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The Manchurian Plague and COVID-19:

China, the United States, and the “Sick
Man,” Then and Now
Ruth Rogaski, PhD

See also the COVID-19 & History section, pp. 402–445.

In this article, I explore the historical resonances between China’s 1911 pneumonic plague and our current
situation with COVID-19. At the turn of the 20th century, China was labeled “the Sick Man of the Far East”:
a once-powerful country that had become burdened by opium addiction, infectious disease, and an
ineffective government. In 1911, this weakened China faced an outbreak of pneumonic plague in Man-
churia that killed more than 60 000 people. After the 1911 plague, a revolutionized China radically
restructured its approach to public health to eliminate the stigma of being “the Sick Man.” Ironically,
given the US mishandling of the COVID pandemic, observers in today’s China are now calling the United
States “the Sick Man of the West”: a country burdened by opioid addiction, infectious disease, and an

ineffective government. The historical significance of the phrase “Sick Man”—and its potential to now be
associated with the United States—highlights the continued links between epidemic control and inter-

March 2021, Vol 111, No. 3

national status in a changing world. This historical comparison also reveals that plagues bring not only
tragedy but also the opportunity for change. (Am J Public Health. 2021;111:423–429.

O n February 3, 2020, the Wall Street

Journal published a fierce op-ed
piece criticizing China for its handling of
“China is the Real Sick Man of Asia.” By
using the phrase “Sick Man of Asia” in the
headline, the Wall Street Journal employed
Here I consider the context of disease and
public health in China at the turn of the
20th century, a moment when China
the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. The a trope that has a long history as a under the Qing dynasty (1644–1911) was
essay, by Bard College political scientist negative stereotype of China and the labeled “the Sick Man of Asia”: a once-
Walter Russell Mead, slammed the gov- Chinese. Reaction in China was swift: the powerful empire that had become bur-
ernment of the People’s Republic of PRC government denounced the article dened by disease, opium addiction, and
China (PRC) for its “self-serving” and “in- and expelled three Wall Street Journal an ineffective government. In 1911, this
effective” response to the virus and journalists. US observers castigated weakened China faced a deadly epidemic
predicted a future meltdown of China’s China for suppressing freedom of the of an airborne plague, a disease that
“brittle economy” as a result. The virus, press, but the PRC Foreign Ministry in- caused tens of thousands of deaths and
according to Mead, had “shaken confi- stead pinned the blame on the wording had a profound impact on China’s
dence in the Chinese Communist Party at of the article: “[t]he editors used a racially emerging modernity. A consideration of
home and abroad.” As a result, Beijing’s discriminatory title, triggering indigna- the 1911 pneumonic plague offers com-
geopolitical footprint would shrink, and tion and condemnation among the Chi- pelling resonances with our current air-
the virus would usher in the return of nese people and the international borne crisis of COVID-19. This historical
the United States as the world’s sole community.” comparison not only reveals insights into
superpower.1 What did “the Sick Man” mean for the current PRC response to the COVID-
Mead’s article caused a huge stir in China when the term first emerged 19 pandemic but also raises the question
China not because of its inaccurate more than 100 years ago, and why is the of who might inherit the mantle of the
predictions but because of its title: Sick Man trope still so significant today? “Sick Man” in the 21st century.

History Essay Peer Reviewed Rogaski 423


THE SICK MAN AT THE therefore China was a “sick country.”7 COMPARING AIRBORNE
TURN OF THE CENTURY Under the pen of disappointed Chinese CRISES
reformers, the language of the “Sick
In the 19th century, Western observers Man” trope could become highly medi- The first resonance between COVID-19
used the phrase “Sick Man” to castigate calized, full of disease, pathogens, and and pneumonic plague resides in the
any government that was failing as a bodily rot.8 zoonotic origin of both diseases. The
result of corruption and indifference, There were many reasons why Chi- virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2,
but it was most frequently used to nese intellectuals in the late Qing linked emerged in bats in China’s remote
criticize non-Western countries. Origi- the political health of the nation to the southwestern borderlands with Burma
nally used to critique the Ottoman Em- physical health of individual bodies. In and Laos. How it moved from bats to
pire, by the late 19th century the “Sick the Chinese language, “to cure” and “to humans in the fall of 2019 has not yet
Man” phrasing was frequently applied to rule” can be expressed with the same been determined, but scientists suspect
word, zhi (治), and for centuries tradi-
China, a previously successful empire an intermediary animal that humans
tional medical discourse included polit-
that had been defeated in war, had been handled as part of market-driven con-
ical metaphors for governance.9 Chinese
rocked by famine, and was experiencing sumption of wild meat products.12 Simi-
modernizers were also deeply influenced
erosion of its sovereignty at the hands of larly, in the fall of 1910, humans
4 by their understanding of social Darwin-
Western and Japanese imperial powers. encountered the bacillus that causes
ism, which linked a biological “survival of
In 1896, the British-owned North plague, Yersinia pestis, when markets
the fittest” to the fate of nations. It is im-
China Herald called China the “Sick Man spurred exploitation of animals on an-
portant to note that, relative to its long
March 2021, Vol 111, No. 3

of the Far East,” a country that could be other Asian borderland, a part of north-
history, China did experience a dramatic
cured only if it transformed its approach eastern China on the border with Russia
increase in epidemics in the 19th century
to education, overhauled its justice and Mongolia known as Manchuria.
as a result of increased population density
system, and got rid of incompetent This region is home to a burrowing
and the impact of imperialism.10 The po-
government officials. In 1905, the New groundhog-like animal—the marmot—
litical, social, and medical crises of the late
York Times also called China “The Sick that became an attractive source for furs

Qing brought an increasing conscious-

Man of the Far East,” a once-great em- at the turn of the century. The trapping
ness that health itself could be a central
pire that was now an object of derision and skinning of millions of marmots
element of governance, reform, and even
around the world.6 In these uses of the resulted in the transfer of Yersinia pestis
phrase, the “Sick Man” referred to the directly into the lungs of humans and gave
In 1911, a major epidemiological crisis
Qing dynasty, the last imperial govern- in China’s northeastern region helped to rise to the pneumonic plague.13
ment of China and a political system that cement the conceptual link between the The involvement of the lungs in both
seemed incapable of responding to the health of individual bodies and the po- COVID-19 and the pneumonic plague
crises it faced. litical health of the country. That winter, has important implications for their
Surprisingly, many Chinese intellec- a deadly airborne disease—the pneu- modes of transmission. In pneumonic
tuals at the turn of the century did not monic plague—emerged from China’s plague, Yersinia pestis infects the alveoli,
dismiss foreign criticism but instead Manchurian borderlands. Examining causing a high fever and a painful,
used the “Sick Man” trope to express China’s experience in the 1911 Man- bloody cough and ultimately leading to
their own dismay at China’s situation. churian plague shows how epidemic failure of lung function. The sputum
Some, including the famous reformer control became a crucial element in the expelled in coughs can travel through
Liang Qichao (1873–1929), used the country’s maintenance of national sov- the air and can be inhaled directly into a
phrase to link the health of the nation to ereignty and a key strategy in its fight new host’s lungs. It is through this mode
the health of its individual citizens. Citing against the “Sick Man of Asia” label. of transmission that the plague takes its
China’s opium addiction, malnutrition, Contemplating this airborne epidemic most contagious and deadly form. With
and lack of hygienic awareness, Liang also reveals numerous thought- no treatment available in the early 20th
declared that the entire population provoking resonances with our COVID century, in 1911 the disease had a 100%
of 400 million were “sick men,” and crisis today. mortality rate.14 Although COVID-19 is

424 History Essay Peer Reviewed Rogaski


far less deadly than pneumonic plague, epidemiology, and infectivity—the same alarming deaths among foreign doctors
its primary manifestation as a lung in- questions scientists today are asking indicated that the plague was indeed
fection has similar implications for both about SARS-CoV-2. How long could the airborne and masks were thus a useful
its mode of transmission and strategies pathogen last outside the body of the preventive measure.20
for its control. As pneumonic infections host? How far could it travel? How could The presence of foreign researchers
transmitted from human to human it be killed? What were the seats of the in Manchuria in 1911 highlights the most
through the air, both diseases require disease, the nature of the lesions? Which significant difference between then and
interventions in the most difficult to vector or mode of transmission was now: the status of China in the geopol-
control of all human activities: moving, responsible for infection? itics of the early 20th century. Today,
gathering, and even breathing. Teams of researchers from different China’s well-established public health
Although separated by more than 100 nations came to Manchuria to study infrastructure and highly centralized
years, similar timing and similar tech- these questions through work in labo- government assumed responsibility for
nologies facilitated the rapid spread of ratories, clinics, and the field, as well as the response to COVID-19, but in 1911
both pneumonic plague and COVID-19. through investigations into what an- China’s political situation was radically
The 1911 plague exploded in Manchuria thropologist Christos Lynteris has called different. Since the mid-19th century,
around the Chinese New Year, a time “ethnographic plague” data: studies of foreign powers had been chipping away
when millions of Chinese traditionally how the habits of different ethnic at Qing territory, and this “semi-colonial”
travel home to be with their families. groups made them more or less vul- condition was clearly manifested in
COVID-19 also emerged in the lead-up nerable to the disease. The over- Manchuria. Japan controlled the railway
to the Chinese New Year in December whelming uncertainty about plague that ran toward the southerly parts of

2019 and January 2020. In both cases, generated a wide and sometimes bi- Manchuria, and Russia controlled the

March 2021, Vol 111, No. 3

modern transportation afforded rapid zarre array of experiments. Researchers railway’s east–west portion. Cities along
spread of the disease. In 2020, the SARS- chased down wild marmots on the the railway were divided into Chinese-
CoV-2 virus traveled from Wuhan to prairie to take rectal temperature run and foreign-run zones.
domestic locations via high-speed train readings, extracted urine from the Fearing that Russia and Japan might
and internationally via direct flights corpses of victims to determine whether use epidemic control as an excuse for
around the world.15 In 1911, Yersinia it contained the plague bacillus, and further territorial expansion, the Qing
pestis traveled along the recently devel- placed gerbils in buckets next to dying government established its first-ever
oped China Eastern Railway (part of the plague patients to gauge the potential central public health organization—the
Trans-Siberian Railway that now links for human to animal transmission. North Manchuria Plague Prevention
Vladivostok to Moscow), a modern At the onset of the epidemic, scientists Service—and hired the Cambridge-
transportation vector that quickly could not even agree on the most basic educated Chinese-Malayan physician
spread the disease to major urban nature of the Manchurian plague. This Wu Lien-teh (Wu Liande) as director.21
centers in China’s northeastern heart- uncertainty led to a debate about a Determined to protect its sovereignty
land. It was in these cities that the largest central issue found in COVID-19 control through mastery of Western medicine,
number of people died in the winter of today: the use of masks. In 1911, re- under Wu’s leadership China adopted
1910–1911 and the most dramatic searchers from Russia and Japan as- the same draconian plague control
struggles took place to understand and sumed that plague was transmitted by methods of its foreign occupiers.
contain the disease. rats and fleas, but Chinese researchers Epidemic control measures in 1911
The nature of the pneumonic plague discovered that this version was cen- possessed some approaches familiar to
was once as mysterious as COVID-19 is tered in the lungs and passed from us from our current COVID-19 experi-
today. In 1911, scientists working in Asia human to human through the air. ence, but the violence with which mea-
had only recently identified the micro- Believing the epidemic to be airborne, sures such as quarantines were enacted
organism that caused plague (Yersinia Chinese clinicians mandated mask is shocking to current sensibilities. In
pestis, then known as Bacillus pestis), wearing for their personnel, whereas Manchuria’s densely populated cities,
and many unanswered questions European and Japanese medical workers thousands of soldiers enforced cordon
remained about the plague’s ecology, eschewed masks as worthless—until sanitaire, with shoot-on-sight orders for

History Essay Peer Reviewed Rogaski 425


those attempting to escape. Police went to other countries, and in Manchuria leader of the 1911 revolution (and,
door to door searching for plague vic- itself deaths had been “minimized” to an interestingly, a physician of Western
tims. If a corpse was found, family estimated total of 60 000. medicine), placed strong government
members and neighbors were pulled Although it was a humanitarian di- authority at the center of his program for
from their homes and placed into saster, the plague also created an op- creating a modern China. In Sun’s for-
quarantine. Those who showed signs of portunity for China to radically rethink mulation, the goal of China’s revolution
plague were forcibly removed and sent the relationship of health and gover- was not to achieve individual freedom
to “plague hospitals,” makeshift ware- nance. As Sean Hsiang-lin Lei has shown, but to achieve the freedom of the nation
houses for the dying with few provisions the 1911 plague convinced some Chi- from foreign domination. This strong,
for treatment or comfort. The homes nese elites that Western medicine was autonomous nation would require
and possessions of the dead were politically superior to China’s own healthy, disciplined bodies to support it.28
burned with the goal of preventing in- medical traditions. With its holistic ap- This vision proved difficult to achieve
fection, and even the bodies of the dead proach to the body, Chinese medicine in the first half of the 20th century as
were burned in mass pits, a grave affront could not diagnose the plague as a China struggled with invasion, civil war,
to Chinese custom that was neverthe- discrete, “notifiable” disease, and with its and violent mass political upheavals.
less carried out by the Qing government focus on individual cure, Chinese med- Medical historians such as Mary Bra-
on its own citizens. icine had no capacity for mass pop- zelton, Wayne Soon, and Nicole Barnes
As we find today in US public opinion ulation management techniques such as have shown how even in the midst of the
about government responses to COVID- quarantine, disease mapping, and dis- catastrophic 1937 to 1945 invasion by
19, in 1911 there were strong differ- infection.27 For modernizers, Western- Japan, Chinese health reformers were
March 2021, Vol 111, No. 3

ences of opinion in China about the style public health could help China able to initiate small but meaningful
policies used to control the plague. escape its “Sick Man” fate by allowing the public health interventions such as
Some Chinese observers reacted with country to control epidemics, preserve vaccination programs, blood banks, and
shock at the violence of “Western its sovereignty, and prove its fitness to nursing corps.29 Even in their darkest
medicine” and saw its methods as exist in the modern world. This com- hour, China’s elites still remained deeply

nothing more than a foreign assault on mitment to a new kind of public health— committed to chipping away at the “Sick
the bodies of Chinese people. Some inspired by the experience of the 1911 Man” label.
claimed that thousands died not from plague—would become central to The realization of a public health
the plague but as a result of the plague China’s social and political transforma- predicated on the creation of a powerful
control measures themselves.24 By stark tions in the 20th century. centralized state and a disciplined citi-
contrast, other Chinese observers em- zenry finally emerged after the estab-
braced plague control policies as the OVERTHROWING THE SICK lishment of the People’s Republic in
new scientific standard for modern MAN 1949. The link between health and the
government and praised the Qing court nation was clearly illustrated in the
for aggressively adopting even the most Only a few months after the pneumonic “Patriotic Hygiene Campaigns” initiated
horrifying of foreign techniques. For plague subsided, republican revolu- by the PRC in the 1950s. During the
these modernizers, if China was to tionaries overthrew the Qing dynasty Korean War, China accused the United
overcome its status as the “Sick Man of and put an end to 2,000 years of im- States of using germ warfare against its
Asia,” it needed to manage what they perial rule in China. The new republic population, and in response the gov-
perceived as the country’s unruly and took to heart the important lesson ernment launched a nationwide pro-
unhygienic population, and thus ex- about health and sovereignty learned paganda blitz encouraging citizens to
treme and sometimes violent methods during the Manchurian plague. If China clean streets, destroy pests, receive
were justified.25 was no longer going to be the Sick Man vaccinations, and otherwise “do hygiene”
By the spring of 1911, authorities in of Asia, its leaders argued, it would re- to protect the motherland. Long after
Manchuria had credited these draco- quire a powerful central government the war’s end, these hygiene campaigns
nian policies for stopping the epidemic. that could discipline its citizens and remain a regular fixture of life in the PRC
The pneumonic plague had not traveled create a strong nation. Sun Yat-sen, the and have even been part of China’s

426 History Essay Peer Reviewed Rogaski


COVID-19 response.30 Seven decades of reality is today: as of the writing of this and consume news directly from
consistent messaging on the part of the article, the PRC (with a population of 1.4 the United States—cosmopolitan
PRC government has helped to create billion) has reported 90 509 cases and college students, scholars, and business-
an expectation in today’s China that in- 4739 deaths, whereas the United States men who have a foot in both countries—
dividual health behaviors are directly (with a population of 330 million) has are horrified at the inattention to science,
linked to the status of the nation. reported 7 156 562 cases and 205 268 obsession with personal freedom,
There are of course limits to the “then deaths. 32
and lack of solidarity they have wit-
and now” links that can be drawn be- Given China’s apparent success in nessed in the US COVID-19 response.37
tween the legacy of 1911 and the crisis controlling the spread of the virus, it is It is not only Chinese nationalists who
of 2020. Nevertheless, one point is clear: not surprising that some Chinese ob- suspect that the Sick Man tables have
those seeking an understanding of servers suggest that the global tables turned as a result of the COVID-19
China’s current response to COVID-19 are turning. China was known as the pandemic. As medical historian Marta
need not turn to ancient Confucian “Sick Man of Asia” in the 19th and early Hanson recently observed, perhaps it
culture to explain everything from uni- 20th centuries, but elements in China is time to acknowledge that the mantle
versal mask wearing to compliance with today are now portraying the United has passed from the “Sick Man of Asia”
draconian restrictions on personal States as the “Sick Man of the West.” In to “Sick Uncle Sam.”38
freedoms.31 China’s moves to control April, an essay in the PRC state-backed At the turn of the 20th century, China
COVID-19 today are based on a century- Global Times attacked the hypocrisy of was labeled the Sick Man of Asia, a
long experience of placing hygienic using the “Sick Man” label to describe country grappling with political malaise,
modernity at the center of national China’s response to the coronavirus, opium addiction, and disease. In 1911,

identity. Both the PRC’s initial lack of stating that instead “incompetence will an epidemic of a puzzling deadly lung

March 2021, Vol 111, No. 3

transparency about the disease—a be the one word other countries pin on infection highlighted China’s underlying
deep-seated fear of the truth about the US, the Trump administration in problems and cost tens of thousands of
health failures being exposed—and its particular.” PRC Web sites proclaim lives, but it also jolted the government
aggressive measures to control the ep- that “America is the real sick man of the into altering its approach to medicine
idemic can be attributed in part to western world” and warn that the world and health. Like China at the beginning
China’s long struggle with the Sick Man “should be wary of the American of the 20th century, the United States at
of Asia image. virus.” Bloggers single out Trump as the beginning of the 21st century is a
“the genuine Sick Man of America.”35 nation mired in political turmoil, suffer-
THE TABLES TURNED? Chinese social media even boasts a ing through an opioid crisis, and dealing
hashtag, “#Meiguo bingfu” (American with a deadly epidemic of a mysterious
It should now be clear why the Wall Street Sick Man), that has received millions of airborne infection. Its failure to control
Journal’s “Sick Man” op-ed struck a deep- views.36 the spread of SARS-CoV-2 has caused
rooted nerve for PRC officials. But the Given the active involvement of the observers to label the United States the
article’s true significance resides else- state in the PRC Internet, Chinese social new “Sick Man” of the world.
where: it may have opened the door for media should not be seen as a pure Given these compelling comparisons,
a historic reversal of the “Sick Man” label. reflection of public opinion. Still, it does what, if anything, might the United
Reading the essay today reveals a deep, not take much government spin to States learn from China’s historical ex-
sad irony: in February 2020, the Wall convince the Chinese public that its periences? Lessons are not likely to be
Street Journal and most observers in the country’s response has been superior learned from the PRC government’s
West were highly critical of China’s when epidemiological numbers alone specific COVID-19 control policies.
handling of the virus but absolutely will suffice: Chinese state television runs China’s style of responding to the virus—
failed to consider that the United States the number of positive COVID cases and the complete lockdown of entire cities,
would fare much worse. The numbers of fatalities in the United States as a per- mandatory enforced quarantines (which
confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths petual scrolling ticker at the bottom of its in Wuhan included house to house
(as contentious as those numbers might news broadcasts. Even those Chinese searches and the separation of infected
be for some) show how different our citizens who are wary of the PRC media family members), the total shutdown of

History Essay Peer Reviewed Rogaski 427


all transportation (including private ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ruisong, Bingfu, huanghuo yu shui shi: “Xifang” shiye
de Zhongguo xingxiang yu jindai Zhongguo guozu
car traffic), mask wearing sometimes The author is with the Departments of History and lunshu xiangxiang [Sick Man, Yellow Peril, and
Asian Studies, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Sleeping Lion: The Images of China From the Western
enforced by drone —reflects not only
Perspectives and the Discourses and Imagination of
its particular approach to governance Chinese National Identity] (Taipei, Taiwan: Chengchi
CORRESPONDENCE University Press, 2010).
but also its own particular public health
Correspondence should be sent to Ruth Rogaski, 5. “The Condition of China,” North-China Herald and
legacies. PhD, 2301 Vanderbilt Place, PMB 351802, Nashville, Supreme Court & Consular Gazette, October 16,
Instead, it is possible that insight and TN 37235 (e-mail:
Reprints can be ordered at by
inspiration might be found elsewhere in
clicking the “Reprints” link. 14816 (accessed September 25, 2020).
this history, including in the very phrase 6. “The Sick Man of the Far East,” New York Times,
“Sick Man.” At the beginning of the 20th PUBLICATION INFORMATION August 16, 1905,
century, China’s elites paid close atten- Full Citation: Rogaski R. The Manchurian plague (accessed September 25, 2020).
tion to critiques from foreign sources. and COVID-19: China, the United States, and the 7. Yang Ruisong Bingfu, 38.
“sick man,” then and now. Am J Public Health.
They took the “Sick Man” label seriously 8. As one writer in an influential late Qing journal
2021;111(3):423–429. phrased it, China’s political woes had become “like
and dedicated themselves to overcom- Acceptance Date: August 24, 2020. a mental derangement, an oozing ulcer, or a
pestilential epidemic that has paralyzed the viscous
ing it. In the United States today, most DOI:
innermost recesses of the body, leaving the
discussions about COVID-19 are wrap- [patient’s] pulse depressed with submerged anger
and indignant exhaustion.” Hua Sheng, “Lun wai
ped up in domestic political squabbles, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS huan zhi you qi” [On the Origins of External
This article is based on comments given during the Threats], Dongfang zazhi [Eastern Miscellany] 1
and little heed is given to how the rest of
American Association for the History of Medicine (1904): 7.
the world views our situation: if anything, webinar “Pandemic, Creating a Usable Past: Epi- 9. Bridie Andrews, The Making of Modern Chinese
US leadership has willfully ignored, dis- Medicine, 1850–1960 (Vancouver, Canada: UBC
March 2021, Vol 111, No. 3

demic History, COVID-19, and the Future of Health”

Press, 2014), 90.
(May 2020).
counted, and misrepresented the ex-
The author wishes to thank Keith Wailoo, Anne- 10. Alfredo Morabia, “Epidemic and Population
perience of other nations.40 When the Emanuele Birn, and Theodore Brown for encour- Patterns in the Chinese Empire (243 B.C.E. to
1911 C.E.): Quantitative Analysis of a Unique but
current administration does mention aging publication of the conference presentation;
Neglected Epidemic Catalogue,” Epidemiology and
Arleen Tuchman and Sarah Igo for careful com- Infection 137 (2009): 1361–1368.
China, it simply blames China for ments on an earlier version; and three anonymous 1017/S0950268809990136
“unleashing” the virus and represents reviewers for their insightful critiques.
11. On the connection between medicine and reform,

the United States as a hapless victim.41 see Andrews, The Making of Modern Chinese
Medicine; Liping Bu, Public Health and the
The United States needs to take seri- CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Modernization of China, 1865–2015 (New York, NY:
The author reports no conflicts of interest. Routledge); and Ruth Rogaski, Hygienic Modernity:
ously the perspective of those outside of Meanings of Health and Disease in Treaty-Port China
it, particularly the views of a nation it (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2004).
ENDNOTES 12. Susanna K. Lau, Hayes K. Luk, and Antonio C. Wong,
once held in hygienic contempt.42
1. Walter Russell Mead. “China Is the Real Sick Man of “Possible Bat Origin of Severe Acute Respiratory
Finally, it is important to remember Asia.” Available at Syndrome Coronavirus 2,” Emerging Infectious
china-is-the-real-sick-man-of-asia-11580773677 Diseases 26 (2020): 1542–1547.
that the 1911 Manchurian plague in- 3201/eid2607.200092
(accessed September 25, 2020).
spired China’s government to adopt an 2. Ben Westcott, Steven Jiang, and Brian Stelter, 13. William C. Summers, The Great Manchurian Plague
“Beijing Expels Three Wall Street Journal Reporters,” of 1910–1911: The Geopolitics of an Epidemic
entirely new system of medicine. It used Disease (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,
the “Sick Man” label as a defiant rallying street-journal-reporters-china-intl-hnk/index.html 2012), 120, and Yubin Shen, “Pneumonic Plagues,
(accessed September 25 2020). It is important to Environmental Changes, and the International Fur
point, a spur for building national soli- point out that “Sick Man” was not simply a racist Trade: The Retreat of Tarbagan Marmots From
term used by foreigners: Chinese have frequently Northwest Manchuria, 1900s−30s,” Frontiers of
darity around the well-being of all citi-
used the “Sick Man” phrase (in Chinese, bingfu) to History in China 14 (2019): 291–322.
zens. The portability of the phrase “Sick critique their own country, as the subsequent 14. Roger D. Pechous, Vijay Sivaraman, and William
discussion will show. Goldman, “Pneumonic Plague: The Darker Side of
Man”—and its potential to now be as-
3. For a fascinating examination of how the “Sick Man” Yersinia pestis,” Trends in Microbiology 24 (2016):
sociated with the United States—high- trope was historically applied to the United States 190–197.
during the early republic, see Marta Hanson, “From 008
lights how epidemics are profoundly ‘Sick Man of Asia’ to Sick Uncle Sam,” Current History: 15. A major PRC transportation hub, Wuhan has high-
intertwined with issues of international A Journal of Contemporary World Affairs 119.817 speed train service to China’s largest cities,
(2020): 241–244. including Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen (see
status. An examination of this history
4. On China as the “Sick Man,” see Iwo Amelung, ed.,
also reminds us that epidemics can Discourses of Weakness in Modern China: Historical wuhan-station.htm). Prior to the pandemic,
Diagnoses of the Sick Man of East Asia (Frankfurt, Wuhan’s airport maintained international flights to
serve as inflection points: opportunities Germany: Campus Verlag, 2020); Zheng Wang, 100 destinations in 17 countries, including direct
to rethink, retool, and even revolutionize Never Forget National Humiliation: Historical Memory flights to New York, San Francisco, Rome, and
in Chinese Politics and Foreign Relations (New York, London (see
approaches to health. NY: Columbia University Press, 2012); and Yang flights-from-wuhan-wuh).

428 History Essay Peer Reviewed Rogaski


16. On early plague research, see Andrew Harbin], Dongfang zazhi [Eastern Miscellany] 36. Weibo, “#美国病夫# #American Sick Man,” http://
Cunningham, “Transforming Plague: The 7 (1911): 12. (accessed June 30, 2020).
Laboratory and the Identity of Infectious Disease,” 37. Personal communications with the author via the
25. Wu Lien-teh, for example, described plague victims
in Andrew Cunningham and Perry Williams, eds., social media app “WeChat” (May–June 2020).
as gamblers, morphine addicts, and “coolies,” men
The Laboratory Revolution in Medicine (Cambridge,
whose primitive and ignorant lifestyles seemed to 38. Hanson, “From ‘Sick Man of Asia’ to Sick Uncle Sam.”
England: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 209–
predispose them to illness and death. Qing official
244, and Robert Peckham, “Matshed Laboratory: 39. For a brief summary of policies in Wuhan, see
(and Cornell graduate) Alfred Sze even sought
Colonies, Cultures, and Bacteriology,” in Robert Emma Graham-Harrison and Lily Kuo, “China’s
advice from European and Japanese public health
Peckham and David Pomfret, eds., Imperial Lockdown Strategies: Brutal but Effective,” https://
experts on “the best method for quarantining large
Contagions (Hong Kong, China: Hong Kong
bodies of the irresponsible coolie class”; see
University Press, 2013), 123–147. chinas-coronavirus-lockdown-strategy-brutal-but-
Gamsa, 153. On Wu’s thoughts about plague
17. Christos Lynteris, Ethnographic Plague: Configuring effective (accessed September 25, 2020).
victims, see Lynteris, Ethnographic Plague, 128–131.
Disease on the Chinese-Russian Frontier (New York, 40. For a recent manifestation of this, see President
26. A figure given in Wu Lien-Teh, Plague Fighter: The
NY: Springer, 2016). On international research, Trump’s August 4, 2020, interview with HBO
Autobiography of a Modern Chinese Physician
see Cornelia Knab, “Plague Times: Scientific Axios reporter Jonathan Swan, in which Trump
(Cambridge, England: W. Heffner, 1959), 33.
Internationalism and the Manchurian Plague of erroneously claimed that the United States had
1910/1911,” Itinerario 35 (2011): 87–105. 27. Lei, “Sovereignty and the Microscope”; see also Lei’s fared better with coronavirus control than other
extended discussion in Neither Donkey nor Horse: nations (
18. On these plague experiments, see Ruth Rogaski,
Medicine in the Struggle over China’s Modernity interview-donald-trump-cd5a67e1-6ba1-46c8-
Knowing Manchuria (Chicago, IL: University of
(Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2014). bb3d-8717ab9f3cc5.html).
Chicago Press, in press).
On plague maps in China, see Marta Hanson,
19. Sean Hsiang-lin Lei. “Sovereignty and the 41. Courtney Moore, “Trump Blames China for
“Visualizing the Geography of the Diseases of
Microscope: Constituting Notifiable Infectious Unleashing Virus,”
China: Western Disease Maps From Analytical Tools
Disease and Containing the Manchurian Plague politics/trump-china-unleashed-coronavirus
to Tools of Empire, Sovereignty, and Public Health
(1910–11), in Angela Leung and Charlotte Furth, (accessed September 25, 2020).
Propaganda, 1878–1929,” Science in Context 30
eds. Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia (2017): 217–280. 42. Some US media have recently begun referencing
(Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010), 78. “world opinion” on America’s COVID response;
28. Sun Yat-sen’s perspectives are found in his lectures however, the focus is predominantly on European
20. Christos Lynteris, “Plague Masks: The Visual on “San Min Chu I” (the Three Principles of the
Emergence of Anti-Epidemic Personal Protection voices, and opinion from Asia is muted. See, for
People), Lecture II on Liberty and Democracy, example, Tom McTague, “The Decline of the
Equipment,” Medical Anthropology 37 (2018): 442– delivered on March 16, 1924.
457. American World,”
1423072 See also Christos Lynteris, “Why Do 29. Mary Augusta Brazelton, Mass Vaccination: Citizens’ international/archive/2020/06/america-image-

People Really Wear Face Masks During an Bodies and State Power in Modern China (Ithaca, NY: power-trump/613228/?utm_source=newsletter&
Epidemic?,” Cornell University Press, 2019); Wayne Soon, utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=atlantic-

March 2021, Vol 111, No. 3

opinion/coronavirus-face-mask-effective.html “Blood, Soy Milk, and Vitality: The Origins of Blood daily-newsletter&utm_content=20200624&silverid-
(accessed September 25, 2020). Banking in China, 1943–45,” Bulletin of the History of ref=NjU2NTA3MjkyMjIxS0 (accessed September 25,
Medicine 90 (2016): 424–454; and Nicole Barnes, 2020).
21. Even though he was an English-speaking British
Intimate Communities: Wartime Healthcare and the
subject from the Straits Settlements (now
Birth of Modern China (Berkeley, CA: University of
Malaysia), Wu became a celebrated figure in China’s
California Press, 2018).
20th-century medical modernization. See Wu Lien-
teh, Plague-Fighter: The Autobiography of a Modern 30. Rogaski, Hygienic Modernity, 285–299. On “Patriotic
Chinese Physician (Cambridge, England: W. Heffner, Hygiene” today, see Xu Huaqing, “Kangji xinguan
1959). feiyan yiqing, Xi Jinping congshuji zheiyang tan
Aiguo weisheng yundong” [Xi Jinping Discusses
22. For overviews of plague control in Manchuria, see
How the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign Will Fight the
Summers, The Great Manchurian Plague; Carl F.
Coronavirus Epidemic],
Nathan, Plague Prevention and Politics in Manchuria,
1910–1931 (Cambridge, England: East Asian
(accessed September 25, 2020).
Research Center, 1967); and Mark Gamsa, “The
Epidemic of Pneumonic Plague in Manchuria 1910– 31. Pepe Escobar, “Confucius Is Winning the Covid-19
1911,” Past & Present, 190 (2006): 147–184. For War,”
contemporaneous examples of plague control in winning-the-covid-19-war (accessed September
the United States, see Nayan Shah, Contagious 25, 2020).
Divides: Epidemics and Race in San Francisco’s
32. Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center,
Chinatown (Berkeley, CA: University of California
“COVID-19 Map,”
Press, 2001), 120–158, and Guenter Risse, Plague, html (accessed September 29, 2020).
Fear, and Politics in San Francisco’s Chinatown
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 33. Li Hong, “US System Has Failed, Causing a
2012). Coronavirus Rescue Mess,” https://www. (accessed
23. In Russian-controlled Harbin, thousands of Chinese
September 25, 2020).
were crowded into boxcars and locked away for five
days to see if any plague symptoms developed; see 34. “Meiguo shi xifang zhenzhengde bingfu, shijie ying
Gamsa, “The Epidemic of Pneumonic Plague.” In jingxi ‘beiguo bingdu’” [“America Is the Real Sick
Dairen, Japanese authorities built huge camps for Man of the Western World: The World Should Be
detainees policed by soldiers and surrounded by Wary of the American Virus”], https://zhuanlan.
iron walls; see Summers, The Great Manchurian (accessed June 30,
Plague, 71–75, and Robert Perrins, “Doctors, Disease 2020).
and Development: Engineering Colonial Public 35. Guangman Li, “Weishemma shuo Telangpu shi
Health in Southern Manchuria, 1905–1931,” in ‘Meiguo Bingfu’?” [Why Do We Say Trump Is
Morris Low, ed., Building a Modern Japan: Science, America’s “Sick Man?”],
Technology, and Medicine in the Meiji Era and Beyond biz=MzA4OTIzNDQzMw==&mid=2653030189&
(London, England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005). On idx=1&sn=0c328743d158c7df894e056aaa660b8f&
the mass cremations authorized by the Qing chksm=8bc8aa43bcbf235538f10e357a834a1
government, see Summers, 21. cc0cdc8fb9b8d59f50e13eec5be683383160
24. Gamsa, 157, quoting “Manzhouli Haerbin fangyi ji” e3e898351&scene=21 (accessed September 29,
[A Record of Plague Prevention in Manzhouli and 2020).

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