FOUN 1008 Rubric Literature Review Revised Sept2017

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18-16 15-13 12-9 8-4 3-0
Introduces the topic very clearly Introduces the topic clearly with Introduces the topic clearly with a The topic is not introduced The topic is not clear or

with useful and relevant a relevant thesis/problem relevant thesis/problem clearly, with thesis/problem consistently maintained, with
thesis/problem statement and statement and research queries. statement but research queries statement and research missing or inadequate
research queries. The appropriate The appropriate content is may be missing or confusing. queries missing or confusing. thesis/problem statement
content is covered thoroughly covered thoroughly, with The appropriate content is The content is either and research queries. The
12-11 10-9 8-6 5-3 2-0

Points are logically arranged in Points are arranged in coherent, Points are arranged in coherent Progression of ideas is Demonstrates a poor
coherent, unified and well- unified and well-sequenced paragraphs, but unity and order somewhat difficult to follow understanding of elements of
sequenced paragraphs, and within paragraphs; and within may be uneven. Within and/or relationships are often structure and organisation
paragraphs, order of ideas move paragraphs, order of ideas paragraphs, order of ideas is unclear, both across and within that are relevant and
cogently from topic sentence to move clearly from topic clear but topic sentence may be paragraphs. Structural appropriate to the
supporting sentences. Transitions sentence to supporting weak or misplaced. Transitions inadequacies, e.g. transitions requirements of this
are used effectively to explain sentences. Transitions are used are mostly used effectively. and formatting, impede flow or assignment. Erratic
relationship among common effectively. Formatting tools are Formatting tools are used fairly meaning. presentation of information
themes. Formatting tools (heading used appropriately and well. that obscures meaning.
use, chunking etc.) are used effectively.
appropriately and purposefully.
12-11 10-9 8-6 5-3 2-0
Correct grammar, with little to no Demonstrates mostly correct Demonstrates mostly correct use Noticeable and persistent A wide variety of

errors in usage, syntax and grammar, with occasional of grammar but with some errors weaknesses in grammar. grammatical weaknesses
vocabulary, is demonstrated. lapses in syntax or vocabulary. that do not impede clarity. Some Immature sentence structure. evident. Sentence structure
Mature sentence structure, varied Uses sound sentence structure. flaws in sentence structure seen. Style is inappropriate or is insecure. Style is highly
in length and structure, was used. Style is precise, concise and Style is uneven in being precise, inadequate in a significant inadequate. Punctuation and
10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-0
Format and presentation elements Format and presentation Format and presentation Format and presentation Format and presentation
(typography, margins, headings, elements are well used to elements are appropriately used elements contain several and elements are poorly applied,
spacing etc.) are very well used to enhance meaning, but with but a variety of errors suggest various flaws which impede so that paper looks hurriedly
enhance meaning. occasional lapses. weakness. understanding or render thrown together.
Demonstrates appropriate number Demonstrates appropriate Demonstrates appropriate choice document unappealing. Citations are missing or
8 7-6 5-4 3-2 1-0
All required pieces (drafts, peer All required pieces were Most required pieces (one or two Several pieces are missing or Some process work

reviews etc.) were completed and completed and submitted. Not may be missing or incomplete) pieces present are incomplete complete but not submitted
submitted. Relevant, judicious and all pieces were satisfactorily were completed and submitted. or badly done. Edits were not or no process work
effective use of all edits for used or edits could have been Pieces were not fully or well used used for improvement (e.g. submitted or demonstrated.
improvement were made. better used in redrafting. for improving later drafts. completed after the
Total: 60 marks- Divide by3 for a mark out of 20.

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