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Chapter 2

The Diversity of Families

Learning Outcomes
* Define the term “family”
* List and describe the five stages of parenthood
* Examine the diversity of families
* Identify and explain the four parenting styles
* Discuss social issues that affect families today

The Definition of Family
* U.S. Census definition of family a group of two or more people who reside together
and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption.
* Difference between family and household
* Family: Have a connection besides living together.
* Household: all people who occupy a housing unit as their usual place of residence.
* Different types of households (refer to Figure 2-1)
* Importance of family in the socialization of children : is essential that children have
a supportive, interactive environment that provides loving and caring relationships.
The Survival of Society Depends upon Families
* Families have different ways of being: affectionate
* Families cope with each of their situations: differently
* Role of the extended family: Provide support for children.
* Importance of understanding a family’s cultural and socialization practices: Is a
must in order to collaborate with the family and provide safe and healthy
experiences to assist in child's development.

The Stages of Parenthood (Galinsky, 1987)

Parents go through stages during parenthood:
* Image making: takes place before the birth of a child. Images are formed and
preparation is made for the birth.
* Nurturing: Attachment develops during infancy.
* Authority: Families teach children rules and consequences.
* Interpretive: Children learn to interpret their social reality.
* Interdependent: Occurs during high school. Parents learn to reinforce authority
in order to help children grow emotionally but responsibly.
* Departure: Once the children leave home, parents evaluate their children’s
experiences by measuring them against what they taught them.

The Diversity of Families

Type of Family
* The Single Parent Family: Single parent is raising child, while other responsibilities
and limited family help remain.
* The Teenage Mother: Are often not mature enough to raise the child on their own.
Use an assistance program often,
(and/or teenage father)
* The Two-Parent Family Experiencing Homelessness: Children do poorly in school
and often don’t desire to learn. Parents seek help from elsewhere and are
constantly moving.
* The Two-Income Family: The child can be neglected by parents because the
parents are often extremely busy. Child is often looked after or cared for by people
other than the parent.
* Mother or Father
* High school students

* Different living arrangements that are not permanent

* Both parents working (any and all socioeconomic backgrounds)
The Diversity of Families Cont..
Type of Family
* The Immigrant Family: Parents are working long hours to afford to live and don’t
have time to participate in ESL classes. Their child often has to translate for them.

* The Grandparents Family: Child is taken away from parents. Children often have
aggressive behavior or outbreaks of bad behavior.

* The LGBT Family: Children may have had to experience their parents get divorced
and then remarried. Family may not be supportive at first, or at all.
* Documented or undocumented
* Grandparents raising grandchildren; reasons differ
* Same sex families with children
The Functions of Families
Swink’s (1986) roles of families

* Nurturing: Provide the basic needs.

* Guiding: Guide child throughout different interactions.
* Problem solving: Families have different ways to solve problems.
* Modeling: Families model proper social interactions.
Parenting Styles
Family Type
* Authoritative: democratic decision making, guidelines and parameters, effective
communication, problem solving, self-discipline, and responsibility.

* Authoritarian (may be overprotective): demanding parent, absolute rules, restrictive

environment, punitive control, strong guidelines.

* Laissez-faire (might be indulgent): Anything goes, neglectful parent, no one cares,

withdrawal from parental responsibilities.

* Dysfunctional: Alcohol or drug addict, neurotic or mentaill ill, and abusive.

* Democratic decision Making, self-discipline, parameters
* Demanding parent, absolute rules, restrictive
* Anything goes, neglectful
* Addictions, abusive, mentally ill
Social Issues Affecting Families Today
* Role of Fathers
* Divorce
* Blended Families
* Families Heading by Grandparents
* Poverty
* Homelessness

Social Issues Affecting Families Today

* Fatherhood
* Research on Father Involvement: Fathers’ involvement may help offset
negative effects on child's development when mothers are not as supportive.
* The Importance of Fathers: A fathers physical play largely benefits the child's
socioemotional development.
* Suggestions for Fathers: Be there, accept your child, use positive
parenting, share parenting, see fathering as worthwhile and satisfying, and
be there for your children.
* Involving Fathers in Schools and Centers: father involvement programs.

Social Issues Affecting Families Today

* Divorce
* Divorce Causes Changes in Families:Children are usually ashamed of the
divorce and feel rejected.
* Children’s Responses:Some become resilient. Want parents’ love.
* Single-Parent Families:e Gender differences exist. Use care in

Social Issues Affecting Families Today

* Blended Families: When two people marry and have children from a previous
* Blended-Family Cycle: Fantasy, restructuring, and solidifying.
* Families Heading by Grandparents:Majority of the children who live with their
grandparents only live in poverty.

Social Issues Affecting Families Today

* Poverty link
* The Changing Face of Poverty: Poverty rate has increased for all groups
except the Asian population.
* Poverty’s Casualties: 15 million children live in poverty.
* Ways to Counteract Poverty: A decent standard of living, flexible working
conditions, family services, and a place to live.

Social Issues Affecting Families Today

* Homelessness Link
* The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act: Act was designed
to ensure that homeless children have access to education.
* Authorized Rights for Students Who Are Experiencing Homelessness:
Children who are homeless must have the same education.
* Ways to Counteract Poverty
* Concern for Children Experiencing Homelessness: Schools may not accept
them because of residency issues if the student is constantly moving due to
* Parents’ Desires: A transportation and info on services.
* Programs for Homeless Families: Homes For Homeless developed the
American Family Inn, where parents and children can live for a year.

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