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Taman pintar

Taman pintar or smart park is a place of science center. This is located inthe center of
Yogyakarta city. The location in the Panembahan city number 1 until 3, yogyakarta. I believe
that you known about taman pintar, because this place a famous in the world especially in the
education world. If you went to the Malioro and than you will to go to the Taman pintar, you
can take a by on foot. Taman pintar is near from Malioboro.

Taman pintar is a good place to study, plays, or recreation. Beside we played we can also
learn together in this place. And we reach Taman pintar by car from malang takes 10 until12
hours. Inthe taman pintar a vailable large parking a lot. Support facilities contained in the
taman pintar are laboratory, library, mosque, showroom, audiovisual, meeting room,
souvenir, bookstore, information center, etc.

Taman pintar has a playground and that is a mean of education devided into several zones.
First this is a playground zone, which is the reception area and the game as well as a public
space for visitors. The second has a heritage building chilhood.and than decided the oval,
which consist introduc of environmental zone, exposure, history, science, and technology.

Taman pintar is to support the development of regular instructional program in the school
from an early age to hone the creativity of the students. That more innovators emerging
technologies from indonesia.

So don’t worry if you come to this place. This place is very wonderful. And if you do want to
do something you get everything during visit this place.

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