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Governor Andrew M.

NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, New York 12224

Howard A. Zucker, Commissioner

Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza
Albany, New York 12237

March 29, 2021

Dear Governor Cuomo and Dr. Zucker:

We, the undersigned New York City-based Public Information Officers, are writing in solidarity with
journalists across New York State to respectfully request that the Administration immediately add members
of the media to the list of groups eligible for vaccination under Phase 1b.

According to the Administration’s Guiding Principles for Phased Distribution of the Vaccine, “New York
State’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan will be based on standards that prioritize people at higher risk of
exposure…” It is under this principle that the Administration recently granted vaccine eligibility to us –
“public-facing government and public employees.” Working journalists face equal or greater risk of exposure
than we do, and the Administration previously deemed their work essential.

In Washington D.C., working journalists are eligible for vaccination beginning today. On Friday, New Jersey
Governor Phil Murphy announced that members of the press in that state will become eligible on Monday,
April 5 – demonstrating that such eligibility is practicable in our region.

New York’s continued, unexplained denial of vaccine eligibility for members of the press interferes with their
work and ours, and harms the communities we serve. On behalf of our colleagues in journalism and New
Yorkers who depend on their work, we ask that you immediately add members of the media to Phase 1b.


Jonah Allon Melissa Grace Breeana Mulligan

Nick Benson Michael Greenberg Bill Neidhardt
Barbara Brancaccio Maggie Halley Katie O’Hanlon
Sarah Casasnovas Colby Hamilton Phil Ortiz
Nicole Chin-Lyn Jeff Holmes Patrice O’Shaughnessy
Julianne Cho Crystal Howard Stathi Patseas
Avery Cohen Shoshana Khan Nicholas Paolucci
Kati Cornell Lauren Klein Helen Peterson
Hazel Crampton-Hays Michael Lanza Stefan Ringel
Aries Dela Cruz Ryan Lavis Neha Sharma
Jennifer Fermino Ikimulisa Livingston Marisa L. Senigo
Laura Feyer Abby Lootens Matt Sollars
Danielle Filson Kate Lucadamo Seth Stein
Pedro F. Frisneda Belinda Mager Diane Struzzi
Danny Frost Ian Martin Nathaniel Styer
Patrick Gallahue Isaac McGinn Ethan Teicher
Scott Gastel Victoria Merlino Emily Tuttle
William Gerlich Ian Michaels Amy Varghese
Joshua Goodman Julia Morrill Oren Yaniv

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