is 6
The following ar- Tuesday, Dec. 1 5:30 p.m. MS basket- Saturday, Dec. 12 Thursday, Dec. 17 p.m. Sundays at Faith Fel-
rests were reported 5:30 p.m. MS boys bas- ball at St. James. 7:30 a.m. National 6 p.m. Fourth/Fifth lowship in Houston. Meet-
by the Missouri State ketball vs. Ava. 6 p.m. HS girls basket- ACT test grade Christmas pro- ings are free and open to
Highway Patrol: 6 p.m. HS boys basket- ball at Licking. 6 p.m. Houston Christ- gram. the public.
nA Licking teenager ball at Eminence. mas parade. nTexas County Transpor-
was arrested late Satur- Tuesday, Dec. 8 Friday, Dec. 18 tation of Licking has trans-
day night in Dent Coun- Thursday, Dec. 3 5:30 p.m. MS boys bas- End of second quar-
Sunday, Dec. 13 portation available for every-
ty, the Missouri State State Senior Beta Con- ketball vs. Licking. ter/end of first semester
3 p.m. HS band holiday one. If you would like to ride
Highway Patrol said. vention (virtual) 5:30 p.m. MS girls bas- concert at Hiett Gymna- 6 p.m. HS boys basket- the van, call 573-674-3558
Alex W. Corkell, 17, 5:30 p.m. MS boys bas- ketball vs. Mountain sium ball at Plato. and make appointments a
was charged with DWI, ketball at Thayer Grove. 6 p.m. HS girls basket- day in advance.
failure to drive on the 5:30 p.m. MS girls bas- 6:30 p.m. School board ball vs. Norwood.

right half of the road- ketball at Cabool meeting Monday, Dec. 14
way resulting in a crash 6 p.m. HS boys basket- Wednesday, Dec. 9 6 p.m. JV boys basket- Monday, Dec. 21
and failing to wear a seat ball vs. Seymour JR Beta State Conven- ball tournament at Nor- Christmas break

belt. tion (virtual) wood (through Dec. 19) (through Jan. 1)
He was taken to the 5:30 p.m. MS boys bas- Just
Friday, Dec. 4 for
Dent County Jail and Speech & debate tour- Thursday, Dec. 10 ketball vs. Cabool. Saturday, Dec. 26
later released, the patrol 5:30 p.m. MS girls bas-
nament at Truman 5:30 p.m. MS girls HS girls basketball
said. ketball at Cabool.
7 p.m. HS choir con- basketball at Mountain Mountain Grove Holi-
nA wanted Roby man 5:30 p.m. HS boys bas-
cert View Liberty day Tournament. HOUSTO
was arrested Friday ketball at Cuba.
6 p.m. Jazz and cham- N HERAL
night on drug charges,
Monday, Dec. 7 ber winter concert. D
the Missouri State High-
6 p.m. Boys varsity Tuesday, Dec. 15
way Patrol said. 
basketball Mansfield In- Friday, Dec. 11 5:30 p.m. MS boys
Nathan J. Neal, 48, was
vitional (through Dec. 6 p.m. HS girls basket- basketball vs. Willow
wanted on a felony war-
12) ball at Couch Springs.
rant for possession of

amphetamines, two mis-
demeanor Texas County
warrants for posses-
sion of marijuana and
charged with felony pos- HOUSTON HERALD
session of methamphet-
Neal was taken to the 113 N. Grand • P.O. Box 170
Texas County Jail.  Houston, Mo. 65483
Visit Our Website and Check It Out! 417-967-2000
HOUSTON HERALD n Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 A5

2020 FIREARMS SEASON Annual ‘Share Your Christmas’
program is under way
Share Your Christmas, the yule- 14 pants and tops and size 5 shoes.
tide drive that helps brighten the Board games are the toy wish of
holiday for children in the county, her 9-year-old brother. He is in
began last week. need of size 10 shirts, size 8 athlet-
It is housed in the Houston Lions ic type pants and underwear. He
Club Den basement on North U.S. also needs size 4 shoes and socks.
63 near the fairgrounds. Pat Miller 3. Two boys, ages 8 and 10, are
is the coordinator for the program very much in need of clothing.
that began 33 years ago and has They both wear size 14/16 pants
helped hundreds over the years. and shirts, and size 8 and size 7
Applications are sought from men’s shoes. They also need socks,
noon to 3 p.m. Monday through underwear, gloves and stocking
Friday through Dec. 11. hats. Toy wishes are books, board
An Angel Tree is at the Houston games or sports items.
Walmart Supercent- 4. Trucks, movies
er on South U.S. 63. or farm animals are
Participants can pick on the Christmas
details for a case off wish list for these
the tree and fulfill the two brothers, ages 4
wishes. and 3. Winter cloth-
Miller said dona- ing, sizes 5T and 4T,
tions of new or good is also needed. Shoe
used clothing, toys sizes needed are 11
and shoes of all sizes, and 10 for small boys.
but especially children’s, are need- The 2-year-old little sister needs
ed. Also on many lists are house- size 3T clothes and size 6 toddler
hold items and bedding. shoes. She likes to play with baby
Persons seeking additional infor- dolls or any toy for her age. These
mation or who would like to help children all need winter coats,
can call 417-217-1318 or 417-217-6595 hats and gloves as well as socks
or come by the Houston Lions Club. and underwear.
Cash donations may be mailed to: 5. A teen boy, age 13, enjoys
Share Your Christmas, P.O. Box acrylic painting and would love
170, Houston, Mo. 65483. some paints and canvas. Size 18
boy’s jeans and shirts and size 10
SUBMITTED PHOTO CASES 1-5 men’s shoes are also needed. His
Jason Blackwelder of Elk Creek killed this 21-point buck during the firearms portion of 16-year-old sister would like some
deer hunting season. 1. A 4-year-old-old boy’s toy wish make-up, nail polish or a hoodie.
is some cars or a train. His clothing She wears size large junior tops

Howell, Texas counties needs are size 5 pants and shirts

and size 12 boys shoes and socks.
His 2-year-old sister needs size 3T
and 7-8 pants, and size 7 1/2 wom-
en’s shoes.
Toys for Tots donation boxes are

lead deer harvest clothes and a winter coat, as well as

size 7 toddler shoes and socks. She
likes dolls and big building blocks.
at Holy Cross Lutheran Church,
Dollar General, Taco Bell and Sim-
mons Bank in Houston. These toys
According to Missouri De- 2. This 10-year-old girl loves to do benefit local children through the
partment of Conservation crafts and painting. She needs size Share Your Christmas program.
data, Texas and Howell coun-
ties were battling Monday for
first place in the fall firearms
deer season. The season ended
Ozarks Food Harvest provides freezer
At presstime Monday, Howell
to Texas County Food Pantry
County topped the leaderboard Ozarks Food Harvest (OFH) has es, specifically in manufacturing
with 3,168, while Texas County provided more than $200,000 worth and tourism, and increased food
followed with 3,111. of infrastructure and equipment insecurity. This capacity build-
The breakdown in Texas grants to eight of its partner food ing investment is part of Ozarks
County: 1,739 bucks, 247 button pantries to assist with COVID-19 Food Harvest’s long-term strate-
bucks and 1,125 does. relief efforts, including the Texas gic plan to optimize food access
Other leading counties in County Food Pantry in Houston. in rural communities who lack
the state were Franklin (3,109) Seven walk-in freezers and one infrastructure and equipment for
third, Benton (2,690) fourth and walk-in cooler were provided to increased food distribution.
Bollinger (2,599) fifth. various locations, including the Ozarks Food Harvest, the Feed-
It will take a late surge in Houston site. In addition to donat- ing America food bank for south-
Texas County to surpass last ing the 16-by-11 foot units, OFH west Missouri, was a recipient
year’s total. In 2019, hunters funded the concrete pad pouring, of a Feeding America grant that
killed 3,734 during the firearms SUBMITTED PHOTO delivery, assembly and electrical provided funding for the com-
deer season. Hunters were hin- Houston High School graduate Dalton Wilson killed a installation. mercial freezers and cooler. The
dered during the first week be- 12-point buck in Adair County during the fall firearms “We know that food insecurity funding also allowed it to hire
cause of rain and wind. deer season. It field dressed at 270 pounds. rates are higher in rural com- temporary staff, increase truck
munities and will continue to in- routes and purchase additional
crease during COVID-19,” said equipment.
Bart Brown, president and CEO Ozarks Food Harvest is the larg-
Series of monthly Missouri Bicentennial of Ozarks Food Harvest. “We’re est COVID-19 related donor to
so grateful to be able to provide charities in southwest Missouri.
online programs set to begin assistance to our agencies to en- Since April, Ozarks Food Harvest
sure storage space isn’t a barrier has hosted more than 75 mobile
Missouri 2021 is rolling out a new virtual events already being planned next year, to serving more folks in their com- food pantries, purchased an addi-
program series that focuses on the programs along with new projects that will soon be munities.” tional $2.2 million worth of food
and events happening in Missouri to com- announced,” Sweeney said. “It’s a wonder- Rural areas affected by COVID-19 and provided a record-breaking
memorate the state’s 200th anniversary of ful way for Missourians to come together to were targeted for donations as 14 million meals to its network of
statehood. Leading up to the Aug. 10, 2021, an- showcase the vast geographic and cultural they experienced greater job loss- 270 hunger-relief organizations.
niversary day of statehood, Missouri 2021 in- diversity of the state while celebrating the
vites the public to take part in live program- similarities that bring us together.”
ming on Zoom the first Tuesdays A special prize give-away of
at 11 a.m. beginning December Missouri bicentennial promo-
2020 through July 2021. tional items will be given out
Each month will feature a dif- to persons who register for the
ferent subject with guests from free, virtual program. To regis-
the more than 100 local, region- ter for Missouri 2021 Presents:
al and statewide projects and First Tuesdays at 11 a.m. visit
The first program at 11 a.m. mo2021-presents-dec. Registra-
Dec. 1 will feature a preview of tion is required.
activities planned for Missouri’s The mission of Missouri 2021
bicentennial year. At this time, events are be- is to promote a better understanding of
ing planned in person, as well as virtual and Missouri and its regions, communities and
hybrid formats depending upon the public’s people, both past and present. The Mis-
safety during the pandemic. Michael Swee- souri Bicentennial provides opportunities
ney, coordinator of Missouri 2021, will give for citizens to celebrate, explore, and share
an overview of the projects and events across perspectives on the state’s rich history and
the state to commemorate Missouri’s 200th culture. More information about Missouri’s SUBMITTED PHOTO
birthday. bicentennial is available online at mis- A grant will allow the Texas County Food Pantry in Houston to have ad-
“There are many exciting projects and ditional freezer resources.

Local news updated daily online at

A6 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

SEN. CUNNINGHAM: Still reasons to give thanks COLUMN

Giving SIX
While being thankful

might be harder than
usual in 2020 (for obvious nOut of an abundance
reasons), I believe there

of caution this year,
is still more than enough many families won’t be
to be thankful for. gathering this year. For
Regardless of circum- those gathering online,
stances in these strange Zoom has announced
days humanity is liv-
Herald writer/photographer there will be no time
BY SEN. MIKE brothers took up arms ing through, I think God limit on Thanksgiving.
CUNNINGHAM against brothers, he saw has instilled a million The “no limits” start at
hope in America. He ob- reasons for which to be
•A pristine Ozarks riv- •Watching a movie that midnight Eastern Time
As Thanksgiving Day served “the blessings of thankful in our short,
er. moves you to the point of on Nov. 26 and runs
approaches, symbols fruitful fields and health- rather insignificant lives,
•Seeing a bald eagle tears. through 6 a.m. Nov. 27.
of the holiday are all ful skies,” took note of and thanking Him for
around us. A plump the nation’s progress flying above a pristine •A cold glass of water
that should come natu- nThe Thanksgiving
roasted turkey, Pilgrim beyond the battlefields Ozarks river. on a hot July afternoon.
rally and automatically. travel season will be no-
hats and a cornucopia of and expressed heartfelt •Finishing a major •Laughing hard while
And I honestly don’t tably different this year
fresh produce stir imagi- appreciation for “our project in the yard, and playing a dice game with
believe it’s all that hard due to the COVID-19
nations of a storied gath- beneficent Father who being pleased with the friends.
to find those reasons. pandemic. GasBuddy,
ering of settlers long dwelleth in the Heav- outcome. •Fishing on a perfect
They’re literally every- the travel and naviga-
ago. The 1621 harvest ens.” What an example •Enjoying a really good day and catching a big
where. tion app, released its
feast at Plymouth Plan- President Lincoln set for batch of northern bean one.
Here are a handful of 2020 annual Thanksgiv-
tation probably wasn’t us. Even during times of soup. •Laughing hard while
random examples, in no ing Travel Survey, find-
truly the “First Thanks- unspeakable heartbreak, •Sitting down in a com- watching a rerun of “The
particular order. ing that only 35 percent
giving,” but the legend he gave thanks, and en- fortable living room with Middle.”
•Pets who love you of Americans will be
of potential adversaries couraged all Americans a nice snack and turning
100-percent, 24-7, no mat- taking to the roads this
joining together to cel- to do the same. on a really big TV. See THANKS, A7
ter what. year, a decrease from 65
ebrate God’s blessing America is experi-
percent from last year,
is comforting. Just as encing a new kind of
amidst some of the low-
the Pilgrims welcomed heartbreak this year.
est Thanksgiving gas
their neighbors and gave COVID-19 appears to be
prices the country has
thanks despite great spreading at an alarm-
seen in years.
hardships, we also ex- ing rate in many parts of
press appreciation for
the bounty we have re-
America. Fear of the vi-
rus threatens to disrupt FROM THE ARCHIVES nAround the area:
Wri-Comm 911 has
ceived. one of our most-trea-
started providing dis-
The tradition of a na- sured holiday traditions.
patch services for the
tional day of Thanksgiv- For many of us, Thanks-
Wright County Sher-
ing first took hold in 1789 giving is a time to gather
iff’s Department and
with a proclamation by with friends and fam-
the Hartville Police
George Washington. In ily. Sadly, some families
Department. It earlier
1863, during the height may decide to forgo fam-
picked up duties for
of the Civil War, Abra- ily celebrations this year
the Mountain Grove
ham Lincoln declared out of an abundance of
Police Department and
the last Thursday of caution over the virus.
Mansfield. Voters ap-
each November to be an We may celebrate
proved the 911 system
annual day of Thanks- Thanksgiving differently
in November 2014….
giving for the entire na- this year, but the spirit
Mountain Grove and
tion (the date was later of the holiday need not
Rolla held public hear-
changed to the fourth be lost. We can still fel-
ings Monday on mask
Thursday). As I reflect lowship with loved ones,
mandates to fight rapid-
on the history of the hol- even if we meet over the
ly spreading COVID-19.
iday, I am particularly phone or on a computer
West Plains earlier
impressed by President screen.
adopted an ordinance…
Lincoln’s 1863 proclama-
The Seymour board of
tion. During a time when See THANKSGIVING, A7
education has approved
a new entrance, includ-
READ IT ing a new lobby, that is
estimated to cost about
ANYWHERE $800,000….West Plains
police, after a recent
rash of gun theft cases
PAPER from vehicles, are ask-
OR DIGITAL... ing their residents to
IT’S YOUR lock their vehicles.
nThe average cost for
Sixth graders in Orba Benefiel’s class at the Houston Schools constructed this pa- has dropped to a 10-year
Get news from the Houston Herald when you want, per mache burro, along with other handicraft projects, during the study of Mexico low, according to an
where you want. as a social studies unit. Students, from left, are: Tom Dunn, Sherry McGuire, Carol American Farm Bureau
Millman and Steve Dawson. The burro was on display in their room for open house Federation survey.
Type in and the website configures during American Education Week. It is now on loan to the Texas County Library.
to your device for the best experience. Dinner for 10 guests
this year comes to
Become a reader at $46.90, according to the
FROM THE EASEL survey. Costs include
turkey, stuffing and
sweet potatoes.

FROM OUR FILES Turkey prices are

about 7 percent less
than in 2019, at $19.39
50 Years Ago Harvey Beck, one of
for a 16-pound bird.
Texas County’s best-
Robert Bruce Tilley, known barbers, is retir-
nAn online fundraiser
general manager of In- ing on Dec. 31. Beck spent
conducted by the TCMH
tercounty Electric Coop- most of his 50 years as a
Healthcare Foundation
erative Association, and barber in Houston and
to benefit Hospice of
William Arthur Hamp- Raymondville.
Care recently raised
ton, line foreman, retired A call for bids for a
more than $36,000.
from that organization two-classroom addition
All funds raised will
on Dec. 31, ending ca- at the Plato Schools has
stay in the community
reers with the coopera- been issued. A kinder-
to benefit area Hospice
tive that total 52 years of garten and elementary
of Care patients. The
service. classroom will be erected
normal fundraiser —a
The new minister at as an addition to an exist-
chili cook-off — had to
the United Methodist ing elementary building.
be canceled this year to
Church in Houston is the The project, estimated at
due COVID-19 concerns.
Rev. William Eversdyke, about $35,000, has been
who moved here from in the planning stage for
Woodland, Pa. the past few years.

HOUSTON HERALD NEWS STAFF | 113 N. Grand, Houston, Mo. 65483 • 417-967-2000 •
Publisher Bookkeeping/composition Reporter Printing manager


Assistant to the publisher Office assistant/marketing Composition Herald intern
HOUSTON HERALD n Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 A7

Inmate at Licking dies at TCMH ACCIDENTS

The following acci- Clayton M. Highfield, right side of the highway.
An inmate housed at the Hospital at Houston. Phelps County. He had
dents were reported 13, both of Aurora, went Penn refused treat-
South Central Correction- Billy Godfrey, 57, was been in prison since Oc-
by the Missouri State to TCMH. Mitchell and ment at the scene for his
al Center at Licking died serving a life sentence for tober 2015. Prison officials
Highway Patrol: Torianna L. West, 17, of moderate injuries. Both
Thursday afternoon at 35 counts of first-degree said he died of apparent
nFour persons were Carthage, were trans- vehicles were totaled.
Texas County Memorial statutory sodomy from natural causes.
injured Wednesday night ported to Mercy.  Everyone was wearing a
in a crash on Highway 17 Sentman said no one seatbelt. 
about nine miles north of was wearing a seat belt. nA Licking man was

Roby.  The vehicle was totaled.  injured Thursday morn-
implored all Americans Tpr. Jason Sentman nA Cabool man was ing in a crash north of
to give thanks, despite a said a southbound 2001 injured Wednesday night Houston. 
Continued from Page A6 brutal Civil War, we too Ford 150 driven by Xavier in an accident in Benton Tpr. Marty Wiseman
can count our blessings R. Mitchell, 19, of Aurora, County.  said a southbound 1994
We may not hug as southern Missouri I call in an age of disease, eco- traveled off the right side Troopers said the wreck Chevrolet 1500 Silverado
much as we have in past home. I also give thanks nomic upheaval and po- of the roadway, the driver occurred when a south- driven by Jacob D. Mon-
years, but we can still ex- for America. We are litical differences. As he overcorrected, causing bound 2005 International crief, 27, ran off the right
press our love. And just blessed to live in a coun- said, we can “commend to the vehicle to go off the driven by David S. Penn, side of U.S. 63 about five
as we do every Thanks- try where we are free to His tender care all those left side of the highway. 45, of Cabool, crossed miles north of Houston,
giving, we can still share pursue our dreams and who have become wid- It began to overturn and the center of U.S. 65 and came back to the roadway
our bounty with those worship as we see fit. Giv- ows, orphans, mourners struck a tree.  struck a northbound 2006 and ran off the left side
less fortunate. In fact, ing thanks may not come or sufferers . . .  and fer- Mitchell and three pas- Kenworth driven by Cale and overturned.
the need to give to others easily for some Ameri- vently implore the inter- sengers were taken by D. Seymour, 43, of Knob Moncrief, who was
is probably greater than cans this year. That’s un- position of the Almighty ambulances to Mercy in Noster.  wearing a seat belt, was
ever. derstandable, but I hope Hand to heal the wounds Springfield and Texas The patrol said the Sey- taken by ambulance with
On Thanksgiving Day, we can all find something of the nation.” County Memorial Hos- mour vehicle travelled minor injuries to Texas
we bow our heads and lift to be thankful for. I hope everyone has a pital in Houston. All had off the right side of the County Memorial Hospi-
our thoughts to the heav- The words Lincoln joyous Thanksgiving. I minor injuries.  roadway and caught fire. tal. The vehicle was to-
ens, giving God credit wrote more than 150 wish you all good health A 13-year-old girl and The Penn rig went off the taled, Wiseman said. 
for our many blessings. I years ago still ring true and happiness for the
thank God for the beauty today, though the cir- holiday. Be safe and stay

all around us   ̶ especially cumstances of our strife hopeful, giving thanks to
in this wonderful part of have changed. Just as he God for your blessings. time.
nBirds chirping.
Continued from Page A6 nPretty flowers.
nWaking up in the
Commissioners approve importing, nHaving a jacket that’s
14 years old and still go-
nComing home after
being on vacation.
nHaving thumbs.

indexing of records for recorder ing strong.

nA brand new pair of
nOrdering your favor-
ite dish from your favor-
ite restaurant and it’s
nRealizing God is in
complete control.
The bottom line is,
Members of the Tex- nDiscussed an equip- Koch, recorder of deeds, nDark chocolate-cov- just right again. even with all that has
as County Commission ment issue with Piney and a representative of ered cherries. nHaving a store em- happened in 2020, it
met Nov. 4-5. Township. Sutterfield Technologies nFinding that favorite ployee smile and say could be worse. There
Commissioners: nHeard from Made- of Duncan, Okla. knife you thought was “thank you” after they could be nothing to be
nReviewed new appli- line Miller of the Texas Members approved im- gone for good. help you buy something. thankful for.
cations for CARES Act County Planning Com- porting and indexing re- nSitting on the porch nCute baby animals. Doug Davison is a
funding to help fight CO- mission regarding a tele- cords using COVID Act or deck and listening to nThe first snow in win- writer, photographer and
VID-19. conference meeting. funding. the wind in the trees. ter. newsroom assistant for
nMet with Alex Robert nLearned from Sheriff nHeard from Mary nSeeing a baby smile. nThe first 80-degree the Houston Herald. His
of Alextricity of Cabool Scott Lindsey regarding Ellen Higashi of Lynch nTaking a walk at night day in spring. columns are posted online
regarding mapping tele- the resignation of Logan Township regarding when there’s so much nHearing from a fond at www.houstonherald.
phones as part of a new Cary effective Nov. 5. Klotz Drive and a change moonlight you don’t use relative you haven’t com. Email: ddavison@
system. nMet with Lindsay to the approach. a flashlight. heard from in a long

Community Events Streamed Over the Internet... LIVE!
Houston board of education
participates in training
The Houston board of research as supporting nance.
education participated high student achieve- The board said it rec-
last Tuesday in a board ment and continuous ognizes the value of on-
development workshop district improvement. going professional devel-
facilitated by the Mis- The discussion focused opment to improve out-
souri School Boards’ As- on the importance of ar- comes for students.
sociation. ticulating clear expec- Based on research,
It focused on the re- tations for continuous this is one of a variety of
sults of board members improvement related to workshops designed to
responses to the MSBA student achievement, equip local school board
Board Self Evaluation high quality staff, com- members with the skills
that measures the lead- munity engagement, and knowledge neces-
ership beliefs and prac- board relationships and sary to function as effec-
tices of the school board other topics related to tive education leaders in
that are correlated by effective board gover- their communities.

State, county bicentennial quilts set for

Houston display
Since the pioneer days for viewing is online at ciety of Missouri, and
of the American Mid- https://missouri2021. Missouri State Quilters
west, quilts have been a org/bicentennial-quilt/. Guild. Over the winter of
cornerstone of Missouri The Texas County quilt 2019-2020, Missouri Star
culture, fashion and tra- block was created by Te- Quilt Company stitched
dition. resa Kay Baker of Hous- the blocks together and
In honor of our great ton. It features the banks gave the quilt its final
state’s 200th year anni- of the Big Piney River. look.
versary, the State Histor- The river is a 110-mile- As the Missouri Bi-
ical Society of Missouri long tributary of the Gas- centennial Quilt travels
and Missouri Star Quilt conade River and runs statewide, Missourians
Company, in partnership through the Mark Twain will have an opportunity
with the Missouri State National Forest. to learn about the rich
Quilters Guild, teamed “Texas County is geographic and cultural
up to create the Missouri known for its beautiful diversity of the state.
Bicentennial Quilt. Using Big Piney River, its lush The State Historical
one quilt block for each forests, majestic bluffs Society of Missouri in
Missouri county and the and green pastures,” Columbia is the premier
City of St. Louis, the proj- Baker said. research center for the
ect features the unique Quilt block submis- study of Missouri state
characteristics of Mis- sions were accepted from and local history. Under
souri culture and style. Oct. 8, 2018, through the Missouri 2021 banner,
The Missouri Bicen- Sept. 2, 2019. Multiple SHSMO is coordinating a
tennial Quilt will travel submissions from the bicentennial commemo-
across the state between same county were judged ration in collaboration
2020 and 2021. It will stop according to the level of with local and statewide
in Houston at the Melba creativity and craft and entities. The mission
Performing Arts Center description of signifi- of Missouri 2021 is to
in Houston with an exhi- cance. The judging com- promote a better under-
bition open to the public mittee included repre- standing of Missouri and
Dec. 5-6, alongside the sentatives from Missouri its regions, communities
Texas County Quilt. A Star Quilt Company, and people, both past and
digital exhibition is also the State Historical So- present.
A8 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

Dazzling dusk to sponsor
‘Receipt Raffle’
The Houston Area Chamber of Commerce will
conduct a “Receipt Raffle” from this Saturday (Nov.
28) through Saturday, Dec. 12.
Participants can spend $25 at any business that is
a member of the local cham-
ber and be entered to win one
of five $100 gift baskets filled
with items purchased by the
chamber from member busi-
nesses. For official entry, origi-
nal receipts from qualifying
purchases can be brought to
the chamber office (at 501 E.
Walnut St. in Houston) during
regular hours. Receipts can only be used once.
A list of Houston Area Chamber of Commerce
members will be posted on the chamber’s Facebook
page and on the Houston Herald website, and print-
ed lists of members will be available at the chamber
office or Herald office (on Grand Avenue downtown).
A drawing to determine three winners will take
place on Tuesday, Dec. 14.
For more information, call chamber director An-
gie Quinlan at 417-967-2220.


A November day in Texas County nears its end with a brilliant sunset in the western sky.
Local man recognized
by American Legion
The following are reports recently generated the morning he discovered his Jeep had been broken
by the Texas County Sheriff’s Department: into and that several items had been stolen, including
nTammy J. White, 49, and Michael R. White, 23, both a Glock pistol valued at $700 and $500 cash. There are
of 8164 Morton Road, Lot 21, in Houston. were each is- no suspects.
sued citations for first-degree trespassing on Oct. 31. nA deputy was dispatched Nov. 7 regarding a re-
The two were cited after a deputy was dispatched to a port of a vehicle found in the woods on Mill Road at
Morton Road trailer park regarding a report of some- Success.
one entering a vacant trailer and removing items. The A man there told the officer he had been working
officer spoke with neighbors who confirmed that the on his property and found a white Dodge Durango
trailer had been broken into and identified suspects. in the woods. He said he didn’t know how long it had
nA deputy was dispatched at about 8 a.m. Oct. 10 been there.
regarding a report of theft at a U.S. 60 residence at A computer check revealed that the vehicle belonged
Mountain Grove. to a Success woman and was known by the deputy to
A 26-year-old man there told the officer he had been often be driven by a Success man. It was towed to a lot
visiting at his father’s house and when he got up in in Houston.

The following are excerpts from just some of sault after an incident involving a woman on Nov.
the reports recently generated by the Houston 13.
Police Department: nJoshua K. Harris, 39, of 110 N. Friend St., Apt. 12, SUBMITTED PHOTO
nBrenda D. Ramsey, 51, of 403 N. Grand Ave, No. 2, in Licking, was issued citations on Nov. 6 for driv- Long-time Houston resident and businessman
in Houston, was issued citations for driving with an ing with a suspended license and failure to register Wilburn Elmore was recently presented with
expired license, failure to register a motor vehicle a motor vehicle. a 20-year continuous service certificate from
and no insurance after a traffic stop on Nov. 11. nKatherine D. Pursifull, 41, of 266 Orchard St. at Houston’s American Legion Post 41 and a quilt
nDavid E. Early, 23, of 403 N. Grand Ave., No. 1, Raymondville, was issued a citation for stealing af- crafted by the Piney River Quilting Guild. El-
in Houston, was cited for fourth-degree domestic as- ter allegedly shoplifting at Walmart on Nov. 11. more is a World War II U.S. Navy veteran.

SHERIFF: “Options are limited” with livestock deaths caused by dogs

By DOUG DAVISON ment perspective how hard it is to prove dresses dogs killing sheep, and says the a lot of options to help people.”
Houston Herald if the dog was out for two hours before owner of the dogs is “liable for damage” Lindsey said officers will, as a cour- it killed the sheep, or if was out for 10 caused to the sheep. But that’s only in a tesy, respond to animal calls and gener-
hours or it was out all night and then civil sense, Lindsey said, and no crime ate reports people might be able to use
It’s not unusual for the Texas County killed the sheep,” Lindsey said. “That’s has been committed and the sheep own- in civil litigation. He also said people
Sheriff’s Department to receive phone frustrating for the citizens and it’s frus- er would have to sue the dogs’ owner for still have the right to use force to defend
calls from people complaining about a trating for the deputies who used to any recovery to occur. themselves and their property.
neighbor’s dogs killing livestock. work under the old statute. There’s another “dangerous dog” “We’ve kind of gone full circle,” Lind-
It’s also not unusual for callers to be “I’m not sure why the law changed, statute that deals with biting dogs, but sey said. “Back in the ’90s and before
left bewildered and disappointed when but I’m sure there was something in that law tends to conflict with some oth- that, that’s how it was handled, and
they’re told there isn’t much that law Jeff City that caused that to happen.” er laws, Lindsey said. now we’re back to telling people that.
enforcement can do about their prob- The issue was recently “And unless the dog I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all,
lem. brought to light again bites a person, that statute but some folks aren’t comfortable do-
“We get a lot of animal calls,” said Tex- when a southeast Texas doesn’t apply,” he said. ing that. They want our help and then
as County Sheriff Scott Lindsey. “When County man had eight Lindsey said that when they’re upset that we can’t do it.”
I became sheriff, I was surprised at the high-dollar sheep killed by he started as a dispatcher Lindsey said the bottom line is, there’s
volume of animal calls we receive. But dogs and called the TCSD. with the TCSD in 1997, ani- only so much a deputy can do.
what we’re able to do is pretty limited.” It was not the first time the mal calls weren’t as com- “I think the main point I would like to
Under an old law, officers could is- same man had lost sheep to mon. make here is simply what we can do and
sue citations to the owners of dogs that dog attacks, and he ques- “I think the philoso- what we can’t do,” he said. “We don’t
killed livestock thanks in large part to tioned why more wasn’t phy was different on both mind people calling and we’ll go out as
wording that stated the owners must being done in what he felt ends,” he said. “When peo- a courtesy and listen and take reports,
maintain “adequate care or adequate was a timely manner. ple called about dogs back but our options are limited are far as
control.” But under a new animal abuse “We’ve spoken with him LINDSEY then, the advice the sheriff charging a crime.
statute drawn up about four years ago, and addressed his con- gave was ‘you have a right “We do deal with a lot of civil matters,
three key words have been removed. cerns the best we can,” Lindsey said. to defend yourself and your property,’ but that’s not our primary purpose and
“The ‘or adequate control’ has been “But one thing we always have to be or basically handle it however you need we can’t take reports on every civil mat-
deleted,” Lindsey said, “and that’s what mindful of is prioritizing calls. When to. ter because we have too many criminal
the sheriff’s department used to write he called in we had a couple of assault “And most people didn’t call in, they matters to deal with. But in the case of
tickets on.” calls going on, and we have to send offi- just did that.” animals, because of the way the stat-
The criteria now outlined in a current cers to the most dangerous calls, where As time went on and officers were utes are, I’m going to make sure our
“animal trespass” statute includes as- somebody might be hurt or beyond. able to write citations in dog-attack in- staff knows we should go out and take
pects that aren’t exactly easy to prove. “So it’s fair for him to say we didn’t cidents, people realized they could get reports just to try and help our citizens
It states that a person is guilty of ani- get to him in a timely manner, but in help from law enforcement and became out in documenting things.”
mal trespass if they have “ownership the largest county in Missouri, with 10 increasingly accustomed to seeking it. Details about current Missouri stat-
or custody of an animal and knowingly deputies assigned, we can’t always get “Then when the statute changed and utes can be found online at revisor.
fail to provide adequate control for a pe- to every call as quick as I would like.” made it more difficult to prosecute,”
riod equal to or exceeding 12 hours.” Interestingly, one of the 600-plus stat- Lindsey said, “we still get a significant The phone number at the Texas Coun-
“You can imagine from a law enforce- utes in Missouri law specifically ad- volume of calls but we’re stuck with not ty Sheriff’s Department is 417-967-4165.
HOUSTON HERALD n Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 B1

Mitchell named to Valuable competition
All-SCA HHS hoops teams get in some game-like preaseason practice
defensive first team By DOUG DAVISON
Houston Herald
Seven Houston High School football
players received South Central Associa-
tion All-Conference recognition for the Both Houston High
2020 season. School basketball teams
Houston senior Trevor Mitchell was hosted preseason practice
named to the defensive first team as a games on Tuesday of last
lineman, while sophomore center Casey week, with the girls facing
Merckling made the offensive second Plato and the boys taking
team. on Eminence.
Tigers receiving honorable mention Each contest was con-
on offense included junior running back ducted like four 8-minute
Bailey Hurst and junior tight end Kor- mini-games, with the score
byn Tune, while honorable mention on and team fouls being zeroed
defense went to senior defensive back out before each period.
Rene Lathrom, junior lineman Alex Both HHS girls head
Swallow and sophomore linebacker An- coach Brent Kell and boys
thony Carroll. head coach Jim Moore took
Thayer senior quarterback Jayce Ha- the opportunity to watch
ven was named SCA Back of the Year several combinations of
and Salem senior Brandon White was players on the court, and
Lineman of the Year. Thayer’s Billy Web- both squads worked on
ber was named SCA football Coach of the various offensive sets and
Year, as eight Thayer players received defensive strategies.
first-team honors (four on offense and
four on defense). DEFENSE AND DEPTH
A complete All-SCA football list accom-
panies this story online at www.houston- At times, the Lady Tigers’ DOUG DAVISON | HOUSTON HERALD defense caused the visiting HHS junior Hannah Dzurick drives toward the basket during the Lady Tigers’ preseason
Lady Eagles to go for long game against Plato Nov. 17 in Hiett Gymnasium.
stretches without scoring.
“We did a pretty decent his somewhat height-chal-
job of putting pressure on lenged team against some
the ball,” said head coach of the better opponents.
Brent Kell. “We have a lot “I believe our post play
of work to do on the help is progressing, but we still
side defense, seeing the ball have work to do there,” he
all the time, not losing our said. “But I’m pleased with
man and picking up our where we’re at at this point.
man quicker on the press. I thought we rebounded
It was difficult picking our well on both ends the floor,
man up at times because and for the most part, I
there was no numbers on thought we hustled and got
DOUG DAVISON | HOUSTON HERALD their uniforms, and I think after loose balls.
After leading Houston in tackles in the they will do a better job of “We want to be a team
2020 season, senior Trevor Mitchell was that in real games.” that wins the battle on the
named to the All-SCA first team defense. Kell liked the way his boards and gets the major-
players ran the court with ity of loose balls.”
the ball, but wasn’t as The Lady Tigers’ leader is
pleased when they were in hoping his team can oper-
half-court situations. ate as a unit, without hav-
“I thought we did a re- ing to ponder every move.
ally good job of pushing “Were trying to get to
the ball and looking up the where we don’t have to
court over the top of the de- think, but we react and we
fense with our fast break,” just go and play,” Kell said.
he said, “but I wasn’t very “I think we’re getting clos-
pleased with the way that er to that, but we still have
we ran our offense. We have work to do.”
to do a better job of seeing Even in the preseason
the cutters and looking into environment, Houston’s DOUG DAVISON | HOUSTON HERALD
our post.” depth was apparent. HHS sophomore Brody McNew goes up for a shot during the
Kell has stated he believes Tigers’ preseason game against Eminence last week in Hiett
Sophomore center Casey Merckling post play will be crucial for See HOOPS, B7 Gymnasium.
made the All-SCA offensive second team.

HMS hoops squads start seasons Liberty, Thayer earn

with several games on the road football district titles
Three South Central Association teams played
Houston Middle School’s boys and girls basketball The team was 1-3 after the Salem game. Nov. 13 in Missouri State High School Activities As-
teams have been busy to begin their 2020 seasons. sociation football district championship games.
Here’s a rundown of things that have transpired so far 7TH-GRADE BOYS Two were victorious, as Thayer beat Hayti 55-
(based on available information). 22 in the Class 1 District 1 title contest and Liberty
nNov. 10: Lost to Thayer, 26-23, at the West Plains topped Fair Grove 44-20 to secure the Class 2 District
8TH-GRADE BOYS Tournament. 3 crown. In the Class 3 District 5 championship game,
D.J. Riley led Houston in scoring with 11 points and Buffalo blanked Mountain Grove 42-0.
nNov. 10: Lost to Thayer, 50-7, at the West Plains Tour- Caden Guerra had 8. Last Saturday, Thayer downed South Callaway 42-
nament. nNov. 12: Won at Richards, 52-19. 15 in a Class 1 quarterfinals game and will face Wind-
Dakoata Hofstetter scored 3 points for Houston, While Riley topped the Tigers in scoring with 25 points, while sor in the semifinals this Saturday (Nov. 28).
Jordan Arthur and Zeke Grange each had 2. Elyjia Turrubiates had 10 and Mason Dodson added 8. Adrian and Mid-Buchanon will meet in the other
nNov. 12: Lost at Richards, 51-11. nNov. 16: Won 41-22 at Cabool. Class 1 semifinal.
Arthur led the Tigers in scoring with 4 points. Riley led Houston’s balanced scoring attack with 17 In a Class 2 quarterfinal contest, Liberty’s season
nNov. 16: Won at Cabool, 50-30. points, while Dodson had 11, Guerra had 7 and Turrubi- came to an end in a 32-8 loss to Lamar.
Arthur poured in 25 points for Houston, while Caden ates added 5. Lamar advances to play Jefferson this Saturday,
Root scored 8, Dylan Dzurick had 6 and Grange added 5. nNov. 19: Won at Salem, 35-20. while Palmyra and St. Pius X will meet in the other
nNov. 19: Lost at Salem, 25-18. Dodson led Houston with 12 points, while Riley scored Class 2 semifinal.
Root scored 5 points, while Arthur and Dzurick had 4 9, Turrubiates had 6 and Jack Sawyer added 4.
apiece. The team was 3-1 after the Salem game.
Note: The Tigers went 2-for-17 from the free throw line
in the 7-point loss. See HMS, B7

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113 N. Grand, Houston • 417-967-2000
HOUSTON HERALD n Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 B3

Vrba sentenced to life without parole in county murder

A Texas County man was sentenced mare. I wish it never happened,” Spicer pulsivity” in the interrogation tapes. The death penalty was taken off the
to life without parole for the 2017 mur- said. “I am so sorry to (Steinfeld’s) fam- “Yes. I do not recall instances of calm table when Vrba agreed to a bench tri-
der of a transgender teen. ily. I know he did nothing to deserve it.” deliberate responding,” she said. “This al. Stevens said that was also at the re-
Andrew Vrba, 21, was sentenced Fri- For the first time since his trial began, is speculation, but it appears to me he quest of Steinfeld’s family.
day in Greene County Judge Calvin Vrba addressed the court. He spoke to wanted approval, social approval.” The story garnered worldwide me-
Holden’s courtroom in Springfield Steinfeld’s family. Texas County Prosecutor Parke Ste- dia attention, due in part to informa-
Vrba is the fourth and final co-de- “There is no amount of times I could vens Jr. asked Richerson how much the tion made public by law enforcement
fendant found guilty in the killing of say sorry,” Vrba said. “I loved him as a defense has paid her. in 2017. But contrary to information
17-year-old Ally Steinfeld. brother. I regret it every day. I promise About $10,000, she said. in the Texas County Sheriff’s Depart-
Vrba previously had confessed to you I’m sorry.” Jacquinot asked Holden to rule that ment’s original probable cause state-
stabbing Steinfeld on Sept. 20 2017, in Vrba was accompanied in court Fri- a life sentence without parole for Vrba ment, there was no evidence – other
Texas County, six days after Steinfeld’s day by his attorneys Tom Jacquinot is a violation of the Eighth Amendment than statements made by one of the
family reported the teen missing and with the Capital Division of Missouri (the Cruel and Unusual Punishments co-defendants – that Vrba gouged out
before law enforcement realized Stein- State Public Defenders, and Devon Pas- Clause). Steinfield’s eyes or mutilated her geni-
feld was dead. ley. “The punishment is disproportionate tals.
Vrba was found guilty of first-degree Prior to Holden handing down the and fundamentally unfair,” Jacquinot According to Jacquinot, the detective
murder and armed criminal action in a sentence, Jacquinot called psychologist said. “It is an extreme punishment.” who wrote the probable cause state-
bench trial in August. Dr. Lauren Richerson to testify about Stevens reminded Holden that the ment testified in a deposition that Ste-
Steinfeld’s family participated in the brain development and Vrba’s ADHD mandatory sentence for first-degree vens insisted those statements be in-
hearing via video conference. diagnosis. murder was created by the Missouri cluded in the probable cause statement.
In her victim’s impact statement at Richerson explained that a person’s legislature and upheld by the Missouri Three other co-defendants have al-
the sentencing hearing, Steinfeld’s brain is not fully developed until the Supreme Court. ready pleaded guilty and been sen-
mom, Amber Boswell, sobbed. age of 24. “I don’t like the statute,” Holden said. tenced for their roles in disposing of
“My son said that (Vrba) was the only The prefrontal cortex which controls “In the end, you follow the law. The stat- and hiding Steinfeld’s remains.
best guy friend he ever had,” Boswell judgment and decision making is the ute is there. I don’t agree with it. I know Briana Calderas pleaded guilty to
said. “I miss my son every day.” last part of the brain to develop, Rich- this sentence is disproportionate, but it abandonment of a corpse, concealing a
Vrba, wearing jailhouse scrubs, ap- erson said. is the sentence set down by the statute.” felony and tampering with physical ev-
peared to be watching the video screen Asked if she believes an 18-year-old Holden later addressed Steinfeld’s idence in a felony prosecution. She was
intently. criminal offender presents “a greater family regarding what he said about the sentenced to eight years in 2019 and has
“It turned my whole world into a pure potential for rehabilitation than an mandatory sentencing statute. since been paroled.
nightmare,” Boswell said. “My son was adult at 24 with a fully developed brain,” “I don’t want you to think I downplay Isis Schauer pleaded guilty to second-
so nice and innocent. He didn’t have a Richerson said yes. what happened to your son,” Holden degree murder and abandonment of a
mean bone in his body.” Education would have more impact said. “It was a terrible thing.” corpse. She was sentenced to 20 years
Vrba’s mother, Ozell Spicer, was in on the 18-year-old, she said. Vrba, by his own admission, was the and is appealing her conviction.
the courtroom and also addressed the Vrba was 18 when Steinfeld was killed. one who wielded the knife. James Grigsby pleaded guilty to
judge. Richerson testified that Vrba is diag- At question in Vrba’s trial was not abandonment of a corpse and was sen-
“I loved this boy since before he was nosed with ADHD and that “impulsiv- whether he killed Steinfeld, but rather tenced to four years. He has been pa-
born,” Spicer said. “I’ll always love him. ity is a hallmark of ADHD.” if the murder was premeditated — the roled.
I’ll always support him.” Jacquinot asked Richerson if she saw difference between first and second-de-
“I wake up every day — this is a night- evidence of Vrba’s disability and “im- gree murder. SPRINGFIELD NEWS-LEADER

TCMH Healthcare Foundation Local radio station to conduct

special programming on Black Friday
to award scholarships This Friday will be Black Friday, a typical after-Thanksgiving shopping day.
The Texas County Memorial Hos- dation hosts an annual golf tourna- Unfortunately this year there’s a good chance another record will be set for
pital Healthcare Foundation plans to ment to raise money for the scholar- COVID-19 deaths in America.
award $2,000 in educational scholar- ship program, and plans are underway With so many pandemic numbers thrown at us daily it can become so routine
ships for the spring 2021 academic to host a one again in 2021. that they are often ignored as just “the usual.”
year. The organization is accepting ap- Eligible students must be accepted Rather than just having safety reminders, community radio KZ88 in Cabool
plications. to or currently enrolled in an accred- (88.1 FM) will try to put lives lost in perspective on Black Friday. Listeners that
The TCMH Healthcare Foundation ited university, college or post-second- day will hear a special tone during the day, with each sounding of the tone rep-
Educational Scholarship Program is ary training program. Residents of resenting another life lost to COVID-19 in the U.S.
designed to assist area students who the TCMH service area — all of Texas “Over a quarter of a million lives have been taken by the virus this year,” a
are pursuing or planning to pursue County and Mountain Grove — and spokesman said. “It’s easy for people to dismiss the risk until they are hit with a
education in a healthcare-related field students that are graduates of Texas loss. Every special tone you hear broadcast Friday will be another family having
or those working in healthcare who County and Mountain Grove schools to deal with the loss of a loved one.”
are pursuing additional education for are eligible to apply. Applicants al-
their current career. ready pursuing a career in a health-

ew s
The foundation is in its 13th year of care organization, or applicants plan-

k i n g N
awarding scholarships in the fall and ning to pursue a career in a health field

t B re a
the spring, and its board of directors with direct patient care are eligible to

G e
has awarded scholarships totaling apply for the scholarships.

$117,000 in that time. Students from The application asks for informa-
towns across the TCMH service area tion about the student and requires a
have received them. short essay about the student’s career
“Educational scholarships are a and educational goals. Applicants are
major focus area of the healthcare also asked to list community involve-
foundation,” said TCMH Healthcare ment activities on their application,
Foundation director Jay Gentry. “The and they may be asked to meet with
board of directors of the foundation foundation board members for a short
recognizes the need to assist areas stu- personal interview.
dents in their educational endeavors The deadline is Jan. 15. Awards will
with hopes that the student will return be announced by Feb. 1.
to or stay in the Texas County area to For more information, contact Gen-
provide healthcare services to area try by phone at 417-967-1377 or 866-967-
residents after receiving additional 3311, ext. 377 or by e-mail at jgentry@
education.” The scholarship application
Endowed scholarships provide some and complete details are also available
of the educational funds, and the foun- at

Online auction raises funds

for Hospice of Care
Texas County Memorial Hospital Healthcare Foundation’s first ever online
auction that took place from Oct. 27-Nov. 8 was a success, raising $36,041 for
TCMH Hospice of Care. The fundraising total included cash and non-cash gifts.
Due to the pandemic, it was held in place of the annual chili cook off event.
Funds raised benefit TCMH Hospice of Care, which provides end of life and
grief support care for patients and their families in Texas County and the sur-
rounding area.
“The success of this event would not have been possible without the incred-
ible support from our sponsors and our community,” said TCMH Healthcare
Foundation director Jay Gentry.
Support came in many ways including critical sponsorships, merchandise do-
nations, in-kind services and through the bidders who actively participated in
the auction.
Corporate underwriters were Progressive Ozark Bank, Ozark Independent
Living and Associated Purchasing Services.
For the past 14 years, a beef purchased at the county fair to raise funds for
Hospice of Care through the previous chili cook off events and this year’s online
auction, has been donated by friends and family of the late Dr. I.C. and Margaret
John and Jeannie Beltz of Willow Springs along with David and Carol Keeney,
and Steve and Diane Pierce carried that tradition forward again this year.
Before the inception of the cook off, the Keeney and Beltz families purchased
a beef that was donated to Hospice of Care to raise funds for the organization.
The foundation has a designated “Hospice Fund” where the online auction
funds and other donations to Hospice of Care are held.
For questions about the auction or to make a donation to TCMH Hospice of
Care, contact the TCMH Healthcare Foundation at 417-967-1377.
B4 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

Assembly of God Union Free Will New Hope
Baptist Church Baptist Church
Licking Assembly of God Rick Williams, pastor Jackie Cooper, pastor
Paul Richardson, pastor Highway M Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. DR. NICK MERICA
Evening 6:00 p.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Training Union 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. DR. NICK MERICA
Wednesday 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m.

Life Church Victory Northside

Jim Millspaugh, pastor
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Baptist Church Baptist Church
Don R. Bingham, pastor
Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Lynn Gayer, pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday Evening 6:30 p.m. 8761 Hwy 63, Houston
Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m.
Life Kids Ministry 6:30 p.m. P.O. Box 139
Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Roby Assembly of God Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.
Bob Troutt, pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Baptists Southern Wednesday Evening 6:00 p.m.

Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Evening Evangelistic 6:00 p.m. Boone Creek Ozark ELLIOTT-GENTRY-CARDER
Bible Study Wednesday 6:00 p.m. Baptist Church Baptist Church F U N E R A L H O M E
Wayne Carrigan, pastor Brock Davis, pastor
Robert Gifford Sam Gifford 10864 Highway 137, Licking
Upton Peace Chapel Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Hwy. 63 South • Licking, MO 65542 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Authorized Dealer
Mahindra & Valtra Tractors
Assembly of God
Phillip Nava, pastor
Morning Worship
Evening Worship
11:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. “Our family serving your
Wednesdays 6:30 p.m.
John Deere and Major Farm Equipment Parts
Sunday School
Morning Worship
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Wednesday Adult and
Youth Bible Study 6:00 p.m.
family since 1918”
Heavy-Duty Truck Parts Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. Kids at the Creek during school year Adult Bible Study
FULL SERVICE SHOP Wednesday Evening 6:00 p.m. only

Brown Hill Roby 527 Cedar Ave. | PO BOX 708 | Cabool, MO 65689
Baptist 417-962-3123
Baptist Church Baptist Church
Wes Mayfield, pastor Jim & Melanie Carder - Owners
573-674-2203 1-800-653-7152 Abounding Hope Elmer Curtis, interim, pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Baptist Church Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Dr. James Miller, pastor - Licking Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Children’s Church 11:30 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Central Baptist Wed.Evening Service 6:30 p.m.
Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. Jimmy Swindell, interim pastor
Wednesday Evening 6:30 p.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Rock Springs
Church Training 7:00 p.m. Baptist Church
Faith Baptist Evening Worship 7:45 p.m. John Jordan, pastor
2424 Highway 17, Summersville Wednesday Services 7:00 p.m. Highway C, Licking
417-967-1955 Sunday School
Morning Worship
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. Clara Baptist
Sunday School
Morning Worship
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Fax: 417-967-1960 Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. Paul Murray, pastor Evening Worship 6:30 p.m.
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study/
Fundamental Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Youth Group 7:00 p.m.
1121 S. Sam Houston Blvd. Sunday Bible Study 6:30 p.m.
Houston, MO 65483 Bible Baptist
2860 Highway W, Summersville Elk Creek Baptist Simmons
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Brad Wallace, pastor Baptist Church
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. 16457 Highway H George Sholtz, pastor
Sunday Evening 7:00 p.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m. Discipleship Training 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Evening 6:30 p.m. Sunday Evening 7:00 p.m.
Grace Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m.
Baptist Church Ellis Prairie
Joseph Heiney, pastor Success Baptist Church
Highway 17, Summersville Baptist Church
Ted Moore, pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Kermit Lonning, pastor Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. RAs/GAs 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m. Church Training 6:00 p.m.
Eunice Baptist Church Evening Worship 7:00 p.m.
Rev. Gordon Rhodes, pastor Wednesday Worship 7:00 p.m.
Hopewell Free Will
1453 SAM HOUSTON BLVD (HWY 63) Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Baptist Church Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Catholic
Frank McCune, pastor – Graff Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Our pleasure is to please you. We service what we sell!
MON-SAT 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. 1466 Sam Houston Blvd., Houston | 417-967-4128
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m. St. Mark’s Catholic Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 5 pm, Sat. 8 am - noon Rev. Rayappa Chinnabathini
Sunday Evening 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m. First Baptist Church Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m.
Monday, Wednesday
of Houston and Friday Mass 8:00 a.m.
Russ Stigall, pastor
Houston First Free Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Will Baptist Church Morning Worship 10:35 a.m. St. John’s Mission
Danny Delcour, pastor Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. Licking
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:30 p.m. Sunday Mass 8:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Thursday Mass 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. First Baptist Church
Wednesday Evening 6:30 p.m.
of Licking St. Vincent’s Mission Making Dreams Come True Since 1903.
Rob Lilly, pastor Roby
Houston Bible Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Saturday Mass 6 p.m. Making Dreams Come True Since 1903.
At Simmons, we take pride in helping our customers buy the
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Baptist Church Evening Worship 5:30 p.m. Christian
take pride
a new
in business
a new
helping our
or save
your in helping
or customers
are,our acustomers
buy thecollege
save for a child’s
buy the
help make
Dennis Ulrey, pastor
Wednesday Kidz Club 6:00 p.m. perfect
them come your finance
true. a new business or save for a child’s
dreams are, Simmons can help make them come true. college
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. education. Whatever your dreams are, Simmons can help make

Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. First Christian Church them come true.

Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. First Baptist Worship 9:30 a.m.

Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Church of Plato Wednesday - family 6:00 p.m.
Mitch Walker, interim pastor Making Dreams Come True Since 1903.
New Life Free Will Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Oak Hill At Simmons, we take pride in helping our customers buy the
Baptist Church
For more information on
ESTABLISHED 1960 Worship Service 6:00 p.m. perfect home, finance a new business or save for a child’s college

Darius Wentz, pastor — Licking Christian Church education. Whatever your dreams are, Simmons can help make

Minister: Don Crockett them come true.

Sunday School
Morning Worship
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. First Baptist Church White Rock Community how to become a
supporting sponsor of
Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. of Summersville Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Wed. Bible Study Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m.
and Youth Program 7:00 p.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
this informative church
Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m.
No. 1 Free Will Nagle Christian directory, please contact
Hickory Ridge
Baptist Church Church Wally Burchett at:
Baptist Church Terry Snelling, pastor
4 miles north of Huggins
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Dewayne Weber, pastor Church Rd., Tyrone
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
or call 615-717-5700.
122 E. PINE ST. | HOUSTON Worship 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
417-967-4411 Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.
Morning Worship
Evening Worship
11:00 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Evening 6:00 p.m.
Oak Grove Free Will Church of Christ
Baptist Church New Beginnings
Bill Vandivort, pastor Church
Southwest Missouri
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Baptist Church
Since 1958
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Pastor Scott Barton
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
of Christ of Houston
W. Hwy. 17, Houston
417-935-4236 Sunday Evening 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Todd Richardson, evangelist 1432 S. Sam Houston
301 West Steel • Seymour Sunday Evening Sunday Morning 10:00 a.m. Blvd., Houston Worship 6:00 p.m. Sunday Evening 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m. 417-967-4000

I raise a hallelujah,
in the presence of my enemies “Raise a Hallelujah”
I raise a hallelujah,
- Bethel Music
louder than the unbelief
HOUSTON HERALD n Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 B5

The following are listings of activities and events hosted by area churches and
CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU! ministries. To list yours, email by 5 p.m. each Monday.
nLocation: Faith Fellowship, Houston
nTime: 7 p.m.
nFacebook: launchstudentministries
nInstagram & Snapchat: launch54
Houston First Baptist nDetails: Launch meets for youth group each Wednesday inside the Launch Student Center. Teenagers in grades 7-12 are welcome. Doors open at 6 p.m.
with pool, basketball, video games and a full snack bar available.

nLocation: Faith Fellowship, Houston
nTime: 6 p.m.
nFacebook: faithfellowshipcr
nDetails: Celebrate Recovery a Christ-centered recovery program. The ser-
CABOOL 417-962-4206 vice is 6 p.m. each Sunday. Celebration Place for children ages 5-12 meets 1433 S. Sam Houston Blvd.
MTN GROVE 417-926-4206 at 6 p.m.
WILLOW SPRINGS 417-469-3456
The worship directory is made possible by many area businesses and churches. If your
HOUSTON 417-967-2531
LICKING 573-674-3680 church is missing or has an update, please send that information to news@houstonherald.
com or call 417-967-2000.
MO 65689

Church of Christ Cabool Victory Faith Fellowship

401 S. First Bill Villapiano, pastor
Houston Worship Center 7804 Highway 17, Houston TCMH Chapel &
Church 121 S. U.S. 63, Cabool
417-967-3694 Pastor Bill Kelley
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Volunteer Chaplains
of Christ Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.
Highway 38, Bendavis Celebrate Recovery

We want to be
Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m.
Edward Williamson, minister Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m. Available 24/7 for
Sunday Morning 10:30 a.m
Fairview Pentecostal Launch Student Ministries Your Spiritual Health
YOUR tire store! Church
Holiness Church
John Emery, pastor
Adult Teaching

OPEN SATURDAY MORNING of Christ Highways 38 and M

Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Hillside Texas County
(Temple Lot)
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 10:55 a.m. Wedding Chapel Memorial Hospital
Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. 210 S. Fourth St., Houston
Worship Service 11:00 a.m. 1333 S. Sam Houston Blvd., Houston
Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m. Sunday Bible Study 4:30 p.m.
Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. | 417-967-3311
Wednesday Evening 6:00 p.m.
Midvale Pentecostal Orthodox Christian
Church of God Holiness Church Church
Michael L. Brown, pastor General Leonard Wood

PESTS TAKING OVER? First Church of God Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Army Hospital Chapel
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Service 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
Call Stallcup Sunday Evening
Wednesday Evening
6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Palace Union Church
Exterminating New Life Ministries Wesley Wallace, pastor
1/4 mile from Fort Wood
117 Hwy 32
Termite and Pest Control! Lutheran Highway 17 North, Roby
Southgate Hwys. AW at TT Licking, MO
Judy Routh, pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Holy Cross Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
417-967-2575 Lutheran Church
Morning Worship
Sunday Evening
10:45 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
Worship 11:00 a.m.

Toll free 866-967-2575 David Kettner, pastor

Worship Service 8:00 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Raymondville 719 Ozark Ave.
Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Souls Harbor Community Cabool, MO
Steve and LeAn Stallcup Church
Methodist Family Worship Greg Berglund, pastor 573-962-3100
Cody Neugebauer, pastor Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Cabool United Morning Worship and
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Evening Worship 5:30 p.m.
Methodist Church Children’s Church 10:30 a.m.

Texas CounTy TeChniCal College

Rev. Terry Lippstreu Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. Bible Study 5:30 p.m.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Services 6:30 p.m.
Worship Service 10:40 a.m.
Various Denominations Houston
Houston United Seventh-day
Methodist Church Bado Community Adventist Church
Pastor Roger Cary Church Brett Randall, pastor
Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Randle Scheets, pastor 417-967-4121
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. 417-260-2303 Sat. Sabbath school 9:30 a.m.
Saturday service 11:00 a.m.
Broken Chain Thursday Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m.
United Methodist Church
6915 S. Highway 63, Houston MO 408 Walnut St. Summersville
417-967-5466 or 800-835-1130 Church Pastor Ivan Breedlove Mennonite Church
Pastor Roger Cary Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m
Bishop Joe Weirich — Stoops Road
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday Evening 6:00 p.m

PROUD Mormon Big Creek

David Jett, pastor
Trinity Worship Center
Pastor Michael Wasson
Church of Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
15015 Highway AW, Evening Shade
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Jesus Christ of Evening Worship 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Service 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m.
Latter-day Saints Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m.
Houston Ward
Sacrament Meeting 10:00 a.m. Clear Springs
Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Community Church Union Chapel
Primary 11:00 a.m. to noon Tim Cantrell, pastor
1717 U.S. 63, Houston Priesthood and JD Mattison, pastor Sunday Morning 11:00 a.m.
417-967-9797 Relief Society Noon Jerry Barton, associate pastor
1981 Bradford Rd
Sunday Evening 7:00 p.m.
800-977-2155 Family history center 6-8:00 pm Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m.
(Wednesdays or by appointment by Willow Springs
calling 417-458-1505) Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
FAX 417-967-2122 Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. Wellspring Church
EMAIL: Bill Wright, pastor
Nazarene Community Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m.
New Horizon Church Crossroads Church Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Junction of Highways B
of the Nazarene Covering
and 137, Raymondville
GARY AND BRENDA GENTRY • 401 S. GRAND, HOUSTON Ken Lawson, pastor Jim Root, pastor Willow Springs Southwest Missouri
16697 Amber Dr., Houston Since 1958
Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Presbyterian
Elaine’s Tax Service
Sunday Fellowship 10:00 a.m. Sunday Services 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.
210 N Center St, Willow Springs
Sunday Service 9:30 a.m. 417-935-4236
Countryside Sunday Bible Study 10:30 a.m.
2680 Main Lane • Mountain Grove
Pentecostal Worship 417-926-4565
Rick Dixon, pastor New Life Ministries
18429 Highway B, Raymondville 13894 Highway 17, Plato
Apostolic Sunday Services 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Pentecostal Church Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Douglas Hampton, pastor Disciples Sunday Evening 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 6:30 p.m.
HARDWARE & Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Evening 7:00 p.m. Everett Perkins, pastor
Tuesday Bible Study 6:00 p.m 205 N. Main, Licking 145 W. HIGHWAY 32, LICKING
SUPPLY Sunday Services
Morning Worship
10 a.m.
11 a.m. 573-674-3115
Wednesday Bible Study 6:00 p.m.
B6 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

Trustee’s Sale may administer the at Houston, Missouri, on In the Estate of Deceased. 7, 2010 and recorded in
In Re: Jeremy R estate independently the petition to determine Larry Lee Landers, Notice of Letters the Office of the Recorder
Miller and Carmen L without adjudication, the heirs of the above- Deceased. of Administration of Deeds of Texas County,
Miller, husband and order or direction of the named decedent, who Notice of Letters Granted Missouri in Book 921,
wife Trustee’s Sale: Probate Division of the died November 8, 2018 and of Administration (Supervised Page 248 the undersigned
For default in payment Circuit Court, unless a their respective interests Granted Administration) Successor Trustee, at
of debt and performance petition for supervised as heirs in the following (Supervised To All Persons the request of the legal
of obligation secured by administration is made to described property: Administration) Interested in the Estate holder of said Note will
Deed of Trust executed and granted by the court. Description of To All Persons of Judy Kay Masters, on Wednesday, December
by Jeremy R Miller The personal Property Interested in the Estate Decedent: 16, 2020 between the
and Carmen L Miller, representative’s Net Value: $10,000.00 of Larry Lee Landers, On Nov. 13, 2020, Keith hours of 9:00 a.m. and
husband and wife dated business address and Real Estate under Decedent: Allen Masters was 5:00 p.m., (at the specific
August 22, 2013 and phone number is: Chi General Warranty Deed On Nov. 4, 2020, appointed the personal time of 10:45 AM), at
recorded in the Office of Ann Stevens, 25540 S. Bk 2018, Pg 2962: Steven Sperlazza was representative of the the West front door of
the Recorder of Deeds of Horsecreek Dr., Afton, A part of the South appointed the personal estate of Judy Kay the Courthouse, City
Texas County, Missouri in Mo. 74331, 573-453-2529. East Quarter of the representative of the Masters, decedent, by the of Houston, County of
Book 2013, Page 2465 the The personal South East Quarter of estate of Larry Lee Probate Division of the Texas, State of Missouri,
undersigned Successor representative’s Section One (1) Township Landers, decedent, by the Circuit Court of Texas sell at public vendue
Trustee, at the request of attorney’s name, Twenty-Eight (28) North, Probate Division of the County, Missouri. The to the highest bidder
the legal holder of said business address and Range Eleven (11) West, Circuit Court of Texas personal representative’s for cash the following
Note will on Wednesday, phone number is: described as follows: County, Missouri. The business address and described real estate,
December 2, 2020 between Steven Patterson, 1005 Beginning at a point personal representative’s phone number is: Keith described in said Deed
the hours of 9:00 a.m. and S. Pershing Ave., Salem, twenty (20) feet North of business and phone Masters, 214 N. Main St., of Trust, and situated in
5:00 p.m., (at the specific Mo. 65560, 573-453-2529. the Southwest corner of number is: Steven Liberal, Mo. 64762; 417- Texas County, State of
time of 10:45 AM), at All creditors of said the South East Quarter Sperlazza, 8537 Highway 865-7400. Missouri, to wit:
the West front door of decedent are notified to of the South East E, Houston, Mo. 65483; The personal Located in Texas
the Courthouse, City file claims in court within Quarter and run North 417-967-4747. representative’s County, Missouri, to-
of Houston, County of six months from the date on the West line thereof The personal attorney’s name, wit: The East 90 feet of
Texas, State of Missouri, of the first publication of a distance of three representative’s business address and Lots 12, 13, and 14 of
sell at public vendue this notice or if a copy of hundred sixty one (361) attorney’s name, phone number is: Daniel R.L. Hayes Subdivision
to the highest bidder this notice was mailed feet to the South Line of business address and Johnson, 901 East St. of Cabool, Missouri.
for cash the following to, or served upon, such the private road deeded phone number is: Brad D. Louis St., Suite 402, to satisfy said debt and
described real estate, creditor by the personal to Jerry D. Roberts and Eidson, 112 E. Main/P.O. Springfield, Mo. 65806; cost.
described in said Deed representative, then Carol S. Roberts in a Box 95, Houston, Mo. 417-865-7400. Millsap & Singer,
of Trust, and situated in within two months from Warranty Deed recorded 65483; 417-967-4747. All creditors of said P.C.,
Texas County, State of the date it was mailed in Book 309 at Page 173 All creditors of said decedent are notified to Successor Trustee
Missouri, to wit: or served, whichever is of the Deed Records of decedent are notified to file claims in court within 612 Spirit Drive
The North Quarter later, or be forever barred Texas County, Missouri, file claims in court within six months from the date St. Louis, Mo. 63005
of the North West to the fullest extent thence East on the South six months from the date of the first publication of (636) 537-0110
Quarter of the South permissible by law. line of said private road of the first publication of this notice or if a copy of File No: 204061.121620.
West Quarter (N 1/4 Such six-month period approximately four this notice or if a copy of this notice was mailed 412118 FC
NW 1/4 SW 1/4) of and such two-month hundred (400) feet to the this notice was mailed to, or served upon, such Notice
Section twenty-seven period do not extend the West Right of way line to, or served upon, such creditor by the personal Pursuant to the Fair
(27), Township twenty- limitation period that of U.S. Highway No. 63 creditor by the personal representative, then Debt Collection Practices
nine (29) North of would bar claims one thence Southwest with representative, then within two months from Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no
Range ten (10) West. year after the decedent’s the West Right of way line within two months from the date it was mailed information concerning
[County of Texas, death, as provided of Highway No. 63 to a the date it was mailed or served, whichever is the collection of this debt
State of Missouri] in Section 473.444, point due East of the true or served, whichever is later, or be forever barred may be given without
[The information RSMo, or any other place of beginning, being later, or be forever barred to the fullest extent the prior consent of the
contained in brackets applicable limitation the point where the West to the fullest extent permissible by law. consumer given directly
has been added to more periods. Nothing in Line of said Highway permissible by law. Such six-month period to the debt collector or
accurately reflect the Section 473.033, RSMo, No. 63 and the North line Such six-month period and such two-month the express permission
legal description] shall be construed to of the existing Roberts and such two-month period do not extend the of a court of competent
to satisfy said debt and bar any action against private road mentioned period do not extend the limitation period that jurisdiction. The debt
cost. a decedent’s liability above intersect, thence limitation period that would bar claims one collector is attempting
Millsap & Singer, insurance carrier West along the North line would bar claims one year after the decedent’s to collect a debt and any
P.C., through a defendant ad of said Roberts private year after the decedent’s death, as provided information obtained will
Successor Trustee litem pursuant to Section road to the true place of death, as provided in Section 473.444, be used for that purpose.
612 Spirit Drive 537.021, RSMo. beginning. in Section 473.444, RSMo, or any other Publish On: Nov. 19, 26,
St. Louis, Mo. 63005 Date of the decedent’s Description of RSMo, or any other applicable limitation Dec. 3, 10, 2020 30/4t
(636) 537-0110 death: Feb. 2, 2020 Property applicable limitation periods. Nothing in
File No: 198536.120220. Date of first publication: Net Value: $29,000.00 periods. Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo,
411984 FC Nov. 5, 2020 Real Estate under Section 473.033, RSMo, shall be construed to Notice of
Notice (Seal) General Warranty Deed shall be construed to bar any action against Annual Meeting
Pursuant to the Fair /s/Marci Mosley, BK 2018, Pg 2963: bar any action against a decedent’s liability Pursuant to the by-laws
Debt Collection Practices Circuit Clerk The East Half of Lot a decedent’s liability insurance carrier of The Summersville
Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no Shelly Cummins, 27 and all of Lot 28, in insurance carrier through a defendant ad Development Corp.,
information concerning Probate Clerk Block A of the City of through a defendant ad litem pursuant to Section Summersville, Mo.,
the collection of this debt Receipt of this notice Cabool, Missouri. And a litem pursuant to Section 537.021, RSMo. an annual meeting
may be given without by mail should not part of the SE1/4 NW1/4 537.021, RSMo. Date of the decedent’s of the stockholders
the prior consent of the be construed by the of Section 12, Township Date of the decedent’s death: Sept. 27, 2019 of the Summersville
consumer given directly recipient to indicate that 28 North, Range 11 death: Aug. 29, 2020 Date of first publication: Development Corp.,
to the debt collector or the recipient necessarily West, more particularly Date of first publication: Nov. 19, 2020 a corporation of
the express permission has a beneficial interest described as follows: Nov. 12, 2020 (Seal) Summersville, Mo., is
of a court of competent in the estate. The nature Beginning at the (Seal) Marci Mosley, Circuit hereby called to be held
jurisdiction. The debt and extent of any Northwest Corner of Marci Mosley, Circuit Clerk at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Dec.
collector is attempting person’s interest, if any, the East Half of Lot 27 Clerk Shelly Cummins, 1, 2020, at the Security
to collect a debt and any can be determined from of Block A in the City of Shelly Cummins, Probate Clerk Bank of the Ozarks in
information obtained will the files and records of Cabool, Missouri, and Probate Clerk Inventory Due: Dec. Summersville for the
be used for that purpose. this estate in the Probate run North to the North Inventory Due: Dec. 14, 2020 following purposes: 1.
Publish On: Nov. 5, 12, Division of the above line of the said Southeast 4, 2020 Final Settlement Elect members of the
19, 26, 2020 28/4t referenced Circuit Court. Quarter of the Northwest Final Settlement Due: June 11, 2021 board of directors for
28/4t Quarter, thence East 90 Due: June 2, 2021 If the Final the ensuing year. 2.
feet to a point due North If the Final Settlement cannot be Discuss and transact
In the 25th Judicial In the Circuit Court of the Northeast corner Settlement cannot be filed on said date, the any other business
Circuit Court, of Texas County, of said Lot 28 of Block filed on said date, the Annual Settlement will brought to the attention
Texas County, Missouri A, thence South to the Annual Settlement will be due: Nov. 15, 2021 of the stockholders in
Missouri Probate Division Northeast corner of said be due: Nov. 4, 2021 Receipt of this notice attendance.
Judge or Division: In the Estate of: Lot 28 and thence West to Receipt of this notice by mail should not By order of the board
Probate Billy Neil Dickison, the place of beginning. by mail should not be construed by the of directors.
Case Number: Deceased. Total net value of be construed by the recipient to indicate that Summersville, Mo.
20TE-PR00113 Estate No. Estate: $39,000.00 recipient to indicate that the recipient necessarily Colleen Bradford,
In the Estate of 20TE-PR00118 Dated: Oct. 30, 2020 the recipient necessarily has a beneficial interest secretary 30/2t
Keli Brynne Gross, Notice of Hearing to (Seal) has a beneficial interest in the estate. The nature
Deceased. /s/Marci Mosley, in the estate. The nature and extent of any
Determine Heirship
Circuit Clerk and extent of any person’s interest, if any, See NOTICES, B8
Notice of Letters (Sec. 473.663 RSMo.)
of Administration To: Brenda Jarrett, By: Shelly Cummins, person’s interest, if any, can be determined from
Granted 820 Elmore, Cabool, MO. Deputy Clerk can be determined from the files and records of
(Independent 65689 /s/Lori B. Rook, Mo Bar the files and records of this estate in the Probate
Administration) and all other persons, No. 59393, 2832 S. Ingram this estate in the Probate Division of the above Subscribe
To All Persons known or unknown, Mill Road, Ste. 100, Division of the above referenced Circuit Court.
Interested in the Estate interested or claiming an Springfield, Mo. 65804; referenced Circuit Court. 30/4t to the
of Keli Brynne Gross, interest in the property Phone: 417-868-8200; Fax: 29/4t
Decedent: hereinbelow described, 417-862-0847 28/4t
On Oct. 27, 2020, as an heir, or through an In The 25th Judicial Trustee’s Sale
Chi Ann Stevens was
appointed the personal
heir, of the above-named
decedent. In the 25th Judicial
Circuit Court,
Texas County,
In Re: Randy
Richardson; a single HERALD
representative of the You are hereby notified Circuit Court, Missouri person Trustee’s Sale:
estate of Keli Brynne that you are entitled to Texas County, Judge or Division: For default in payment
of debt and performance
Gross, decedent, by the appear and be heard at Missouri Probate
of obligation secured by purchase
Probate Division of the a hearing to be held Dec. Judge or Division: Case Number:
Circuit Court of Texas 8, 2020 at 9:00 o’clock Probate 20TE-PR00107 Deed of Trust executed
County, Missouri. The a.m., in the courtroom Case Number: In the Estate of by Randy Richardson; a 417-967-2000
personal representative of the Probate Division 20TE-PR00108 Judy Kay Masters, single person dated May
HOUSTON HERALD n Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 B7

Hoops MSHP adopts

Continued from Page B1
new website look
Kell wants that depth to help every player improve.
“I want the girls to practice every day like they’re The Missouri State Highway Patrol invites the pub-
trying to make the team,” Kell said. “With our depth, lic to visit the agency’s updated website at https://
that’s the way they’re going to have to come to work
every day because there’s somebody there waiting to The home page has been advanced and modernized
take their place. We believe that makes us a team that to make finding information easier and to improve
has the potential to show improvement throughout the user’s experience. The patrol’s new Show-Me
the season, and be playing our best basketball come Integrity Accountability Portal is featured promi-
conference play and district playoffs.” nently to provide an in-depth look into the patrol’s
organization, training, career opportunities and key
GUYS WHO CAN PLAY statistics.
The patrol added a “What’s Trending” window at
In his first season coaching the Tigers after four the bottom of the homepage, showing the agency’s
years guiding the HHS girls, Moore got to see what a Twitter posts so people who do not use social media
team that lost a whopping nine players to graduation will still be able to follow the most recent agency
was all about. news.
“We found out we have several guys who can play The new website design works best with Google
varsity minutes,” he said. “We moved the ball pretty Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser.
well offensively, we hit the offensive boards well and
spacing on offense was good. But we have to defend

Lions Club recognized

better and get after the defensive boards like we do the
offensive boards.

with resolution
“And we must communicate more on both ends of
HHS junior PJ Mister, right, battles for a ball during the
the floor. We want to push the ball so we have to tran-
Tigers’ preseason game against Eminence Tuesday in
sition quicker.”
Hiett Gymnasium.
Some of the Tigers were getting their first game-sit-
uation experience playing in Moore’s fast-paced style.
“We handled the ball OK, but we didn’t catch the
ball well enough and just missed on several passes up
the floor,” Moore said. “We have to do a better job of
converting on those opportunities.”
The HHS boys began the season for real on Monday
of this week with a home game against county rival
Licking. Senior Ty Franklin was cleared to play by a
doctor and was in the lineup after recovering from a
broken collarbone suffered in a football game Oct. 2
at Ava.
“He is a difference maker for sure,” Moore said. SUBMITTED PHOTO
The Tigers will play again at 1 p.m. this Saturday Rep. Robert Ross recently presented the Houston
(Nov. 28), facing Alton in the annual Current River Lions Club a Missouri House of Representatives
Shootout at Van Buren. Resolution for 80 years of service to the Houston
The Lady Tigers get their season going next week area.
(Nov. 30) at the seventh annual Fordland Invitational. The club sponsors and participates in many ser-
Houston is seeded first in the 6-team event and will go vice projects in Houston and across Texas County.
against host Fordland at 7 p.m. Monday and face Dora It partners with the Houston School District and
at 7 p.m. next Thursday (Dec. 3). The fifth, third and sponsors the Houston High School Student of the
first-place games will be played Saturday, Dec. 5. Month, partners with the Texas County Share Your
The Lady Tigers have adopted their own hashtag for Christmas program, provides glasses to children
the season: #timetorise. DOUG DAVISON | HOUSTON HERALD in need in Texas County, sponsors the Annual
“We would love to have a great following of fans,” HHS sophomore guard Aliyah Walker prepares to Texas County Shop with a Hero program, partici-
Kell said, “and we know you will enjoy watching a fun shoot from the lane during the Lady Tigers’ preseason pates in the Adopt a Highway Program, collects
style of basketball every night.” game against Plato last week. and recycles used eyeglasses, partners with the
Houston Area Chamber of Commerce to provide a
meeting area, sponsors the Texas County Law En-
forcement Appreciation Day, and partners with nu-
merous other organizations across Texas County.
“The Houston Lions Club officers and members
BOYS GIRLS appreciate all of the support we receive from the
Continued from Page B1 community,” said Houston Lions Club President
(No., name) (No., name)
8th-grade 8th-grade Bennie Cook. “We look forward to being active in
1 – Dylan Dzurick 12 – Morgan McKinney Texas County for another 80 years.”
2 – Paul Kimrey 21 – Nola Smith For more information or to join the Houston Lions
nNov. 10: Lost to Thayer, 49-13, in the
3 – Nick Dennis 22 – Lacey Caveness Club, call Cook at 417-260-2382.
Mountain Grove Tournament.
5 – Zeke Grange 23 – Micah Chipps From left, past district governor Don Shelhammer,
nNov. 12: Lost at Richards, 28-26.
10 – Caiden Root 24 – Sophia Crites Houston Lions Club vice president Russ Stigall,
nNov. 16: Won at Willow Springs, 37-
21 – Owen Wells 32 – Katy Scheets Rep. Robert Ross and Houston Lions Club Presi-
23 – Jordan Arthur 44 – Isabelle Pena dent Bennie Cook.
Lacey Caveness led Houston in scor-
ing with 18 points, while Sophia Crites 34 – John Jordan 50 – Mckenzi Postlewait
had 14 and Kynlee Weaver (a 7th-grad- 42 – Dakoata Hofstetter 7th-grade
44 – Logan Dixon 21 – Kayla Wagner
Local businessman
er) added 3.
53 – Brody Adkison 30 – Kynlee Weaver

donates to OzSBI
7TH-GRADE GIRLS 7th-grade 33 – Amber Lee
1 – Randal Atchison 34 – Laura-Lynn Barton
nNov. 10: Lost to Thayer, 35-6, in the 2 – Shane Yonkers 40 – Ashley Gilbert
Mountain Grove Tournament. 5 – Elyjia Turrubiates 42 – Makliah Cregor
nNov. 12: Won at Richards, 33-3. 11 – Jack Sawyer 43 – Annabelle
All of the HMS teams finally got to 13 – Riley Reed Westbrook
play at home this week, as the boys 21 – Caden Guerra Head coach –
hosted Mountain Grove on Monday and 22 – D.J. Riley JuliAnna Yardley
the girls hosted Liberty on Tuesday. 23 – Elijah Nowlin Assistant coach –
The HMS boys will face Ava next 30 – Carson Walker James Allen
Tuesday (Dec. 1) in Houston and travel 35 – Mason Dodson
to Thayer next Thursday (Dec. 3). Head coach –
The girls squads will travel to Licking Jake Brookshire
Monday (Nov. 30) and host Cabool next Assistant coach –
Thursday (Dec. 3). Jim Moore

Registration open for Missouri Master Gardener training SUBMITTED PHOTO

State Farm Agent Justin Shelby recently made a
Gardening is an activity with many rewards. schedule.” financial donation to the Ozark Small Business In-
“One of them is the satisfaction of sharing your Classes are delivered as a series of scripted and cubator in West Plains that was enough to qualify
plant knowledge with others,” said David Trinklein, narrated video presentations. Topics include basic for a room sponsorship,
University of Missouri Extension state horticulture botany, soils and plant nutrition, vegetable garden- “We are thrilled to announce that he is the new
specialist. “The MU Extension Master Gardener ing, fruit production, landscape design, woody orna- sponsor of store front Office 416,” said OzSBI CEO
program was initi- mental plants, her- Heather Fisher, left. “We are very appreciative of
ated to do just that. baceous ornamental Mr. Shelby’s contribution and are pleased to hang
Its motto, ‘helping plants, turf manage- his official plaque today.”
others learn to grow,’ ment, insect and dis- Shelby has an office in Houston and recently ex-
emphasizes service ease management panded to the West Plains area.
to others as the pro- and pesticide safety. Since opening in 2012, OzSBI has assisted more
gram’s main objec- People who suc- than 200 businesses. OzSBI’s passion is to help
tive.” cessfully complete talented local entrepreneurs gain business skills,
Registration is the core training and build relationships, get funded and grow success-
open for online Mas- perform at least 30 ful business.
ter Gardener train- hours of volunteer “Our goal is to improve the economy of the Ozarks
ing. The next 14-week session begins Jan. 17, 2021. service qualify for MU Extension Master Gardener by growing businesses that create good jobs, pro-
“While not meant to replace in-person training, certification. Local Master Gardener coordinators vide new products and services, and pursue inno-
which still is conducted in many Missouri counties, help online trainees find volunteer opportunities to vation,” Fisher said.
online classes represent another way to go through meet the service requirements. For more information, log onto
the core training required of all MU Extension Mas- Registration deadline for the spring online ses- For information about sponsoring a room at OzS-
ter Gardeners,” Trinklein said. “Students work sion is Jan. 10. For details and registration, visit BI, call 417-256-9724.
at their own pace within the confines of a course
B8 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

TCMH physician: Amid PUBLIC NOTICES Cabool man charged after

surge, masks are important allegedly crashing into
Continued from Page B6 of office. Persons
Stephen Hawkins, MD, interested may file at the woman’s vehicle on purpose
family medicine physi- Notice of superintendent’s office
cian at TCMH, wrote a Change of Name located at 10645 Plato Dr., A Cabool man faces truck – driven by Runion
message to the commu- On Nov. 10, 2020, Plato, Mo. 65552.   a felony assault charge – traveling eastbound at
nity regarding the surge the Circuit Court of Filing will begin at and multiple other a high rate of speed.
in COVID cases in the Texas County, Houston, 8:00 a.m. Dec. 15, 2020, charges after allegedly The officer left the gas
area: Missouri, entered and will continue during crashing head-on into a station and fell in be-
To mask or not to mask Judgment in Case the district’s regular woman’s car on purpose. hind the speeding truck.
should not be a question. Number 20TE-CC00087 business hours, which Scott A. Runion, 32, of He reported witnessing
Sorry to so poorly pla- changing the name of are Monday through 12255 Business U.S. 60 in the truck’s turn signal
giarize William Shake- Terence Michael Lewis to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 Cabool, is charged with activate as if it was go-
speare; however, several Terrence Michael Lewis, p.m.   felonies of second-de- ing to turn into Casey’s
people in our community who resides in Cabool, Except for the first gree assault and endan- General Store East, but
seem to have the mis- Mo. 31/3t and last day of filing, gering the welfare of a it instead moved into
HAWKINS filing will not occur on child, along with misde- the westbound lane and
taken idea that masks
are not needed. Nothing fortunately, this is one School Board days the school district’s meanors of operating a crashed head-on into a
could be further from the of the strangest diseases Elections offices are closed due motor vehicle in a care- vehicle driven by a wom-
truth. that I have ever seen. Plato R-V to inclement weather.  less and imprudent man- an.
This pandemic has I have had previously School District Filing will also not ner and failure to drive The officer discovered
now affected more than healthy 60-year old pa- Public Notice of Filing occur on the following on the right half of the there was a juvenile girl
800 people in our com- tients die, and I have had The Plato R-V holidays when the school roadway. in Runion’s truck.
munity and six of those hospitalized 90-year old School District will district’s offices are According to a report, The officer reported
people have died. If you patients get better and accept declarations of closed:  Beginning on a Cabool police officer that Runion stated he
and the people around go home within 24-hours. candidacy from persons Dec. 23, 2020 through Jan. was in his patrol car on had crashed into the
you will wear a cloth There does appear to interested in running for 1, 2021.  Filing will end at Nov. 13 waiting to exit woman’s vehicle because
or paper mask, you can be a light at the end of a position on the school 5 p.m. Jan. 19, 2021.    the parking lot at the he was mad at her.
help protect each other. the tunnel. Recently two board in the April 6, 2021, There are two positions Sinclair gas station on Runion was arrested
Only an N95 mask will drug manufacturers election. Candidates available with three-year Ozark Street. The offi- and taken to jail. His
help protect “you” from have come out with CO- must meet qualifications terms. 31/2t cer reported observing a bond is set at $500,000.
others who are not wear- VID-19 vaccines, each of
ing a mask. which were more than 90

Texas County history at your fingertips!

With COVID-19 cases, percent effective on more
hospital admissions and than 40,000 volunteers.
deaths rapidly rising in So until the pandemic
our county, it is impera- runs its course or every-
tive that we all social dis- one has been vaccinated, Browse more than 94,000 pages of
tance and wear a mask. please be courteous to
I have had the pleasure others. Wear a mask and past issues of the Houston Herald
of being a physician in practice social distanc-
Cabool for more than
three decades, but un-
ing, especially when in-

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HOUSTON HERALD n Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 M1

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nFirearms season hunters harvest lots of deer in Texas County Call: 417-967-2000
nSheriff addresses difficulties in handling dog attack cases
nHHS football players receive All-Conference recognition purchase

Fort Leonard Wood dining facilities getting ready for Thanksgiving Texas County history at your fingertips!
Fort Leonard Wood the accompaniments. spread of COVID-19, the will serve the Noncom- Browse more than 94,000 pages of
plans to hold its tradi- More than 300 food-ser- meal will be different missioned Officer’s past issues of the Houston Herald
tional Thanksgiving Day vice employees prepare this year, Moffitt said. Academy and Basic Of-
celebration Nov. 26 in 13 the feast and serve it “With that danger, ad- ficer Leader Course
of its dining facilities on alongside teams of unit ditional social distancing Thanksgiving meal from
post, with meals for ser- leadership. and sanitation measures 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 25
vice members, as well as “Thanksgiving meal on are being implemented,” and close Nov. 26 – they
a specific time and loca- Fort Leonard Wood will he said. will re-open with the
tion for retired service always be one of my most The Thanksgiving Day breakfast meal Nov. 30.
members. memorable experiences meal this year is restrict- The Thanksgiving hol-
According to William in my food service ca- ed to Department of De- iday meal rate is $9.20 for
Moffitt, Installation Food reer,” Moffitt said. “Our fense ID cardholders. Re- all visitors, except spous-
Program manager, plans highly talented food ser- tirees, Gold Star family es and other dependents
are set to serve more vice professionals like to members, and veterans of service members E4
than 12,000 meals dur- flaunt their talents for with access to the instal- and below who pay the
ing the lunch celebration this meal, but what truly lation are welcome to discount holiday meal
and 30,000-plus meals stands out is that those dine from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. rate of $6.85.
throughout the day — products and flavors are at Bldg. 6111. “2020 has been a chal-
utilizing 7,000 pounds of being served to the stron- “One of the DOD’s lenge,” Moffitt said. “I’m
turkey, 1,200 pounds of gest, most diverse, appre- largest dining facilities,” really happy we are still
shrimp, 2,000 pounds of ciated and prepared mili- Moffitt added. able to provide this tradi-
beef and 2,000 assorted tary on the planet.” The Logistics Readi- tion to the Fort Leonard
cakes and pies with all To help mitigate the ness Center, Bldg. 3223, Wood community.”

Pfizer’s Chesterfield workforce playing a key

role in coronavirus vaccine development
CHESTERFIELD Pfizer later said new looming difficulties and
— The hopes  — and results suggested the delays.
health — of a nation rest vaccine was even better: “This isn’t a simple
on a coronavirus vac-
95 percent effective.
And more than 200 St.
flu vaccine that you can
just ship out to any nor-
And the success of a Louis-area employees mal clinic,” said Dr. Alex 2019 EXPEDITION MAX 2020 FORD ESCAPE*
leading vaccine candi- are a vital part of the ef- Garza, the head of the
date relies on a facility fort, helping produce a St. Louis Metropolitan
in suburban St. Louis. chief component of the Pandemic Task Force.
Workers at Pfizer’s re- vaccine at Pfizer’s opera- The vaccine requires
search and development tions in Chesterfield. ultra-cold refrigeration,
Was $42,920 SALE $40,540 Was $26,130 SALE $19,980
center in Chesterfield Pfizer facilities dotting often only available at * After all rebates and trade-in assistance, and dealer discounts.
are playing a key role the map are tasked with larger healthcare sys- ONLY ONE IN STOCK.

as the company’s vac- producing different com- tems, Garza told busi- 2015 Toyota Corolla LE ..........$9,950 ........$8,800 2017 Escape...........................$19,860 ......$18,250
cine candidate hurtles ponents and raw materi- ness leaders on a recent 2011 Taurus ............................$9,899 ........$8,460 2015 Explorer .........................$18,980 ......$17,350
through clinical trials als for the vaccine. call with St. Louis Re- 2019 Taurus ............................$23,960 ......$21,280 2018 Explorer .........................$25,980 ......$24,720
2019 Fusion ............................$18,800 ......$17,680 2017 Expedition ......................$33,850 ......$31,720
and regulatory proce- The drug, itself, will gional Chamber.
2013 Chrysler Town & Country ...$8,900 ........$7,900 2017 Jeep Compass .................$25,860 ......$24,700
dures, on a desperately be produced at Pfizer’s It’s a two-shot dose,
2019 Dodge Caravan SXT .....$19,800 ......$18,750 2005 Jeep Wrangler ...............$17,900 ......$16,800
anticipated path to the operations in Andover, adding a level of admin- 2006 Ford Explorer .................$5,900 ........$4,850 2018 Kia .................................$23,680 ......$21,940
general population. Mass. istrative logistics. 2016 Fusion ............................$14,600 ......$13,680 2011 Super Duty .....................$21,700 ......$19,960
The New York-based Pfizer’s Chesterfield And even the big local 2014 Fusion ............................$10,860 ......$9,250 2017 F-150 .............................$39,860 ......$38,200
pharmaceutical giant site will perform some hospital systems don’t 2014 Focus .............................$10,980 ......$9,800 2011 F-150 .............................$18,920 ......$17,240
announced earlier this analytical testing to now have the manpow- 2019 Fiesta .............................$12,980 ......$11,940 2005 VW Beatle......................$7,995 ........$6,500
month that the vaccine support the vaccine’s er to administer all the 2019 Chevy Cruze ..................$16,995 ......$15,860 2019 Nissan Rogue Sport ......$19,800 ......$18,450
developed by the com- eventual release. More shots, he added. 2014 C-Max ............................$11,990 ......$10,289
pany and a collabora- importantly, it is respon- A vaccine for the gen- FORD CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED
tor, German biotechnol- sible for manufacturing eral public — will first 2017 Escape...........................$18,800 ......$17,600 2016 F-150 .............................$32,920 ......$31,650
ogy company BioNTech, a specific type of DNA, go to frontline workers 2018 F-150 .............................$39,620 ......$38,175 2018 F-150 .............................$39,960 ......$38,920
No processing fees charged. Free temporary 30-day tags.
demonstrated better called a plasmid, which and the most vulnerable
than 90 percent effective-
ness in the latest stage
of ongoing trials involv-
serves as the template
used to subsequently
make the messenger
patients — is not expect-
ed until late spring or
early summer next year,
$100 Rebate in the mail or 40,000 Ford Pass All sale deals
ing 43,000 participants RNA  — or mRNA  — said Spring Schmidt, the
Points ($200 value) on all major tire brands! good thru Dec. 3
worldwide  — news that drug substance, Smith acting co-director for the
sent financial markets explained. St. Louis County Depart- 1100 S. SAM HOUSTON BLVD., HOUSTON
skyward. And the mRNA is key: ment of Public Health. 417-967-4134
“We are very excit- Once injected, it in- Check us out on our Facebook page, •
ed and encouraged by structs the body’s cells See VACCINE, M2
these initial results,” to produce molecules
said Christine Smith, called protein antigens.

the local site leader and And those antigens
a vice president of bio- trigger the immune re-
therapeutics pharma- sponse.
ceutical sciences for Initially, the Chester-
Pfizer, speaking at a re- field site will produce
cent press conference the majority of the plas-
with Gov. Mike Parson. mid DNA needed by Pfiz-
“Although we have not er globally. Eventually,

our team!
seen any serious safety as vaccine production
concerns, I cannot un- scales up, other sites will
derscore the importance follow suit. The compa-
of knowing more about ny aims to produce up to
the safety profile of our 50 million doses by the
candidate. We will know end of this year, followed
more about these results by 1.3 billion doses next
in the coming weeks.” year.
But, she said, if the “Normally, we would

new career or part-time work?

data are sound, distribu- have waited for positive
tion of the vaccine could
start by the end of the
clinical data to do much
of this work, but not this Looking for a
year. Production has al- time,” said Smith. The
ready begun, in prepara- company is moving so CHC has several openings right here, right now!
tion for final regulatory fast, steps are happening
approval. in parallel, rather than We full
We have have fulland
time timepart
time positions available
available to trucks,
to drive drive trucks,
provide repair
“Ninety percent (ef- sequentially, as is typi- provide repair and maintenance to small engine equipment,
and maintaince to small engine equipment, production of doors and trusses,
ficacy) is a really good cal. “This time, we have production of doors and
and trusses,
clerical and clerical positions.
number in vaccines,” been, and will continue, WeWe offer
offer flexible
flexible schedules
schedules to accommodate
to accommodate college
college students.
said Smith. “We’re in- to work as fast as science
credibly happy with that will allow.” Apply in store at Cabool, Houston, or Mountain Grove | Or online at
number.” Still, experts warn of
M2 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD


See more county-related information online at
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ OFFICE 417-967-3222 MARCI MOSLEY, circuit clerk 417-967-3742
SCOTT LONG, presiding commissioner 417-967-3222 LINDSAY KOCH, recorder of deeds 417-967-8438
JOHN CASEY, associate commissioner 417-962-3882 SCOTT LINDSEY, sheriff 417-967-4165
DOYLE HEINEY, associate commissioner 417-932-4486 MARIE LASATER, coroner 573-247-1672
LAURA CROWLEY, county clerk 417-967-2112 CONNIE THOMPSON, public administrator 417-967-2669
DEBBIE JAMES, county assessor 417-967-4709 PARKE STEVENS JR., prosecuting attorney 417-967-2029
TAMMY CANTRELL, collector-treasurer 417-967-2580

LAND TRANSFERS ry A. Honeycutt to Ca- cable Trust, lots 9 and 11, Dylan Scott Robinson,
November 2020 – Rhon- bool Homes, LLC, lot 32, Ozark Manor Estates. $70.50; Raymond Dale
da L. Jones and Everett Woodland Heights, City November 2020 – Helen Roush, $100.50; Michael
L. Jones Jr., deceased, to of Cabool and part of S Marie Branson, Gene William Joseph Ryan,
Vacant Land USA, LLC, 12, T 28, R 11. Branson, Ila Jean Far- $100.50; Sam Schmid,
part of S 27, T 31, R 7. November 2020 – Ca- ris, Earl Farris, Walter $97.50; William F. Stratz,
November 2020 – bool Homes, LLC to Rob- Bruce Scheets and Ruth- $70.50; Katherine Doris
Karich Enterprises, LLC, ert Zimmerman, lot 32, anne Scheets to Jamie Watkins, $155.50.
Karen M. Brotherton and Woodland Heights, City M. Hayes and Billie M. The following drivers
Delbert R. Brotherton, of Cabool. Hayes, part of S 7, T 30, were issued a ticket for
members, to Shawna K. November 2020 – Linda R 9. seat belt violations, en-
Sanders, part of S 34, T James to Miles James, MARRIAGES tered a guilty plea and
28, R 10. beneficiary, part of S 20, Oct. 31, 2020 – Heath paid a $10 fine: Cody Ken-
November 2020 – Ste- 21, 28, and 29, all located Everett Huff, 41, and Jen- neth Mills, Donald L. Ro-

Royal Oak in Mountain View

ven Sperlazza, successor in T 30, R 10. Not effec- nifer Ann Branson, 35, land Jr., Peggy S. Roland.
trustee of the Larry L. tive to transfer title until both of Licking. IN OTHER
Landers Revocable Liv-
ing Trust Agreement,
death of owner.
November 2020 – T.
STATE VS. and Summersville is hiring!
and Larry Landers to
Christina Bean, Thomas
Michael Lewis and Viv-
ian Moor Lewis to Char-
The following drivers
were issued a speeding
Alissa Bowlin – Driv-
ing while intoxicated. Pay is $13-16
Raymond Landers and
Betty J. Landers Life Es-
ity Lee West, Andrew
Thomas Irwin, Timothy
ticket, entered a guilty
plea and paid a fine plus
The imposition of sen-
tence suspended with
Loader Operator • Line Worker
tate, part of S 28, T 31, R McAaron Lewis, Mat- court costs: Rieanna two years supervised Kiln Burners • Brand Pickers
9. thew Michael Lewis and Jean Bennett-Dewitt, probation, payment of
November 2020 – Scot- Scott McArron Lewis, $100.50; Andrew Nichoy all court costs and Crime
Apply at either location in person
tie J. Long and Sheila M. beneficiaries, part of S Faulcknor, $273.50; Nich- Victims Compensation. In Summersville:
Long to Reid Long and 28, T 28, R 10. Not effec- olas Michael Guseman, Kevin Daniel Brigham Shannon County Road 341 • Summersville, MO 65571
Katie Marie Long, part tive to transfer title until $256.50; Willie J. Harris, – Operating a motor vehi-
of S 14, T 30, R 9. death of owners. $100.50; Gaylord Evan cle without maintaining In Mountain View:
November 2020 – Mi- November 2020 – Ozark Hostetler, $100.50; Kraig financial responsibility, 9916 CR 2780 • Mountain View, MO 65548
chael D. Ragain, alter- Land Company Inc. to Alan Kessler, $70.50; first offense, $73.50 fine
Contact Tom Williams in Summersville
nate successor trustee of Benjamin Lewis and Cassidy Mary Lapham, plus court costs.
a Declaration of the Re- Christy Lewis, lot R, $60.50; Jimmie C. Leon- Taeuk Kang – Width or Ronda Huse in Mountain View
vocable Living Trust, to Mooney Branch Parcel ard, $100.50; Lawrence of vehicle exceeding 8½ 417-815-9586 or
Weston W. G. Walker and and part of S 12, T 33, R Jacob Lyons, $100.50; feet, $198.50 fine plus
McKenzie D. Walker, part 10. Emil A. Neitze, $70.50; court costs.
email resume to
of S 8, T 30, R 9. November 2020 – Jerry
November 2020 – James S. Garcia to Jerry S. Gar-
T. Smith, Vicki Smith cia and Sharon Hines,
and re Devillo A. Helmer, part of S 18, T 30, R 9.
deceased, to Connie M. November 2020 – Glen
Brooks, Kevin Brooks McKean and re Elsie
and Dalton Brooks, part McKean, deceased, to
of S 22, T 28, R 8. Carl Ice, Judy Ice and
November 2020 – Trev- Andrew Chronister, part
or A. Sigman and Aman- of S 13, T 28, R 11.
da G. Sigman to Donald November 2020 – How-
Kentner, lots 2, 3, and ard Crane, a/k/a How-
6, all located in block 8, ard D. Crane, to Billy
Oakwood Subdivision. Lee Crane and Linda L.
November 2020 – Don- Crane, beneficiaries, part
ald Kentner to Alicia of S 6, T 29, R 7. Not effec-
Bentley, beneficiary, lots tive to transfer title until
2, 3, and 6, all located in death of owner.
block 8, Oakwood Sub- November 2020 – James
division, City of Cabool. B. Wade and Denise D.
Not effective to transfer Wade to Matthew Par-
title until death of owner. sons, part of S 24, T 28, R
November 2020 – Ly- 11.
man Pittman and Cindy November 2020 – Lo-
Pittman to James D. ren Steele and Elizabeth
Helm and Raymond Dar- Steele to Kenneth E. Bar-
ick Akers, part of S 13, ry and Deborah L. Barry,
14, 23, and 24, all located part of S 7, T 30, R 9.
in T 32, R 12. November 2020 – Karen
November 2020 – Joy L. Shelton, trustee of the
Bolduc and re Phillip Karen L. Shelton Liv-
Bulduc, deceased, to ing Trust Agreement, to
Timothy E. Plumlee and Lewis L. McDonald, Jac-
Michelle R. Plumlee, part queline M. McDonald,
of S 14, T 33, R 12 Christopher T. McDon-
November 2020 – Mi- ald and Gari E. McDon-
chael Lee Johnson to ald, part of S 15, T 31, R
Michael C. Johnson and 10.
Katherine A. Johnson, November 2020 – Gary
beneficiaries, part of S 8, Gorman and Norma
T 33, R 10. Not effective to Gorman to Scott D. Huff
transfer title until death and Linda Huff, trust-
of owner. ees of the Scott D. Huff
November 2020 – Sher- and Linda D. Huff Revo-

Continued from Page M1
“We don’t expect those Schmidt said she is
to come in giant batches planning to deal with
of a million vaccines, virus outbreaks and ef-
ready to go,” Schmidt fects for at least the next
said on the chamber 18 months.
call. “We will get small Garza agreed.
quantities, hopefully on “I don’t want people to
a really regular cadence, have this false assump-
with a beautifully de- tion that we’re going to
livered federal system parachute in vaccines
of distribution. But we and everything is going
have not seen that yet to be great,” said Garza.
in this pandemic, so far. “It’s light at the end of
And so we have relied tunnel, but I tell people
on each other to manage it’s a very long tunnel.
through those distribu- And so we have to deal
tion conversations, and with the pandemic at
that’s what we’re plan- hand while we get to the
ning for now.” end of the tunnel.”
HOUSTON HERALD n Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 M3


Do you or a loved one need
Nov. 30 – Dec. 4 12th grade: steak sand- hamburger, french fries, AND HIGH SCHOOL care in your home? Now hiring capable atten-
wich, salad, applesauce baked beans, tropical Monday: Breakfast — Do you need assistance with: dants/aides for help with per-
HOUSTON and milk. fruit, ranch dressing and breakfast bagel, pears, • Housekeeping sonal care, housekeeping,
Monday: Breakfast — Thursday: Breakfast milk. juice and milk. Lunch — • Personal Care meals, running errands, etc.
kindergarten – fifth grade: — kindergarten – fifth Tuesday: Breakfast — hot dog, tri-tater, baked • Meal Preparation The job requires a valid driver’s
breakfast nachos, salsa or grade: pancakes, syrup breakfast pizza, oranges, beans, fruit shape-up, Rice • Mobility license and must be able to
cereal, applesauce, juice or cereal, fruit, juice and juice and milk. Lunch — Krispy treat and milk. • Medication Set Up pass a background screening.
and milk. Lunch: chicken milk. Lunch: spicy gener- nachos, Romaine salad, Tuesday: Breakfast • Errands & Shopping, Etc. If you are interested in car-
fajitas, salsa, glazed car- al chicken, vegetable fried broccoli, mixed fruit and — oatmeal, honey bun, ing for people in their home,
rots, applesauce and milk. rice, sliced pears, fortune milk. dried fruit, juice and milk. Offering Respite Care, In- please contact:
Lunch — Sixth – 12th cookie and milk. Lunch Wednesday: Breakfast Lunch — vegetable soup Home & Nursing Services as well
as Consumer Directed Services. ADVANTAGE
grade: chicken nuggets, — Sixth – 12th grade: spicy — pancake, sausage patty, with crackers, grilled
For more information, call HOME CARE
beans, peaches, cornbread general chicken, vegeta- frozen peaches, juice and cheese, cherry crisp and
and milk. ble fried rice, applesauce, milk. Lunch — chili god, milk. 417-641-0900 417-641-0900
Tuesday: Breakfast fortune cookie and milk. tator tots, carrots, apple, Wednesday: Breakfast
— kindergarten – fifth Friday: Breakfast ketchup/ranch and milk. — scrambled eggs, toast
grade: oatmeal and toast — kindergarten – fifth Thursday: Breakfast and jelly, mixed fruit,
or cereal, fruit, juice and grade: cook’s choice or ce- — oatmeal, bacon, toast, juice and milk. Lunch —
milk. Lunch: chicken real, fruit, juice and milk. raisins, juice and milk. pork chop patty, potatoes
drumstick, mashed pota- Lunch: cook’s choice, Lunch — chicken patty, and gravy, peas, Jell-O
toes, gravy, sliced pears vegetables, fruit and milk. mashed potatoes, gravy, with fruit, dinner roll and
and milk. Lunch — Sixth Lunch — Sixth – 12th green beans, peaches, milk.
– 12th grade: chicken grade: cook’s choice. bread slice and milk. Thursday: Breakfast
drumstick, mashed pota- Kindergarten – Fifth Friday: Breakfast — — cereal bar, pears, juice
toes, chicken gravy, sliced Grade: peanut butter biscuit, gravy, sausage and milk. Lunch — pep-
pears and milk. and jelly sandwich served patty, banana, juice and peroni pizza, corn, salad,
Wednesday: Break- each day. Sixth – 12th milk. Lunch — chicken fruit shape-up and milk.
fast — kindergarten – grade: pizza with ranch strips, french fries, broc- Friday: Breakfast —
fifth grade: blueberry served each day. coli/cauliflower, grapes, pancake bites with syrup,
muffin or cereal, fruit, bread slice, ketchup and mandarin oranges, juice
juice and milk. Lunch: RAYMONDVILLE milk. and milk. Lunch — chick-
steak sandwich, sliced Monday: Breakfast — en Alfredo, spinach salad,
carrots, applesauce and breakfast pizza, oranges, SUMMERSVILLE green beans, peaches,
milk. Lunch — Sixth – juice and milk. Lunch — ELEMENTARY bread stick and milk.


Visiting hours are Nov. 10 — Florence es. Thanks to Jackie
from 11 a.m. until 8 Stark, Houston. Nov. 6 — No discharg- Cooper, Jim Root,
p.m. each day. Get Nov. 11 — Verlin Al- es. Community Cross-
more on the hospital’s tom, Houston; Billy Nov. 7 — No discharg- roads Church family,
website at www.tcmh. Shepherd, Licking; Peter es. Lee’s friends at Ray-
org. Stein, Houston. Nov. 8 — Donald mondville and Evans
ADMISSIONS: Nov. 12 — No admis- Womack, Houston. Funeral Home.
Nov. 2 — No admis- sions. Nov. 9 — No discharg- Lee E. James family
sions. Nov. 13 — No admis- es. Betty James
Nov. 3 — No admis- sions. Nov. 10 — Patricia Wil- Patti, Jim and Latesa
sions. Nov. 14 — No admis- son, Raymondville. Holder
Nov. 4 — Patricia Wil- sions. Nov. 11 — No discharg-
son, Raymondville. Nov. 15 — Terry Tyr- es.
Nov. 5 — No admis- rell, Mountain Grove. Nov. 12 — Verlin Al-
sions. DISCHARGES: tom, Houston.
Nov. 6 — No admis- Nov. 2 — Ada Ingram, Nov. 13 — Glenda Lave-
sions. Licking; Michael Smith, ly, Licking; Billy Shep-
Nov. 7 — Donald Licking. herd, Licking; Florence
Womack, Houston. Nov. 3 — No discharg- Stark, Houston.
Nov. 8 — No admis- es. Nov. 14 — No discharg-
sions. Nov. 4 — No discharg- es.
Nov. 9 — No admis- es. Nov. 15 — Peter Stein,
sions. Nov. 5 — No discharg- Houston.

Subscribe to the

HOUSTON HERALD 417-967-2000
M4 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

Doctors, nurses plea for statewide mask mandate before it’s too late
Dozens of doctors and “Let me be really, really dents are already required be able to accept critically to action Friday, urging
nurses from across Mis- clear on this: A statewide to wear masks, adding that ill patients from across the local officials to enforce
Due to COVID-19, many pe
souri have issued an ur- mask mandate is needed “it’s up to the local lev- state. mask requirements, re-
choosing to celebrate Th
gent plea to Gov. Mike to save lives across the els to be able to do that, I Some healthcare sys- quire bars and restaurants
ing in smaller groups this ye
Parson: Issue a statewide state,” Garza said. mean, that’s why you have tems have already had to to close by 10 p.m. and lim-
could mean a lot of people wil
mask mandate before it’s During a  press confer- elections.” But the coali- turn away dozens of pa- it all in-person gatherings.
paring a turkey and all the tri
too late. ence Thursday, Parson tion of healthcare workers tients seeking transfer In a  joint statement, six
on their own for the first time
With thousands of new said the call for a statewide in Missouri says the situa- from rural hospitals in public health directors
“I remember the first tim
cases of COVID-19 being mask mandate has “been tion has become so grave Missouri. from the Kansas City re-
I prepared a Thanksgiving
diagnosed each day and out there for months” and that a piecemeal response The Mercy healthcare gion, including Johnson,
complete with turkey and all
patients crowding into reiterated that he believes is not enough to slow the system last week received Jackson, Platte and Clay
dishes by myself at my own
Missouri hospitals, some it should be up to individ- rapid spread of the virus. 129 requests for transfers counties, expressed alarm
said Londa Nwadike, state ex
intensive care units are ual Missourians to behave In addition to a mask from outlying facilities at the “rampant commu-
food safety specialist with t
nearly full. But health- responsibly. mandate, the coalition — but didn’t have enough nity spread” in the region
versity of Missouri and Kans
care workers say the worst “We got to do our part asked Parson to institute beds for 39 of those pa- and asked local govern-
University. “My mom and
is yet to come, and they to protect one another,” a statewide stay-at-home tients, said Keith Starke, ments to take action.
ers were going to drive seve
warn more lives will be Parson said, stressing his order and begin working Mercy’s senior vice presi- “We fully understand
to Kansas City, so I felt like
lost without a coordinated campaign promise to pro- with emergency managers dent and chief clinical of- the impact that stay-at-
prepare them a proper Than
statewide response. tect individual freedom. to plan for when — not if ficer. “What happens to home orders have on our
Dr. Alex Garza, head of “No government’s gonna — hospitals become over- those patients when they local economy,” the state-
Nwadike said she checked a
the St. Louis Metropolitan do that for you. You have whelmed this fall. can’t be transferred?” ment reads.
ble-checked her own article
Pandemic Task Force, said to take that upon your- Based on the current Starke said. “As these “However, COVID-19
food safety, which draw on i
Friday  it has become self.” rate of new cases, hospi- numbers go up, our abil- transmission cannot con-
tion from USDA and other r
“painfully obvious” that Asked whether he would tals in the St. Louis region ity to accept transfers goes tinue to rage out of control
based sources.
individual behavior alone consider instituting a are expected to run out of down. Because when we in our community given
“Don’t stress over prep
is not enough to curb the mask mandate statewide, beds during the first week are full, we are full.” the severe strain on our
Thanksgiving meal,” she sa
spread of the coronavirus Parson said the “vast ma- of December, Garza said, Kansas City health lead- health and medical sys-
in Missouri. jority” of Missouri resi- and that means they won’t ers released their own call tems.”
M4 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

Doctors, nurses plea for statewide mask mandate before it’s too late
Dozens of doctors and “Let me be really, really dents are already required be able to accept critically to action Friday, urging
Food safety tips to follow during Thanksgiving
nurses from across Mis- clear on this: A statewide to wear masks, adding that ill patients from across the local officials to enforce
Due to COVID-19, many people are be sure to use safe practices and plan turkey. Be sure to clean and sanitize Make sure the innermost parts of boards you use for raw meats with-
souri have issued an ur- mask mandate is needed “it’s up to the local lev- state. mask requirements, re-
choosing to celebrate Thanksgiv- ahead so that no one gets foodborne the sink after removing the turkey. the thigh and wing and the thick- out washing the boards thoroughly
gent plea to Gov. Mike to save lives across the els to be able to do that, I Some healthcare sys- quire bars and restaurants
ing in smaller groups this year. That illness at your holiday gathering.” Don’t rinse turkey and other meats est part of the breast have reached a between uses. If produce is not pre-
Parson: Issue a statewide state,” Garza said. mean, that’s why you have tems have already had to to close by 10 p.m. and lim-
could mean a lot of people will be pre- before cooking. minimum temperature of 165 degrees rinsed, rinse carefully and scrub off
mask mandate before it’s During a  press confer- elections.” But the coali- turn away dozens of pa- it all in-person gatherings.
paring a turkey and all the trimmings TURKEY “That will only spread those germs Fahrenheit. Be sure the thermom- any visible soil with a produce brush.
too late. ence Thursday, Parson tion of healthcare workers tients seeking transfer In a  joint statement, six
on their own for the first time. around the sink, which can cross-con- eter is not touching bone, as the bone Pumpkin pie: Pumpkin pie, cheese-
With thousands of new said the call for a statewide in Missouri says the situa- from rural hospitals in public health directors
“I remember the first time that “If you want to have leftovers after taminate other foods,” Nwadike said. heats up faster than the meat. cake and other baked goods with fill-
cases of COVID-19 being mask mandate has “been tion has become so grave Missouri. from the Kansas City re-
I prepared a Thanksgiving dinner Thanksgiving, buy 1 pound of whole “Any bacteria that might be rinsed off ings made of eggs and milk need to
diagnosed each day and out there for months” and that a piecemeal response The Mercy healthcare gion, including Johnson,
complete with turkey and all the side turkey per person,” Nwadike said. “A would be easily killed by cooking in TO STUFF OR NOT TO STUFF reach an internal temperature of at
patients crowding into reiterated that he believes is not enough to slow the system last week received Jackson, Platte and Clay
dishes by myself at my own house,” rule of thumb is 3/4 pound of turkey the oven.” least 160 degrees when baking. Re-
Missouri hospitals, some it should be up to individ- rapid spread of the virus. 129 requests for transfers counties, expressed alarm
said Londa Nwadike, state extension per person if you don’t want leftovers Clean any surfaces that the raw “Many people love to eat stuffing,” frigerate after baking or purchasing.
intensive care units are ual Missourians to behave In addition to a mask from outlying facilities at the “rampant commu-
food safety specialist with the Uni- or if you’re cooking a turkey breast.” turkey may have touched. As always, Nwadike said. “Unfortunately, so do
nearly full. But health- responsibly. mandate, the coalition — but didn’t have enough nity spread” in the region
versity of Missouri and Kansas State Frozen turkey must be thawed in wash your hands thoroughly before microorganisms.” LEFTOVERS
care workers say the worst “We got to do our part asked Parson to institute beds for 39 of those pa- and asked local govern-
University. “My mom and broth- the refrigerator or in cold water, not and after preparing food. This can The safest way to cook stuffing is
is yet to come, and they to protect one another,” a statewide stay-at-home tients, said Keith Starke, ments to take action.
ers were going to drive seven hours on the kitchen counter, Nwadike said. help to control COVID-19 as well as outside the bird, Nwadike said. If you Refrigerate the turkey (with meat
warn more lives will be Parson said, stressing his order and begin working Mercy’s senior vice presi- “We fully understand
to Kansas City, so I felt like I better The safest way to defrost a turkey is foodborne illness. do choose to stuff your turkey, stuff removed from the carcass) and stuff-
lost without a coordinated campaign promise to pro- with emergency managers dent and chief clinical of- the impact that stay-at-
prepare them a proper Thanksgiving in the refrigerator. Allow one day of To cook the turkey, set the oven for it loosely just before cooking, mak- ing separately in shallow containers
statewide response. tect individual freedom. to plan for when — not if ficer. “What happens to home orders have on our
meal.” thawing for every 5 pounds of turkey. 325 degrees. An 8- to 12-pound un- ing sure the stuffing is moist. Like the within two hours of cooking.
Dr. Alex Garza, head of “No government’s gonna — hospitals become over- those patients when they local economy,” the state-
Nwadike said she checked and dou- To thaw in cold water, completely stuffed turkey will take about 2 3/4 to turkey, stuffing should be cooked to at Leftover turkey will keep in the
the St. Louis Metropolitan do that for you. You have whelmed this fall. can’t be transferred?” ment reads.
ble-checked her own articles about submerge the wrapped turkey, chang- three hours to cook. least 165 degrees. fridge for three to four days, but gra-
Pandemic Task Force, said to take that upon your- Based on the current Starke said. “As these “However, COVID-19
food safety, which draw on informa- ing the water every 30 minutes so the A stuffed turkey of the same size vy and stuffing will only keep for one
Friday  it has become self.” rate of new cases, hospi- numbers go up, our abil- transmission cannot con-
tion from USDA and other research- outer layer of turkey won’t get warm will take three to 3 1/2 hours, Nwa- SIDE DISHES AND DESSERTS or two days. You can safely freeze left-
“painfully obvious” that Asked whether he would tals in the St. Louis region ity to accept transfers goes tinue to rage out of control
based sources. enough to support microbial growth. dike said. overs, but use them within two to six
individual behavior alone consider instituting a are expected to run out of down. Because when we in our community given
“Don’t stress over preparing a This method requires about 30 min- Use a food thermometer to deter- Raw produce: Don’t chop foods that months for best quality. Reheat left-
is not enough to curb the mask mandate statewide, beds during the first week are full, we are full.” the severe strain on our
Thanksgiving meal,” she said. “But utes of thawing for every pound of mine if the turkey is safely cooked. will be eaten raw on the same cutting overs to 165 degrees.
spread of the coronavirus Parson said the “vast ma- of December, Garza said, Kansas City health lead- health and medical sys-
in Missouri. jority” of Missouri resi- and that means they won’t ers released their own call tems.”
Food safety tips to follow during Thanksgiving
ID-19, many people are be sure to use safe practices and plan turkey. Be sure to clean and sanitize Make sure the innermost parts of boards you use for raw meats with-
celebrate Thanksgiv- ahead so that no one gets foodborne the sink after removing the turkey. the thigh and wing and the thick- out washing the boards thoroughly
r groups this year. That illness at your holiday gathering.” Don’t rinse turkey and other meats est part of the breast have reached a between uses. If produce is not pre-
lot of people will be pre- before cooking. minimum temperature of 165 degrees rinsed, rinse carefully and scrub off
ey and all the trimmings TURKEY “That will only spread those germs Fahrenheit. Be sure the thermom- any visible soil with a produce brush.
or the first time. around the sink, which can cross-con- eter is not touching bone, as the bone Pumpkin pie: Pumpkin pie, cheese-
er the first time that “If you want to have leftovers after taminate other foods,” Nwadike said. heats up faster than the meat. cake and other baked goods with fill-
a Thanksgiving dinner Thanksgiving, buy 1 pound of whole “Any bacteria that might be rinsed off ings made of eggs and milk need to
h turkey and all the side turkey per person,” Nwadike said. “A would be easily killed by cooking in TO STUFF OR NOT TO STUFF reach an internal temperature of at
self at my own house,” rule of thumb is 3/4 pound of turkey the oven.” least 160 degrees when baking. Re-
wadike, state extension per person if you don’t want leftovers Clean any surfaces that the raw “Many people love to eat stuffing,” frigerate after baking or purchasing.
pecialist with the Uni- or if you’re cooking a turkey breast.” turkey may have touched. As always, Nwadike said. “Unfortunately, so do
ssouri and Kansas State Frozen turkey must be thawed in wash your hands thoroughly before microorganisms.” LEFTOVERS
My mom and broth- the refrigerator or in cold water, not and after preparing food. This can The safest way to cook stuffing is
ng to drive seven hours on the kitchen counter, Nwadike said. help to control COVID-19 as well as outside the bird, Nwadike said. If you Refrigerate the turkey (with meat
y, so I felt like I better The safest way to defrost a turkey is foodborne illness. do choose to stuff your turkey, stuff removed from the carcass) and stuff-
a proper Thanksgiving in the refrigerator. Allow one day of To cook the turkey, set the oven for it loosely just before cooking, mak- ing separately in shallow containers
thawing for every 5 pounds of turkey. 325 degrees. An 8- to 12-pound un- ing sure the stuffing is moist. Like the within two hours of cooking.
id she checked and dou- To thaw in cold water, completely stuffed turkey will take about 2 3/4 to turkey, stuffing should be cooked to at Leftover turkey will keep in the
her own articles about submerge the wrapped turkey, chang- three hours to cook. least 165 degrees. fridge for three to four days, but gra-
which draw on informa- ing the water every 30 minutes so the A stuffed turkey of the same size vy and stuffing will only keep for one
DA and other research- outer layer of turkey won’t get warm will take three to 3 1/2 hours, Nwa- SIDE DISHES AND DESSERTS or two days. You can safely freeze left-
. enough to support microbial growth. dike said. overs, but use them within two to six
ess over preparing a This method requires about 30 min- Use a food thermometer to deter- Raw produce: Don’t chop foods that months for best quality. Reheat left-
meal,” she said. “But utes of thawing for every pound of mine if the turkey is safely cooked. will be eaten raw on the same cutting overs to 165 degrees.
M6 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

Individual lives matter — ATTENTION —

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about “Black Lives Mat- (just north of Pizza Hut).
ter” and Antifa (anti- Changes to membership
fascists who behave like
fascists). I’d like to con- CORNER eligibility now allow U.S.
veterans of all branches
12036 Highway 38, Cabool • 417-967-2832

centrate on the individual and periods of service to

lives that matter. join the American Legion.
Our nation was founded ROBERT E. SIMPSON Fleet Reserve Asso-
on the idea that all citi- Retired Navy electronics technician ciation Branch 364 meets
zens should have a say at 2:30 p.m. on the fourth
in how our government Sunday of each month
should be run. At pres- man life cheap.   tremists plan to take us. I at the American Legion
ent, each individual man “One death is a trag- know which one I prefer. Post 41 meeting hall in
or woman who is of vot- edy; ten-thousand deaths All the signs point to Houston. The FRA exists
ing age has the civic duty is merely a statistic.” Joe trouble ahead. All veter- to serve all veterans and
to vote in our elections. Stalin probably didn’t say ans specifically and all active-duty members of
Individual adult human it, but it’s been ascribed to Patriots generally should the U.S. Navy, U.S. Ma-
beings have had a level of him.   make sure that you are rine Corps and U.S. Coast
freedom and opportunity Two worlds:  “Whatever prepared.  Have a good Guard.
envied around the world. is not specifically prohib- Thanksgiving. Houston resident Rob-
Human life is so valuable ited, is authorized,” and Note: Pearl Harbor Re- ert E. Simpson is a retired
that hundreds will turn “Whatever is not specifi- membrance Day is Dec. 7.     U.S. Navy chief electron-
out to search for one miss- cally authorized, is pro- Veterans organizations ics technician who served
ing hiker or child. hibited.” The first one in Houston: from 1969 to 1990. His col-
Now, an ideology has is what we’ve had since American Legion Post umns are posted online at
risen in opposition to in- the Constitution was 41 meets at 6 p.m. on the
dividual freedom – one ratified, and the second second Thursday of each Email  gfjjkaa@gmail.
that apparently holds hu- is where the leftist/ex- month at the meeting hall com.

Survey: Highway patrol receives

high marks for performance
The Missouri Highway 90 percent said they had a spondents showed 91 per- ples.
Patrol received a high ap- good or excellent experi- cent were white and only “Even with the increas-
proval rating in a recent ence when they had con- 0.8 percent were black. es in respondents, the
public survey, but that tact with the patrol. Most of the respondents overall attitudes of re-
doesn’t mean improve- Eighty percent of re- were from Central Mis- spondents toward the pa-
ments can’t still be made spondents said the patrol’s souri, Lake of the Ozarks trol were positive in both
to the agency’s service, of- primary duty should be area and Missouri/Ar- surveys,” Hotz noted.
ficials said. enforcing criminal laws. kansas border. The 2020 Missouri State
Every three years, the The majority — just more “We serve not only the Highway Patrol Public
patrol conducts public than 88 percent — said citizens of Missouri, but Opinion Survey is avail-
surveys to get residents’ they approved of using so- also the people who travel able on the patrol’s web-
opinions of the level of briety checkpoints. through the state for vaca- site,  mshp.dps.missouri.
service provided by the Hotz said this was the tion or work,” Hotz said. gov. The survey can be
patrol. This year, nearly second time an online sur- “We want to hear from found in the top left cor-
94 percent of the respon- vey was conducted. The anyone who we would ner of the home page.
dents gave the patrol a response rate increased have contact on our day-
“good” or “excellent” rat- compared to a mail-in sur- to-day missions.”
ing. vey, but there are still lim- The 2,476 respondents
“We didn’t see anything itations to be considered in 2020 is an increase of
that particularly con- when interpreting the re- nearly 37 percent from
cerned us from the re- sults, he said. the 1,812 total in 2017. The
sults. But no matter how “Because the web link proportion of women re-
good the results are, if was available to anyone sponding increased, going
you are not striving to do with a computer, there from 39.5 percent in 2017
better, then you’re doing was no control over who to 44.7 percent in 2020. In
something wrong,” patrol responded, so that pro- the 2017 survey, most of

spokesman Capt. John duced a non-random sam- those responding were 45-

Hotz said. ple,” Hotz said. “A total of 55 years old. In 2020, most
Slightly more than 51
percent of the respon-
2,476 people responded to
the survey from Aug. 1-31.
of the responses came
from 56- to 65-year-olds. All
dents said they had direct There were 1,944 Missouri Hotz said it was not pos-
contact in some way with
the patrol. Just more than
residents, 64 nonresi-
dents, and the remaining
sible to determine if at-
titudes changed over the
94 percent said patrol per- 468 did not say where they last three years or if the

sonnel had a good attitude were from.” surveys just sampled two

and demeanor, and nearly A breakdown of the re- different population sam-
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HOUSTON HERALD n Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 M7

Fall leaves, fall fish Salem Livestock Auction

Highway 32 West, Salem, Mo. • Phone: 573-729-8880
The darned leaves in gold tint of late fall trees
Over 40 years in the Livestock Business
the water makes it tough and drifting leaves ac-
Pre-VAc SALe
to fish a river in the fall. centuated by the setting
I should remember that! sun beyond them, and a
But I have a hard time
OUTDOORS beautiful multi-colored
learning things due to a
deficiency which comes
bluff above dark wa-
ter. Back home on my Friday, December 4
@ 12 p.m.
from being hit on the ridgetop, I sat down to
head so often over the LARRY DABLEMONT write this, knowing that
years by falling limbs writer/photographer/naturalist there isn’t enough room
and lightning bolts re- to tell it all or enough Cattle must be at least 45 days weaned
sulting from high winds words to describe it. But and have at least 1 round of shots
and thunderstorms. But is one of them. That is black bass or walleye on in time I will get to it

cow SALe
I keep trying! Last week, something to be written that little spinner bait. all…fascinating things
with temperatures up in about later. Anyways, I stopped at a place to tell, like what that
the 70s I tried again, up there they were. Only that has an amazing his- channel catfish did, and

Saturday, Dec. 19 @ 1 p.m.

my favorite river on a problem was, while I tory for me, a place I call why those white bass
calm day with no storms could catch a fish from the miracle-tree eddy. I were so small, and what
in sight. 8- to 10- inches on every will tell that unbeliev- you have to do to remove
Allen Thompson 417-932-4097
I kept reeling back cast, there seemed to be able story in the spring the red meat on the big-
Chuck Thompson 417-257-5610
leaves and no fish. none bigger than that. issue of my outdoor ger ones to make them Renee Lauderdale 417-926-2682
BUT… I found a spot be- If you want to have fun magazine, but here with excellent eating. Then Brandon Barton 417-259-1597
low a shoal where there with smaller fish, you limited space, I can’t there is the long ago sto- Auctioneer:
were hundreds of fish have only to fish with ul- get into that. I can just ry of the miracle tree. As Roger Schafer 573-247-0273 We appreciate your business!
congregated. With that, tra-light gear, a rod like say that I only caught I said, I will get to it all… Terms of sale: Cash or Approved Check
my plans changed. To a switch and light line. four more fish. Three someday!
heck with those leaf- I had such an outfit, were white bass from
catching lures sporting and as the evening sun 14- to 15-inches, which
treble hooks, I quickly sank beyond treetops I kept for supper. The
found a small spinner
with a white plastic grub
on a single hook. That
behind me, I caught a
bunch of those yearlings.
With each fish I hooked,
other was a channel cat-
fish a little less than 4
pounds, which is to say,
Area TV Viewing Guide
is a lure I have used in there came a half dozen he could have also been WEEKDAY DAYTIME SUNDAY NOVEMBER 29, 2020
a pinch which will catch or so others, swirling be- a little better than three STAT. KOZL KOZK KOLR KYTV KSPR KSPR.2 STAT. KOZL KOZK KOLR KYTV KSPR KSPR.2
CABLE. E$ E% E10 E# E* E13 CABLE. E$ E% E10 E# E* E13
every kind of fish you neath the unfortunate pounds, if you get my CHAN. EF27 EF21 EF10 EF# EF33 33.2 CHAN. EF27 EF21 EF10 EF# EF33 33.2
could imagine; all three fellow, wanting to help drift. I turned him loose,
AM Daybreak Hero CBS This Today Good Morn- KY3 News
AM Gospel Hero Lord’s Way News GMA Full Gospel
species of bass crap- him eat whatever it was amazed that with all the 7 :30 on Z Xavier Morning ing America at 7 7 :30 Catholic M Xavier Living Sunday
pie, walleye, drum, and he had. They fought like fish I mentioned earlier, Jim Bakker
AM George KY3 News AM Paid George CBS News TODAY Jeffress News
8 Daniel at 8 8 :30 Now Daniel Sunday (HD) Worship
white bass on many oc- the devil on that little I could now add catfish :30
AM Paid 5 Steps to a
Meet the Hour Full Court
AM DanielPaid Today 3rd LIVE with The Doc-
casions. It is a super lure light rod! In my river, to the little white spin- 9 Wommack
:30 ElinorInside Hour Kelly tors 9 :30 Paid Loving Life Nation (HD) Press This Week Broadway
to use for white bass, only smallmouth com- ner list. Paid
AM SesameThe Price Is Today with The View The Dr. Oz AM Paid In Touch (HD) Homes
which is what I found by
10 Paid Right Hoda Show 10 :30 Chiefs Ins Paid Paid Know Bible HouseCalls
pare to those white bass You know what was :30 Peterrific
AM Capitol Suze The NFL Dog Chal- Paid Homeown
News Dino News Andy News Tamron
the jillions in that eddy when it comes to fight- great about that evening?
11 Protection
:30 Clifford
Young The Place Jeopardy Hall
11 :30 Matter Orman’s Ul- Today lenge Paid Paid
timate (HD)
where the swift water ing long and hard. I never saw or heard an- Restless KY3 News GMA3: PM Dishin’ It NFL Foot- Ski & Bang Paid
of the shoal swirled and Let me say here that other soul. It was just me
The Peo-
12 ple’s Court
Beautiful at Noon
25 Words
What You 25 Words 12 :30 Queens ball “Re- Snowboard Jeopardy Mad Dog
gional (HD)
PM “The Music TBA Heartland
slowed. if I had wanted to take and the Great Creator Paternity
1 Paternity
The Talk Days of Our General
Lives Hospital
Springer 1 :30 March Sis- Private
Coverage -
Teams Figure (HD)
ters” (‘12)
White bass fishermen home those short-sized and something close to PM TBA” (Live) Skating
MLS Soc- Outdoor
don’t have to be very white bass, I could have perfection…at least as
2 Bench
Let’s Make Rachael Drew
a Deal Ray
Barrymore Jerry 2 :30
My Music
(HD) (HD) cer “Teams Outdoor
Folk’s best TBA” (HD)
PM Paid Outdoor
good fishermen. When kept a number of them, close as you can get now- The Peo-
3 ple’s Court
Dr. Phil Kelly Clark- Dateline
son 3 :30 Family
NFL Foot- Long Drive Outdoor
they swarm up the tribu- filleted them and used adays. I thanked Him for PM Tailgate ball “Re- (HD) Paid Outdrsmn
taries of any Midwest- them for delicious fish it, even if the fish were
4 :30 Queens
Judge Judy Ellen KSPR
Judge Judy DeGeneres News @
4 :30 Special
Easy Yoga Coverage - Paid Whacked
4:00 PM Special (HD) Teams News News Depth
ern lake in the spring, patties to be eaten over small. I never want God PM Friends Cat News News
5 :30 Friends News CBS News News News The Place
Jeopardy Man 5 :30 Weekend TBA” News News Game Time
they just have to be the winter. I have a rec- to think I will just settle PM My Music Football
Prep Mike
found to be caught. But ipe for that, involving for anything when I go 6 :30 (HD) 60 Minutes (HD) Naughty Man

then they leave the riv- crackers and eggs. But I fishing! THURSDAY NOVEMBER 26, 2020 7 PM
Master- Sun. Night Supermark. Pandora
piece (HD) Neighbor. Football (HD)
ers and go back to sulk didn’t keep any. An hour There was one of the PM Branson Ct aaa
Bears at Who Wants The Out-
in the deep waters of the before darkness I just most beautiful scenes
33.2 8 :30 Master- “Coming Green Bay post
to Amer- Packers
AFFIL. IND PBS CBS NBC ABC CW PM KOLR 10 piece ica” (‘88, (Live) (HD) Card News
lake from which they drifted down stream, I have ever enjoyed on PM Family News (HD) News News News Mike 9 :30 Sharks
came. And the average hoping I could catch a the river, the yellow- 6 :30 Men ET (HD) Wheel Bang Man PM
Tailgate Country: Comedy)
Seinfeld Live at News
fisherman thinks they PM Ozarks House Young (:20) NFL Olaf’s Gilmore 10 :30
Goldbergs (HD) News News Bang Carbonaro
7 :30 Live! Christ- Ask (HD) B Positive Football Forgot Girls: A PM Family Men Sports (:05) NCIS: Carcass
will stay there until next mas Extrav-
Ozarks Mom
(Live) (HD) Year in the
The Won- Life “Fall” 11 :30 Family Master- (:35) ET Outdrsmn NO Truck Tech
spring. Not so! They get 8 :30 aganza derful AM Nashville piece (HD) (HD) Game Time (:05) NCIS Detroit
District Superintendent Opening
confused by the cooling PM Dateline Ozarks Discovery
World of
Holiday mu- KY3 News
12 :30 More Music Forensic Paid (HD) Engine
water of the fall and up Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association (IECA)
9 :30 (HD) Ozarks (HD) sic. at 9

the river they go again has an opening for a District Superintendent. This posi- PM Order: CI
10 :30 (HD)
Amanpour News
(HD) (:35) Late News
(:35) Kimmel
for some reason cannot tion is exempt. This position will be located in Mountain PM Family House Show (:05) To- Live Mike
tell you. There are not Grove, Mo. 11 :30 Seinfeld Ask (HD) Corden night Show Nightline Girls
many things about the The primary job duties will be directing employees in AM Men Finding Alicia Keys. (:07) Late News black-ish AFFIL. IND PBS CBS NBC ABC CW

securing and scheduling personnel, equipment, and ma-

12 Your Roots (:37) Law Night PM Family News (HD) News News News Mike
outdoors I cannot ven- :30 Schitt’s black-ish Fam Guy
6 :30 Men ET (HD) Wheel Bang Man
ture a good guess on, terials in all aspects of building and maintaining an elec- PM Law & Or- Antiques Neighbor. The Voice The DisneyWhose Line
and that fall migration trical distribution system, to include both overhead and FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27, 2020 7 :30 der: SVU (HD) Bob Hearts “Live Top (HD) Whose Line
17 Perfor-
underground lines. This position will require training and STAT. KOZL KOZK KOLR KYTV KSPR KSPR.2 PM Law & Or- Antiques All Rise mances” CMA Coun- Fool Us
instructing employees to perform their duties in a safe and
CABLE. E$ E% E10 E# E* E13 8 :30 der: SVU (HD) (HD) try (HD) (HD)
CHAN. EF27 EF21 EF10 EF# EF33 33.2
efficient manner within acceptable operation standards. AFFIL. IND PBS CBS NBC ABC CW 9
PM News POV Bull “Prison
Non-fiction Break”
(:01) Weak- The Good KY3 News
est Link Doctor at 9
:30 Seinfeld
Applicants are required to have a high school diploma or PM Family News (HD) News News News Mike films. (HD)
Are You equivalent. Applicants must have completed an approved
6 :30 Men
PM Order: CI WashWk Frosty
ET (HD) Wheel
Amanpour (:35) Late
News News Bang
(:35) To- (:35) Kimmel Bang
electrical lineman apprentice program and be certified as 7 :30 (HD) Claus (HD) PM Family and Com- Show night Show Live Mike
a journeyman lineman. A minimum of 10 years of expe-
Firing Frosty
PM Order: CI Alan Jack- The Pet
(:01) 20/20 Grandma
11 :30 Seinfeld
pany Cur-
rent issues. (:37) (:37) Late Nightline Girls
rience in line construction, maintenance, and operations 8 :30 (HD) son Memo- Project NBC (HD) Investiga- (HD) AM Simpsons (HD) Corden Night News Girls
ries (HD) tive news. 12 :30 Schitt’s (:37) Law (:37) Lilly black-ish Fam Guy
is required. A CDL driver’s license is also required. Prior 9
PM News Blue Bloods (HD) KY3 News
:30 Seinfeld My Music “Trust” at 9
supervisory experience preferred.
On Social Media? Applicants selected must successfully complete a pre- 10
PM Men Folk’s best News
:30 Goldbergs (HD)
(:35) Late (:35) To-
News Bang
(:35) Kimmel Bang
employment drug screening, pre-employment background Show night Show Live STAT. KOZL KOZK KOLR KYTV KSPR KSPR.2
PM Family Mike
check, and a post-offer WorkSTEPS functional employ- 11 :30 Seinfeld The 10-Day Corden (:37) Late Nightline Girls
ment test. AM Simpsons Belly Josh Gad. Night News Girls AFFIL. IND PBS CBS NBC ABC CW

An application and complete job description can be

12 Slimdown
PM Family News (HD) News News News Mike
:30 Schitt’s (:37) Law (:37) Lilly black-ish Fam Guy
6 :30 Men ET (HD) Wheel Bang Man
found at under Employment Opportuni-

PM Chicago Am. Exper. Rudolph The Voice The Swamp
ties or picked up from the Licking district office, located at SATURDAY NOVEMBER 28, 2020 7 :30 P.D. (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) Bachelorette Thing (HD)
102 Maple Ave., Licking, Mo. To be considered, a complet- KOZL KOZK KOLR KYTV KSPR KSPR.2 PM Chicago Frontline Let’s Make Weakest Tell Me a
P.D. (HD) (HD) a Deal Link (HD) Story
ed application must be submitted to IECA before 5 p.m. CABLE.
PM News To Be An- FBI: Most Transplant (:01) Big KY3 News
Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2020. AFFIL. IND PBS CBS NBC ABC CW 9 :30 Seinfeld nounced Wanted (HD) Sky (HD) at 9
IECA is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action 7
AM Planet What to Eat Unstoppab. News GMA Satur- Wonderma
PM Men Amanpour News News News Bang
employer. All qualified applicants will receive consid-
Life 2.0
When (HD) Hope Wild
CBS This Today
day Wonderma
GMA Satur- News
10 :30 Goldbergs and Com- (:35) Late (:35) To- (:35) Kimmel Bang
pany Cur-
eration for employment without regard to sex, race, 8 :30 Nature Aging (HD) Morning Ocean day
PM Family rent issues.
Show night Show Live Mike
color, religion, national origin, age, marital status, po- AM Weird True
Earth OceanWild :30 Seinfeld (HD) (:37) (:37) Late Nightline Girls

litical affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, 9 :30 AM Simpsons

Corden Night News black-ish
DIY Sci 3 Steps to
Pain-Free Pet Vet
Earth Rescue
12 (HD)
genetic information, disability or protected veteran
News A New Leaf Heroes
Wild :30 Schitt’s (:37) Law (:37) Lilly black-ish Fam Guy
10 :30 Paid
Living (HD)
All In Champion Rock House
status. We are committed to providing a workplace AM Paid Animals Paid Jewels
@houstonherald free of any discrimination or harassment. 11 :30 Paid Change Sports (T) English Pr. Football
PM Laughs Your Brain (HD) League Voyager STAT. KOZL KOZK KOLR KYTV KSPR KSPR.2
12 :30 Queens
Amen MD Soccer
Sports (T) (Live)
TBA” (Live)
(HD) Vets Savi. CABLE. E$ E% E10 E# E* E13
(HD) CHAN. EF27 EF21 EF10 EF# EF33 33.2
PM Major Big World
1 :30 Crimes Country: College Premier Travel
PM Family News (HD) News News News Mike
PM Major
Live at
Football Ski (Live) Scoreboard aac
(HD) “The Per-
6 :30 Men ET (HD) Wheel Bang Man
:30 (HD) College College
fect Score” PM Dateline Islands of Amazing 88th Annual Goldbergs Devils (HD)
Paid Football
Traditions My Music TBA” (Live) Drone Rac- TBA” (Live)
(‘04) 7 :30 (HD) Wonder Race Christmas Housewife

SSN Sports 1950s pop (HD) ing League (HD) PM Dateline NOVA (HD) SEAL Conners Coroner
:30 Raceweek
stars. (HD)
(HD) 8 :30 (HD) Team (HD) black-ish “Fire Pt 2"
PM News Hacking SEAL Radio City For Life KY3 News
Country PBS
News Scoreboard
9 :30 Seinfeld Your Mind Team (HD) (HD) (HD) at 9
PM Nashville NewsHour Judge Judy News Scoreboard Mike PM Men Amanpour News News News Bang
6 :30
More Music (HD) Chiefs Ins Wheel College Man 10 :30 Goldbergs and Com- (:35) Late (:35) To- (:35) Kimmel Bang
pany Cur- Show night Show Live
PM Men Hooves The Na- Football Weather PM Family Mike
rent issues.
7 :30 Men Music Tribe tional Dog “Teams
TBA” (Live)
11 :30 Seinfeld (HD) (:37) (:37) Late Nightline Girls
Show Corden Night
PM Seinfeld Private Santa (HD) Storm AM Simpsons News black-ish
8 :30 End Zone Claus 12 :30 Schitt’s (:37) Law (:37) Lilly black-ish Fam Guy
PM KOLR 10 Last of the (:01) 48 Sat. Night News
9 :30 Chiefs Ins Breed Hours Live Depth
PM Tailgate News News News Girls
10 :30 Goldbergs Change Men Sat. Night Bang Girls
PM The First 48 Your Brain Nightwatch Live (HD) (:05) NCIS: Fam Guy
11 :30
Amen MD NO Fam Guy
AM The First 48 (:05) Blood- (:02) Opry (:05) NCIS Burgers
12 :30 Longevity line (HD) Burgers
M8 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

Thanksgiving writing from Success fourth graders Want the HOUSTON HERALD
Mrs. Scott’s fourth
grade students at
happily ever. Also you
can see what I will be
But he found me. I ran
away again and I hid
they put the food out-
side and the animals got
Success Elementary again next year. Bye! in the big haystack. I the leftovers. When the
School. CAMERON J. heard him say, “I’ll just farmer was done and the
go to Walmart and buy animals they all went
Hi my name is Adri- Hi, my name is Wyatt a turkey. I didn’t care.” to sleep under the night
anna D the turkey. I am B., the turkey. I disguised Walmart closes in thir- sky. I thought to myself
disguised as the farmer’s myself as an Ameri- ty minutes. It takes the I thought, “We are safe
wife. He will never eat his can flag this year so the farmer one hour to get for now and what I will
wife for Thanksgiving. I farmer will not find me. there. He got so mad do next year.” Chapter
want to be the farmer’s Oh NO! Here he comes. when he got back. He 5: The Afternoon Talk.
wife. She is gone for the I quickly ran to the flag- sold me to another farm- My life is flooded with
weekend. She said “That pole and hung onto it er. I hope I don’t get eat- danger, adventure and
she would be back soon well. “It looks like we’re en next year. all kinds of things but
so I’ll pretend to be her eating ham and chick- FORREST S. every day is a risk for me
for Thanksgiving.”Well en,” said the farmer. but I don’t give up. We
bye. I have to go, it’s get- They lived happily after, Chapter 1 I’m in Trou- will never be non wild
ting late. I will be back wait! not everyone dun ble!: Hi, my name is again, not in our life,
later. I guessI better go dun DUUUUUUNNNN. Shayne Hi I’m a turkey. we will have more ad-
now bye. Wait before I WYATT B. It is Thanksgiving and ventures, we will never
go. I guess I better tell every year my friends give up!, We will have
you that they ate pig and Hi my name is TM the and family get taken an adventure in our life
not me. Mm mm mm that turkey. I am here to tell away now the only tur- forever and ever and
pig was good. We also you that the farmer is key left and I have to ever! Chapter 6: Find a
had a salad, carrot’s, trying to eat me. I am go- get a disguise. I’m going Home to Live in: “Today
corn, mashed taters,and ing to disguise myself as to go to my friend Wy- we find a home to live in,
so much more good food. a famous singer so I bet- att the pig and borrow tomorrow we get food.”
I think I will be on the ter put on my outfit and some ideas. Wyatt gives I said “Ok” I said “Ok”
roster next year. OK now get going. I got in posi- me lots of ideas but not said everyone. “Now we
bye I will see you next tion and he watched me enough. I come to the find shelter and start
time. sing and he looked at me horse pen where Tym- walking.”The animals
ADRIANNA D. funny and then he start- ber, Brent, and Cody still behind me said “No!”
ed laughing at me. I ran don’t have enough ideas. I said “We will build.”
Hi, my name is off and he watched me I go to the cats who are Chapter 7 Night time:
Brayden and I’m a tur- and he was still laugh- named Cameron, For- All the animals went to
key. This Thanksgiving ing at me. He fell down rest, and Kyler. They bed then I heard a sound
I’m the main course and laughing then I took off don’t give enough ideas of branches snapping,
I disguised myself as a those clothes and put either. So, I have to go to krack! snap! The farmer
rich man. “Oh no he’s
coming! I have to hide
my normal clothes on. I
have to be a little more
Adrianna and get some
more ideas. Dun dun
came out “Run!” I said.
Chapter 8 Run for My Holiday Shoe Sale
Friday and Saturday,
so he can’t find me. Now creative than I was this Duuuuuunnnn! So when Life: Ok! “The farmer
he’s after the pig. “It’s year. All I have to worry I get there I see Adri- is here, get a disguise
pork for thanksgiving” about now is next year. anna. She is soooooo on before it is too late!”
said the farmer “poor
pig” I said.
TYMBER M. tall so I walk up to her
and hear “What do you
Everyone took their dis-
guises out and put them
Nov. 27 and 28
BRAYDEN G. Hi my name is Kyler E want?“ Chapter 2 The on. The farmer passed
and I’m a turkey. I need Lonnnnnnnnng Con- right by us. We were safe All Women’s
to hide from the farmer. versation: So I thought for now.
e P a irs Born Shoes
Bueny's DOress, Casucael—or Boo
Hi, my name is Cody I will wear a disguise. I the conversation would SHAYNE H. & Boots
and I’m a turkey. I’m in will be a businessman be short but it was t

c e !
All Skechers

a disguise as a pump- now and I will steal the lonnnnnng. I asked Hi, My name is Ryan

1/2 P r
Wom lar Pri
at Regu
kin. It’s Thanksgiving farmer’s car and drive her, “What costume and I am a turkey. The Winter
and I’m the only turkey away. “BYE go eat a cow” should I wear?” “The farmer is trying to kill
left so I might get caught I said. (on the highway) ground.” said Adrianna me for Thanksgiving. I
this year but the farmer “oh no it’s the cops” I “The what?” I said “The think I will dress up as a Get
d All
is trying to be sneaky. I said “PULL OVER!” the ground” said Adrianna. ghost. This way when he Secon H a ndbag Life Stride
for ith a k! Dress &
atch w o or The Sa
heard him say it so I’ll cop said I pulled over “Okay.” I said. comes to find me I will
x & M
or Mi llet by: Hob
be sneaky too like a su- and the cop put me in his Chapter 3 The Dis- jump out and scare him.
per spy. I’m dressed like car (in jail) “I need to get guise: I get ready. I glue, RYAN R. Casual
a pumpkin. The farmer out ok on 3 I will hit the paste, cut, and color the or Wa

Handbags by
is coming. I’m gonna put door”. 1 2 3 I hit the door costumes. When I am Hi, my name is Domi-
on my costume and fast. and it broke and was safe done I get the custom on. nick. I am a turkey. The All
Get On
The farmer looked at forever, I hope. Now I get it on and hide farmer wants to get me
me and walked away. He KYLER E. in my pen. Chapter 4: so I am dressing up like
Buy On
looked everywhere for My Plan in Action: Then a robot.
2 Pric
me but he couldn’t find
me at all so he just got a
Hi, I’m Forrest the
turkey. And the farmer
the farmer came up to
the pen. I didn’t make
pizza and I was fine. is trying to find me. My a move. He went away
CODY M. goal is for the farmer from the pen only when I
Brown's Shoe Store
Hi, my name is C.J. the
not to eat me. So I’m go-
ing to be the FBI agent.
heard the door close that
I jumped in the air and Messenger 208 S. Grand Ave., Houston • 417-967-2516 • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday - Friday;
9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Saturday • Closed Sunday and Monday
turkey. I have to think
of a disguise because
I went to the farmer’s
front door and went to
ran to the forest. But I
came back and released Messages MasterCard, Visa & Discover cards welcome. Hurry in now while selection is best!
it is Thanksgiving to- his bedroom. I took a the other animals. Right For Sale: Men’s
day and farmer Jones shirt and spray painted when I released the last jackets: denim fleeced-
might eat me if he can it black. I saw the farmer one the farmer spotted lined jackets, camo
find me. So guys I am go- feeding the sheep. I went me and ran out the door. fleeced hooded sweat
ing to tell you about my up to him and pulled out He went all over the shirt, rain coat, olive
disguise but you can not my fake bage. I told the yard with me and then I quilted jacket, L.L.
tell farmer Jones ok? So farmer that he is going was trapped. He grabbed Bean camo shirt, Win-
my disguise is going to to be arrested for eating me. I thought it was the chester fleeced vest,
be Santa Clause surely turkey. Then he realized end for me then I heard Wrangler fleeced-
farmer Jones wouldn’t who I was. He started a yell and I was free and lined vest, Mossy Oak
eat Santa. Then I con- chasing me through the ran to the forest. Every- hooded sweatshirt,
vinced the real Santa barn. He slipped on a one was so happy, but khaki Barn coat, plaid
Claus to give me his puddle of water. He said, not the farmer. He went lining, like new, 417-
clothes and toys so I “Well I guess I’ll just to the store to get some 217-0125. H/30/1tp
won’t get eaten. When I have the rooster.” “Oh turkey.
got back I heard him say no not the rooster he’s When the farmer and Subscribe to e-
“Where is my turkey.” my best friend.” I made his family were done Herald — it’s the
Farmer Jones said, “It a sign that said Don’t eat electronic, full-color
is ok. I can just go to the the rooster eat the pig! edition of the Houston
store and get a turkey to I hid behind a bush. Herald. Accessible by
cook today.” I walked up I saw him read it. I got computer anywhere
behind him and he said so excited I laughed a “Now hiring for immediate
openings as a FT or PT in the world. Place
“Would you like to eat little. I ran away as fast Caregiver with Integrity. your subscription on-
with us tonight?” I said as I coud. I hopped in Call 417-851-4330 line. H/30/tfp
“Yes” Then we all lived the back of the truck. for more info!”

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This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
HOUSTON HERALD n Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 M9

Thanksgiving writings
from area schools
Mrs. Neugebauer’s
first grade students at
First, buy a turkey from
Dollar Tree. Next, put it
Thanks &
Houston Elementary in the oven and cook for
School. 145 minutes. Then, chop it
up. Finally, enjoy with the
HOW TO COOK A family.

Best Wishes

First, shoot it and pluck First, shoot a turkey.

the feathers. Next, cook it Next, pick out the feath-
for one minute. Than, put ers. Then, chop it up and
salt on it. Finally, eat it. put salt on it. Finally, cook
LOGAN C. it in the oven for one hun- We wish all of our neighbors here a
dred minutes. Thanksgiving Day that’s wonderful in every way.
First, I clean it. Next, I NOAH B.
cook it. Then, I cut it. Fi- May it bring all the best to your table
nally, I eat it.
First, shoot a turkey.
Next, deep fry the turkey. and an abundance of good fortune
Then, eat it whole. Finally, to last the whole year through.
First, buy it from drink ten Mtn. Lightnings.
Walmart. Next, cook it for BLAKE M.
nine minutes. Then, put
cinnamon on it and re- First, shoot a turkey by See our Black Friday deals
cook it. Finally, cut it and the pond. Next, put A1
then eat it. sauce and ghost pepper insert in this week’s paper!
SOFIA Z. on it. Then, cook it for one
degree. Finally, we get to
First, shoot a turkey. eat it.
Next, clean it and pick off ASHER S.
the feathers. Then, cook it
for seven hours. Finally, First, you have to buy
eat it with seasoning on it. the turkey. Next, you wrap Houston Walmart Supercenter
KATELYNN W. it and put it in the pan. South Sam Houston Blvd.
Then, you cut the turkey.
First, I will shoot it with Finally, put it in the oven 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. • 417-967-3302
a pistol. Next, pick the till it’s done.
feathers. Then, put it in ELI B.
the oven for 30 degrees.
Finally, put my dad’s
sauce on it.

Burch Insurance would like to wish

everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. Your trust and kindness fill us with
Jerry and Dawn Spencer, Lori Moncrief, gratitude, and we hope the spirit of
Toni McKinney, Shalena Purcell and Rachel Kelly the season fills you with joy!

1717 U.S. 63, Houston • 417-967-9797 • 800-977-2155


Willy Walker Heather Sponsler Mike Williams Brad Evans
Kevin Stilley Angie Long Mikayla Murray Darren Ice
Michael Weakly Randon Brown Matt Baker Stetson Evetts
Chalky Wells Robert Harrington Randy Ingram Mike Hock
Joe Honeycutt John McCloud Joe Kirkman Robbie Smith
‘Tis the season to give thanks for health, happiness, Jordan Goodwin
good fortune and good people like you who make this Kim Bittle Reid Long Bill Ramsey
Ross Richardson Harley Coulter Tim Ceplina
community so special at the holidays and all year! Steve Floyd
Tyler Guynn
Brad Eidson Keith Hamilton Alex Green
Matt Woodmansee
Mike Anderson Carol Pittman Ethan Ullom
Josh Green
1340 S. Sam Houston Blvd., Houston Bruce Wilson Bob Richards Travis Lunbeck
417-967-0772 Adam Stevenson Scott Avery Dustin Hartman Jason Wink Travis Thompson
M10 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

Mrs. Pounds’s first dad because he tak me

grade students at Suc- deer huteg. I am thankful
cess Elementary School. for my Maddy because she
palyz with me. I am thank-
I am tackful for my ful for my cat because she
teechr because she is the cuddiele me. I am thank-
best teechr in the hol wid ful for my mom because
wrld. I am tactful for my she lets me go out side.
mom because she cooks ALLEAH M.
me food. I am tactful for
my dad because he lets I am thankful for God be-
me help him wrck. I am cause he meid the world. I
tactful for God because am thankful for mom be-
he made the wrld. I am cause she chexs (cooks)
tactful for my grandpa
because he lets me drive.
I am tactful for my frind
me food. I am thankful
for dad because he lets me
work. I am thankful for
Wishing You the Very Best
Garrett because he plays
with me. I am tactful for
Elijah becace he plys wif
me. This Holiday Season
scool because scool is fun. GARRETT G.
I am tactful for my cat
becus he snuggools me. I I am thackfl for myself Thank you for your valued patronage and friendship.
am tactful for the pisubol becus I wats (watch) tevx May all your journeys be safe, happy and rewarding.
(principal) because he is (tv). I am thacfl for my

Drive Safely This Holiday Season!

rile nise to me. pops becus he is niys. I am
ELIJAH J. thacfl for my gamy becus
she is niys. They play wit

Darin’s Body Shop

I am thankful for my me. They play bal wit me.
mom because she kuks me I pray to God. My puppy
fod. I am thankful because cudls wit me it mks me
I hav a kuv (cozy) bed. I feel gud. I am thacfl for my
am hape that God mad rth grama becus she cooks me 8100 Mineral Dr., Houston • 417-967-3074
(Earth). I am thankful for brefis all the tiym.
skol. I am most thankful NOVA L.
for reses. I love my mom
because sjhe giviz me
hugs. I love my stuft ani- Mrs. Shelton’s kin-
mal becus he is snugooley. dergarten students at THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING TCMH FOR
EASTON P. Success Elementary
I am thankful for mi dad

becu he gives me hugs. I I am thankful for my
am thankful for mi bcpk baby sister and rocks.
(backpack) becus it is col HENZLIE H.
(cool). I am thankful for

the trke bandt (turkey I am thankful for tur-
bandit) because he lft us tle.
bbls and chapstk. LEVI R.
I am thankful for Adam
I am tankful for my and mom, Clayton and
mom dad and Jace bkuz dad.
I love evrbdy in my fmle CHIPPER S.
(family). I love my mom
bkuz me mom baks pesu I am thankful for dad,
(pizza). I am tankful for mom, Bodee and Sylis.
reses but I am no alld (al- GARYTT M.
lowed) to sa reses (recess)
in class. I am tankful for I am thankful for
my hol skol (school) bekuz teacher and KID.
1333 S. Sam Houston Blvd.
I like Success. LILLY R. Houston, Mo. 65483
I am thankful for my See SHELTON, M11

Wishing You
We will be closed Saturday, Nov. 28

Appliances for your home.

1466 S. Sam Houston Blvd., Houston • 417-967-4182

Our pleasure is pleasing you. We service what we sell.
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri.; 8 a.m. - noon Sat. •
HOUSTON HERALD n Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 M11

Continued from Page M10 Follow the Herald
I am thankful for Santu,
God, Camber, GiVN me
cookie dough in the bowl.
Crunch up the cookies
Mrs. Meckem’s third
grade students at Pla-
on Facebook
PREZTS. and put them in the bowl to Elementary School.
CALI T. and sugar in the bowl. The class picked their Get the latest news, photos and more in your
Now that you have all the top 5 writings.
I am thankful for DOG ingredients in the bowl
news feed by ‘liking’ our page at
and teaer. mix it for 7 minutes. Now “Save the Turkey!”
BODEE W. put the bowl in the oven
for 1 hour and 30 minutes Ham is better than tur-
I am thankful for Min set the oven degrees to key. Don’t eat me, the tur-
Hors and dog. 360°. When the pie is done key says! One time a per-
COLT G. pull it out of the oven son ate a toe when they
then let it set for 3 hours ate turkey! Just kidding.
I am thankful for M and When it’s done EN- They’re not so good, they
Hors, mom, famly. JOY!!!!!!!!!!! are bad. They are a little
HAYLEE T. EASTON B. bit disgusting. I like it a
little bit. Oh, pizza is bet-
I am thankful for m dog How to Make a ter than turkey. Eat pizza
and Eli. sugar pie not me, the turkey!
SYLIS N. When you make a sug- KINZIE H.
ar pie, you need to get
chocolate, cinnamon, Don’t eat me, the tur-
Mrs. Malam’s third candy corn,soda,and M & key! Ham is better than
grade students at M’s. Melt the chocolate, turkey. There are feathers
Success Elementary cinnamon,candy corn, in turkey! Turkeys are too
School. bread, and M & M’s. Then mean. They cost too much
pour the ingredients on money. Turkeys are hard
How to Make a bread. Then eat and drink to catch. Turkeys have a
cherry pie up! bitter taste. Turkeys take
First you put in cher- KHLOE M. too long to cook. Turkeys

Wishing you and yours a very

ries. And then you put in can attack you! Eat ham
blueberries. And then you How to Make a not me, the turkey!
stir it. And then you bake Christmas Grinch pie COLTON C.
it. And then you eat it.
First you have to
gather the ingredients. Don’t eat me, the turkey! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Back to Basics
You`ll need the crust,pie Turkeys are bad for your
How To Make A mix, dough, milk,green health! Turkey has a lot
Among Us Pie icing,and an edible face. of fat. Fat is not good for
The ingredients First you make the crust. you. Scientists say if you • Holistic Health • Organic teas • Gifts
you need to get: oreo Next you need to pour eat turkey the fat will go • Crafts • Essential Oils • Herbs • Spices
crust,among us figures the pie mix.After that to you! Turkeys eat bugs
(two need to hold stuff in
their hand),grey icing,red
icing. Get ingredients Put
you flatten the dough.Af-
ter that you cook it at 350
degrees. Then you let it
and then you eat the bugs
that are in the turkey. One
man ate 10 bugs in his tur-
Sugarfoot Bakery
crust in pan Mix choco- cool off for at least thirty key. Gross! If you eat tur- Place Your Holiday Orders! Pies,
late for 1 minute at 20 de- minutes. Then you put the keys you will get covid 19. Cakes, Breads, Coffee, etc. • Cafe´
grees. Then put grey icing green icing on it. Last but Doctors say if you eat tur-
on top. Then put red icing not least you put the ed- key you can get covid 19. 210 S. Grand Ave., Houston • 417-260-2286
on top and spell AMONG ible face on it. Do you believe me now?
US in red. Then put fig- ALEAH N. Turkeys are bad for your
ures on top. Then refrig-
erate. How to make H2O pie
health! So don’t eat me, the
turkey, eat ham! Cherish the Time
JEREMIAH A. The ingredients in the EMMA A.
pie are dough, light blue,
How to Make a red and blue food color- See MECKEM, M12
Lemon Meringue pie ing, sugar, sprinkles, lots
First you go to the store of soft dough and whipped
and buy all your ingredi- cream. The directions
ents. All your ingredients in the pie are: make the
are lemon, lemon zest, soft dough. Get the soft
lemon juice, crust,and dough. Make 4 parts in
orange zest,.Then set the the soft dough. On one
heat to 135 degrees. Then of the parts of the dough
make the pie by mixing put light blue. On the next
the ingredients together. parts put red. On the last
Then you cook it and part of the dough put dark Sharing Our “Always remember to thank God and praise
you’re done. blue. Leave the 4th piece Best Wishes at Him for all the blessings He has given us.”
RACHAEL D. plain. Make 3 mermaids
with the colors. On one Thanksgiving
How to make a cookie
dough pie
of the mermaids put light
blue. On the second mer-
We hope your Thanksgiving
celebration is especially satisfying. Happy Thanksgiving
When you make a cook- maids put red. On the last
ie dough pie, you need to mermaid put dark blue.
May it find you surrounded by loved
ones, laughter and plenty of blessings. and may you and yours enjoy this blessed time.

get a whisk. The things Make the pie. Put the
you need to get are cook- mermaids on the pie. Put
ies, cookie dough, butter, the whip cream behind
and sugar. You need to the mermaids. Bake at 20 Terry Gorman 1 1/2 miles south of Licking, Mo. on U.S. 63.
get a bowl. Put the but- degrees for 50 minutes. 100 Fairgrounds Rd. Rolla 573-674-2203 • 800-653-7152
ter in the bowl with the CARLEE S. 573-364-1002 877-673-9145

Thanks & Best Wishes

No gobbledygook here: Just our sincere thanks and warmest wishes to

the friends, neighbors and customers who have made our year special!

729 S. Sam Houston Blvd., Suite A • Houston, MO.
M12 Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 n HOUSTON HERALD

Continued from Page M11
Don’t eat me, the tur- use. So don’t eat me, the If you kill a turkey you
key! Turkeys eat bugs. turkey! will be arrested, then you
They eat fleas from dirty KAYDENCE B. cannot have that turkey!
dogs. Look it up! Turkeys I will not be able to see
have disease. A person Don’t eat me, the tur- my family if you eat me.
in New York ate 14 feath- key! Turkeys eat gross I will miss them! So don’t
ers! They eat lots of bugs. stuff. We eat worms and eat me, the turkey!
Forks are also illegal to we cost a lot of money. ALLIE M.

Writings from Mrs. Scott’s fourth grade Friends and customers like you are a blessing we cherish at
Thanksgiving, and all year. Thank you for your loyal support.
class at Success are on page M8 We wish you a blessed and happy holiday
with laughter and love around the table.

Thanksgiving safety: Five ways to

prevent cooking fires Eminence Houston Summersville Winona

While the coronavi- you fry! Never leave is completely cooled.

rus may have changed cooking food unattend-
many of our Thanksgiv- ed. If you must leave the TWO MINUTES TO
ing gatherings, the need
to protect ourselves from
kitchen, even for a short
period of time, turn off
ESCAPE A FIRE Wishing You and Yours A
cooking fires continues.
Typically, Thanksgiv-
ing is one of the peak
the stove.
nMove items
can burn away from
Test your
alarms monthly and

practice your home fire

Wonderful Thanksgiving!
days for cooking fires, the stove. This includes escape plan until every-
which is the top cause dishtowels, bags, boxes, one can get out in less
of home fires in the U.S. paper and curtains. Also than two minutes — the
Most often, these emer- keep children and pets at amount of time you may LOOK FOR BLACK FRIDAY SPECIALS!
gencies are caused by least three feet away. have to get out of a burn-
unattended cooking nAvoid wearing loose ing home before it’s too
— a common behavior clothing while cooking. late.
shared by nearly 70-per- nWhen frying food, Visit A great place to shop for Christmas!
cent of us, as shown in a
national American Red
turn the burner off if
you see smoke or if the
for more information, in-
cluding an escape plan to Ozark
Cross survey earlier this grease starts to boil. practice with your fam-
year. Carefully remove the ily. You can also down-

To help keep you and pan from the burner. load the free Red Cross
your loved ones safe, nKeep a pan lid or a Emergency app (search
the Southern Missouri cookie sheet nearby. Use “American Red Cross”
Chapter urges everyone it to cover the pan if it in app stores). Located at 105 E. Walnut, Houston
to follow these safety catches on fire. This will For COVID-19 safety Open 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday
tips: put out the fire. Leave tips, visit 417-217-4287 | Watch for deals on our Facebook page.
nKeep an eye on what the pan covered until it coronavirus.

Share the Spirit of

Happy Many thanks to all who have
Thanksgiving contributed to our successes
and best wishes this year. We appreciate
to you and your your support and
loved ones!

We hope to continue to serve you in the coming year.

Title J. L. Friend
Scott & Kristi Stillwell
Lumber and Hardware
Intersection 32 and 63, Licking • 573-674-3115
610 S. Grand Ave.,

Give thanks for your many blessings.

Community Events Streamed Over the Internet... LIVE!

“Thanksgiving is about family and friends.
We wish the best to you and yours”

Evans Funeral Home

224 S. Grand, Houston, Mo. 65483 • 417-967-3355
Fax: 417-967-3380 •

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