Eyl B Eva Dwiyanti Uas

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Name : Eva Dwiyanti

Class : PBI 5B
NPM : 1810631060215
LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRc7GVbFy-8

Teaching Disaster to Young Learners

This essay is my teaching practice report in Manba'ul Hidayah Institution. This report is used to fulfill

my final project that was taught by Mrs. Evi Karlina Ambarwati. I conducted the teaching practice on

Saturday, January 9 & 16, 2021. Teaching young learners was my first experience. So this experience

is very memorable. The students that was I teach are grade 5 students at Elementary School in

Karawang. The students were named Sipa and Ayu. The material I teach about natural disasters, I

practice approximately 30 minutes which includes ice breaking and assessment. I asked them to call

me Ms. Eva to be more familiar. Before practice I gave them a gift "Burger" to increase their

motivation and encourage them to learn English with me. And after practice I gave "Ice Cream" as a

thank you for helping me to participate in my final task.

Basically, I didn't know Ayu and Sipa before, I only got acquainted when I visited Manba'ul Hidayah

Institution. I asked the owner to find students to be taught English language. I explained in advance

that the material taught is easy enough that it will not charge students, and I use the Problem Based

Learning (PBL) method so that not only learn the language but will also learn to act on the basis of

existing events. Then the owner helped me find the students and advised me to teach Ayu and Sipa.

On January 8th I just met and got acquainted, and found out their Knowledge of English. On that day

I just dug up their psychological. Then the next day I did teaching activities by starting praying,

singing, and ice breaking, then continued with the material, evaluation, and concluded with

conclusions. It seems that students are very enthusiastic to learn about natural disasters because

previously they did not learn about that in school. And the method I use is very useful for giving

students disaster illustrations so they know what they should do if disaster happens. In addition, the

lesson plan makes it easier for me so that teaching and learning is carried out in a structured manner.

The use of video supports the implementation of good teaching, because it can help young learners to
imagine. And at the end of the learning, when evaluating summative and formative assessments

students are easy to answer questions. That's because I've explained it many times.

In teaching, of course I find the weaknesses that students have. One of them is environmental factors.

Because the institution is located in Karawang, making it difficult for students to speak the correct

English. For example, they find it difficult to pronounce the "F" word when I ask to say "Flood". They

call it "F" with an "Ep". Of course it is difficult for me to fix, because I am worried that it will

decrease their motivation and enthusiasm to learn again. Then another thing that hinders the

implementation of ice breaking, when I exemplify ice breaking they laugh many times. That's because

they never get in their school, so they're unfamiliar and hesitant in carrying out ice breaking. Another

challenges is when I asked to sing the Indonesian national anthem, they did not know the song. And

when I asked the song they knew, they replied nothing was known. It exhausting my time and energy,

because I had to teach it first. Considering singing Indonesian songs is important to add to the spirit of

students’ nasionalism.

My first teaching experience motivated me to become a more patient and insightful teacher. The

teaching experience this time was challenging to hold back my emotional. Of course actually in

teaching we can’t force them to know and understand what we want. When students are having fun

coloring with different colors, we can't force them to include our favorite colors. The conclusion is,

the use of lesson plan helped me to teach more structured, the use of Problem Based Learning (PBL)

method helped students learn to act. So that students have new knowledge related to natural disasters.

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