Paper #3 Final Draft

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Cancel Culture

Cancel culture is basically a thing that when somebody does something very bad and for

he/she needs to understand their mistake or opinion then society boycotts them. Boycotting

means for example; if any celebrities doing something wrong then the whole world doesn’t

support them, also if they belong to any companies people will stop to buy things from them.

Society makes this idea a good reason for people to better understand their mistakes, but the

people use this idea negatively and harass people. In the constitution, the first amendment is

freedom of speech, so it means that people have freedom to say anything. People have many

ideas and opinions, so it’s pointless to point others' opinions and flaws of words. Cancel culture

has a negative impact on society because it destroys people’s liberalism, it permanently

affects their careers, and can lead to emotional instability.

The first reason why the cancel culture affects negatively in our society is it destroys

people’s liberalism. To realize own mistakes and words society punished by boycotting, but that

boycotts should not limit time; it’s lifetime bothers people. People can not go outside because

society is ignoring, harassing, and taunting them. Sometimes they have to cover their face before

they go outside. According to “TheNewYorkTimes” article, it states, “Cancellation isn’t exactly

about free speech, but a liberal society should theoretically cancel less frequently than its rivals.”

It illustrates that cancelling or boycotting people from the society destroys their freedom and

liberalism. Sometimes people give fake news to the society for misleading them to earn more

money by harassing innocent people. That time those innocent people can not face the society,
even they are ignoring and boycotting by society without any reason. Even though, if people

realize their mistakes it doesn’t work on them, because those cancellation is still on them.

Because of them some people locked themselves in their house for a long time.

The second reason is the canceled culture is it permanently affects their careers.

Cancelling or boycotting people from society can affect their financial status. Reason for

affecting their financial status is: those people firing from their jobs, also any of companies does

not want to hire them, because the company thinks if they hired any boycotting people then their

company also might be boycotting by society. Because of this situation those boycotting people

lost their valuable job opportunities, and became unemployed. According to

“TheNewYorktimes” articles, one of the professor Lisa Nakamura mentions that, “In some cases,

as the phenomenon developed, “cancellation” could turn punitive, even causing some offenders

to be fired from their jobs.” It demonstrates that by canceling or boycotting people from society

can be very strict punishment for those people, and it also causes them to fire from their jobs.

Without jobs it will be very hard for them to maintain their family, also their family hears so

many taunts from society. Sometimes, situations going out of control then those people and their

family became homeless, and begging people for money to eat or live. In fact, those people

sometimes involved big robbery or murder case for earning money.

The third reason for the cancelled culture is it can lead to emotional instability. By

boycotting from society those people do not want to go outside, if they go outside they cover

their face. Because if others see them they start to taunt them. They lose their jobs for boycotting.

Sometimes it can happen that those people are the only earning members of the family, so when
the family realizes that they suffer for him/her, they also boycott them and leave them. Then

those people became turmatrize, because at first society and then family boycotted them. Before

family gives them motivation and support, now no one, then they become depressed and

emotionally break down. Then, when they realize they can not handled this situation, so one day

they decided to commit a suicide. According to the “INSIDER” article, they states, “The world

was shocked when British TV star Caroline Flack tragically died by suicide on February 15. Her

private life had been a constant focus of certain corners of the press and social media for years.”

It indicates that because of cancellation this british TV actor again and again highlighted on

social media and other public places, many people taunting her, so she can not able to handle this

situation and decided to suicide. Lastly, this is the major negative side of cancelling culture or

boycotting people.

Supporters argue that cancelling culture is good for society, because society believes by

boycotting people can understand their faults or mistakes, and later they can realize their

mistakes and work on that. According to the supporter; Anne Charity Hudley, PhD, Chair of

Linguistics of African America at the University of California Santa Barbara explained,

“Canceling is a way to acknowledge that you don’t have to have the power to change structural

inequality. You don’t even have to have the power to change all of public sentiment.” It

demonstrates that she wants by cancelling and boycotting people to acknowledge their mistakes

and work on that, because they do not have the right to say anything bad or racist about other

people or religion or culture. If they say anything against race, culture, religion they should have

deserved it by boycotting from society. She thinks it is the way to better realize their mistakes.
Lastly, society believes that racist and other unfair people should deserve punishment, then they

can realize their words, opinions, and mistakes.

However, this is not true by boycotting people to better realize their mistakes. Due to

boycotts or cancellation people lose their reputation, can not go outside without cover their faces,

lose their employments, and sometimes they commit suicide. According to “TheNewYorkTimes''

article, it states, “Cancellation, properly understood, refers to an attack on someone’s

employment and reputation by a determined collective of critics, based on an opinion or an

action that is alleged to be disgraceful and disqualifying.” It illustrates that it is very unfair and

unjust for those people who are fired from their jobs based on people’s thinking, opinions, and

their words. Additionally, celebrities and many famous people are the easiest target. According

to the other “TheNewYorkTimes'' articless, it states that, “Cancel culture is most effective against

people who are still rising in their fields, and it influences many people who don’t actually get

canceled.” It indicates that destroying people’s careers, reputation can not make people’s better

realization. Also, this can destroy societal peace. Because unemployment makes people mentally

depressed, and brings them one step closer to do crime like robbery, muder, kidnapping. If it

wouldn’t work then they decided to commit suicide. So, this is how societal peace has been


In summary, cancelled culture contains negativity in our society. Cancel culture should be

removed from our society. It can destroy societal peace. The first reason, if the cancelling culture

is removed people can live their life happily, without any harassment. The second reason, they

never fired from jobs and got their expected jobs, and also earned money for their family. The
third reason, they do not feel alone, they have family and they could not attempt suicide. Cancel

culture can not bring happiness for society. To better realization can destroy society’s rules,

regulation, peace, harmony and smooth flaws. Furthermore, society have to acknowledge this

serious matter for removed unemployment problems and suicide cases.

Work cite pages

Bromwich, Jonah Engel. “Why 'Cancel Culture' Is a Distraction.” The New York Times, The New

York Times, 14 Aug. 2020,

Douthat, Ross. “10 Theses About Cancel Culture.” The New York Times, The New York Times,

14 July 2020,

Dodgson, Lindsay. “The Frenzy of Unrelenting Online Bullying Further Destroys the Mental

Health of Those Already Suffering, and Everyone Has a Role to Play.” Insider, Insider, 25 Feb.


Org, ProCon. “Is Cancel Culture (or ‘Callout Culture’) Good for Society?”, 8 Sept.


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