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The Magic Apple

Once upon a time, there was old man and his three sons. They lived in a small village. As the
old man said to the three sons about his dream. He dreamt that the three sons had to get happiness and
riches. The old man said that they had to meet again in his house. After that, the old man closed his
eyes. The old man said about his dream to the three sons while he was dying.

After that, the three sons made an agreement to search their happiness. They decided to go
different places.
The oldest son went to China. At China he walked to the market. At the market the oldest son
met a man and he said "Hey, do you have a magic thing?". The man said "Yes, I have a magic thing, that
is a golden glasses. Then, he got the magic thing.
The second son went to the Middle East to search a magic thing. When he arrived to the
Middle East, he approached a man in a small village. And he asked to man whether he had a magic thing
or not. "Hallo, do you have a magic thing?" said the second son. The man answered a question from the
second son "Oh yeah, I have a magic thing." The second son was very happy and he was shocked. And he
said " Really? Do you have a magic thing?" The man answered " Yes really, this is a flying carpet.
While the youngest son went to Africa. In Africa he walked to search a magic thing, but he
didn't find a magic thing. He didn't give to find a magic thing. Several minutes he walked through the
jungle. He saw the old man and then there was a tree. The youngest son asked to the old man "Excuse
me, may I ask you?".
"Oh, yeah" said the old man.
" Do you have a magic thing?" said the youngest.
"Yes, I have a magic thing that is an apple. Ahh this is for you" said the old man.
"Oke, thank you" said the youngest.
Because the three sons had got magic things, they went home. Next, they met again in their
house. When the oldest son used a golden glasses, the golden glasses was directed to the kingdom and
he looked at a princess lying. The three sons went to the kingdom to look for a princess and they tried to
cure his princess. They went to the kingdom by flying carpet.
Arrived in the kingdom, three son brought some magic things to cure a princess. The youngest
son wanted to heal the princess with magic apple. And then the princess got up and she hugged her
father. Her father was happy. Because the youngest already made a princess get up, the princess
decided the youngest to be her husband. They were happy together in the kingdom and the dream
came true.

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