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Yousuf Al-Khanbashi Graduation Project 2009

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Education

Instructional and Learning technologies Department

Graduation Project (TECH4999)

The Graduation Project Report

Done By:Yousuf Al-khanbashi Supervisor Dr. Alaa sadik.

SQU.EDU.ILT.ID:48569. ILT Dept. – SQU Univ.

Yousuf Al-Khanbashi Graduation Project 2009

© ILT Dept. – SQU Univ.

In recent years Internet has turned into one of the most important tools for not only
dissemination of information but also for deliverance of various important services to millions
of users connected to it. More and more people are now dependent on Internet for some of the most
critical services and businesses. The invention of the web2 facilitates searching for the information in
this huge library (the internet) but there are some techniques that should be learned to increase the ease
of the searching process using web2.

This project will show to apply web2 applications in instructional operation and how the
teachers and students can get benefits from this type of service to facilitate the education
and give the students more freedom and more effective learning.

Problem Statement:
The purpose of this project of self-directed instruction to assist students and teachers to
find open resources and environment to learn besides the traditional learning. Also, this
project will help teachers and students to share their knowledge and skills in easy way and
freedom. This project will help to create interactive learning environment.

Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies in the Instructional Process.

 Use of Web 2.0 tools as learning technologies.

 Integrate Web 2.0 learning technologies into the classroom.
 Use Video sharing site (you tube) and Blog.

Target audience:
 The project will serve both teachers and students who are from grade 9 to grade 12 and

 The Environment:

The project will be presented as an online web:

 Network: these materials should be taught in the schools labs within the school's
network (LAN) and it can be provided to the students through the school website.

 Computers availability: each student should have his own computer to learn the
content individually and he can discuss the topic with his classmates using the
discussion board in the webct.
Yousuf Al-Khanbashi Graduation Project 2009

 Internet Accessibility.

Operation Requirement:

 Internet explorer Brower.

 High Internet connection.

 Flash Player.

 Windows XP, Vista.

 Adobe Reader

The systemic Plan of the instructional Web 2 applications project:

Instructional Web 2
applications project

Design Development

Define the Scope Prepare the Text

Prepare a Prototype

Produce a Planning Create Flowcharts Create the Graphics

Document &Storyboards

Determine & Collect Prepare Scripts Create the Graphics


Define the Look and Feel

Create accounts in web 2.

Cost the Project

Prepare Support Materials
Yousuf Al-Khanbashi Graduation Project 2009

Identify Learner Assemble the Pieces


Conduct Initial Brainstorming Creating Portal By using MS Front


Produce a Style Manual Make Revisions

Make Final Revisions

Materials and methods:

Materials & Methods How? When? Stage?

Web 2 Upload all After creating Development

different content account

Camera Take video tapes During the project Preproduction &

as content. is in progress Production

Take photos
about the process
of project

Content Upload text, After collect all In all web 2

videos, photos in data that is prepared Application.
the blog, slide
share etc..

Ms front Page Creating Portal to After Assemble the Interface of the

provide ease Pieces. project in Post
navigation for production
target audiences

Photoshop software Creating pictures During Making Production

and modify Links and Project
photos look.

Internet access Reascech about During the project In sultan Qaboos

Yousuf Al-Khanbashi Graduation Project 2009

content for University

uploading in the
webs 2

PowerPoint Creating content In the slide share Production and Post

using PPT production.

Project Management:
The management of resources, money, and time

Interface Project Screen shots:

Field Work Photos:

Yousuf Al-Khanbashi Graduation Project 2009

(Figure 1) Diagram of the project Stages

(Figure 2) The Interface of my Project

Yousuf Al-Khanbashi Graduation Project 2009

Feature of the project:

 Help users to share knowledge and experience with others.

 Provide Open Source, Communication channels and space for constructing learning. .

 Students have unlimited options

 Use simple language.

 Facilitates communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and

collaboration on the World Wide Web.

 Support web 2.0 activity takes in and out of school.

 Easy to adopted and developed.

Results and Discussions:

 Positive attitude towards the use of Web 2.0 tools as learning technologies.

 Blog is an easy way for teachers or administrators to publish material for parent or

 The teacher writes the main posts, and the students use the commenting feature to
respond to the teacher.

 Most students need more training and teaching about web 2.0.

Result # 1

Method: Observations

 Low use of Web 2 by teachers and students in preparatory and secondary schools in

 High motivation among teachers to use information support centers.

 There is high matching between Instructional Web 2 tools and teaching curriculum.

 Schools have low internet connection

Yousuf Al-Khanbashi Graduation Project 2009

Result #2

Method: interview

 Low use of Web 2.0 by teachers and students in preparatory and secondary schools in

 High motivation among teachers to use information support centers.

 There is high matching between Instructional Web 2.0 tools and teaching curriculum.


The summary of tasks which are performed in this project:

1) Identify the problem that is lack of educational resources in school for teachers and
2) Designed and implemented interactive environment between all components of the
educational system. .
3) Instructional Webs 2.0 Project works for all Users because it uses easy language and
easy systems.
4) The Principles of Web 2.0 are contributing and collaborating. Learning is changing, so
education will need to Change.
5) Designed and implemented the instructional Web 2 applications. This supports the
users (Learners & Teachers).
6) Web 2.0 technologies in the learning environment offer interesting instructional
7) Successful integration of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom is situationally dependent –
some tools will work better than others in certain situations.

The future work:

1) Instructional Webs 2.0 Project provides mutli resources and interactive learning
environment. Also, this project will give students chance to share their Knowledge
between them. This advantage can be increased by using multimedia in the project.

2) The present instructional web 2.0 system does not support all multimedia. This feature
can be extended by adding some requirement to operate this multimedia.
3) The factory model of schooling is dying. Customization, Collaboration, and Creation
Are the New Model.
4) Testing with real time application and hosting in free web services.
5) My Web 2.0 project provides same access rights to all users. Can be extended by
adding more privacy and copyright system.
Yousuf Al-Khanbashi Graduation Project 2009

We designed the project by using


Other References:

 Stutzman, F. (2006). An Evaluation of Identity-Sharing Behavior in Social

Network Communities. iDMAa Journal, 3(1), 10-18.

 Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies in the Instructional Process Frederic Stutzman

School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
213 Manning Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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