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Gabriela Urrego

ENGL 1102


24 February 2021

Annotated Bibliography for Britney Spears Conservatorship due to the

Struggles of Mental Health as a Celebrity


Los Angeles Times. 2021. ​Britney Spears hasn’t fully controlled her life for years. Fans insist

it's time to #FreeBritney​. [online] Available at:

Laura Newberry in the research report, ‘​Britney Spears hasn’t fully controlled her life for

years. Fans insist it’s time to #FreeBritney’​, discusses the pop star idol Britney Spears and her

battle to be released from her fathers conservatorship. Newberry supports her discussion by

retelling events in which Ms. Spears reached out on social media referring to her battle. The

author’s purpose is to call attention to Britney’s struggles and how her fans have been fighting

for her rights. The author writes in a reasoned style for the readers of Los Angeles Times and

others who are concerned for Britney too.

Laura Newberry reports that Britney Spears hasn’t controlled her life in years; and fans are

insisting that it is time to “free Britney,” which refers to the latest trending hashtag, referring to

Britney’s battle with conservatorship and finally being free from her father. Newberry refers to a

post on Instagram made by Britney, quoting “Don’t believe everything you hear,” (Newberry via

Britney via Instagram) I will use this article in support of my research analysis to emphasize the

movement of freeing Britney and emphasizing the importance of it through evidence of the

protest of her lack of independancy.

Kirkpatrick, E., 2021. ​Britney Spears’s Father Loses His Bid to Return as Sole Conservator of

Her Estate​. [online] Vanity Fair. Available at:



Emily Kirkpatrick in the research report, ​‘Britney Spears’s Father Loses His Bid to Return as

Sole Conservator of Her Estate’,​ discusses Jamie Spears, Britney Spears father, and his loss in

his attempt to become a sole conservator for Britney. Kirkpatrick supports her discussion by

retelling the event of the court ruling. The author’s purpose is to call attention to Britney Spears'

freedom in the hands of her father so that more people become aware of her situation. The author

writes in a reasoned style for the readers of Vanity Fair and those who are interested in fighting

for Britney’s freedom.

Emily Kirkpatrick informs readers about the latest update on Britney Spears and her

conservatorship battle between her father. With an informational approach, Kirkpatrick glazes

over the court hearing and emphasizes the ruling that has so far determined how the debacle will

go about. In her own words, she expresses the current conclusion to where Britney Spears father

was denied to be her sole conservator of her estate. “​However, he will continue to share the role

with a financial institution after his objection was denied.” (Kirkpatrick) This has been a long

battle between her and her father. This article will help me further emphasize the need for Spears

to separate from her conservatorship.


MANIPULATION AND CELEBRITY.​ [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 8 March 2021].

Damian Kerlin looks into the celebrity life-style, the nature of the public media such as social

media and other media sources that can be used against celebrities' reputation and life in order to

manipulate them. They express how these forces control the representation of a celebrity. Kerlin

draws an example from the famous pop star Britney Spears, well-known for her professional life

and also her personal life as well. Damian Kerlin explores the pressure that former star britney

Spears had to endure, but his main point is to bring the reader to a realization how mass media

becomes an intrusion to their privacy. “With heightened pressure of how celebrities are

perceived, the public does not realise how the strain of being in the constant spotlight can take its

toll” (Kerlin) This can be helpful in my research paper because it delves into the further meaning

of celebrity privacy and how far it can take their mental health.
Utexas Press 2010. ​Toxic: The Implosion of Britney Spears's Star Image | The

Velvet Light Trap​. [online] Available at:


[Accessed 8 March 2021].

Moya Luckett delves into the exploitation of notoriously known pop singer Britney Spears

through analyzing the repercussions of her image in response to her mental health breakdown in

2008. Luckett offers a starking image of Miss Spears mid shaving of her head and expresses how

“the picture included here catapulted the starlet to another kind of fame,” (Luckett). Taking a

serious approach to the realities of being a world-wide celebrity, the article created by Moya

offers informational points and relevant events corresponding to Britney’s reputation. This article

will help me in my research analysis due to its support in evidence and recollection of events

while highlighting the lows that Britney experienced that later on led to her conservatorship.

Tuomi, I., 2020. ​Saving Britney: An analysis of Britney Spears’s Us Weekly covers from years

2006-2008.​ [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 8 March 2021].

Ida Tuomi offers readers a flash to the past and analytical commentary by providing magazine

cover articles from Britney Spears back during her mental difficulties and events. Taking an

analytical approach, Tuomi takes apart the magazine covers, inspecting the “facts” and

researching what was taking place at the time to further emphasize the exploitation of Spears.
“ figures 10 and 11 seem to use Spears’s revealing outfits as shock material, to emphasize her

mental health issues.” This resource will help me curate my research essay well because it

provides me with ample evidence of past events and notes about Britney’s father that lead up to

Britney ending up in her conservatorship It will allow me to refer back to background knowledge

if needed.

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