Brain-A-Lytics 3.0 Case: A One-Stop Career Catalyst

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Phoenix Global
A One-stop Career Catalyst
AS Bank – Analytics Case Study

Problem Statement
AS bank is a large Indian Bank, which has operated in the traditional ways of banking for years. Recently with the advent of digital
technologies and adoption of digital transformation by its competitors, it decided to position itself as the digital bank of India. It
started rigorous digital transformation program. It started transforming its back-office operations digitally. It also forayed its
digital offerings. Amidst this, AS bank is facing rising NPA as a plaguing problem. The CEO of bank has approached Phoenix
Consultancy Services (PCS), a global consulting company for fixing this problem through technology. One way could it be to
determine the creditworthiness of an applicant using AIML techniques.

Assume you are recently hired as a Management Trainee in the Analytics Division at Phoenix Consultancy Services. Your team is
given the following task:

Propose a technique to accurately determine that an applicant will receive the loan or not. Also, visualize the
important aspects that determine that a person will get a loan or not.

A One Stop Career Catalyst 1

AS Bank – Analytics Case Study

Your team has also received the data from the bank consisting of following fields

S_No: Serial number Type_Bank: Bank’s Identifier

Cust_id: Applicant Id of customer IsContacted: Whether verification done (Y/N)
Gender: Customer’s Gender Lead_Origin: Origin of Lead Generated
Cust_dob: Customer’s Birth Date Origin_Category:Origin’s Type
Lead_Created_On: Date on which Lead has been created Prev_EMI: EMIs of previous loans in USD
Loc_id: ID of Location Req_Amount: Required Loan Amount Applied for
Id_City: City Identifier Tenure: Tenure of Loan in years
Employer_Id: Identifier of Employer Rate: Rate of Interest for applied loan
Employer_Ct1: Identifier 1 of Employer Curr_EMI: estimated EMI for the applied loan
Employer_Ct2: Identifier 2 of Employer Is_sanctioned: Target variable whether loan got approved or
Income: Applicant’s income in USD/month not
CustBankCode: Identifier of Customer Bank Code

A One Stop Career Catalyst 2

AS Bank – Analytics Case Study

▪ You are expected to prepare and submit a presentation (Max 10 slides including Title, Thank you, etc) including your insights
from the data. You should also submit the code file, if used to support the results (Python/R/etc)
Note: Plagiarized results/files are strictly prohibited.
▪ Submit the test file with the predicted values of the target variable (Is_sanctioned). This file will be used to evaluate your
model performance. You may report your model performance on validation data (a subset of train data which is kept unseen
to the machine learning model).
▪ The submission would be judged on parameters such as
• Accuracy of results on test dataset
• Data transformation techniques used to create relevant features in the data
• Novelty of Machine learning technique used for building predictive model
• Visualization for extracting descriptive insights from the data
• Relevance and quality of insights
• Presentation style
▪ Feel free to use any analytical tools necessary to synthesize your data and arrive at your result. We would also appreciate
creative and out of the box methods. You are free to make assumptions, but state the same in the presentation.
▪ Submission Format: You are expected to create a compressed folder in .zip format to make your submission
▪ File Naming Convention: TeamName_InstituteName (Ex: Game Changers_XYZCollege)


A One Stop Career Catalyst 3
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