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KINE 2050 3.0 Analysis of Data in Kinesiology I

Quiz 2 Version 2 - White
March 22, 2017

 This exam is worth 20% of the total course mark. This exam
has 25 questions and a total of 28 marks. Note that some
questions are worth more than one mark as indicated.
 Record your name and student number on the Scantron sheet
provided. Ensure that your student number is correctly
filled in. Failure to do so will result in a loss of 3
 Answer all questions on the Scantron sheet. Use an HB
pencil. Ink or hard lead pencils will not be scored.
 If you change an answer use a high quality eraser to
completely remove the previous mark.
 At the conclusion of the exam you MUST SUBMIT both the exam
question sheet and the Scantron answer sheet. Failure to
submit both will result in a grade of zero [0].
 Select the most appropriate answer for each question.

 Calculators without alphanumeric programmable memories and
statistical functions may be used.
 This is a closed book exam and NO ADDITIONAL AIDS ARE
PERMITTED. This includes formula sheets, memory aids, notes,
and electronic devices like computers, cell phones, etc.

Time allowed - 45 minutes

1. A researcher uses a hypothesis test to evaluate H0 µ = 80. Independent of the sample
size, which combination of factors is most likely to result in rejecting the null
a) ̅ = 85 and SD = 10
b) ̅ = 90 and SD = 10
c) ̅ = 85 and SD = 20
d) ̅ = 90 and SD = 20
e) Two of the above are equally likely.

2. Which of the following research situations is most likely to use an independent-group

a) Evaluate the effectiveness of a pain reliever by measuring how much pain is
reduced after taking the medication.
b) Evaluate the effectiveness of a cholesterol medication by comparing
cholesterol levels before and after the medication.
c) Evaluate the development of verbal skills between age 2 and age 3 for a sample
of girls.
d) Evaluate the difference in self-esteem between student athletes and non-

3. Which of the following is the correct null hypothesis for an independent-measures test?
a) μ1 = μ2
b) ̅ 1 = ̅ 2
c) μ1 =/ μ2
d) ̅ 1 =/ ̅ 2

4. In an independent two-sample hypothesis test, what must be true if the calculated

t = 0?
a) The two sample means must be equal.
b) The two population means must be equal.
c) The two sample variances must be equal.
d) None of the above choices correct.
e) The calculated t must always be greater than zero.
Use this information to answer the following two questions. Eight people were
given a test of creativity in which higher scores reflected greater creativity. Each was
also given a test of mental telepathy in which they were asked to name the number the
experimenter was thinking about at that moment; degree of telepathy was defined as
the numerical difference between the two numbers, thus smaller scores represented
greater telepathy. The data are summarized below:

Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Creativity 7 6 3 0 1 10 2 3
Telepathy 6 7 10 30 21 4 17 11

A researcher is interested in predicting Telepathy from Creativity scores and fit the
regression model: Y = -2.275 X + 22.350.

5. What is the predicted telepathy score for an individual with a creativity of 5?

a) 10.975
b) -1.5375
c) 22.350
d) -2.275
e) This model should not be used for this prediction.

6. What is the predicted telepathy score for an individual with a creativity of 11?
a) 10.975
b) -1.5375
c) 22.350
d) -2.675
e) This model should not be used for this prediction.

7. Which of the following plots has a correlation of approximately 0.50? Note this
question only has a) to c) as possible options.

A) B) C)
8. Given that the following dataset was correctly read into SAS, which procedure will
provide all correlations of Height, Weight and Age?

Name Height Weight Age

Sandy 170 70 19
Bill 190 80 25
Ali 167 90 22
Nazanin 170 50 24

VAR Height Weight Age;

VAR Height Weight Age;

VAR Height Weight Age;

MODEL Weight = Height Age;

e) None of the above will provide the required information.

9. Assuming that the sample size and standard deviation are constant in all cases, which
confidence interval for the population mean is the narrowest in width?
a) 90 % Confidence Interval
b) 95 % Confidence Interval
c) 99 % Confidence Interval
d) This question can be answered, but two of the above are of equal width.
e) This question requires the sample mean and cannot be answered.
10. A group of nurses want to determine if an educational class helps patients better
understand their illness. Based on the following data, what is the calculated t-value
(approximately) and did the class make a significant difference in their knowledge (at
a confidence level of 0.05)?

Before After D D2
8 15 7 49
5 10 5 25
10 11 1 1
18 19 1 1
20 18 -2 4
12 15 3 9
10 10 0 0

Mean Before = 11.86 Mean After = 14.00

a) 4.28, the class did not make a significant difference

b) 4.28, the class did make a significant difference
c) 2.44, the class did not make a significant difference
d) 1.84, the class did not make a significant difference
e) 1.84, the class did make a significant difference
f) The calculated t-value is not listed thus no conclusion can be made

11. (2 marks) In 2015, Dr. Rotondi obtained the following sample of heart rates (bpm) for
five students writing their graduate statistics tests. The data are summarized below:
81, 78, 95, 67, 75
The 95 % confidence interval for the mean heart rate during the test is approximately:
a) 66.5 - 91.9 bpm
b) 70.2 - 88.2 bpm
c) 75.2 - 83.2 bpm
d) 37.9 - 120.5 bpm
e) None of the above

12. (2 marks) Suppose the probability that a child selected at random has a cold is 0.25.
For a random sample of six children, the probability that at least 2 children will have a
cold is:
a) 0.4660
b) 0.2966
c) 0.1778
d) 0.5000
e) None of the above
13. Given the following dataset, what is the appropriate SAS program to compare the
height (cm) of male and female kinesiology students:

DATA KINE_students;
INPUT gender $ height;
m 180
f 170
m 165
f 150
f 160
m 172
m 180
f 171
f 183
m 155


CLASS gender;
TABLE height;

VAR height;


VAR height;


CLASS gender;
VAR height;


CLASS gender;
PAIRED height;
14. The mean GPA of a sample of 25 students is 7.9 with standard deviation 0.9. The
overall average GPA for all students is 6.5. What is the calculated t value and does this
group of students differ significantly from the overall student body at the 5 %
significance level?
a) 7.78, no they are not significantly different.
b) 7.78, yes they are significantly different.
c) 1.56, no they are not significantly different.
d) 1.56, yes they are significantly different
e) 2.064, no they are not significantly different

15. The Pearson correlation is calculated for a sample of n = 25 individuals. What is the
smallest magnitude of correlation that is statistically significant at the 5 % level?
a) 0.396
b) 0.404
c) 0.381
d) 0.505
e) None of the above

16. You have a bag with 10 marbles – 2 black, 3 red, 4 blue and 1 green. What is the
probability of drawing first a black marble, second a red marble and finally another black
marble (assuming you are not putting the marbles back in the bag before the next draw)?
a) 0.658
b) 0.017
c) 0.012
d) 0.006
e) 0.008

17. How many different orders of 5 objects are possible from a set of 6 objects?
a) 30
b) 720
c) 690
d) 120
e) 7,776

18. A permutation is a , while a combination is a .

a) Set of things where order is not important; an ordered sequence of things.
b) An ordered sequence of things; a set of things where order is not important
c) Group of independent events; group of dependent events.
d) Group of dependent events; group of independent events.
e) Permutations and combinations are synonyms to describe a group of things.
19. Which of the following best describes what a confidence interval does?
a) It uses a sample to estimate the corresponding population.
b) It uses a population mean to predict a sample mean.
c) It uses a level of confidence to estimate a sample mean.
d) It uses the sample mean to determine a level of confidence.

20. Power is defined as:

a) the probability that the null hypothesis will be rejected when it is fact false.
b) the probability of committing a type II error.
c) 1 - Prob(Type II error)
d) a) and b) are correct
e) a) and c) are correct
f) b) and c) are correct

The following data reflect body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) scores for men and women
who were considered at high risk for coronary heart disease (THREE PARTS).

Men Women
n 20 10
Mean 31.6 28.1
Std. Dev. 1.7 2.1

21. The appropriate critical value for testing the null hypothesis that there is no
difference between the BMI of men and women at the 5 % level is:
a) 1.640
b) 1.960

c) 2.048

d) 2.262

e) None of the above

22. (2 marks) The calculated t-value for this hypothesis test is approximately:
a) 2.262
b) 6.906
c) 3.379
d) 4.916
e) None of the above

23. Which of the following statements is the most accurate concluding sentence:

a) Men have a significantly higher BMI than women.
b) Women have a significantly higher BMI than men.
c) There is no evidence to suggest a statistically significant difference in BMI
between men and women.
d) None of the above
24. A paired study and an independent-samples t-test both produced a t statistic with 16
degrees of freedom. How many data points (or values) were available for each study?
a) 17 for the paired and 17 for the independent-measures
b) 17 for the paired and 18 for the independent-measures
c) 18 for the paired and 18 for the independent-measures
d) 34 for the paired and 18 for the independent-measures
e) None of the above are correct.

25. Suppose the correlation between height and weight for adults is +0.80. What
proportion (or percent) of the variability in weight can be explained by the relationship
with height?
a) 80%
b) 64%
c) 20%
d) 40%
e) This answer requires the regression coefficients

--------------The End---------------

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