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2 Directional Door Player Start Introduce Mechanic 1 Music / Sound Event Collectible Types

One Way Door Checkpoint Practice Mechanic 1 Cutscene / Camera Hidden Item
Map Legend Icons
Primary Player Path Player Finish Master Mechanic 1 Puzzle / Set-up Progression reward
NOTE: The Player Start Icon 1. On beginning the level, the player is dropped outside of
Other Player Paths Physics Object Introduce Mechanic 2 Particle / Visual FX Breadcrumb
Is the player’s in-game size. the castle and its moat. There will be breadcrumbs
Grey: Solid structures 1 Note Number Landmark Asset Practice Mechanic 2 Special Lighting Gameplay Change
Level Name: Hubcap Castle
If you do not scale the icons, you can leading to the edge of the castle moat where there will
Designer Name: Dillon Hemphill Climb / Jump over Scripted Event Master Mechanic 2 Crate/ Container Narrative
Green: Grass use them as a guide when building be a bridge that cannot be pushed down and a narrative
your level map.
Brown: Dirt / Sand / Rock Crawl under Blank / User defined Twist Both Mechanics Barrier Solution will introduce pressure plates that the player will step on
Blue: Water Blank / User defined Master Both Mechanics Tree - Cover Blank / User defined that releases the bridge to cross the moat.
Example Level Areas (scaled to the player) 2. The castle doorway will not open and there is no
Fire / Damage Volume Bush - Low cover Blank / User defined
interaction to open it itself. A narrative will introduce the
Walk-In Closet player to mechanical levers that when pulled will open
the door to the castle.
3. In the Main Hall, there will be many different interactions
Castle Garden that can be collected and various things to play with like
Small Room Window in crates and containers, etc. A narrative will help the
15 seconds Hallway
player to practice using pressure plates that will need
30 seconds
7 more weight than just the player like boxes that will
need to be pushed.
Fall Damage
4. In the hallway, there will be various hidden objects
8 including a lever that a narrative will tell the player they
must find and pull to open a door.
5. Once in the treasure room, there will be hidden items
that can be collected as well as breadcrumbs leading
Small Room With Staircase
10 seconds the player to use the Gravnull to move the various
Treasure Room Hallway objects in the room to jump onto to reach a high
10 seconds
4 45 seconds platform that has a lever on it. When pulled, the lever
6 will open a secret door the player can go into.
6. The hallway will have a checkpoint to save the player if
Long Room
they decide to jump out the window on first thought
5 along with a progress reward.
7. The window can be opened, but not jumped out of as
there will be fall damage that will kill the player. From
the window you can see the end of the level, but also
some objects and a pressure plate. You must use your
Castle Main Hall Gravnull to move the objects onto the pressure plate
Large Room 25 seconds Hallway
5 seconds
which releases a bridge from the window to the Garden.
8. In the center of the garden, there is a loot collectible that
3 will tell the player the “Congratulations you made it
through the castle!”
Play Time: 2 minutes and 40 seconds
Part Of A Parking Garage
Castle Doorway
10 seconds Notes:
1. Player Goal: The player must explore the Hubcap Castle
and collect the valuable loot from the garden.
2 2. Level Mechanics:
a. Pressure Plate - The player must activate a pressure
plate to extend a bridge for the player to continue in
the level.
i. Introduce: Note 1
ii. Practice: Note 3
iii. Master: Note 7
b. Mechanical Lever - The player must activate a
mechanical lever which will open a previously
Castle Moat inaccessible door for the player to continue in the
10 seconds
1 i. Introduce: Note 2
ii. Practice: Note 4
iii. Master: Note 5

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