Aggravating Circumstances

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Aggravating Circumstances

Aggravating Circumstances


Par. 1. That advantage be taken by the offender of his

public position

1. Offender is public officer
2. Public officer must use the influence, prestige, or ascendancy
which his office gives him as means to realize criminal purpose

It is not considered as an aggravating circumstance where taking

advantage of official position is made by law an integral element of
the crime or inherent in the offense,

Ex: malversation (Art. 217), falsification of a document committed

by public officers (Art. 171).

When the public officer did not take advantage of the influence of
his position, this aggravating circumstance is not present

NOTE : Taking advantage of a public position is also inherent in the

case of accessories under Art. 19, par. 3 (harboring, concealing, or
assisting in the escape of the principal of the crime), and in crimes
committed by public officers (Arts. 204-245).
Par. 2. That the crime be committed in contempt of or
with insult to public authorities

1. That the public authority is engaged in the exercise of his
2. That he who is thus engaged in the exercise of said functions is
not the person against whom the crime is committed.

3. The offender knows him to be a public authority.

4. His presence has not prevented the offender from committing the
criminal act.

PERSON IN AUTHORITY – public authority, or person who is directly

vested with jurisdiction and has the power to govern and execute
the laws
1. Governor
2. Mayor
3. Barangay captain/ chairman
4. Councilors
5. Government agents
6. Chief of Police

NOTE: A teacher or professor of a public or recognized private

school is not a “public authority within the contemplation of this
paragraph. While he is a person in authority under Art. 152, that
status is only for purposes of Art. 148 (direct assault) and Art.152
(resistance and disobedience)
The crime should not be committed against the public authority
(otherwise it will constitute direct assault under Art.148) This is NOT
applicable when committed in the presence of a mere agent.

AGENT – subordinate public officer charged w/ the maintenance of

public order and protection and
security of life and property
Ex: barrio vice lieutenant, barrio councilman

Par. 3. That the act be committed:

(1) with insult or in disregard of the respect due the offended
party on account of his
(b) age, or
(c) sex or
(2) that it be committed in the dwelling of the offended party,
if the latter has not given provocation

Rules regarding par 3(1):

1. These circumstances shall only be considered as one aggravating
2. Rank, age, sex may be taken into account only in crimes against
persons or honor, they cannot be
invoked in crimes against property.
3. It must be shown that in the commission of the crime the offender
deliberately intended to offend or insult the sex, age and rank of the
offended party.
RANK – The designation or title of distinction used to fix the relative
position of the offended party in reference to others (There must be
a difference in the social condition of the offender and the offended

AGE – may refer to old age or the tender age of the victim.

SEX– refers to the female sex, not to the male sex.

The AC of disregard of rank, age, or sex is not applicable in the

following cases:
1. When the offender acted with passion and obfuscation.
2. When there exists a relationship between the offended party and
the offender.
3. When the condition of being a woman is indispensable in the
commission of the crime.
(Ex: in parricide, abduction, seduction and rape)

People vs. Lapaz, March 31, 1989

Disregard of sex and age are not absorbed in treachery because
treachery refers to the manner of the commission of the crime, while
disregard of sex and age pertains to the relationship of the victim.

DWELLING – must be a building or structure exclusively used for

rest and comfort (combination of house and store not included),
may be temporary as in the case of guests in a house or bedspacers.
It includes dependencies, the foot of the staircase and the enclosure
under the house
The aggravating circumstance of dwelling requires that the crime be
wholly or partly committed therein or in any integral part thereof.

Dwelling does not mean the permanent residence or domicile of the

offended party or that he must be the owner thereof. He must,
however, be actually living or dwelling therein even for a temporary
duration or purpose.

It is not necessary that the accused should have actually entered

the dwelling of the victim to commit the offense; it is enough that
the victim was attacked inside his own house, although the assailant
may have devised means to perpetrate the assault from without.

What aggravates the commission of the crime in one’s dwelling:

1. The abuse of confidence which the offended party reposed in the
offender by opening the door to him; or
2. The violation of the sanctity of the home by trespassing therein
with violence or against the will of the owner.

Meaning of provocation in the aggravating circumstance of dwelling:

The provocation must be:
1. Given by the owner of the dwelling,
2. Sufficient, and
3. Immediate to the commission of the crime.

NOTE: If all these conditions are present, the offended party is

deemed to have given the provocation, and the fact that the crime is
committed in the dwelling of the offended party is NOT an
aggravating circumstance.
REASON: When it is the offended party who has provoked the
incident, he loses his right to the respect and consideration due him
in his own house

Dwelling is not aggravating in the following cases:

1. When both the offender and the offended party are occupants of
the same house, and this is true even if offender is a servant in the
exception: In case of adultery in the conjugal dwelling, the same is
However, if the paramour also dwells in the conjugal dwelling, the
applicable aggravating circumstance is abuse of confidence.

2. When robbery is committed by the use of force upon things,

dwelling is not aggravating because it is inherent.

However, dwelling is aggravating in robbery with violence against or

intimidation of persons because
this class of robbery can be committed without the necessity of
trespassing the sanctity of the offended party’s house.

3. In the crime needed to see this picture. dwelling, it is inherent or

included by law in defining the crime.

4. When the owner of the dwelling gave sufficient and immediate


There must exist a close relation between the provocation made by

the victim and the commission of the crime by the accused.
5. The victim is not a dweller of the house.

Par. 4. That the act be committed with: (1) abuse of

confidence or (2) obvious ungratefulness

There are two aggravating circumstances present under par.4 which

must be independently appreciated if present in the same case.

While one may be related to the other in the factual situation in the
case, they cannot be lumped together. Abuse of confidence requires
a special confidential relationship between the offender and the
victim, while this is not required for there to be obvious

Requisites Of Abuse Of Confidence:

1. That the offended party had trusted the offender.
2. That the offender abused such trust by committing a crime
against the offended party.
3. That the abuse of confidence facilitated the commission of the

NOTE: Abuse of confidence is inherent in malversation (Art. 217),

qualified theft (Art. 310), estafa by conversion or misappropriation
(Art. 315), and qualified seduction (Art. 337).

Requisites of obvious ungratefulness:

1. That the offended party had trusted the offender;
2. That the offender abused such trust by committing a crime
against the offended party.
3. That the act be committed with obvious ungratefulness.
NOTE: The ungratefulness contemplated by par. 4 must be such
clear and manifest ingratitude on the part of the accused.

Par. 5. That the crime be committed in the palace of the

Chief Executive, or in his presence, or where public authorities
are engaged in the discharge of their duties, or in a place
dedicated to religious worship.

Actual performance of duties is not necessary when crime is

committed in the palace or in the presence of the Chief Executive.

Requisites Regarding Public Authorities:

1. crime occurred in the public office
2. public authorities are actually performing their public duties

Requisites (Place Dedicated To Religious Worship):

1. The crime occurred in a place dedicated to the worship of God
regardless of religion
2. The offender must have decided to commit the crime when he
entered the place of worship

Except for the third which requires that official functions are being
performed at the time of the
commission of the crime, the other places mentioned are
aggravating per se even if no official duties or acts of religious
worship are being conducted there.

Cemeteries, however respectable they may be, are not considered

as place dedicated to the worship of God.
Par. 6. That the crime be committed (1) in the nighttime, or (2)
in an uninhabited place, or (3) by a band, whenever such
circumstance may facilitate the commission of the offense

NOTE: When present in the same case and their element are
distinctly palpable and can subsist
independently, they shall be considered separately.

When nighttime, uninhabited place or band aggravating:

1. When it facilitated the commission of the crime; or
2. When especially sought for by the offender to insure the
commission of the crime or for the purpose of impunity; or
3. When the offender took advantage thereof for the purpose of

NIGHTTIME (obscuridad) – that period of darkness beginning at the

end of dusk and ending at dawn.

Commission of the crime must begin and be accomplished in the

nighttime. When the place of the crime is illuminated by light,
nighttime is not aggravating. It is not considered aggravating when
the crime began at daytime.

Nighttime is not especially sought for when the notion to commit the
crime was conceived of shortly before commission or when crime
was committed at night upon a casual encounter

However, nighttime need not be specifically sought for when

(1) it facilitated the commission of the offense, or
(2) the offender took advantage of the same to commit the crime

A bare statement that crime was committed at night is insufficient.

The information must allege that nighttime was sought for or taken
advantage of, or that it facilitated the crime

GENERAL RULE: Nighttime is absorbed in treachery.

EXCEPTION: Where both the treacherous mode of attack and

nocturnity were deliberately decided upon in the same case, they
can be considered separately if such circumstances have different
factual bases. Thus:

In People vs. Berdida, et. al. (June 30, 1966),

- nighttime was considered since it was purposely sought, and
treachery was further appreciated because the victim’s hands and
arms were tied together before he was beaten up by the accused.

In People vs. Ong, et. al. (Jan. 30, 1975), there was treachery as the
victim was stabbed while lying face up and defenseless, and
nighttime was considered upon proof that it facilitated the
commission of the offense and was taken advantage of by the

UNINHABITED PLACE (despoblado) – one where there are no

houses at all, a place at a considerable distance from town, where
the houses are scattered at a great distance from each other.

Solitude must be sought to better attain the criminal purpose.

What should be considered here is whether in the place of the
commission of the offense, there was
a reasonable possibility of the victim receiving some help.

BAND (en cuadrilla) – whenever there are more than 3 armed

malefactors that shall have acted together in the commission of an

NOTE: There must be four or more armed men

If one of the four-armed malefactors is a principal by inducement,

they do not form a band because it is undoubtedly connoted that he
had no direct participation.

“By a band” is aggravating in crimes against property or against

persons or in the crime of illegal detention or treason but does not
apply to crimes against chastity

“By a band” is inherent in brigandage

This aggravating circumstance is absorbed in the circumstance of

abuse of superior strength

1994 Bar Exam Question (Aggravating;Nighttime;Band)

At about 9:30 in the evening, while Dino and Raffy were walking
along Padre Faura Street, Manila, Johnny hit them with a rock
injuring Dino at the back. Raffy approached Dino, but suddenly,
Bobby, Steve, Danny, and Nonoy surrounded the duo. Then Bobby
stabbed Dino. Steve, Danny, Nonoy, and Johnny kept on hitting Dino
and Raffy with rocks. As a result, Dino died. Bobby, Steve, Danny,
Nonoy, and Johnny were charged with homicide.

Can the court appreciate the aggravating circumstances of

nighttime and band?

No, nighttime can not be appreciated as an aggravating

circumstance because there is no indication that the offenders
deliberately sought the cover of darkness to facilitate the
commission of the crime or that they took advantage of nighttime.
(People vs. De los Reyes, 203 SCRA 707).

Besides, judicial notice can be taken of the fact that Padre Faura
Street is well lighted.

However, Band should be considered as the crime was committed

by more than three armed malefactors. In a recent Supreme Court
Decision, stones or rocks are considered deadly weapons.

1996 Bar Examination (Aggravating Circumstances)

Jose,Domingo,Manolo, and Fernando, armed with bolos, at about

one o'clock in the morning, robbed a house at a desolate place
where Danilo, his wife, and three daughters were living. While the
four were in the process of ransacking Danilo's house, Fernando,
noticing that one of Danilo's daughters was trying to get away, ran
after her and finally caught up with her in a thicket somewhat
distant from the house. Fernando, before bringing back the
daughter to the house, raped her first. Thereafter, the four carted
away the belongings of Danilo and his family.

a. What crime did Jose,Domingo,Manolo, and Fernando commit?


b. Suppose, after the robbery, the four took turns in raping the three
daughters of Danilo inside the latter's house, but before they left,
they killed the whole family to prevent identification, what crime did
the four commit? Explain.

c. Under the facts of the case, what aggravating circumstances

maybe appreciated against the four? Explain.

a. Jose,Domingo, and Manolo committed robbery, while Fernando

committed complex crime of Robbery with Rape.

b. The crime would be Robbery with Homicide because the killings

were by reason (to prevent identification) and on the occasion of the
robbery. The multiple rapes committed and the fact that several
persons were killed (homicide), would be considered as aggravating
circumstances. The rapes are synonymous with ignominy and the
additional killing synonymous with cruelty.(People vs. Solis, 182
SCRA; People vs. Plaga, 202 SCRA 531)

c. The aggravating circumstances which may be considered in the

premises are:
1. Band because all the four offenders are armed.
2. Nocturnity because evidently the offenders took advantage of
3. Dwelling; and
4. Uninhabited place because the house where the crimes were
committed was "at a desolate place" and obviously the offenders
took advantage of this circumstance in committing the crime.

Par. 7. That the crime be committed on the occasion of

a conflagration, shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic or
other calamity or misfortune.

1. The crime was committed when there was a calamity or
2. The offender took advantage of the state of confusion or chaotic
condition from such misfortune

If the offended was PROVOKED by the offended party during the

calamity/misfortune, this aggravating circumstance may not be
taken into consideration.

Par. 8.That the crime be committed with the aid of

(1) armed men or
(2) persons who insure or afford impunity

1. That armed men or persons took part in the commission of the
crime, directly or indirectly.
2. That the accused availed himself of their aid or relied upon them
when the crime was committed
NOTE: This aggravating circumstance requires that the armed men
are accomplices who take part in a minor capacity directly or
indirectly, and not when they were merely present at the crime
scene. Neither should they constitute a band, for then the proper
aggravating circumstance would be cuadrilla.

When This Aggravating Circumstance Shall Not Be Considered:

1. When both the attacking party and the party attacked were
equally armed.
2. When the accused as well as those who cooperated with him in
the commission of the crime acted under the same plan and for the
same purpose.
3. When the others were only “casually present” and the offender
did not avail himself of any of their aid or when he did not knowingly
count upon their assistance in the commission of the crime

If there are four armed men, aid of armed men is absorbed in

employment of a band. If there are three armed men or less, aid of
armed men may be the aggravating circumstance.

“Aid of armed men” includes “armed women.”

Par. 9. That the accused is a recidivist

RECIDIVIST – one who at the time of his trial for one crime, shall
have been previously convicted by final judgment of another crime
embraced in the same title of the RPC.

1. That the offender is on trial for an offense;
2. That he was previously convicted by final judgment of another
3. That both the first and the second offenses are embraced in the
same title of the Code;
4. That the offender is convicted of the new offense.

MEANING OF “at the time of his trial for one crime.” It is employed in
its general sense, including the rendering of the judgment. It is
meant to include everything that is done in the course of the trial,
from arraignment until after sentence is announced by the judge in
open court.

What is controlling is the TIME OF THE TRIAL, not the time of the
commission of the offense.

GENERAL RULE: To prove recidivism, it is necessary to allege the

same in the information and to attach thereto certified copy of the
sentences rendered against the accused.

Exception: If the accused does not object and when he admits in his
confession and on the witness stand.

Recidivism must be taken into account no matter how many years

have intervened between the
first and second felonies.

Amnesty extinguishes the penalty and its effects. However, pardon

does not obliterate the fact that
the accused was a recidivist. Thus, even if the accused was granted
a pardon for the first offense but he commits another felony
embraced in the same title of the Code, the first conviction is still
counted to make him a recidivist

Being an ordinary aggravating circumstance, recidivism affects only

the periods of a penalty, except in prostitution and vagrancy (Art.
202) and gambling (PD 1602) wherein recidivism increases the
penalties by degrees. No other generic aggravating circumstance
produces this effect

In recidivism it is sufficient that the succeeding offense be

committed after the commission of the
preceding offense provided that at the time of his trial for the
second offense, the accused had
already been convicted of the first offense.

If both offenses were committed on the same date, they shall be

considered as only one, hence, they
cannot be separately counted in order to constitute recidivism. Also,
judgments of convicted handed down on the same day shall be
considered as only one conviction.

REASON: Because the Code requires that to be considered as a

separate convictions, at the time of his trial for one crime the
accused shall have been previously convicted by final judgment of
the other.

2001 Bar Exam Question (Aggravating;Recidivism)

Juan de Castro already had three (3) previous convictions by final

judgment for theft when he was found guilty of Robbery with
Homicide. In the last case, the trial judge considered against the
accused both recidivism and habitual delinquency. The accused
appealed and contended that in his last conviction, the trial court
cannot consider against him a finding of recidivism and, again, of
habitual delinquency.

Is the appeal meritorious? Explain.

No, the appeal is not meritorious. Recidivism and habitual

delinquency are correctly considered in this case because the basis
of recidivism is different from that of habitual delinquency.

Juan is a recidivist because he had been previously convicted by

final judgment for theft and again found guilty of Robbery with
Homicide, which are both crimes against property, embraced under
the same title (title ten, book 2) of the Revised Penal Code. The
implication is that he is specializing in the commission of crimes
against property, hence aggravating in the conviction for Robbery
with Homicide.

Habitual delinquency, which brings about an additional penalty

when an offender is convicted a third time or more for specified
crimes, is correctly considered.

Par. 10. That the offender has been previously punished for
an offense to which the law attaches an equal or
greater penalty or for two or more crimes to which it attaches
a lighter penalty.
Requisites Of Reiteracion Or Habituality:
1. That the accused is on trial for an offense;
2. That he previously served sentence for another offense to which
the law attaches an
a) Equal or
b) Greater penalty, or
c) For two or more crimes to which it attaches a lighter penalty than
that for the new offense; and
3. That he is convicted of the new offense

Habituality vs Recidivism
1. As To The First offense
Habituality - It is necessary that the offender shall shall have served
out his sentence for the first offense.
Recidivism - It is enough that a final judgment has been rendered in
the first offense.
2. As to the kind of offenses involved
Habituality - The previous and subsequent offenses must not be
embraced in the same title of the code.
Recidivism - Requires that the offenses be included in the same title
of the code.


1. Recidivism (par. 9, Art. 14) – Where a person, on separate
occasions, is convicted of two offenses
embraced in the same title in the RPC. This is a generic aggravating
2. Reiteracion or Habituality (par. 10, Art. 14) – Where the offender
has been previously punished for
an offense to which the law attaches an equal or greater penalty or
for two crimes to which it attaches
a lighter penalty. This is a generic aggravating circumstance.
3. Multi-recidivism or Habitual delinquency (Art.62, par, 5) – Where
a person within a period of ten
years from the date of his release or last conviction of the crimes of
serious or less serious physical injuries, robbery, theft, estafa or
falsification, is found guilty of the said crimes a third time or oftener.
This is an extraordinary aggravating circumstance.
4. Quasi-recidivism (Art. 160) – Where a person commits felony
before beginning to serve or while
serving sentence on a previous conviction for a felony. This is a
special aggravating circumstance.

Since reiteracion provides that the accused has duly served the
sentence for his previous conviction/s, or is legally considered to
have done so, quasi-recidivism cannot at the same time constitute
reiteracion, hence this aggravating circumstance cannot apply to a

If the same set of facts constitutes recidivism and reiteracion, the

liability of the accused should be
aggravated by recidivism which can easily be proven.

Par. 11. That the crime be committed in consideration of

price, reward or promise.

1. There are at least 2 principals:
- The principal by inducement (one who offers)
- The principal by direct participation (accepts)
2. The price, reward, or promise should be previous to
and in consideration of the commission of the
criminal act

NOTE: The circumstance is applicable to both principals.

It affects the person who received the price / reward as
well as the person who gave it.

If without previous promise it was given voluntarily after

the crime had been committed asan expression of his
appreciation for the sympathy and aid shown by the other
accused, it should not be taken into consideration for the
purpose of increasing the penalty.

The price, reward or promise need not consist of or refer

to material things or that the same were actually delivered,
it being sufficient that the offer made by the principal
by inducement be accepted by the principal by direct
participation before the commission of the offense.

The inducement must be the primary consideration for the

commission of the crime.

Par. 12. That the crime be committed by means of inundation,

fire, explosion, stranding of a vessel or intentional damage
thereto, derailment of a locomotive, or by use of any artifice
involving great waste and ruin

The circumstances under this paragraph will only be considered

as aggravating if and when they are used by the offender as a
means to accomplish a criminal purpose

When another aggravating circumstance already qualifies the

crime, any of these aggravating circumstances shall be
considered as generic aggravating circumstance only

When used as a means to kill another person, the crime is

qualified to murder.

Par. 13. That the act be committed with evident premeditation

The prosecution must prove –
1. The time when the offender determined to commit the crime;
2. An act manifestly indicating that the culprit has clung to
his determination; and
3. A sufficient lapse of time between the determination and
execution, to allow him to reflect upon the consequences
of his act and to allow his conscience to overcome the
resolution of his will.

Essence of premeditation: The execution of the criminal act

must be preceded by cool thought and reflection upon the
resolution to carry out the criminal intent during the space
of time sufficient to arrive at a calm judgment.

To establish evident premeditation, it must be shown that there

was a period sufficient to afford full opportunity for
meditation and reflection, a time adequate to allow the
conscience to overcome the resolution of the will, as well as
outward acts showing the intent to kill. It must be shown that
the offender had sufficient time to reflect upon the
consequences of his act but still persisted in his determination
to commit the crime. (PEOPLE vs. SILVA, et. al., GR No.
140871, August 8, 2002)

Premeditation is absorbed by reward or promise.

When the victim is different from that intended, premeditation

is not aggravating. However, if the offender premeditated on
the killing of any person, it is proper to consider against
the offender the aggravating circumstance of premeditation,
because whoever is killed by him is contemplated in his

Par. 14. That (1) craft,

(2) fraud, or
(3) disguise be employed.

The offender must have actually used craft, fraud, or disguise
to facilitate the commission of the crime.

CRAFT (astucia) – involved the use of intellectual trickery or

cunning on the part of the accused. A chicanery resorted to
by the accused to aid in the execution of his criminal design.
It is employed as a scheme in the execution of the crime

FRAUD (fraude) – insidious words or machinations used to induce

the victim to act in a manner which would enable the offender
to carry out his design

Craft and fraud may be absorbed in treachery ifthey have been

deliberately adopted as the means, methods or forms for the
treacherous strategy, or they may co-exist independently where
they are adopted for a different purpose in the commission
of the crime.

In People vs. San Pedro (Jan. 22, 1980),
where the accused pretended to hire the driver in order to
get his vehicle, it was held that there was craft directed
to the theft of the vehicle, separate from the means
subsequently used to treacherously kill the defenseless

In People vs. Masilang (July 11, 1986)

there was also craft where after hitching a ride, the accused
requested the driver to take them to a place to visit somebody,
when in fact they had already planned to kill the driver.

DISGUISE (disfraz) – resorting to any device to conceal identity

The test of disguise is whether the device or contrivance

resorted to by the offender was intended to or did make
identification more difficult, such as the use of a mask or
false hair or beard.

The use of an assumed name in the publication of a libel

constitutes disguise.
Par. 15. That (1) advantage be taken of superior strength, or
(2) means be employed to weaken the defense.

Par. 15 contemplates two aggravating circumstances, either of

which qualifies a killing to murder.

MEANING OF “advantage be taken”:To deliberately use excessive

force that is out of proportion to the means for self-defense
available to the person attacked. (PEOPLE vs. LOBRIGAS, et.
al., GR No. 147649, December 17, 2002)

No Advantage Of Superior Strength In The Following:

1. One who attacks another with passion and obfuscation does
not take advantage of his superior strength.
2. When a quarrel arose unexpectedly and the fatal blow was
struck at a time when the aggressor and his victim were
engaged against each other as man to man.

TEST for abuse of superior strength: the relative strength of

the offender and his victim and whether or not he took
advantage of his greater strength.

When there are several offenders participating in the crime,

they must ALL be principals by direct participation and their
attack against the victim must be concerted and intended
to be so.

Abuse of superior strength is inherent in the crime of

parricide where the husband kills the wife. It is generally
accepted that the husband is physically stronger than the wife.

Abuse of superior strength is also present when the offender

uses a weapon which is out of proportion to the defense
available to the offended party.

NOTE: Abuse of superior strength absorbs cuadrilla (“band”).

MEANING OF “Means employed to weaken defense” - the offender

employs means that materially weaken the resisting power of
the offended party.

1. Where one, struggling with another, suddenly throws a
cloak over the head of his opponent and while in this
situation he wounds or kills him.
2. One who, while fighting with another, suddenly casts sand
or dirt upon the latter eyes and then wounds or kills him.
3. When the offender, who had the intention to kill the
victim, made the deceased intoxicated, thereby materially
weakening the latter’s resisting power.

NOTE: This circumstance is applicable only to crimes against

persons, and sometimes against person and property, such as
robbery with physical injuries or homicide.

Par. 16. That the act be committed with treachery (alevosia)

TREACHERY – when the offender commits any of the crimes

the person, employing means, methods or forms in the execution
thereof which tend directly and specially to insure its
execution without risk to himself arising from the defense
which the offended party might make.

1. That at the time of the attack, the victim was not in a
position to defend himself; and
2. That the offender consciously adopted the particular means,
method or form of attack employed by him.

TEST: It is not only the relative position of the parties but,

more specifically, whether or not the victim was forewarned or
afforded the opportunity to make a defense or to ward off
the attack.

Rules Regarding Treachery:

1. Applicable only to crimes against persons.
2. Means, methods or forms need not insure accomplishment of
3. The mode of attack must be consciously adopted.

Treachery is taken into account even if the crime against the

person is complexed with another felony involving a different
classification in the Code. Accordingly, in the special complex
crime of robbery with homicide, treachery but can be
appreciated insofar as the killing is concerned.

The suddenness of attack in itself does not constitute treachery,

even if the purpose was to kill, so long as the decision was
made all of a sudden and the victim’s helpless position was

Treachery applies in the killing of a child even if the manner

of attack is not shown.

Treachery must be convincing evidence proved by clear and

Treachery is considered against all the offenders when there

is conspiracy.


1. When the aggression is continuous, treachery must be present
in the beginning of the assault. (PEOPLE vs. MANALAD, GR
No. 128593, August 14, 2002)

Thus, even if the deceased was shot while he was lying wounded
on the ground, it appearing that the firing of the shot was
a mere continuation of the assault in which the deceased was
wounded, with no appreciable time intervening between the
delivery of the blows and the firing of the shot, it cannot
be said that the crime was attended by treachery.

2. When the assault was not continuous, in that there was

interruption, it is sufficient that treachery was present
at the moment the fatal blow was given.

Hence, even though in the inception of the aggression

which ended in the death of the deceased, treachery
was not present, if there was a break in the continuity of
the aggression and at the time of the fatal wound was
inflicted on the deceased he was defenseless, the
circumstance of treachery must be taken into account.

Treachery Should Be Considered Even If:

1. The victim was not predetermined but there was a generic
intent to treacherously kill any first two persons belonging
to a class. (The same rule obtains for evident premeditation).
2. There was aberratio ictus and the bullet hit a person different
from that intended. (The rule is different in evident
3. There was error in personae, hence the victim was not the
one intended by the accused. (A different rule is applied in
evident premeditation).

REASON FOR THE RULE: When there is treachery, it is impossible

for either the intended victim or the actual victim to defend
himself against the aggression.

1. Craft
2. Abuse of superior strength
3. Employing means to weaken the defense
4. Cuadrilla (“band”)
5. Aid of armed men
6. Nighttime

Par. 17. That means be employed or circumstances brought

about which add ignominy to the natural effects of the act
IGNOMINY – is a circumstance pertaining to the moral order,
which adds disgrace and obloquy to the material injury caused
by the crime.

MEANING OF “which add ignominy to the natural effects thereof”

The means employed or the circumstances brought about must
to make the effects of the crime more humiliating to victim or
to put the offended party to shame, or add to his moral
suffering. Thus it is incorrect to appreciate ignominy where
the victim was already dead when his body was dismembered, for
such act may not be considered to have added to the victim’s
moral suffering or humiliation. (People vs. Carmina,
G.R. No. 81404, January 28, 1991)

Applicable to crimes against chastity, less serious physical

injuries, light or grave coercion, and murder.

Par. 18. That the crime be committed after an unlawful entry.

UNLAWFUL ENTRY - when an entrance is effected by a way not

intended for the purpose.

NOTE: Unlawful entry must be a means to effect entrance and not

for escape.

REASON FOR AGGRAVATION: One who acts, not respecting the

walls erected by men to guard their property and provide for their
personal safety, shows a greater perversity, a greater audacity;
hence, the law punishes him with more severity.
1997 Bar Examination Question(Treachery;Unlawful Entry)

The accused and the victim occupied adjacent apartments, each

being a separate dwelling unit of one big house.The accused
suspected his wife of having an illicit relation with the victim. One
afternoon, he saw the victim and his wife together on board a
vehicle. In the evening of that day, the accused went to bed early
and tried to sleep, but being so annoyed over the suspected relation
between his wife and the victim, he could not sleep. later in the
night, he resolved to kill the victim. He rose from bed and took hold
of a knife. He entered the apartment of the victim through an unlock
window. Inside, he saw the victim soundly asleep. He thereupon
stabbed the victim, inflicting several wounds,
which caused his death within a few hours.

Would you say that the killing was attended by the qualifying or
aggravating circumstances of evident premeditation, treachery,
nighttime, and unlawful entry?

1. Evident premeditation cannot be considered against the accused

because he resolved to kill the victim "later in the night" and there
was no sufficient lapse of time between the determination and
execution, to allow his conscience to overcome the resolution of his

2. Treachery may be present because the accused stabbed the

victim while the latter was sound asleep. Accordingly, he employed
means and methods which directly and specially insured the
execution of the act without risk to himself arising from the defense
which the victim might have made.(People vs. Dequina, 60 Phil. 27,
People vs. Miranda,, 90 Phil. 91)

3. Nighttime cannot be appreciated because there is no showing

that the accused deliberately sought or availed of nighttime to
insure the success of his act. The intention to commit the crime was
conceived shortly before its commission.(People vs. Pardo, 79 Phil.
568) Moreover, nighttime is absorbed in treachery.

4. Unlawful entry may be appreciated as an aggravating

circumstance, in as much as the accused entered the room of the
victim through the window, which is not the proper place for
entrance into the house.(Art.14. par.18. Revised Penal Code, People
vs. Baruga, 61 Phil. 318)

Par. 19. That as a means to the commission of a crime, a

wall, roof, floor, door, or window be broken.

Applicable only if such acts were done by the offender to effect

ENTRANCE. If the wall, etc., is broken in order to get out of the
place, it is not an aggravating circumstance.

It is NOT necessary that the offender should have entered the

building Therefore, If the offender broke a window to enable himself
to reach a purse with money on the table near that window, which he
took while his body was outside of the building, the crime of theft
was attended by this aggravating circumstance.

NOTE: Breaking in is lawful in the following instances:

1. An officer, in order to make an arrest, may break open a door or
window of any building in which the person to be arrested is or is
reasonably believed to be;
2. An officer, if refused admittance, may break open any door or
window to execute the search warrant or liberate himself,
3. Replevin, Section 4, Rule 60 of the Rules of Court

Par. 20. That the crime be committed

(1) with the aid of persons under fifteen (15) years of age,
(2) by means of motor vehicles, airships, or other similar


1. With the aid of persons under fifteen years of age:

Intends to repress, so far as possible, the frequent practice resorted

to by professional criminals to avail themselves of minors taking
advantage of their irresponsibility.

2. By means of motor vehicles, airships, or other similar means:

Intended to counteract the great facilities found by modern

criminals in said means to commit crime and flee and abscond once
the same is committed.

Use of motor vehicle is aggravating where the accused purposely

and deliberately used the motor vehicle in going to the place of the
crime, in carrying away the effects thereof, and in facilitating their
MEANING OF “or other similar means” Should be understood as
referring to motorized vehicles or other efficient means of
transportation similar to automobile or airplane.

Par. 21. That the wrong done in the commission of the crime
be deliberately augmented by causing other wrong
not necessary for its commission

CRUELTY – there is cruelty when the culprit enjoys and delights in

making his victim suffer slowly and gradually, causing unnecessary
physical pain in the consummation of the criminal act.

1. That the injury caused be deliberately increased by causing other
2. That the other wrong be unnecessary for the execution of the
purpose of the offender.

Cruelty is not inherent in crimes against persons.

In order for it to be appreciated, there must be positive proof that

the wounds found on the body of the victim were inflicted while he
was still alive in order unnecessarily to prolong physical suffering.

Cruelty cannot be presumed

If the victim was already dead when the acts of mutilation were
being performed, this would also qualify the killing to murder due to
outraging of his corpse.
Ignominy involves moral suffering. Cruelty refers to physical

Unlike mitigating circumstances (par. 10, Art. 13), there is NO

provision for aggravating circumstances of a similar or analogous

1994 Bar Examination Question (Cruelty;Relationship)

Ben, a widower, driven by bestial desire, poked a gun on his

daughter Zeny, forcibly undressed her and tied her legs to the bed.
He also burned her face with a lighted cigarette. Like a madman, he
laugh while raping her.

What aggravating circumstances are present in this case?

a. Cruelty, for burning the victim's face with a lighted cigarette,

thereby deliberately augmenting the victim's suffering by acts
clearly unnecessary to the rape, while the offender delighted and
enjoyed seeing the victim suffer in pain.(People vs. Lucas, 181 SCRA

b. Relationship, because the offended party is a descendant

(daughter) of the offender and considering that the crime is one
against chastity.

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