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Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering & Technology (AIET)

Academic year (2019-2020)

Main Title: unsafe situation




Student's Name \ Mohamed Adel Mohamed Ahmed Saad

ID No \ 16-0-36420
Department \ Industrial engineering
Course Name \ Human Factors Engineering
Code / IE 352
Serial No / 18

Course supervisor:
Dr \ Sameh Tawfeek
Main Title: - unsafe situation

This work addresses the risks and health issues facing the oil and gas industry
and its management activities. The use and produce of potential hazards exist in
the oil and gas industry during well drilling and other service operations. Oil
and gas wells will extract sulfide from hydrogen, and expose the staff to
hydrogen-sulfide gas. The three best practices to help avoid injuries and death
are: careful control of the hydrogen-sulfide gas; proper planning; and training
programs for employees. Oil and gas workers exposed to chemicals produced
and used in the oil and gas industry may suffer from occupational lung, skin and
other organ diseases at rates dependent on the quantity and period of exposure
time. Those exposed to dangerous levels of noise may suffer noise-induced
hearing loss (NIHL). Other hazards include confined spaces that may injure
untrained workers or threaten their lives. The objective of occupational safety
and health risk management is to identify and assess workplace-existing safety
and health hazards, and to define appropriate control and recovery steps.

1- Introduction
Practical safety tests / measures in the oil and gas industry are unsatisfactory for
protecting human, economic plus environmental assets. It is of great importance
to uphold health and safety and the environment (HSE)as an alternative
approach. Health Safety Environment (HSE) aims at evaluating, managing the
safety culture among the oil & gas sector employees. Improving safety should
be carefully investigated, not only psychological and personal factors,
organization and environmental factors, the actual problem is identified,
appropriate methodologies for solving are implemented, eventually incident
rates will be reduced. Human dangerous activities, systemic deficiencies in the
company are behind the bulk of the danger causes. Though HSE policy has
expected many DOES and DON'TS, people have negative beliefs. It defines the
multiple-defense mechanism that an company creates and retains to protect its
workers against injury and harm to their properties by HSE. The HSE
management system is a social structure focused on the workforce that runs it;
its effectiveness depends on three things: its scale, whether workers are aware
of it, and whether they are well disposed of. HSE culture is the number one
priority in the oil and gas sector as the formulation and management of and
Contribute to a fair reduction in related injuries, fatalities, damages (both time
and property), and occupational safety. Successful implementation of HSE best
practices policy takes time and effort from the entire oil and gas enterprise, will
dramatically enhance environmental performance and mitigate the
environmental damage resulting from oil and gas exploration and production
and thus sustainable growth.

2- Objectives

 The important of Health Safety Environment (HSE) in oil and

gas industry
 Understand the difference between Hazard and Risk and how
can organization identification and assessment?
 Types of hazard in oil and gas industry with case study to
 How can human control hazard?
 Difference between accident and incident
 Knowing the classification of Occupational Injury (OI)
 What is permit to work (PTW) and why I need this?

3- Content
3.1. Why Health Safety Environment (HSE) so important in oil and gas?
This industry involves high risk activities including but not limited to
exploration, production, and processing of highly flammable & explosive
:materials also in

Massive manpower, heavy-complicated-expensive machinery, and

extensive support system
High investment (could be > 1 Billion USD) and long payback period
(could be > 10 years)
Strategic and vital industry
Remote and Harsh Environment
Accident consequences could be catastrophic, in term of number of
casualties, environment pollution, loss of investment, and reputation

NOW, imagine YOU were in the following event!!!


Operated by Occidental Petroleum (Caledonia) Ltd, produces 10% North Sea

oil Explosion in 6 July 1988, killing 167 men, only 61 survivors. Total insured

loss was about USD 3.4 billion Still hold the world record as the worst offshore
oil disaster in term of loss of lives


Well blowout on 20 April 2010 in

Macondo Prospect, operated by BP, resulting explosion in Deepwater Horizon
semi-submersible rig (Transocean operated), 11 people lost and never found
Oil keep flowing from subsea well for 87 days until capped at 15 July 2010,
estimated 4.9 million barrels total discharge to Gulf of Mexico In July 2015, BP
agreed to pay USD 18.7 billion penalty, the largest in US history Still hold the
world record as the largest accidental marine oil spill

3.2. understand hazard and risk (what the difference?)

Hazard can be defined as any source having potential to damage, harm, or

adverse health effects on something or someone under certain condition at
work. Like table 1 below

Table 1 (hazard)

Source Hazard Harm Caused

Object Knife (sharp edge) Cut
Material Benzene Leukemia
Energy source Electricity Electrocution
Condition Wet floor Slip, fall
Process Welding Metal fume fever

A hazard can cause harm or adverse effects (to individual as health effects or
property losses)

Risk can be defined as Risk is the chance or probability that a person will be
harmed or experience an adverse health effect if exposed to a hazard. It may
also apply to situations with property or equipment loss.

Risk is the combination of likelihood and severity of a specified

hazardous event occurring. In mathematical term, risk can be calculated
 Likelihood is an event likely to occur within specific period or in
specified circumstances
 Severity is the outcome from an event such as injury or health of people,
or damage to property, or environment pollution, or any combination of

3.3. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

It is a process to identify hazards, analyze or evaluate the risk associated

with that hazard, and determine appropriate ways to eliminate or control
the hazard
In practical terms, it is a thorough look at your workplace to identify

those things, situations, processes, etc. that may cause harm, particularly
to people
After identification is made, you evaluate how likely and severe the risk
is, and then decide what measures should be in place to effectively
prevent or control the harm from happening.
All risks will be tabulated and scored to determine the overall risk
Like table 2

Severity People Asset Environment Media

Damage (Oil spill)
Catastrophi Multiple > USD > 500 barrels International
c fatalities 50,000 news
Fatal Single < USD < 500 barrels National
fatality 50,000 news
Major Lost Time < USD < 100 barrels Local news
Incident 10,000
Moderate Restricted < USD 5,000 < 5 barrels Local rumor
Work Day
Minor First Aid < USD 1,000 < 1 barrels Internal

Note: The likelihood / probability of an incident happen can be known from

international / company standard, if not available then professional judgment
with supervisor approval is required

Another table express


 Likelihood will be ranked, i.e. rare=1, almost certain=5
 Consequences also ranked, i.e. insignificant=1, catastrophic=5
 Risk will be ranked & categorized, i.e. risk < 4 = low, risk > 15 = extreme
 Higher risk means more precaution to reduce the risk until acceptable
level (moderate or low / green color)


Each activity has different hazard, so the control method will also be different
During HIRA session, control method for each hazard will be applied to reduce
the hazard level until ALARP (As Low As
Reasonable Practice) It is very important to
understand the hazard and its control method
Normally all control methods will be used
during field work


Pressure hazards (high pressure

oil/gas from reservoir, inside pipes &
vessels, high pressure steam from
Temperature hazards (high temperature at compressor discharge pipe,
low temperature at liquid nitrogen tank)
Motion hazards (rotating drill pipes, rotating motor shaft, swing object
during lifting)
Chemical hazards (corrosion inhibitor, lube oil)
Electrical hazards (lightning, electric work)
Gravity hazards (slip, fall, falling object, heavy lifting)
Noise hazards (high noise at compressor area)
Hazardous atmosphere (gas release from vent, sulfide acid inside gas)
Confined space hazards (work inside pressure vessel)
Excavation hazards (laying buried onshore pipe)
Sharp object hazards (work with grinding machine)
Water & Underwater hazards (scaffolding work above sea, subsea
pipeline inspection)

Radioactive hazards (welding inspection by X-ray)
Manual Handling hazards (wrong position during manual lifting)

3.6 case study on controlling oil & gas Hazard

3.6.1 CASE STUDY 1: High Pressure Oil/Gas from the Reservoir

 Elimination: Not possible since our goal is to extract oil & gas from
the reservoir to the surface
 Substitution: Not possible
 Engineering: Install Blow Out Preventer (BOP) during drilling and
Christmas Tree during production (figure 1)
 Administrative: Permit to Work during drilling operation and drilling
SOP shall be strictly followed
 Personal Protective Equipment: Special PPE during drilling shall be
worn, i.e. high impact hand gloves (figure 2)

figure 2: (impact hand gloves)

Figure 1: Install Blow Out


3.6.2 CASE STUDY 2: High Temperature at Compressor Discharge Pipe

 Elimination: Not possible since during compression, kinetic energy

absorbed will be converted into heat
 Substitution: Also, not possible
 Engineering: Install pipe insulation (figure 3) which can withstand the
max temperature of compressed gas but the outer part is still cool enough
if touched by human
 Administrative: At least safety induction for personnel who will work at
compressor area(figure 4)
 Personal Protective Equipment: At least standard PPE shall be worn

Figure 3: Install
Figure 4: Gaspipe insulation
In general, hazard elimination is almost impossible in many cases, that’s
why oil & gas industry had been a long time considered as a high-risk industry

However, due to its high and strategic value, oil & gas experts had developed
special engineering to ensure the safety of this industry

Basically, there are 2 types of safety engineering:

1. Process Safety: focus on preventing fires, explosions, and accidental

chemical release in process facilities

2. Occupational Safety & Health: focus on the management of personal

Since safety engineering only is not sufficient, specific procedures, guidelines,

and permit to work must be applied for specific activities on the field

PPE shall be considered as the last protection to human, and certain job need
special PPE in addition to standard PPE, i.e. welding job need special welding
mask, not just safety glasses

3.7 Human factor in Hazard Control

 From human perspective, controlling hazard must involve the

 Special training is required for personnel working in dangerous location
like oil & gas industry
 For people working or just visit to offshore facility, especially when
travelling by helicopter, they must complete BOSIET (Basic Offshore
Safety Induction and Emergency Training) or T-BOSIET (Tropical
BOSIET) for tropical region (figure 5)
 BOSIET consists of:
 Safety Induction
 Helicopter Underwater
Escape Training
 Sea Survival
 Fire Fighting
 Fire Fighting

Figure 5 : BOSIET (Basic

Offshore Safety Induction and
Emergency Training)

3.7 Incident Definition

Incident: An unplanned, undesired event that hinders completion of a

task and may cause injury, illness, or property damage or some
combination of all three in varying degrees from minor to catastrophic.
Unplanned and undesired do not mean unable to prevent. Unplanned and
undesired also do not mean unable to prepare for Crisis planning is how
we prepare for serious incidents that occur that require response for
Accident: Definition is often similar to incident, but supports the mindset
that it could not have been prevented. An accident is the opposite of the
fundamental intentions of a safety program, which is to find hazards, fix
hazard, and prevent incidents. When we accept that accidents have no
cause, we assume that they will happen again.
Near Miss: A subset of incidents that could have resulted in injury,
illness or property damage, if given a different set of circumstances, but
didn't. Near misses are also known as 'close calls.' Perhaps the better term
to consider is 'near hit.


Occupational Injury (OI): A pain (cut, fracture, sprain, etc.) resulting from a
work-related activity (activities in work environment which are or ought to be
subject to management controls)

Classification (figure 6):

 Fatality: OI which results loss of life, either immediately or after
being hospitalized
 LWDC (Lost Work Day Case): OI which results in person being
completely unfit to work on any day after the incidents
 LTI (Lost Time Injuries): Cases involving LWDC and fatality

 RWDC (Restricted Work Day Case): OI which results in a
person being unfit for full performance of the regular job on any
day after the incident
 MTC (Medical Treatment Case): OI which is more severe than
first aid but less than RWDC
 FAC (First Aid Case): OI which can be cured by simple first aid

Normally each company have a procedure to classify the occupation injury,

however sometimes same case can be classified differently by different



Formal management system used to control high risk activities. These

enable an assessment of risk to be made and to specify control measures
which will be put in place in order to minimize the risk
It is a legal document which will be used as a reference in case of
accident happen
Permit to Work must be evaluated Safety Authority and Operating
Authority and approved by Installation Manager / Site Manager
Two types of main permit: COLD (no ignition source) and HOT (involve
ignition source)
Additional permit may be required for certain job: Energy Isolation,
Safety System Override, Excavation, Radioactive, Diving, Heavy Lifting
Example on PERMIT TO WORK (PTW) (figure 7):

figure 7: Example on PERMIT TO WORK (PTW)



4- Conclusion
Hydrocarbon releases are often the precursor to major incidents and in 2015/16,
hydrocarbons accounted for 40% of all dangerous occurrences that were
reported. In liquid form, hydrocarbons can create slippery and dangerous
surfaces and in gas form they are equally hazardous, with the main danger
being accidental ignition that results in an explosion. Common workplace
hazards include exposure to heat and flame, contact with harmful
substances and dealing with hydrocarbon releases. Often, workers must also
work in difficult conditions such as confined spaces and contaminated
environments – both of which could prove life threatening if proper
training and equipment is not provided. The hazards of the petrochemical
industry are closely related to those of oil refining, particularly in the raw
material stages. Atmospheric contamination hazards in the petrochemical
industry can be complex, particularly when substances or processes
combine. These combined effects are often much more toxic and
dangerous than individual effects


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Title Page number

1 Abstract 2

2 Introduction 3

3 Objective 4

4 Content 5:18

5 Conclusion 19

6 Reference 20-21


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