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Identity Essay

People’s identity based on their works and characteristics. Identity can tell people what

kind of person you are and what is your way of thinking. Naturally, a person's identity came from

their parents and their family. Parents and guardians are the main source that person carried their

identity. Without having identity nobody knows you and being ignorable from the society. For

example, Malala identified herself as a fighter because she fights for womens and children’s

equal rights and education. She thinks that womens and childrens should have equal rights and

education. Having identity is very important for a person because it defines a person’s behavior,

characteristics and life experiences.

Names can not be identified by a person's identity. Every family or parents gave their

children’s a name, but it doesn’t mean their name identified their behavior or characteristics.

Name can only introduce you, but it would not carry what is your way of thinking and behavior

you hold. For example, my name is Sarah, and it was given by my parents. Sarah means purity,

but it doesn’t mean I’m pure and my thinking or behavior would have to be pure. Parents and

guardians guide their children on how to behave with others. Because behavior shows society

your identity as you belong to a good or bad family. In my case, I belong to a strict family where

I have to do anything according to their choice. Though they are strict but always teach me what

behavior and characteristics I have to hold in my life. In the future, if I want to be a good person
it’s important to keep my behavior well because it defines my identity. Because that identity

introduces me to what kind of person I am.

Identity is a thing that can tell people who you are and what characteristics you are holding

yourself. Identity can define a person's character and their personality. Identity makes society

better understand who the exact person you are. Identity is a very powerful weapon for human’s

life, because it presents us in society as a good or bad person. According to the text “Nobel

Lecture” it shows that Malala presents her thoughts for equal rights for womens and children’s

education. In text paragraph 10 states, “I’m here to stand up for their rights, to raise their voice, it

is not time to pity them. …. It is time to take action so it becomes the last time that we see a child

deprived of education.” It demonstrates that Malala is fighting against inequality with womens

and childrens. She identified herself as a fighter for equal rights and education. This quote

identifies Malala’s identity and her thoughts. At the same time, I also have an identity that the

thing people can understand me well. My identity can tell people that I’m a very emotional,

sensitive and happy person, because it’s my characteristics. Also, my parents always teach me to

respect everyone and I always tried my best to follow them and behave accordingly. These

characteristics and behaviors identified my identity in front of society and others that what they

think about me.

My belief about identity is only our act, behavior and characteristics can introduce people to

our identity not our name. It’s very important to being a human our act and behavior well, but it’s

also more difficult to maintain it accordingly. Normally, people are acting by societal control, but
these kinds of acts can’t define a person’s real identity. My thoughts are we don’t have to do

anything for someone or society to show someone. We can do whatever we want without caring

about societal expectations, because society expects a lot from us. For our own happiness

sometimes we should avoid roles, but not every time. Also, I think that every person should have

their own purpose in their life. Maybe that purpose can bring you a better life in your future. For

example, in my life I have a purpose to be a pharmacist, because it can bring my future better

and bright. To reach my goal I have to study hard and behave well with others, then I can fulfill

my dream. To fulfill my goal if I worked hard then definitely in ten years I will be a pharmacist.

That time pharmacist will be my real identity to define me, because of my past hard work and

characteristics. Lastly, the main point of identity is your acts, behavior and characteristics that

define a person.

In summary, people always have to remember that they have to act according to their

happiness not for someone or societal expectations. Also, only a person's act is defined by their

personality and their identity, not defined by their name. To introduce your real identity you have

to set a goal and work hard accordingly to fulfill the goal.

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