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1. What are the issues to be negotiated?

● Licensing fee
● Runs/episode
● Financial terms

2. What are the priorities among the issues in the bargaining mix?
Most Important : Licensing Fee, Financial Terms
Less Important : Run/episode

3. What are the primary underlying interest?

HOLLYVILLE ingin menjual program mereka di syndication market untuk menutup kerugian
mereka sebesar 20% dari first-run

4. What are my limits on each issue – walkaway points and BATNAs?

Issues Limits/Walkaway point

Licensing fee $35.000/episode

Runs/episode 8 runs per episode

Financial terms 3 years payment

BATNAs: Offer from WWIN with net value of $2.5 million dollars

5. What are my target points and opening requests on these issues

Issues Opening request Target points

Licensing fee $100,000 $70.000

Runs/episode 4 runs/episode 6 runs/episode

Financial terms 50% up front, 50% year 1 50% up front, 25% in year 1 & 2

7. What do I know about the other negotiator’s interests, negotiating style, and personal
Negotiator’s interests : Need a strong new programs
Negotiating Style : Integrative
Personal Reputation : The station lost its independent audience leadership and is now a poor
second with weak demographics

8. What overall strategy do I want to pursue?

Melakukan preparation dan menyiapkan beberapa plan sebelum negosiasi. Coba lihat dari
perspektif mereka juga.

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