Part B - Religion CPT Rough Draft

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Reflection Rough Draft - Part B

Lesson or Activity in Grade 9 Course that I chose

1) Moral - Decision - Making Model
2) The Beatitudes
3) Ten Commandments

Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectation that I’m Connecting to the Lesson/Activity
1) 3. A reflective, creative and holistic thinker who solves problems and makes responsible
decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good.

2) 7. A responsible citizen who gives witness to Catholic school teaching by promoting

peace, justice and the sacredness of human life.

3) 6. A caring family member who attends to family, school, parish and the wider

Explanation of how the activity and the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectation are
connected (point form notes)

1) The lesson teaches you to have an understanding of moral conscience like the Catholic
School Graduate Expectation. Moral decisions make you a person who is responsible
and knows what to do, judging and acting accordingly to solve problems.

2) The lesson makes you want to preserve and recover peace like what the citizen is doing.
The Beatitudes and the expectation both are aware of what's not right and hunger for
justice like the citizen promoting the catholic teaching. Even if it's not welcomed they still
promote Catholic teaching even if they get arrested they’ll still go on promoting Catholic
teaching. You can’t do things half wanting and the other half not wanting you have to be
committed like the expectation.

3) The Ten Commandments and expectation both mention respecting and honouring your
parents.They both believe in God and only God and on Sunday’s they both keep the day
holy and participate or go to Church like the Catholic School Graduate Expectation.

Provide a personal example of how the Catholic Graduate expectation and the lesson
connects to you

1) When we were learning about Moral Decisions it helped me live out the 3rd Catholic
Graduate Reflection whenever my friends are in need of my help to decide where and
when to play basketball together. I went through the steps of Moral Decisions See, Act,
Judge and Evaluate to make a responsible decision to reschedule since from looking at
the weather forecast on my phone I saw it was raining the whole week. I later told them
not to go this week and reschedule if we did go it would make all my friends sick from
playing basketball in the rain.
2) The Beatitudes helped me live out the 7th Catholic Graduate Expectation. My family and
I always spread awareness of the increased amount of hate crimes to Asian Americans
on social media. Due to COVID-19 starting in China and even more so when Donald
Trump was still the President of the United States. He called the virus the ‘Chinese Virus’
or something similar, with all the people wanting him back at the presidency imagine how
his voters felt about Asians after that, not good.
3) The 10 Commandments helped me to live the 6th Catholic Graduate Expectation. I make
sure to respect my parents at all times even though it might be hard at times, and not to
talk back. Even though I’m clearly not in the wrong yet they are, I try my best to calm
down and respect them because they only want the best for me. Even though my family
doesn’t go to Church often I personally try to keep close in touch with God through
prayer and some journaling, expressing how I feel and ask him for some help with
problems I have and maybe with my future.

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