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Mary’s College of Catbalogan

(Formerly Sacred Heart College)
Catbalogan City, Samar


Subject: Earth Science School Year: 2017-2018

Unit Topic: Origin and Structure of the Earth Quarter: 1st Unit : One
No. of Days:


Learning standards (statement and list of topics)

Statement: Demonstrate an understanding of the origin and structure of Earth

Day 1: The Origin of Earth
 Formation of the universe
 Bigbang Theory
 Steady State Theory

Day 2: Formation of the Solar System

 Nebular Theory
 Planetesimal Theory
 Tidal Theory
Day 3: The Beginning of Earth
 Uniqueness of Earth
Day 4: The Systems of Earth
 The Geosphere
 The Hydrosphere
Day 5: The Atmosphere
Day 6: The Biosphere
Day 7: Minerals and Rocks
Day 8: Mineral Resources
Day 9: Energy Resources
Day 10: Human Activity and the Environment
Day 11: Water Resources
Day 12: Evolution of Earth
Day 13: Chapter Quiz
Day 14: Performance Task Day

Transfer Goal/s
The students/pupils in the long run and on their own will be able to …
Make a concept map and use it to explain how geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere are

Essential understanding Essential questions

The students/pupils will understand that… The students/pupils will keep considering the
The earth is constantly evolving since it began to following:
exist billions of years ago. 1. Why the structures on Earth are built or
transformed the way they are?

Knowledge Skills
The students/pupils will know… The students/pupils will be able to …
1. The formation of the universe; 1. Describe the historical development of
2. The theories that support the origin of theories that explain the origin of the
the universe; universe
3. The formation of the solar system; 2. Compare the different hypothesis
4. Theories that explain the origin of explaining the origin of the solar system
Star systems; 3. Describe the characteristics of Earth that
5. The beginning of Earth; are necessary to support life;
6. The different systems of Earth; 4. Explain that Earth is consist of four
7. The Geological Processes of Earth; subsystems across whose boundaries
8. The theories that support the matter and energy flow;
deformation of the earth’s structure. 5. Differentiate the layers of the earth from
one another and describe how energy
flows within the layers;
6. Describe how energy flow influences the
water cycle;
7. Describe the ecological process that
involves matter and energy;
8. Describe the interrelationship of
organisms to the different subsystems of
9. Describe how rocks undergo weathering;
10. Explain how the products of weathering
are carried away by erosion and deposited
11. Explain how rocks and soil move down
slope due to the direct action of gravity;
12. Explain why Earth’s interior is hot;
13. Describe how magma is formed;
14. Describe what happens after the magma is
15. Explain how the seafloors spread.


Performance Task (with rubrics)

Goal: Create a diorama that will be presented in the science exhibit on astronomy

Role: Researcher

Audience: High school students

Situation: A local science museum invited you to participate in its “Science Exhibit on Astronomy”.
The director of the museum asked you to create a diorama that would feature the physical
environment of the earliest period of Earth. As a researcher in earth science, you know about the
different types of gases in the atmosphere and the soil condition of the primitive Earth. Hence, you
agree to support the museum exhibit by creating a diorama that will simulate the physical conditions
of the primitive Earth. The exhibit will be part of the itinerary of a science field trip and will be
visited by high school students.

The museum director will assess your diorama based on appearance, content, accuracy of facts,
and creativity.

Other Evidences:
1. Quizzes
2. Homework
3. Laboratory Activity
4. Group work


Day 1: The Origin of Earth

 Formation of the universe
 Introduction to the unit
 Present the performance task
 Short discussion about the theories that supports the origin of the universe
 Group work: Debate (What theory best support the origin of the earth)
Day 2: Formation of the Solar System
 Review of the past discussion
 Group activity/game: Each group is required to create a performance that shows the
theories of the formation of the solar system. Each group is assigned for the different theory.
 Post written response
Day 3: The Beginning of Earth
 Uniqueness of Earth
 Review of the past discussion
 Video presentation of the timeline of the earth
 Individual work: Give feedback about the video
 Short discussion
 Question and answer
Day 4: The Systems of Earth
 The Geosphere and The Hydrosphere
 Review of the past discussion
 Present the idea box that encompasses all the topics for the chapter
 Compare and contrast the two systems
 Group game: Name that process ( The two groups will stand as the geosphere and the
hydrosphere, the opponent team/group will act out the process then the other group
needs to say the correct process behind the action, the team with the highest score will
be the winner and will receive a point for the performance.)
Day 5: The Atmosphere
 Review of the past discussion
 Video presentation (Motivation)
 Short discussion about the topic
 Quiz
Day 6: The Biosphere
 Review of the past discussion
 Video presentation
 Short discussion
 Quiz
Day 7: Minerals and Rocks
 Present the topic
 Review of the past discussion
 Short discussion
 Group activity: Act it out
Day 8: Mineral Resources
 Present the topic
 Review of the past discussion
 Short discussion
 Group activity: Act it out
Day 9: Energy Resorces
 Review
 Video presentation
 Short discussion
 Recitation
Day 10: Human Activity and The Environment
 Review
 Video presentation
 Short discussion
 Group game: 4 Pics-One-Word
Day 11: Water Resources
 Video presentation
 Short discussion
 Question and answer
 Review
 Short discussion
 Quiz
Day 12: Chapter Quiz
Day 13: Performance Task Day

References/Instructional Materials:
1. Reference book (Exploring Life Through Science)
2. Internet (Videos)
3. Laboratory Manual (Mirrors and Lenses)
4. AVR/AVR Materials

Prepared By: Checked by: Approved By:


__________________________ MS. VILMA CABUENAS S. MA. JESUSITA L. BERNATE, RVM
_ Academic Coordinator – Principal – Date
Science Teacher Date

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