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Porter’s Five Forces:

Rivalry among existing competitors: Completive rivalry for the Evaly in this market is high
because there are hundreds of e-commerce platforms in the country ranging from direct to
indirect market places. Daraz is its top competitor which has been the strong financial,
organizational and marketing structures.
Threat of new entrants: Because of the inception of the digital Bangladesh concept, ICT
departments of the country encourages IT related sectors. More and more e-commerce platforms
are booming over the years which make the threat of new entry for existing business is very high.
In general, world is going to rock with the technology’s advancement where people embrace
every newer forms of changes that give them touch of comfort. So, this sector is attracting more
entrepreneurs for which making a website or developing an apps can lead one to this market.
What is more, now the era is like anyone can start online business having just a mobile phone
with internet.
Bargaining power of buyers: Since the buyers have limited options to purchase products from
other e-commerce platforms with lower prices, the bargaining power is low for Evaly. There are
huge numbers of buyers exist in this market compared to the suppliers, thus, buyers cannot easily
move to other companies and make the purchase decision.
Threats of substitute products: There is always available options online and offline to buy the
similar kind of products offered by Evaly. Hence, the power of main product is high in first
sense. Then, there are much more alternatives to avail from different online platforms and offline
market as well. Thus, the threats originating from the substitutes for Evaly is also high.
Bargaining power of suppliers: In the Evaly platform, the supplier power appears to be high
because there are number of suppliers who have the multiple options to switch to. Besides, the
price level can be made up and down by the suppliers. Because of scarce supply, Evaly cannot
deliver the products to customers many times. Even, they supplied products taking a long time as
they get huge orders but their stock shows shortage. But, they take the order as it help them to
pay the suppliers and get them prepared for products.

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