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New Era University

Integrated School, Senior High School

No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City



A Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Practical Research 1




SY. 2019-2020
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City



A Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Practical Research 1




SY. 2019-2020
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

This thesis proposal, entitled “TEACHERS’ UNDERSTANDING ON THE
JANE SORIANO, and RENZ DENISON A. VILLAR in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree in Senior High School, has been examined and is recommended for
acceptance and approval for oral examination.


Research Adviser

Approved and accepted by the Committee on oral examination with a grade __ of on March 2020


Member Member

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research 1 in Senior High School


IS Vice-Principal, SHS
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

To finish a research is a great fulfilment for a researcher whose goal is to provide an

informative work. The research will not be complete without the help of the following

individuals who cared for and challenged us to strive for more and work harder;

The Lord is my strength and shield; My heart trusts in him, and I am helped; Therefore,

my heart exults, and with my song, I shall thank him.

Psalm 28:7

To the Principal and Vice-Principal respectively of Senior High School, Dr. Rebecca S.

Supan and Dr. Ronnie G. Cainglet, who supported the researchers by allowing them to conduct

a study that could help the future SPED Teachers to further understand SPED Students of New

Era University;

To our research adviser and mentor, Dr. Luningning B. de Castro, for her eagerness to

aid our research group, not only her aid that helped us but also her endless support and reminder;

The researches’ families, for their endless support and love;

The researchers’ respective friends, for being a great companion and every member of

this group, for their undying determination to finish this research;

For those people whose names were unmentioned, always be reminded that your

cooperation and encouragement will be honored in this research and also within us researchers;
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

And above all, our Lord God for this can’t be possible without him.

L. M. A.

M. J. A. G.

J. I.

P. R. G. M.

R. J. S

R. D. A. V.
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City


The researchers would like to dedicate this research to their families, without their love

and support, this research would not be possible. Also, to the SPED teachers, and their constant

patience and endless love and support for the SPED students. Also, to their friends, for the effort

and sleepless nights that they had shared and for the priceless experiences together. And most of

all to our Almighty God, for the constant love and guidance he had given us in their everyday


L. M. A.

M. J. A. G.

J. I.

P. R. G. M.

R. J. S

R. D. A. V.
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City


TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………………………….....i
APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………………………………………ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...…………………………………………………………………...iii
DEDICATION ………………………...…………………………………………………...........v
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………………
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………………….......vii
LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………………………….......ix


The Problem and Its Background …………………………………………...........1

Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………………3
Significance of the Study …………………………………………………………4
Scope and Limitation ………………………………………………………..........5
Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………………….5


Theoretical Framework ………………………………………………………….16

Research Gap ………………………………………………………………........17

3. Methodology

Research Design …………………………………………………………………18

Sampling ……………….………………………………………………………...19
Sources of Data ……………………………………………………………..........19
Data Gathering Procedure …………………………………………………..........20
Data Analysis……………………………………………………………………..21


Introduction ………………………………………………………………………23
Tables and Text ……………………………………………………………..........25


New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Summary …………………………………………………………………………28
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………….30
Recommendation …………………………………………………………...........31

Appendix A – Interview Guide

Appendix B – Letter to the Principal
Appendix C – Letter to the Participant
Appendix D – Consent Letter
Appendix E – Curriculum Vitae
Appendix F – Plagiarism and Grammar Checker
Appendix G – Poster Paper Presentation
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Chapter 1



Education in our country is considered to be a strong foundation of its political,

economic, social and cultural life. It also states in the 1987 Philippine Constitution that every

Filipino citizen has the right to proper education and learning. A lot of curriculums and programs

have been provided by the government to sustain the needs of the students, one of which

concerns those with identified disabilities (Rabara, 2017). Most of the time, a lot of people get

confused about how these types of students attain knowledge at learning institutions.

Special Education (SPED) is a learning curriculum or program designed specifically to

help those with disabilities to cope up with their educational needs. In the US, special education

was implemented free of charges. An act called The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

protects the right of these children and gives voice to parents about their education. IDEA makes

sure that these children will be in an environment that is a lot like how a general classroom

would be to prevent them from feeling outcasted (Masters in Special Education Program Guide).

New Era University manifests an educational system not only for regular students but also for

those with identified disabilities. They facilitate an environment wherein it focuses on each of

the students’ learning capabilities.

New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Special Education is a very sensitive and serious field of education that touches a lot of

disabilities ranging from Attention Deficit Disorder to autism and deafness, and other forms of

disabilities. This type of education needs full-on monitoring and to be able to meet those needs,

the main struggle is the setting. On what would be the best way of teaching and placing the

students in the grounds of learning (Encyclopedia of Children’s Health).

A lot of universities deal with the increasing number of students with autism that need

support. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopment disorder where

people with this kind of condition have difficulty socializing with other people. Other researches

have shown a low percentage of employment rate among adults with autism. Also, individuals

with autism have a low chance of attaining higher education (Gurbuz, et. al, 2019)

These types of students are commonly referred to as underachievers. A lot of researchers

have researched how to improve the learning capabilities of SPED students in different fields of

education (Kang & Martin, 2017). However, not a lot of them mainly focused on understanding

their educational capability. In today’s society, not a lot of people fully understand the way on

how these students are being helped and educated. That is why others consider them to have a

slow and low level of learning and comprehension. Teaching these kinds of students is not easy

for a teacher, and not all of them are willing to do so. And the percentage of these children

gradually increases from time to time. Which requires more immediate response and action

(Mader, 2017).
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

In learning the strengths and weaknesses of such children in the field of learning, it opens

a whole new view and perspective to other people. It requires more concrete and different way

and methods of learning techniques (Questia).

The purpose of the researchers to have conducted this topic for their research is to

properly understand the learning capabilities of special education students. Tackling into how

SPED students cope up in different fields of education. The researchers would like to indulge

furthermore on how special education teachers conduct their teaching methods to help SPED

students cope up as other students do.

Henceforth, the main point is to analyze the certain comprehension of such students in

this field of learning. On how the different teaching methods of SPED teachers affect their

learning and coping up skills.


This study aims to understand the educational capabilities of SPED students at New Era

University. The participants who will be interviewed for this study are the SPED teachers of

New Era. With the purpose of furthermore understanding special education.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. How do participants describe the learning capabilities of students with disabilities?

2. What are the experiences of teaching students with disabilities?

New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

3. What themes were formed based on the experiences of teachers assisting students with


4. How can the results of this study be utilized as a recommendation to solve the problems

experienced by SPED teachers in handling students with disabilities?


This study aims to know the academic capabilities of SPED students within the sphere of

education. Additionally, it determines the effectiveness of teaching strategies and method of

SPED teachers, and this research is beneficial for the following:

The students, who may or may not be interacting with SPED students in school, would

alarm them and lift their awareness on how to understand the tutorial capabilities of SPED

students. It also helps them to know that SPED students need to be understood, supported, and

respected at all times.

The SPED teachers, who guide and is in charge of SPED students’ education would be

intimate with the character of kids with special needs and their learning deficits. They would be

given the knowledge of effective teaching strategies and methods that will be used to assist and

facilitate the educational process of those kids to cope up with their learning deficits and

New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

DepEd, the primary institution for education could provide and implement a more

sustainable foundation through the formal system and other alternative delivery services in

education to assist those students and produce them as functional individuals.

The parents, who are the main foundation of support of these students would benefit

them in a way that enrolling their children in a learning institution, it comes with the conviction

that their children are given more education that will make them a functional individual during

this society.

The researchers themselves will benefit either the present or the future researchers

wherein the results of this study will function as a reference for those who aim to conduct

research similar to this study.


The focus of the study is how SPED teachers understand and use different teaching

methods or techniques to the SPED students in order to help them adapt in their surroundings

and cope up with other normal students. The data gathering instrument will be conducted on May

2020 at New Era University. The participants were limited to only the SPED teachers of New

Era University.


The terms presented in this part of the research is not based on the normal definitions

found on dictionaries or the web. These terms are based on how they are used in this research.
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Educational capabilities are the problem or situation that the researchers would like to

understand furthermore when it comes to SPED students.

Identified disabilities are conditions or disorder of the SPED students which involves the

difficulty of socializing and interacting with other regular students.

Inclusion is the action or state of including SPED students in classrooms with regular students to

make them feel that they are welcomed and accepted.

SPED classrooms are learning environment at New Era University that is established for SPED


Special education is a type of learning system intended to educate and assist children with


education needs, such as those with identified disabilities.

SPED students are students who have identified disabilities in New Era University.

SPED teachers are the people who guide, assists, and teaches those with disabilities at New Era

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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Chapter 2


Special Education

The increasing rate of children in need of special education has been stressed for the past

20 years which lead to the movement of improving and enhancing the system design to produce

more significant learners with disabilities. The research about special education that was tackled

in different studies has contributed knowledge not only to those with disabilities but also for all

individuals in the field of learning. Special education is a driving motor for intellectual purposes

that caused the system of education to improve to produce more significant learners. But, a lot of

improvements are still needed in assisting learners with disabilities, including the importance of

paying attention to the actual needs of these students that are different from those needed by

regular students (Swanson & Vaughn, 2015). The whole point of this study is introducing how

important special education is in terms of the whole education system, wherein this gives

learners and staff knowledge on furthermore understanding the situation when it comes to special


According to the Ninth Annual Report to Congress (U.S. Department of Education,

2017), over seven-million American children and their youth with identified disabilities were

given an early advantage on special education or services. Individuals ranging from 0 to 21 years

old are identified to have autism, deaf-blindness, developmental delay, other health impairment
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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

including attention deficit disorder, etc. And because of the variation of these disorders and


several professionals are needed to provide special education in different settings according to

individuals’ characteristics. Historically, due to people’s mindset or belief that individuals with

disabilities aren't capable of learning like regular individuals are keeping them out of reach from

a proper education. However, in this day and age, it is now believed that such individuals can be

educated and are entitled to proper education. In conclusion, one of the central functions of

having special education is for developing. Identifying and implication of instructional practices

for the effective education of individuals with disabilities (Cook et al., 2020). It is a vital need

that such individuals with disabilities receive proper guidance and assistance in education to help

them cope up in the field of learning just like regular students are being educated.

In a journal called “Adapting Early Childhood Curricula for Children with Special

Needs”, it addresses a process that is focused on the developments of the children disregarding

their disabilities or learning differences and just keeping an eye to encouraging these kids to be

educated. It states that when it comes to learning, children are more alike than different in their

development and avoid labeling children with disabilities in categorical names. Inclusion in a

classroom setting is essential when it comes to accepting the attitudes, environments, and

intervention strategies so that children with identified disabilities would feel included (Chen et
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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

al., 2015). An environment where special education students would feel comfortable is helpful

for them to feel accepted and welcomed, being a part of something will motivate them and will


them going. Being around other people who don’t see these children differently would serve as

an encouragement to help adapt.

Special Education Students

Children or students with special needs also struggle with stress against their parents.

Some point in time, they will become acutely aware of their surroundings, themselves and their

disability. It is nothing different between a normal child or a student. It is the same time where

their uniqueness is being highlighted and making them feel frustrated and a burden to their

parents (Potgieter, 2015). Just like being a normal child or student. The time will come that they

will be fully aware of the happenings in their surroundings, how they will develop their learning

capabilities and their parents will be the ones who will motivate and encourage them to be

functional individuals in this modern time.

The majority of people when talking about students with special needs have a perspective

that an individual with special needs is only those who have intellectual disabilities like down

syndrome, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism. Special needs have a

wide range category for disabilities, not just intellectual disabilities. It covers congenital
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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

conditions, medical conditions, developmental delays and psychiatric conditions that require

special accommodations so the children can attain their potentials (Mauro, 2019). The main idea

of this study is the misinterpretation that identified disabilities are only limited to individuals


having down syndrome and autism. When in fact there is a further range of such disabilities like

blindness, hearing impairments, depression and being physically disabled.

Children with special needs that suffer from social isolation can cause negative effects on

their behavior, emotions, and personality. It can lead to fear of others, feelings of loneliness and

negative self-esteem, making them uncomfortable interacting with others. Limiting the children's

social experiences can result in a limited social skill that makes them struggle when inclusion has

become required (Heller, 2018). This study states that children with special needs that have been

isolated in society can develop negative effects on the children's personality. Although the

parents being protective of their child from bullying, isolating their child even from specialized

programs is equivalent to neglecting their child to build opportunities for themselves.

Special Education Teachers

SPED teachers help a child or student who has a certain disability. The teachers face the

everyday challenges of having to teach different learning styles. They’re expected to use

effective practices and techniques to improve their teaching methods for students with

disabilities. Special educators also are accountable for providing quality reading instruction to
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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD), but they often experience difficulties

fulfilling their responsibility, especially for college students with EBD who are placed in

dedicated settings or self-contained classes. (Bettini, et al., 2019). To conclude, Special

Education Teachers works with students with mild and moderate disabilities which is preventing

them to achieve the education


they need. And being a teacher of these students plays a vital role and a big responsibility for the

growing process of a student.

The goal of SPED teachers is to create effective instructional strategies and demonstrate

effective collaboration among their students that will help them feel comfortable in an exclusive

environment. The powerful impact of the teachers can be shown on their student’s achievement

which led to the continuous demand of SPED teachers. High rates of attrition make it

challenging for schools to provide qualified special education teachers, especially given chronic

teacher shortages (Bettini, et. al., 2017). To sum it up, being a Special Education Teacher

requires many things for them to handle the students that they're teaching. The said shortage of

teachers does not mean that the Department of Education is lacking for it, it simply means that

there are not many teachers that are meeting the characteristics that they need for them to be a

Special Education Teacher.

Special students need special care that requires a unique strategy and instruction by well-

trained professionals that will help them to achieve and strive for their capabilities beyond their
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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

limitations. That’s why the Department of Education aims to improve the quality of teaching for

students with exceptional needs. They will conduct training to produce general education

teachers with the knowledge and skills in different accommodations in teaching and instructional

planning for learners with special educational needs. (Bettini & Billingsley, 2019). All in all,

professionals that can tend to students properly, highly intuitive, and creative enough to break

instructions into


smaller tasks are a necessity for Special Students. It's for the children's social and emotional

needs, to ensure that the required supports are met for them to reach their true academic

potential. And being a SPED teacher is also very important for teachers because it allows them to

expand their teaching capabilities. All schools are needing teachers who are qualified to teach

every student and reach out to every learner in all levels of teaching.

The paraeducator workforce, as well as the breadth of their responsibilities to serve SPED

students, has increased in public schools. The research to know the most effective methods for

training paraeducators has not kept in check. To address this problem, the implementation of the

science framework was used. In this study, the focus groups (FGs) with paraeducators and

teachers, these groups conducted in utilizing a semi-structured interview protocol. The analysis

revealed that both teachers and paraeducators experienced training related deficiencies. (An et.

al., 2020). In conclusion, the point of this study is to reveal that there is an increase of SPED

students in public schools, and both teacher and paraeducators has training related deficiencies

where these groups lack the experience to handle sped students.

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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

The shortage of teachers in special education has been a long-standing concern for

professionals and parents involved in the education of these children with disabilities, due to the

reason of their location, culture, and lack of resources. Also, rural administrators struggle to

control their schools with qualified special education teachers, the rural administrators also

attempt to secure a decent number of special education teachers (Bishop et. al., 2019). In

summary, the


shortage of teachers in special education has been a long problem that it became a high demand

for rural administrators to secure quality SPED teachers.

There is a complexity of SPED teacher shortage, and these shortages undermine equal

educational opportunity. With these shortages, there will be economic consequences of this

shortage, where school budgets are burdened by turnover, and in some cases litigation. With this

complexity of SPED teachers, this cannot be addressed successfully without improving the

workplace, differentiating compensation for places that have a shortage in SPED teachers, and

teachers working with students with difficulties and struggles. (Bettini et. al., 2019). The main

idea of this study is that there is a complexity of this shortage, where this cannot be solved by

merely increasing the professionals who specialize in teaching students with disabilities.

Special Education Students’ Parents

SPED children must always balance their abilities and never neglect a thing in

themselves. That would make them versatile, elastic, and expandable as an individual. In total,
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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

the children with special needs and their parents must improve in terms of their difficulties. They

must take notice of them but never forget to improve their other abilities as well (Moss &

Campbell, 2017). In conclusion, parents should be the ones who help their children in any

possible way to improve their capabilities and enhance their abilities. Because family is the main

foundation of love and care of children.


They provide information on the child's strengths and weaknesses reception, background

information on the child's history and development, and knowledge on any family factors that

will affect the child's learning. Parents should be prepared to supply insight into whether current

strategies and instruction are helping the kid learn even when not specifically asked, and supply

suggestions for change and improvement (Skelley,2017). Parents are a reliable source of data

about how their children can cope up and develop their learning capabilities. they must also

provide information that may help the SPED teachers to grasp and supply an efficient method of

teaching for the development of their children.

People in the society may often know when a child is different from the others, labelling

them as something that is unusual, but for parents that are handling children with specified

disabilities, they often think the opposite. As parents, they would often that their child is just shy

and lacking social interaction, however, this just shows that the parents are in denial of the

situation of their child. This is one of struggles that the educators are experiencing. In this day
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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

and age, it is important that parents have knowledge on how to properly help their children grow.

That is why an organization of the parents of the children with disabilities are being held in each

part of the world to furthermore guide and assist these parents in knowing the purpose of

education for their children (Eicher, 2018). In order for a student to manifest the confidence in

conquering his or her situation, the parents must first be aware of what to do in order to provide

and sustain the right living of their children. Because parents must be the ones who know what to

do in those situations.


Special Education Including Technology

Special Education is designed to focus on meeting the unique needs of children with

disabilities or to meet individuals' special needs. SPED students have special needs for them to

learn like normal students or children of their age. Technology helps SPED students to learn like

a normal student of their age because it satisfies the special needs of them easily and properly.

The use of technology in special education helps go through the barriers for people with special

needs and gives them access to the most applicable educational programs. Modern technology

allows students with special needs to get a high-quality education and to easily adapt to the

environment of education today (Mawunyo, 2019). Those responsible for the education of these

students need to introduce them to modern technology so that they can cope up with the

learnings that the normal students have. They also need a high-quality education for a better
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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

future. They should be treated equally in terms of academics because their learnings are essential

in helping them become significant individuals.

Technology decreases the regret and frustration that SPED students are feeling when it

comes to academics. Technology is the reason why the teachers reach out easily to SPED

students; to bring back their passion to study and to make them realize the importance of success

in life. (Nieves, 2016) Just like normal students, they also experience difficulties. Students with

special needs have a greater possibility to experience difficulty than regular students. But with

the help of technology, they still manage to cope up with other regular students. The use of

technology to them is very important. They tend to be excited when they are studying with the

use of technology.


Students have different ways to learn, especially people with special needs. Students who

have special needs may not be able to cope up with the traditional paper teaching-based lessons,

they need a special education technology or a wide range of learning materials to have optimum

support for their study. (Roland, 2015) Technology is a really big help to students who have

special needs because it allows them to be independent, gain self-confidence, and experience the

same learning of normal students.

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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

The 21st century is awash with ever more mixed and remixed images, writing, layout,

sound, gesture, speech, and 3D objects. Multimodality looks beyond language and examines

these multiple modes of communication and meaning-making.

According to Jewitt and Kress’ multimodality theory in 2018, it is used as a medium to

communicate and interact with each other to express themselves. This theory is relevant as an

increase in technology uses associated access to multimedia composing software that led people

to easily use many modes in art, writing, music, dance, and everyday interaction with each other.

This theory explains how can people use different kinds of modes to communicate with other


SPED students can use this theory to express themselves more to other people, especially

to their teachers, for them to understand how they can practice their ways of teaching strategies

and methods to develop the educational capabilities of SPED students. The effect of these modes


on learning is explored in several sites including formal learning across the curriculum in

primary, secondary, and better education classrooms, moreover as learning within the house

(Jewitt & Kress, 2018).


The scope of most of the existing studies are limited to SPED students, SPED teachers,

ad struggles of SPED students and teachers. Moreover, there are very few studies on the
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

struggles of a SPED student, as the sped students become harder to comprehend, a study on

teachers understanding the educational capability of a SPED student is important.

This study aims at filling the existing research gap in SPED students. This study begins

with analyzing the SPED students and teachers. The study on students analyzes on their struggles

and educational capability, this study also analyzes on the struggles of the SPED teachers.

Understanding this study can greatly aid the comprehension of the SPED teachers to the present

and upcoming SPED students. The study also has implications for schools that do not have the

field of special education.

Chapter 3


This chapter includes the research design, sampling, sources of data, data gathering

procedure and data analysis.


This study is a qualitative type of research which uses the phenomenological method.

According to Crossman (2020), qualitative research is scientific research that collects and settles
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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

with non-numerical data that seeks to interpret meaning from these data that help understand

social life through the study of certain population and places. Within sociology, qualitative

research is often focused on the micro-level of social interaction that composes lifestyle, whereas

quantitative research typically focuses on macro-level trends and phenomena.

According to Sauro (2015), a phenomenological method is appropriate for qualitative

research if the researches want to properly describe an event, activity, or phenomenon. In this

type of method, researchers can use different approaches such as conducting interviews, reading

documents, watching videos, or visiting the actual places to furthermore understand the state of

their participants. Researchers rely on their participant’s perspectives to properly fulfill their

research objectives.



The main purpose of this study is to furthermore understand the educational capabilities

of SPED students. The research participants will be 6 SPED teachers in the SPED Department of

New Era University. In this research, the type of sampling technique that will be used is

purposive sampling, which again according to Crossman (2020), is a non-probability sample that

selects participants based on the characteristics of a population and also the objective of the
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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

study. Purposive sampling is different from convenience sampling and is additionally called,

judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling.

Since the researchers will be using purposive sampling, 6 SPED teachers from the SPED

Department of New Era University will be the selected number of participants because they fit

the criteria that the researchers’ have set for this study. The number of participants will be

enough to gather the data needed.


The researchers will conduct an in-depth interview with the participants of this study. The

researchers plan on constructing 4 central questions related to the study with 6 corresponding

subquestions, to understand the educational capabilities of SPED students. All of the information

will be gathered for the researchers to analyze and use in the study. There will be two sources of

data which is the interview guide and the actual interview.


An interview guide is a list that the researchers make which consists of main topics with

the questions that they plan to ask their interviewee which covers the main idea of their research.

With an interview guide, it can help the researchers organize their thinking and questioning

method (Bird, 2016).

An in-depth interview is conducted by researchers in a qualitative type of research

wherein they speak with their participants in a one-on-one setting. It can be done in two ways:
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when the researcher approaches and interviewee with an interview guide but allow the

conversation flow on how the participants respond, and when the researchers have an idea of

what certain topics to ask but no formal guide for the conversation (Crossman, 2020).


For the procedure of gathering data for this research, first, a questionnaire for the

interview is going to be constructed by the researchers. It is going to be verified and checked to

see if it is appropriate and can be used to gather the data needed. Next, the researchers will give a

letter of consent to the participants to know if they are available or not. Once the participants

agreed on the consent of the researchers, they will now set a time, date, and venue to conduct

their interview. The researchers will voice record the whole interview to be transcribed for the

analysis of data. The participants will be given not exceeding an hour to answer the questions of

the researchers.

The researchers, before the interview, will ensure the privacy of the interviewee’s words

and answers on the questions provided by the researchers. During the interview, the researchers


will engage conversationally for the interview to go smoothly. For the final part, the researchers

will recap and check if the participant’s answers are correct. And once all the data has been

gathered, it is ready to be transcribed.

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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

For this section, the researchers will use the Narrative Analysis method to analyze their

data. Narrative Analysis refers to a method of interpreting texts or visual data in a storied form. It

is where people tell stories and those must be functional and purposive. Different approaches to

narrative analysis are categorized on the idea of whether or not they specialize in the narrative

content or structure, with the thematic version interrogating what a story is about, while the

structural version asks how a story consists to attain particular communicative aims (Figgou &

Pavlopolous, 2015).

After the transcription of data, it will undergo in three process: coding, clustering and


Coding is the process of arranging things in a systematic order or to classify things

according to classification. It is where you permit a data to be divided, grouped, and linked in

order to give meaning or develop explanation. Coding enables the researchers to group the

similar data with one another because they share the same characteristics (Saldana, 2016).

Clustering is used to clarify the findings of the study wherein it reveals the motives and

reasons of the participant’s actions according to the gathered data. It is a process of clustering or


grouping the participants with a similar profile of codes for further understanding of their

responses (Henry, 2015).

And lastly, categorizing is where you classify the following data according to their

classification. It is where you permit data to be divided, grouped and linked to give meaning or
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

develop an explanation. The researchers will put similar codes into the same categories and

move them around to find out a way that reflects the researchers’ analysis best (Saladana, 2016).

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the result of the study as well as the themes found from the

interview process and subsequent data analysis. The method used to analyze the data is already

discussed in the methodology of Chapter 3.

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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City



Participant 1 grew up in a province slight far away from the city of Manila. She is the

first-born child of her parents and an older sister to three younger siblings. This participant is an

extrovert who mingles and socializes well with other people. She is also an honor student who

aims to maintain her good grades and achieve more awards.


Participant 2 grew up in a place in the city of Manila. She is a very quiet type of person

but someone who can be relied to. She excels in some of the subjects and has bright ideas when

it comes to groupwork. A responsible person who helps people around whenever they need it.

Also, she is an honor student who wants to aim higher.



Participant 2 also grew up in a place in the city of manila. He is an outgoing athlete who

plays basketball and a part of New Era University’s varsity team. He’s a big person with a kind

heart, and everyone around him loves him because of his personality. He is also a reliable person
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

although it might not show at first. He aims to be one of the best basketball players in this



Participant 4 lives in the city of Quezon. She is the first-born child of her parents and an

older sibling to three young ones. She is an aspiring dancer who gives her all whenever she

performs. This participant is outgoing and an extrovert who socializes easily with the people she

meets. Everyone loves her for her personality and aims to be successful in life too.


Participant 5 lives in the city of Taguig. He is the second-born child in his family and a

younger sibling to one. His hobbies are reading books and playing sorts of video games. This

participant is good when it comes to verbal speaking for, he is full of knowledge about certain

things which makes him reliable to people when in need of help in the English language.


Participant 6 lives in a place not faraway from New Era University. He was a long-term

student there. He is very quiet and not too outgoing. However, he has this certain skill when it

comes to playing videogames.

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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

The data gathered have been generalized and organized according to the participants’

answers through each question. It is tabled and formulated in four main columns: KEYPOINTS


Table 1

1. How do participants describe the learning capabilities of students with disabilities?



“They have certain

attitudes and behaviors
that are far from how
normal students act or
“Sometimes they really
lack focus and they lack
motivation.” A lot of difficulties Understanding and Complex knowledge
“Yung mga estudyante Not the ordinary way handling these
kasi na iyan napakahirap students requires
intindihin.” more effort
“Some of them are easy to
handle and some are not.”
“Giving them support can
motivate them to learn
“You need a lot of
patience and determination
to teach those kids.”

New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

According to all the answers of the participants, it is clear that SPED students have

different behavior from how normal students behave when they are in class. They mentioned

some of their behavior such as easily getting irritated, moody, emotional, and hard to control.

They stated that it’s really difficult to cope up in an environment where these kids act and

respond differently from others. However, no matter how hard they are to deal with, the

participants still do their best to understand each and every one of them.

Table 2

2. What are the experiences of teaching students with disabilities?



“It’s really hard to adapt to

their environment of
special education,
especially when you are
new to it.”
“The first one is their
attitude towards the
“Because first of all you
need a lot of patience on Adaptability Difficulties, Long journey
teaching them.” Sacrifice hardships, and good
“As years passed, I Willingness causes
actually started to realize
that they actually needed
me, a teacher who is
willing to give his effort to

New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

“I feel the gratitude when

it comes to my students
thanking me for my never-
ending support.”
“I am here because I have
a purpose.”

The main point of the statements of the participants is that the most difficult part in

teaching these students or being in their profession is establishing lots of patience and

understanding. It requires people who are really passionate in handling this job, because it is not

easy to cope up in such an environment wherein people don’t experience every day. The

participants said that it is hard to understand them at first, because you have to know what’s

going on in their minds, you have to be patient with them.

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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City


The main objective of this research is to determine the teachers’ understanding on the

educational capabilities of special education students in New Era University. This last chapter

discusses the summary of all the findings obtained by the researchers, as well as the conclusion

and recommendations of the researchers.


Based on the research questions in the statement of the problem, the researchers present

the summary of findings:

1. How do participants describe the learning capabilities of students with disabilities?

1.1 The participants describe the students in special education to have different attitudes and

behaviors far from how normal students act or respond. They behave in a manner that requires

more effort when it comes to understanding and handling them.

1.2 They also mentioned how most of the times, these students are not focused into what they are

doing or what they are learning. Lack of motivation was also present meaning that they have to

exert more effort into how they are handling them.

1.3 Lastly, they said that in order to boost the students’ confidence and focus, full support is

always given to them.

2. What are the experiences of teaching students with disabilities?

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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

2.1 According to what the participants’ have answered, it is clear that being in this profession,

you have to go through a lot of difficulties first. Adapting to this new environment is the very

first example of each participants, having to get used to the environment is essential in order for

them to fully understand the students.

2.2 They also mentioned that for quite some time, some of them considered the option of leaving

their job behind, however, as time passed by, they came to the realization that students or

children like the ones they handle are in need of people to guide and teach them properly in the

field of education.

3. What themes were formed based on the experiences of teachers assisting students with


3.1 There are two themes formed, namely: complex knowledge and long journey.

4. How can the results of this study be utilized as a recommendation to solve the problems

experienced by SPED teachers in handling students with disabilities?

4.1 In today’s generation, a lot of people don’t quite understand the state of special education

students. And most of the times, professionals or incoming professionals in this kind of field are

having difficulties in understanding them. The researchers hope that this study will help those

people in furthermore understanding their students, on how to handle and assist them into

studying. Because with this study, different states of the children are mentioned by the

researchers which can also be the references of other professionals in the same field.

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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City


The preceding chapters examined the understanding of teachers when it comes to the

educational capabilities of special education students. After the process of analyzing,

summarizing and presenting data, the researchers conclude that:

Special education is far from how normal education is done. From the words themselves,

special education is for students with capabilities that are not like that of normal students. The

program is for those who have identified disabilities. This is to help them cope up with the

education of normal students.

Professionals in this field must be fit to educate such children because this matter is not

something that people witness and experience every day. Such profession requires patience,

determination, passion, and a lot of effort.

Special education students’ approach on education is far from how normal students act

and respond when being educated. They have behaviors and attitudes that are different and must

be handled and assisted more. Unlike normal students, they tend to be less focused and

motivated, hence, the teachers handling should put more effort to educate them properly.

Dedication on this profession is needed in order for the teachers to have a strong bond

with their students, because these children are also in need of genuine love and support from the

people surrounding in order to feel that they can accomplish the tasks they have at hand.

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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City


Based on the conclusion and summary of the findings, the researchers would like to

recommend the following:

The students, who may have been in the same campus with special education students,

even if they are different, treating them as an equal is a must because they are also students that

has the right to be educated.

The SPED teachers, who may be having difficulties in their profession, the type of job

that they chose required more effort and dedication compared to how normal teachers are.

Putting you heart into your job is a big help on adapting the new environment that they are in.

DepEd, who is in charge for the education of children, improving the program and

finding more suitable educators in this field is essential to fully guide the special education

students when it comes to their studies.

The parents, who took care of these children ever since the day they were born,

checking up with their kids everyday on how or what they learned is a good practice so that the

children can also remember the things that have been taught to them.

The future researchers, can have the study as a reference whenever they need it.

New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

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Jewitt, C. & Kress, G. (2018). Multimodal Literacy. Peter Lang. Retrieved from

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No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City






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No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City



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No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix A – Interview Guide


1. How do participants describe the learning capabilities of students with disabilities?

SQ1: What is the behavior of the students when they are in class?

SQ2: How do participants motivate these children when it comes to teaching them?

SQ3: As a SPED teacher, do you treat your students with extra care or do you treat them as

normal students just because of your profession?

2. What are the experiences of teaching students with disabilities?

SQ4: What are the difficulties in teaching students with disabilities?

SQ5: Was there a time that participants thought of leaving their profession?

SQ6: Back then, did the participants thought that they would be in their current profession?

3. What themes were formed based on the experiences of teachers assisting students with


4. How can the results of this study be utilized as a recommendation to solve the problems

experienced by SPED teachers in handling students with disabilities?

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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix B – Letter to the Principal

Dear Ma’am/Sir:

We, the researchers from 11STEM-AM11, would like to humbly request your
participation in our current study entitled “TEACHERS’ UNDERSTANDING ON THE
UNIVERSITY.” Along with the intention to understand SPED students and their own
capabilities when it comes to learning.
The study will include 10 participants to answer the following interview questions to be
given. All will be confidential, and no names will appear in our research paper.
Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for
your continued support for this endeavor.

Lerisha Marie Aquino
Marron Jane A. Ganotice
Jorel R. Idago
Patrick Ryan G. Mangosing
Randyline Jane Soriano
Renz Denison A. Villar

With the guidance of:

Research adviser
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Noted by:
Principal, New Era University Integrated School
Appendix C – Letter to the Participant

Dear Ma’am/Sir:

We, the researchers from 11STEM-AM11, would like to humbly request your
participation in our current study entitled “TEACHERS’ UNDERSTANDING ON THE
UNIVERSITY.” Along with the intention to understand SPED students and their own
capabilities when it comes to learning.
The study will include 10 participants to answer the following interview questions to be
given. All will be confidential, and no names will appear in our research paper.
Your participation in this study will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for
your continued support for this endeavor.

Lerisha Marie Aquino
Marron Jane A. Ganotice
Jorel R. Idago
Patrick Ryan G. Mangosing
Randyline Jane Soriano
Renz Denison A. Villar

Noted By:
Research adviser
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix D – Consent Letter

SPED Director,

Good day! We are Grade 11 students of STEM AM11. At present, we are conducting a
research study in our Practical Research in Daily Life 1 with the topic entitled “TEACHERS’
STUDENTS IN NEW ERA UNIVERSITY.” We are asking a request permission from you to
conduct a survey interview at New Era University SPED Department.
If approval is granted, special educators/coaches will complete a survey interview in a
classroom or other quiet setting on the school site. The survey process shall take no longer than
an hour. The survey results will be pooled for the research paper and individual results of the
study will remain absolutely confidential and anonymous.
Your approval to conduct this survey will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much
for your continued support for this endeavor.

Lerisha Marie Aquino
Marron Jane A. Ganotice
Jorel R. Idago
Patrick Ryan G. Mangosing
Randyline Jane Soriano
Renz Denison A. Villar

Noted by:
Research adviser
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix E – Curriculum Vitae

Aquino, Lerisha Marie

#746 Kaibigan St., Kalayaan B. Batasan Hills Q.C


Name: Lerisha Marie Aquino

Mother: Maricel A. Tham
Age: 17
Occupation: Housewife
Address: #746 Kaibigan St., Kalayaan B.
Father: Julius G. Pagtakhan
Batasan Hills Q.C
Occupation: Tricycle Driver
Religion: Roman Catholic
Place of birth: Manila
Birthday: October 30, 2002
Citizenship: Filipino
Grade 1-3: San Diego Elementary School 2009 – 2012
Grade 4-6: St. Francis De Assisi School of QC 2012 - 2015
Junior High
Grade 7-10: St. Francis De Assisi School of QC 2015 - 2019
Senior High
Grade 11: New Era University I. S. 2019 – Present


As a person who takes care of her physical appearance, one of my hobbies are exercising and
getting fit. I also like reading a book and widening my imagination through writing. I have a great
interest in travelling and recently, I’m into photography.
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix E – Curriculum Vitae

Ganotice, Marron Jane A.

#1078 Sta. Lucia Capas, Tarlac


Name: Marron Jane A. Gantice Mother: Marilyn A. Ganotice

Age: 17 Occupation: Self-employed
Address: #1078 Sta. Lucia Capas, Tarlac Father: Normando C. Ganotice

Religion: INC Occupation: Bank Employee

Place of birth: Concepcion District Hospital

Birthday: April 01, 2003
Citizenship: Filipino

Grade 1-6: Montessori School of St. Nicholas Capas, Tarlac 2009 - 2015
Junior High
Grade 7-10: Wellspring High School, Inc. 2015 - 2019
Senior High
Grade 11: New Era University I. S. 2019 – Present


Normally, I always liked singing and listening to music every day. Music uplifts my spirit and it
feels like my day won’t be bad. I also like watching movies or series rather than reading, maybe
because ever since I was a child, my dad would always download movies and series for me and
my siblings to watch together so we got used to being addicted to watching. I also enjoy writing
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix E – Curriculum Vitae

Idago, Jorel R.
#169 Neptune St. Zytek Riosa Pasong Tamo


Name: Jorel R. Idago Mother: Glenda Idago

Age: 18 Occupation: Self-employed
Address: #169 Neptune St. Zytek Riosa Father: Erick Idago
Pasong Tamo Occupation: Bank Employee
Religion: Roman Catholic
Place of birth: Quezon City
Birthday: February 05, 2002
Citizenship: Filipino

Grade 1-6: Paisley Garden Academe 2009 - 2015
Junior High
Grade 7-10: Saint Anthony Academy of Quezon City 2015 - 2019
Senior High
Grade 11: New Era University I. S. 2019 – Present


In my spare time I always spend it watching movies. I always admire special effects in movies,
making me interested in video editing. Video editing is very fun especially when you make a good
decent effect that looks very realistic, though I am still just a beginner, I have a lot to improve.
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix E – Curriculum Vitae

Mangosing, Patrick Ryan G.

Phase 2 Block 10 Lot 85 Eastwind Homes Subdivision Rodriguez Rizal


Name: Patrick Ryan G. Mangosing Mother: Frely Mangosing

Age: 18 Occupation: Teacher
Address: Phase 2 Block 10 Lot 85 Eastwind Father: Joeflor Mangosing
Homes Subdivision Rodriguez Rizal Occupation: Electrical Engineer
Religion: Roman Catholic
Place of birth: Batas, Ilocos Norte
Birthday: May 01, 2002
Citizenship: Filipino

Grade 1-6: Infant Jesus Learning Academy 2009 - 2015
Junior High
Grade 7-10: Virgen Del Pilar School 2015 - 2019
Senior High
Grade 11: New Era University I. S. 2019 – Present


As it is visible to the people surrounding me, my biggest interest is playing basketball. It feels
different whenever I hold the play and I play; I feel free and alive. Sometimes I also indulge into
online games whenever I feel bored.
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix E – Curriculum Vitae

Soriano, Randyline Jane

53-2 INC Housing, Tagumpay, Rodriguez Rizal


Name: Randyline Jane Soriano Mother: Jacqueline Esguerra

Age: 16 Occupation: Housewife
Address: 53-2 INC Housing, Tagumpay, Father: Arnel Esguerra
Rodriguez Rizal Occupation: Central Engineer
Religion: INC
Place of birth: Cabanatuan City
Birthday: June 02, 2003
Citizenship: Filipino

Grade 1-6: Mayapyap Elementary School 2009 - 2015
Junior High
Grade 7-10: Wesleyan Univerity-Philippines 2015 - 2019
Senior High
Grade 11: New Era University I. S. 2019 – Present


My hobbies and interest come from my personal activities. My hobbies are the one that I love
doing and help me to relieve my stress which is reading novels, writing scripts, and watching tv
series. I'm interested in indoor activities.
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix E – Curriculum Vitae

Villar, Renz Denison A.

#515 Berret St. Palar Village Taguig City


Name: Renz Denison A. Villar

Mother: Florence A. Villar
Age: 18
Occupation: Civil Engineer
Address: #515 Berret St. Palar Village Taguig City
Father: Dennis V. Villar
Religion: INC Occupation: Stocks Manager
Place of birth: Mandaluyong City
Birthday: February 08, 2003
Citizenship: Filipino

Grade 1-2: F. E. I. H. School 2006 – 2007
Grade 3-6: MCA Montesorri School 2007 - 2015
Junior High
Grade 7-8: MCA Montesorri School 2015 – 2017
Grade 9-10: APEC School Pasteros 2017 - 2019
Senior High
New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Grade 11: New Era University I. S. 2019 – Present


As hobbies and interest goes, the ones that I took interests are the following, cooking, reading
books andFeBooks,
– Plagiarism and
playing Grammarly
video games, andChecker
appreciating underrated songs. I have no interests in
physical activities or outdoor activities, I prefer to indulge in activities that require no physical

Chapter 2
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Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix F – Plagiarism and Grammarly Checker

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No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix F – Plagiarism and Grammarly Checker

New Era University
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No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix F – Plagiarism and Grammarly Checker

New Era University
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No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Appendix F – Plagiarism and Grammarly Checker

Chapter 3
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Chapter 4

Appendix F – Plagiarism and Grammarly Checker

Chapter 5
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No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City

Final Manuscript

Appendix G – Poster Paper Presentation

New Era University
Integrated School, Senior High School
No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era University Quezon City



The purpose of this study is to furthermore analyze the understanding of teachers about the educational
capabilities of special education students in New Era University. The researchers made a questionnaire that
includes questions that are significant to the variables that affect the study. There are 6 participants included that
were chosen based on what the study needed, using the purposive sampling technique. Narrative analysis was
used in order to analyze and interpret the given data.

Education in our country is considered to be a strong 1. The participants are equal in number, 3
foundation of its political, economic, social and cultural life. It males and females, ranging from the
also states in the 1987 Philippine Constitution that every Filipino age of 16 to 18.
citizen has the right to proper education and learning. A lot of
curriculums and programs have been provided by the government 2. The students in special education to
to sustain the needs of the students, one of which concerns those have different attitudes and behaviors far
with identified disabilities (Rabara, 2017). Most of the time, a lot from how normal students act or respond.
of people get confused about how these types of students attain They behave in a manner that requires
knowledge at learning institutions. more effort when it comes to
understanding and handling them.
3. It is clear that being in this profession,
This study used phenomenological method to analyze you have to go through a lot of difficulties
teachers’ understanding on the educational capabilities of special first. Adapting to this new environment is
education students in New Era University. This method was the very first example of each participants,
chosen because phenomenological method is appropriate in a having to get used to the environment is
qualitative research in order to properly describe an event, essential in order for them to fully
activity, or phenomenon. The 6 participants that participated in understand the students.
this study went on a one-on-one in-depth interview with the

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