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Kebab Connection is a German-Turkish movie released back in 2004 that portrays the complex

structured families of Turkish immigrants of Germany. Our main character, Ibo is a Turkish
filmmaker in Hamburg who wishes to take the first German Kung-Fu movie. His uncle has a
Kebab restaurant which is in opposition to a Greek Tavern next door. As Ibo tries to achieve his
goal of taking the movie, he helps his uncle out by making commercials for his uncle’s
Ibo also has a German girlfriend, Titzi, which his parents are okay with unless he gets her
pregnant. His family’s worries come true and Titzi gets pregnant which will lead them to have
mixed feelings about the pregnancy and their relationship. Titzi and Ibo have different cultural
backgrounds, which may not affect their daily lives directly yet will when it comes to a
pregnancy. When they break the news to their parents, both their families are frustrated and
against the pregnancy. On Titzi’s side, her mother is hesitant because she has some prejudices
towards Turkish guys of irresponsibility. On Ibo’s side, his father gets quite angry with him but
as the movie continues, father gets softer at each step of the pregnancy which will lead him
change his anger’s direction. At first, the father was directly angry at Ibo for getting Titzi
pregnant but now he is angry because Ibo isn’t responsible enough and he is behaving recklessly.
Ibo eventually gets his act together and wins Titzi back.
The cultural perspectives and reflections of mixed societies makes the characters recognizable
since it portrays the different backgrounds accurately. After the migratory move of Turkish and
Greek people to Germany as workers, most of them continued their lives there, had children and
contributed for a more diverse society. As a result of these ethnic merge, cultural changes have
occurred too. Some Turkish families or individuals may have lost their traditions and norms
along the way, but some have not an in this movie, we see that the traditional thinking that Ibo’s
family holds on to can have an outcome of complication.
As a conclusion, Kebab Connection is a movie that represents different origins and cultures
and brings them all together in a humorous way which I really liked. One other film I found very
pleasant about the movie was that the characters were familiar, portrayed quite accurately.

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