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Syllabus for final term

Basic Knowledge: definitions, calculations and interpretations ( Measures of central

tendency, dispersion, location) ( use handout of questions for practice for mid term)

Hypothesis testing: write down 5 steps procedure of hypothesis testing. ( use the link

calculation of Chi square analysis ( see excel sheet of Class Notes, Nov 24, 2020 and
handout on week for chi-square calculation)

Cross tabulation/contingency table related questions ( see handout of cross tabulation)

scatter diagram, correlation, its characteristics and calculations ( use the link below other
than class notes and lectures

Regression analysis, model building, interpretation of computer output ( handouts,

discussion forum in week 10 ), how to write equation, how to interpret coefficients, R-
square, use of  p-value or ssignificance level ( handouts and discussion in week 11, video
recordings )

Analysis of variance ( ANNOVA), calculation and interpretation ( see handouts, class notes
or video recording)

what are properties of normal distribution and why it is important in statistics? Use the
link below

Understanding normal distribution


Use of t-distribution (

Why we use sample? Difference between statistic and parameter, confidence

interval, point estimation etc.
Important notes

Your paper will be open book, you can take help from your notes, book, websites and given
links to study the topics before hand. However, remember, there will be different papers,
with different values and questions that might appear before you, so don’t share your work
with each which might results in deduction of marks.

Questions will be related to

Interpretations and application of statistical measures and results like

Suppose value of Q3 = 25 marks, how would you interpret the result?

Value of D6 = 55 years age ( age of 6 out of 10 people is less than or equal to 55 years
and remaining 4 out of 10 is above 55 years
Value of standard deviation is 3 while mean is 45, and data is about marks out of 60
Interpret the value of Correlation coefficient= r = -0.21 between price and Qd
Coefficient of determination = Value of R2 = 0.96, is this a good model? ,( 96 % change
in dependent variable is due to independent variables and just 4 % change is
unexplained )
R2 = .12 , what is wrong with the model?

When we should use median instead of mean?

Interpretation of Compute Output of Regression, correlation, scatter diagram, chi-square

ANNOVA etc. ( see the handouts and your assignments)

Calculation of numerical questions like chi-square, correlation, F-ratio etc. ( see practice
questions for mid term and handout of ANNOVA)

Use of SPSS to calculate chi-square, frequency distribution, descriptive statistics,

correlation, scatter diagram ( see video lectures)

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