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Management Student Worksheet

Unit 1: Management and Managing

Name: Geraldine Suarez Cortes Class: 1965273 Date:
Lesson 1: What is Management?
1. Which is not one of the four primary functions of a manager?

A. Leading or directing B. Planning

C. Selling D. Evaluating or controlling

E. Organizing

2. List and describe the three types of planning used by management.

a. Short term: Goals that are planned to be met from one month to one year
b. Long term: They are objectives or goals that are planned to be met in 5 to 7 years
c. Strategic: Allows to establish the task and the path that organizations must travel to
achieve the planned goals to future

3. Which is not an example of managerial organizing?

A. Using color-coded file folders B. Using a calendar to track appointments

C. Getting to meetings on time D. Performing employee reviews

4. Which is not an example of leading and directing?

A. Using alarms, alerts, and reminders B. Being asked to chair a new committee

C. Being promoted to senior manager D. Giving on-the-job training

5. What are the three functions that fall under managerial evaluating and controlling?
a. Performance of individual employees and groups
b. Production levels and product quality.
c. Ensure the products they deliver meet high standards and perform as expected

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Copyright © 2020 Applied Educational Systems
Management Student Worksheet
Unit 1: Management and Managing
Name: Class: Date:
Lesson 2: Being a Good Manager
Circle the characteristics of a good manager from the choices below:

a. Has strong customer focus b. Brushes off employee concerns

c. Blames others for problems d. Creates an accepting environment

e. Tells others what they want to hear f. Is a good communicator

g. Coach or mentor other employees h. Takes credit for others’ contributions

i. Solves problems j. Provides accurate, truthful information

k. Recognizes employees’ contributions l. Makes excuses

m. Spreads rumors in the office n. Is positive and reassuring

Lesson 3: Organizational Structures

1. What are the three types of organizational structures, and what are the pros and cons
of each?
a. Flat Organizational: These organizations give employees more responsibility and cost
less, but require larger teams. Larger teams are more difficult to manage, because
managers have less time to spend with individuals.
b. Tall organizational: Smaller teams are easier to manage because leaders can spend
more time with individual team members. This structure also provides more
opportunities for advancement. However, this structure is more expensive than other
c. Matrix organizational: This structure allows everyone to work on projects they are
interested in and can increase employee motivation and satisfaction. However, without
good communication and common goals, turnover can be high due to team/ employee

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Copyright © 2020 Applied Educational Systems
Management Student Worksheet
Unit 1: Management and Managing
Name: Class: Date:

2. What is the difference between centralized and decentralized organizational structures?

The centralized structure is characterized by its hierarchical style, most of the decisions are made by the
people who occupy the highest rank, in this style of organization the policies of the company are very
specific and the decentralized structure is a more open model that allows the organization to have a
much faster decision-making, there will always be a leader who has the last word, but everyone is
involved so that the work flows in a better way

3. Write an “F” next to each option if it is a characteristic of a flat organizational structure, a

“T” if it is a characteristic of a tall organizational structure, and an “M” if it is a
characteristic of a matrix organizational structure.
M a. Can increase employee motivation and satisfaction
T b. Provides more opportunities for advancement
M c. Allows employees to work on projects they are interested in
F d. Gives employees more responsibility
T e. Provides more opportunities for advancement
M f. Costs the organization less money

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Copyright © 2020 Applied Educational Systems

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