English B1+ Unit 3: Activity 5: Technology Development Task

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English B1+

Unit 3: Activity 5: Technology Development Task.

Julian Andres Gonzalez Ruiz C.C.1016064750


Universidad Nacional Abierta Y a Distancia - UNAD

Escuela De Ciencias Básicas Tecnología E Ingeniería


WIX Page

Where is it? (Place, city…) (include in the sentences the present perfect)
Barú is an island close by Cartagena, this City has an important history in Colombia and Barú has
been during many years one of places to visit for families. Barú has kept its beaches privates
because all beaches have had proprietors. Barú has built a few buildings to receive all people to
visit its rides.
What can you do there? (include in the sentences the future)
You will visit around of five beaches and some private’s clubs. One of them is Playa Blanca, in
this beach you going to eat typical dishes like, Sierra, Pargo Rojo and Róbalo among others. You
will practice nautical activities like the worm, the donut and traverse the sea in kayak.
How can you get there?
If you would visit this island. You must take a flight in a national airline, but the flight only arrives
to Cartagena, In the port of Cartagena you must take a boat and travel to 45 minutes for arrive

• 5 sentences in Present Perfect about you.

I have worked in the Colombian Air Force for eight years.

I have traveled twice in boat.
I have studied during four years of the UNAD.
I have slept in the bathroom of the airplane.
I have driven two thousand kilometers in twelve hours.

• 5 sentences in Future Tense about you.

I will have two university degrees in three years.

I will have knowledge two languages.
I going to travel to Madrid Spain in September of 2020.
I going to speak English at finish of 2020.
I will have my apartment in three years.
• 5 sentences in Present Perfect continuous about you.

I have been studying Industrial Engineering since 2016.

I have been working in my degree project during this year.
I have been playing with my dog all afternoons.
I have been fixing a motorcycle since 2016.
I have been doing this file since last week.

• 1 sentence in Tag Questions about you.

Julian will continue studying after finished his Engineering. Doesn´t he?
My sister is young than you, aren’t she?
I were working all day, aren't I?
I were sending the file yesterday, aren’t' I?



The pursuit of happiness is the history starring Chris Gardner in San Francisco. He sells machines
to verify the osseous system. He thought these machines were fantastic, but he was wrong. He had
many economic problems because he wasn't selling anything. He wished would see his family fine
and he decided advance. He enrolled in the program to be a stockbroker but in this program, he
won't receive any payment. His wife tired overall economic problems and she abandon them. He
was with his boy alone, days later he takes a call where he must attend an interview. All was fine,
but one day before to attend an interview, he was arrested for don't pay his taxes and he lost his
savings for get out. He arrived and attended an interview; he makes a good impression where he
was elected for the program of stockbroker. He studied very hard because of that he met Walter
Ribbon, the best person to business. During the four months later, he sold his machines but in this
moment the government removes his savings because he didn't pay his taxes again. After of this
his situation worsen and they were withdrawn of their room. They spent these nights in a public
bathroom and the other nights in shelters. Time later Chris fights day by day until one day he
presents the exam to stockbroker, he approved and now is a stockbroker. He changed his life and
the life of his son. He found the happiness. in this movie we observe like acting with humility,
honesty, perseverance and without letting go of the things, these happen in chain. Super movie
recommended for all audiences.

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