Chapter 7 Quiz

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Chapter 7 quiz: Acids and Bases

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Multiple Choice. Place your answers on the scantron sheet.

1. All of the following are properties of acids, except:

a. they react with metals
b. they have a bitter taste
c. they are used as preservatives
d. they are good conductors of electricity

2. Which of the following substances is not a base?

a. baking soda
b. blood
c. milk
d. sodium bicarbonate

3. What of the following is NOT true about bases?

a. feels slippery
b. tastes bitter
c. turns blue litmus paper red
d. good conductor of electricity

4. A solution has a pH of 8. How is this solution best described?

a. strongly basic
b. strongly acidic
c. slightly acidic
d. slightly basic

5. Acidic solutions contain high concentrations of                               .

a. hydrogen ions
b. hydroxide ions
c. water
d. oxygen

6. An acid, when dissolved in water, increases the concentration of which of the

following ions?
a. H+
b. OH−
c. Cl−
d. H2O
7. Bleach has a pH of around 12. It is considered a(n)                                on the pH scale.
a. base
b. acid
c. neutral
d. element

8. Which of the following groups are acids?

a. Ammonia, bleach, calcium
b. Apple juice, coffee, vinegar
c. Baking soda, blood, drain cleaner
d. Baking soda, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydrogen carbonate

9. The gas produced when a metal reacts with an acid is:

a. oxygen
b. chlorine
c. hydrogen
d. nitrogen

10. Which of the following is the correct chemical name for the acid contained in
a. Phosphoric Acid
b. Citric Acid
c. Acetic Acid
d. Stannic Acid

11. What is the chemical name for HCl?

a. Hypochloric Acid
b. Hypochlorous Acid
c. Hydrochloric Acid
d. Chloric Acid

12. Substances that change colour depending on the acidity or alkalinity of a solution
are called:
a. indicators
b. buffers
c. electrolytes
d. antacids

13. How much more acidic is a solution with a pH of 4 from a solution with a pH of 6?
a. 10 times
b. 100 times
c. 1000 times
d. 10000 times
14. Which of the following pH values represents the strongest acid?
a. pH 4
b. pH 10
c. pH 2
d. pH 7

15. Which statement correctly describes a solution with a pH value of 10?

a. It would turn litmus red.
b. It would turn methyl orange red.
c. It would turn thymol blue yellow.
d. It would turn phenolphthalein pink.

16. Which of the following are correct concerning neutralization reactions? They:
1. produce water
2. produce salt
3. are single displacement reactions
4. have an acid and a base as reactants
a. 2, 4 and 5 only
b. 1, 4 and 5 only
c. 2, 3 and 4 only
d. 1, 2 and 4 only
17. A lake has a pH of 3.0, where the rates of mortality for adult fish are steadily
increasing over time. How would a sample of water from this lake affect bromthymol
a. It would turn the indicator blue.
b. It would turn the indicator red.
c. It would turn the indicator yellow.
d. It would turn the indicator pink.

18. Which of the following substances, when dissolved in water, increases the
concentration of hydrogen ions?
a. H2SO4
b. NaOH
c. H2O
d. SO2
19. Which of the following is NOT produced when magnesium hydroxide is dissolved in
a. H+
b. Mg2+
c. OH−
d. None of the above

20. Which compound is an oxyacid?

a. SO2
b. CaO
c. H2SO4
d. NaOH

21. What is the correct chemical name for HNO3?

a. Nitric Acid
b. Nitrous Acid
c. Nitratic Acid
d. Hydronitric Acid
22. Which of the following would be the salt produced in an acid-base neutralization
reaction between Ba(OH)2 and HCl?
a. BaO
b. BaCl2
c. BaCl
d. BaH2

23. What is the formula of the salt produced when H2SO4 and KOH react?

a. KSO4
b. K2S
c. K2SO3
d. K2SO4

24. When a salt is formed from the neutralization reaction between an acid and a base,
the most likely pH value of the resulting solution that contains the salt is:
a. 2
b. 7
c. 10
d. 0

25. Which of the following must react with HCl to produce water and a salt with the
chemical formula KCl?
a. K2SO4
b. KOH
c. KCl
d. K2SO3
26. Which of the following represents a neutralization reaction?
a. NH3+HCl→NH4Cl
b. 2NO→N2+O2
c. NaOH+HCl→NaCl+H2O
d. Pb(NO3)2+2KCl→PbCl2+2KNO3

27. When NaOH and H2SO4 react, which parts of each compound form water in the
neutralization reaction?
a. The hydrogen ion in the acid and an oxygen ion in the base
b. The hydrogen ion in the acid and the metal in the base
c. The hydrogen ion in the acid and the hydroxide ion in the base
d. The hydroxide ion in the base and the non-metals in the acid

28. Most of the NOx emissions in North America are produced by what source?
a. solvents
b. electrical generation
c. vehicles
d. industrial
29. A reduction of acid precipitation pollutants can be achieved by:
a. using low-sulfur fossil fuels
b. the installation of scrubbers
c. pollution control equipment on vehicles
d. all of the above
30. Which of the following is not caused by acid precipitation?
a. greenhouse effect
b. corrosion of limestone buildings
c. damage to trees
d. death of fish
True or False. Answer on the scantron sheet. ‘a’ for true, ‘b’ for false.

31. Acids are poor conductors of electricity

32. HF (aq) is a binary acid

33. Oxygen gas is produced in a neutralization reaction involving carbonates

34. Phenolphthalein turns pink in a base.

35. Red and blue litmus paper will both be red when placed in an acid.

36. Bleach is a strong base

37. Your swimming pool should be slightly acidic

38. CaO (lime) is often used to lower the pH of lakes.

39. Metal oxides and water produce a base

40. Acid precipitation can be in the form of snow.

Chapter 7 quiz: Acids and Bases

Name: Date:

K/U= /40 T/I= /15 C= /6 A= /7

Thinking and Inquiry

1. Identify the following compounds as acidic, basic or neutral (4)

Name/Formula Acidic, basic or neutral


H2S (aq)


Ca(OH)2 (aq)

2. Identify the following acids as binary acids or oxyacids and name the compound. (4)

Formula Binary/Oxyacid Name



3. Complete the following word equations. (4)

Hydrochloric acid +  water + potassium chloride

Sulfuric acid + calcium hydroxide  +

Phosphoric acid + sodium hydroxide  water +

4. Explain why acids would be used in the food industry. Be sure to include an example.
Communication (6)

1. A student performs an experiment to test the effectiveness of two antacid tablets,

Rolaids and Tums. Each tablet is dissolved in the same volume of water in a separate
beaker. Two drops of an indicator is added to each beaker, and then drops of acid are
added until the antacid is neutralized. Analyze the data shown below and answer the
following questions.

Table 1: Neutralizing Ability of Antacids.

Antacid Size of Antacid Sample Drops of acid needed to


Rolaids 10 ml 15

Tums 10 ml 30

Which antacid is likely to be more effective? Explain. (2)

2. Explain the role of sulfur dioxide in the production of acid precipitation. Be sure to
include descriptions and sources of the gas, as well as the chemical reactions involved.
Application (7)

1. As part of a field trip in Mr. Strong’s grade 10 science class, you are asked to try and
neutralize a lake that has a very low pH. When the class reaches the lake Mr. Strong
realizes that the only chemicals he remembered to bring were sodium, an oxygen
container and beaker of hydrochloric acid.

a. Using chemical equations show that the materials that were brought are enough to
neutralize the lake. (Hint: Materials may need to be reacted together) (3)

b. If the class went a bit overboard and made the lake too basic how could this be fixed?
(Using the materials brought). Be sure to show reactions. (2)

c. Why would the lake start to resemble the ocean? (1)

d. A substance used to test pH is called a(n) ____________________________ (1)

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