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Course Name Semester Description of Class

Concentration 1: Communication
SPC 1608: Fundamentals of Summer 2012 Learned the fundamentals of
Speech oral communication. Learned
preparation and listening
JOU 2930: Social Media Spring 2013 Learned the ins and outs of
Social Media use. I made and
kept a Twitter page which
was used to live tweet the
selection of Pope Francis I.
JOU 2100 C: Journalism I Fall 2015 Learned the ins and out of
Journalism. Demonstrated my
grasp of the materials through
several writing assignments.
JOU 3004: History of Summer 2016 Learned of Journalism’s role
American Journalism in the history of America. I
had to write several short
essays to show I understood
the concepts.

Concentration 2: Behavioral and Social Sciences

ANT 3241: Magic, Ritual, Fall 2019 Learned about the various
and Belief myths and legends with
regards to various religious
POS 3413: The American Fall 2019 Learned of the history and
Presidency role of the Presidency and
how each President ranked on
the Scale of Leadership
provided by William
Leuchtenberg. Wrote a paper
analyzing the Presidency of
ANT 3107: Blood and Valor Spring 2020 Learned about the religious,
in Viking World funerary and cultural beliefs
of Viking Society. I had to
translate Elder Futhark as a
weekly exercise.
POS 4412: Presidential Spring 2020 Learned the selection and
Campaigning process of running a
Presidential Campaign.
ANT 3177: Archaeology Summer 2020 Learned the history regarding
Caribbean Piracy piracy. Had to write a short
biography on several famous

Interdisciplinary Studies Requirements

IDS 3933: Cornerstone Fall 2020 Learned concepts and tool to
Experience integrate materials from other
disciplines. I wrote an
Interdisciplinary Analysis on
the causes of School Violence
IDS 4934: Capstone Spring 2021 Learned about the
Experience disciplinary process more in
depth and how to use it to
solve complex problems. Will
be writing a research paper.

Minor: History
EUH 4284: Interwar Fascism Fall 2016 Learned about the spread of
and Nazism Nazi and Fascist ideology
through Pre-WWII Europe. I
wrote a paper about Fascist
Activism in Romania.
EUH 3124: The Crusades Spring 2017 Learned about the history of
the Crusades. I wrote a paper
about the military Orders
involved in the Crusades.
EUH 3411: Ancient Rome Summer 2017 Learned the history of the
Roman Republic. I wrote a
paper about the works of
EUH 3930: Special Topics Fall 2017 Learned about the history of
(History of Medieval Spain) the Muslim occupation of
Medieval Spain.
EUH 2000: Western Summer 2018 Learned about birth of
Civilization I Western Civilization from
ancient times to 1648.
Demonstrated grasp of
concepts through multiple
writing assignments and tests.
I wrote a paper on Johannes
Gutenberg’s Printing Press
EUH 2001: Western Fall 2018 Learned about Western
Civilization II Civilization 1648 to the
present. Demonstrated grasp
of concept through multiple
writing assignments and test.
AMH 4160: Jacksonian Summer 2019 Learned about the rise of
America Jacksonian America and the
Mexican War. Also learned
about the religious
movements of the 1800’s.

General Education Requirements

ENC 1101: Freshman Fall 2011 Learned to write different
Composition I types of essays.
BSC 1000X: Human Biology Fall 2011 Learned about the biological
makeup of the human race. I
had to take multiple tests to
show I understood the
ENC 1102: Freshman Spring 2012 A continuation of ENC 1101,
Composition II learned how to perfect
writing style. I had to write a
short research paper on
PSY 2012: General Spring 2012 Learned about the multiple
Psychology facets of Psychology. I had to
show understanding of these
concepts through multiple
SPC 1608: Fundamentals of Summer 2012 Learning the fundamentals of
Speech oral communication. Learned
preparation and listening
HUM 2000X: Humanities Fall 2012 Learned about ideas
Late Roman and Medieval expressed in art, literature,
music, philosophy and
religion and how it impacted
Western Medieval culture.
Studied heavy emphasis on
the growth of Christianity.
REL 2300: Religions of the Fall 2014 Learned about the world’s
World major religions and the
impact they have on the
world. I had to foster a round-
table discussion between
certain religious figures in
Central Florida for a project. I
also wrote short papers on
Buddhism, Hinduism and
MGF 1106: College Math Fall 2014 Learned how use Venn
Diagrams and how to use
permutations and
combinations. I took several
tests to show grasp of
AMH 2010: US History to Spring 2015 Learned of the history of
1865 America from its founding to
1865. I did a project on the
weapons of the Civil War and
its effect.
AMH 2020: US History Summer 2015 A continuation of AMH
1865-Present 2010, learned about the
history of America from 1865
to the present.
AMH 4680: Women in Spring 2018 Learned about gender and the
American Science role of women in American
Science. Wrote a paper on the
role of women in the
Manhattan Project.
ANT 4481: Anthropology of Fall 2019 Learned about the cultural
Drugs and Addiction uses of drugs. Also learned
how to addiction affects the
ANT 3106: Archeology and Spring 2020 Learned how popular culture
Popular Culture has been impacted by
Archeology. I did a YouTube
video titled “Does
Authenticity Matter When
Reconstructing the Past” for a
CPO 3057: Contemporary Summer 2020 Learned about the different
Revolution and Political revolutions and the changes
Violence achieved through political
violence. I wrote a paper on
the tactics of the Taliban.
CPO 3104: Politics of Summer 2020 Learned about the political
Western Europe ideologies of the countries of
Western Europe in the post
1945 era. I wrote a paper on
Immigration in Germany,
focusing on the Syrian
Refugee Crisis and the impact
it has had on the country as
well as the political fallout.

Although my personal interest in my classes had been a major factor behind my course

selection, I chose them because I felt they would help me in my journey to become a well-

rounded history teacher. For example, in my Behavioral and Social Sciences track, I chose to

take POS 3413: The American Presidency not only because American Politics is an interest of
mine but because teaching the Presidency is a major facet of American Education. In my

Communications track, I chose to take JOU 2930: Social Media and although I took that class in

the pursuit of a different major, I have been able to utilize what I have learned to look at these

past elections through a historical lense. I made the choices not only because it was a

requirement for my major but because they truly interested me. I hope to incorporate what I have

learned in the classroom and make history a fun class for my students.

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