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Appendix 11 – Electrical Inspection and Test Plan

Client: Project:
Site address: Contact number:
Operation or Stage of Work Inspection: What/Who
Stage/ Records Requirement Stan- Acceptance Criteria Inspection/test
Frequency dard/ specification procedure
Ref Description Characteristics Worker Service
Provider Customer

materials Conform to order Each delivery Delivery Dock- Orders as placed Specification and codes Check against orders H S
inspection ets
Storage and As specified Each week Visual Protected from Safe, secure/adequate protection Visual X S S
protection weather
Preliminary Task completion Each work area Hazard Assess- Specification, as All tasks completed Visual H W S
activities ment procedure attached
Fencing /
Pre-start Ready to start work Each work area signage/
Protective As per site specific To authority requirements Checked H W S
clothing procedure

Carry out work To trade codes & authority Each sequence Checklist Specification as per Checklist and test panel Checked H (A) W S
requirements SWMS attached
Conduit installation To trade codes & authority Each sequence Checklist SWMS002 Checklist Checked X W S
Cable installation To trade codes & authority Each sequence Checklist SWMS012 Checklist Checked X W S
5b Earth test report
Cable connections To trade codes & authority Each Sequence Checklist SWMS013 Checklist Checked X W S
5c HV test report
Wiring diagrams/
Pre-handover All matters finalised, clean and Each work area checklist Specification, as All items completed to Final inspection H H H
activities tidy attached specification
W= Witness A ‘witness point provides a party (such as the customer, service provider and regulatory authority) with the opportunity to witness the inspection or test or aspect of the work, at their discretion.

A ‘hold’ point defines a point beyond which work may not proceed without the authorisation of a designated service provider or authority. This ‘designated service provider or authority’ might
H= Hold Point be an agency or other customer’s representative/ authorised person, or a regulatory authority (such as Integral Energy, Sydney Water, Council and/or WorkCover etc.) representative, or it may be
the service provider inspecting its service provider or worker.

H (A) = Inspection/test by authority S= Surveillance or monitoring by supervisor X= Self inspection by worker performing the work

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