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OKI semiconductor MSM58292B : -DIGIT STATIC LCD DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION “The OKI MSMS82928GS is @ 7-sagment static LCD driver LSI which is fabricated by low power CMOS metal gate technology. Tis LSI acnsists of 32-bit shift register, 32-bit atc, 5 sets of 7-segment decoder end LCD drivers, receives the serial display data from the microcomputer etc, converts it 10 8 ps Taagment LCD pane. data, then output {0 the “The input code for each digit a 4:bi binary code, The input codes are decoded into digits O ~ 9 and alphabetic leters A ~ F, to display hexadecimal numbers. The expansion of display can be easily made by using snather MSM5828286S in cascade connection, ‘The MSMS82928GS can directly drive the LCD panel, asthe AC driving circuit is integrated on the chip. FEATURES © 5 digit Z2egment LCD display © supoty voltage: 4 ~7V © Serial input from the microcomputer etc. 56 pin) plastic OFP (OFPSE-P-910) Expansion of displey by cascade connection (© 56 pin fs) plastic OFP (QFPSE-P.910:K) PIN CONFIGURATION (Top view! 56 pin (s} plastic OFF + STATI LED DRIVER - MSM582828 BLOCK DIAGRAM ones 0. 7 a “ . 9 el _ {= STATIC LCD DRIVER - MSM582928 &- ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS. Parametor [__ Simbel Conainon Lis Unit ‘Supply voltage vi B =03~7 Vv a eo) Tyee —__| Input voltage vi 03~Voo Vv ‘Storage temperature —s5~ 4150 °c OPERATING RANGE Parameter ‘Symbol “Unit senor Toe v ‘Doerating emperature Tor | "e T BIRBO x “TT - Fan our aot MOS lod 40, = SERIAL ouT " THs TT DC CHARACTERISTICS (Wop = SV 25%, Te= -30~+88°C) { Parameter ‘symbol | Congition [min [rye [ max [ unit “input vohage sd Ts | - noire vu | 5 Ouputvotogs | Yon ee ‘L Output voltage! Vou = = [00s | v | “A Oupu vos Vo a | v 1 Output voto Vou = oe tv =H Oupurvetags” | Von by “Supt ota” Vou os Dv [3 our tn Ton | 10-2508 a ally ouput vonage’ | von | — Tos Pw Teeuteuren® | = ber] as Ootpet eureat! aa many [ma Our caren? Towlat| vor 2svivg-oav | ~O2" ma | power __jowe oN TRE aoncveacane frowror| vorovwo-voo | 2] - [S| wn Dyrenieorerteonnmpwon | too | Wose)=s60re vores | — | — [seo | aa Note 1: Applied tothe output pins excluding the SERIAL OUT, BITR Note 2: Applied to the SERIAL OUT pin, Note 3: Applies 19 the COM pin Note 4: Appied to the COM pin Note §: Applied tothe input pins excluding the OSC pin [Note 6: Appi tothe BRED PIN + STATE LCD DRIVER - MSM562928 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (vp ~8¥, Ta= 28°C, CL 15081 Parameter ‘Symbol Condition | MIN | TvP | Max | Unit Propegaion delay tie eH a 7 {for a shift in the shift register! TPLH ro00 | 9s SERIAL OUT sal ime wwe ~ | - | - | 00] as Wasim cock Te@ueney Tickimax |= wie jock eqieney | ficxtmae | | tf = | pet | iinimam cock ule with Twi) 80 Minimum fad pl woth ‘wit : = [500 | 8 Data setup time SERIAL IN > CLOCK tsetwo | ~_| -_| 250] as Data setup ime SERIAL OUT=LOAD | tao? (ea [00 [es Sato! Ictock Geel oslo IseRIAL IN Pus pH iat areca CO! lseriat our i Loan m= STATIC LCD DRIVER - MSM582928 = $$_$_—_$_________ FUNCTION TABLE Hexadecimal digit Fai WyRGS — |_—SEGMENT OUT Note. 1 soiay o : t cob tt tt t| Wows ° aE Wwowe2) ft tb tt t t t| (Nowa ° | 4 How WH WwW Ul C ni = 4 re ee i [ Lo 4 |e # eww tw [ = a Ce [ ce H caHwALutHA . “a [we tw WH LW - Lo " wow AW HWA - o H wee cee H wow HK HW WA : x [how wow tH OW = [ew ee w AW (iexcree H Lee ww Ow 4 woo tw WAL - ce Rw we wl] - : A eooe ew Al aot wee tw wal Note 2: Note 3: Note 4 “The H indicates that the segment is ciplayed, and the L indicates thatthe seoment is not displayed. The H isan antiphase eutput of the COM output, and the Lis an in-phase output of the COM output ‘The RIJRBO pin goes to low level only when the FBI pin is at alow level and all the digit ae O the disiay ieblont. {1 the BITABD pin is forcibly turned to high evel, at LSD is displayed 1 the BITAO pin i foresly turned to low level, the LSD i made blank 11 the FIBT pin is turned to low love, the display is place in the leading zero blanking status, in which the contiguous 0+ preceding the MSD are made blank. a <§ 1 stanic Len river - M5 82928 © FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION © Senta in <0 The SERIAL IN pin is @ shift repister data input pin, The display data ate input to this pin synchro. nized with the clock pulses. The data are input input procedure > in the order of blank dat, fing data, decimsl point eta, then numeri¢ data (beginning with the LSB) (ooritve lasic) it art oo eft com, HUTTE TT tuocx OL To fs [os fe [> [o[o hob shaltshelshiel shel obolToalealadzelarbrbslrsadesad~O S68'"" ‘The SERIAL OUT pin isa sift register serial output bin, The deta put to the SERIAL IN pin st output from thie pin synchronized with the clock pulses, with 2 delay of the total bit couct of the shift fesister (92 bits, This pin i used for extension of digit apy capacity. ctock The CLOCK pin is # syschvonizing pulse input pin used for data input to the shit register or data ‘outout from the shift register. The data is shifted {tthe csing edge (low to high! of eoch clock pulls 1A Schmitt tigger circuit is employes as the CLOCK input circuit (he hystaresis is approximately 0'5V). Lap The LOAD pin isan input pin for latching the shift register contents, When thie pin ie at High level the silt register contents are teanslered to the decoders, aad when this pin Is al low level, the last data to be teonsfered from the shift register when this pin wos at high level is held, s0 thatthe isplay contents are aot changed with the change fof the sift register contents ‘The RBI PIN is an input pin for suporessing the display of leading Os, When this pin is at high level, the leading Os, if any, are deplayed: when this pin is ata low level, contiquous 0+ preceding the MSD are not displayed. The ABI pin is cow nected to the decoder eievit forthe MSO, Note: The OP; through OPs are not made blank aR. ‘The BITABG pin « used for both input and output AAs an input pin, the input level con forcibly be set to GND regardless of the output level, since the output resistance is teat 1 For use ar an outout pin ROO When the RBl pin is turned to GND level, all the digits are Os, the display is made blank and the BO pin is turned to GND level, ifthe FBI pin is at VDD level or @ number including some significant

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