Article of The Week 3

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President Trump should be impeached and get out of office by both Senate and House of

representatives because of his abusing of powers and obstruction of Congress. According to the

text, president Trump is the third president in the United States who is impeached by house of

representatives. In text, line 1-3 states, “The House of Representatives impeached President

Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, making him the third president in history

to be charged with committing high crimes and misdemeanors and face removal by the Senate.”

This illustrates that President Trump is charged by House of Representatives because of doing

illegal things that are considered by criminal charges. Also the third president of United States

who got impeached. Additionally, research shows that President Trump may be free from all the

criminal charges that he did it in before. In text, line 11-13 states, “The impeachment votes set

the stage for a historic trial beginning early next year in the Senate, which will have final say- 10

months before Mr. Trump faces re-election - on whether to acquit the 45th president or convict

and remove him from office.” This demonstrates that President Trump may not be removed from

the office and can not be charged any criminal charges because of historical trial.

Moreover, President Trump should be impeached because it will be the lesson for

every future presidents who will be doing this illegal things. In text, line 19-20 states,

“Democrates characterized his impeachment as an urgent action to stop a corrupt president

whose misdeeds had unfolded in plain view from damaging the United States any further.” It

indicates that Democrates want to punish to the president Trump for his illegal works, abuse of
powers because it corrupting country people. Also it will be set the example that in future any of

the president have the right to do abuse of powers and damaging the United States.

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